Прасемитско-английский словарь на Sh (Ш)

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Семитские словари - Прасемитский. Древние: Аккадский | Арамейский | Древнееврейский | Финикийский | Угаритский. Современные: Арабский | Ассирийский | Иврит | Эфиопский.
Прасемитско-английский: ‘ (ɂ) | (ˤ) | B | D | | G | Ġ | H | | | K | L | M | N | P | Q | R | S | Ś | Š | | Ṣ́ | T | | | Tṯ | W | | Y | Z

Представлен реконструированный прасемитский корнеслов на Sh (финик. shin, араб., условно S^, ш) с английским описанием (см. англо-русский словарь).

Также смотрите корни в лексиконах семитских языков-потомков:

To ask = Спросить. Saul, from Hebrew šāʔûl, asked, requested, passive participle of šāʔal, to ask.
Common Semitic *šabʕ-, seven = Общий семитский *šabʕ-, семь.
1a. Shavuot, from Hebrew šābûʕôt, plural of šābûaʕ, week, from šebaʕ, seven; b. shiva, from Hebrew šibʕâ, seven, feminine of šebaʕ (see above ).
2. Bathsheba, from Hebrew batšebaʕ, daughter of an oath (bat, daughter; see bn); b. Elizabeth, from Hebrew ʔĕlîšebaʕ, my God (is) an oath (ʔĕlî, my God; see ʔl); c. Beersheba, from Hebrew bəʔēr šebaʕ, well of oath (bəʔēr, well; see bʔr). a-c all from -šebaʕ, oath, from *šābaʕ, to swear, possibly denominative from šebaʕ, seven (? < "to bind oneself with sevens" in swearing oaths).
To settle, become still = Успокоиться, успокоиться. sabkha, from Arabic šabaḫa, sabḫa, salt marsh, sabkha, from šabiḫa, to rest.
Central Semitic, to cease, rest = Центральный семитский, прекратить, отдохнуть. a. Sabbath, sabbatical, Shabbat, from Hebrew ašabbāt, Sabbath, from šābat, to cease, rest; b. Shabbos, from Ashkenazic Hebrew pronunciation of šabbāt (see above ).
To strike, beat = Бить, бить. Shevat, from Hebrew šəbāṭ, a month name, from Akkadian šabāṭu, name of a month corresponding to parts of January and February, perhaps akin to šabāṭu, to strike, hit.
To draw, pull, plug, obstruct, despoil = Притягивать, тянуть, затыкать, препятствовать, грабить. sudd, from Arabic sudd, obstruction, from sadda, to plug, obstruct.
To rage, be(come) mad = Беситься, сходить с ума. meshuga, meshugaas, from Hebrew məšuggaʕ, mad, participle of šuggaʕ, to be(come) mad.
Hebrew root of uncertain meaning = Еврейский корень неопределенного значения. mashgiah, from Hebrew mašgîaḥ, overseer, inspector, from hišgîaḥ, to gaze, look, inspect, derived stem of *šāgaḥ.
To sharpen, scrape off, peel = Точить, соскабливать, очищать. a. Swahili, from Arabic sawāḥilī, of the coast, Swahili, from sawāḥil, plural of sāḥil, coast, active participle of saḥala, to scrape off, smooth, plane; b. Sahel, from sāḥil, coast, active participle of saḥala, to scrape off, smooth, plane.
Central Semitic, to dwell = Центрально-семитский, обитать. Shekinah, from Mishnaic Hebrew šəkînâ, dwelling-place, tabernacle, divine presence, from Hebrew šākan, to dwell.
Common Semitic noun *šikar-, intoxicating drink = Общесемитское существительное *šikar-опьяняющий напиток. cider, from Greek sikera, from a Semitic source akin to Hebrew šēkār, Akkadian šikaru, intoxicating drink.
West Semitic root, to precede, line up = Западносемитский корень, предшествовать, выстраиваться. Salafi, from Arabic salafī, of the forbears, of the predecessors, from salaf, forbear, predecessor.
To be whole, sound; Common Semitic noun *šalām-, well-being, welfare, peace = Быть целым, здоровым; общесемитское существительное *šalām-, благополучие, благополучие, мир.
1a. shalom; shalom aleichem, from Hebrew šālōm, well-being, peace, from šālēm, to be safe, sound; b. Absalom, from Hebrew ʔabšālōm, my father (is) peace (see ʔb).
2. schlemiel, perhaps from the Hebrew personal name šəlūmîʔēl, my well-being (is) God, from šəlūm, well-being, variant bound form of šālôm (see above ; ʔēl, God; see ʔl).
3. Solomon, from Hebrew šəlōmōh, his (God's) peace, from šəlōm, bound form of šālôm (see above ).
4. Salome, from a Hebrew personal name akin to šəlōmît, Shelomith (biblical name), from šālôm (see above ).
5. salaam, from Arabic salām, well-being, peace, from salima, to be safe, sound.
6a.Islam, from Arabic ʔislām, submission, from ʔaslama, to surrender, resign oneself; b.Muslim, Mussulman, from Arabic muslim, one who surrenders, active participle of ʔaslama (see above ). Both a and b from Aramaic (Syriac) ʔašlem, to make peace, surrender, derived stem of šlem, to be whole.
To dominate, rule, have power over = Властвовать, властвовать, иметь власть над. a. soldan, sultan, from Arabic sulṭān, power, authority, ruler, sultan, from Aramaic šulṭānā, power, authority, rule, ruler, from šəlaṭ, to dominate, rule, prevail; b. sultana, from Arabic sulṭāna, feminine of sulṭān (see above ).
Common Semitic noun *š(i)m-, name = Распространенное семитское существительное *š(i)m-, имя. Samuel, from Hebrew šəmûʔēl, name of God (alternatively, the name (is) God), from šəmû, archaic form of šēm, name.
To hear = Слышать. a. schmooze, perhaps from Hebrew šəmûʕâ, report, rumor, feminine passive participle of šāmaʕ, to hear; b. Shema, from Hebrew šəmaʕ, hear, imperative of šāmaʕ, to hear (see above ); c. Ishmael, from Hebrew yišmāʕēʔl, God heard, from yišmaʕ, archaic preterite of šāmaʕ, to hear (see above ; ʔēl, God; see ʔl).
Common Semitic noun *šamn-, oil, fat = Распространенное семитское существительное *šamn-, масло, жир.
1. Gethsemane, from Greek Gethsēmani, from Hebrew gat šemen, oil press, from šemen, oil (gat, press; see wgn).
2. sesame, sesamoid, from Greek sēsamē, sēsamon, sesame, from a Semitic source akin to Ugaritic ššmn, Phoenician ššmn, Aramaic šumšəmā, Arabic simsim, all meaning "sesame" and all probably from Akkadian šamaššammū, sesame, back-fromation from *šaman šammī, oil of plants, from šaman, bound form of šamnu, oil (šammī, genitive plural of šammu, plant; see śmm). It is possible that the Akkadian form represents a folk etymology for an original form šamšamu, from a root *šmšm).
Common Semitic noun *šamš-, sun = Распространенное семитское существительное *šamš-, солнце.
1. Samson, from Hebrew šimšôn, Samson, from šemeš, sun.
2. Shamash, from Akkadian šamaš, absolute form of šamšu, sun, sun-god.
see šmm, šmn
Common Semitic noun *šan(a)t-, year (*-(a)t-, feminine suffix). Rosh Hashanah, from Hebrew šānâ, year = Распространенное семитское существительное *šan(a)t-, год (*-(a)t-, суффикс женского рода).
Common Semitic noun *šinn-, tooth; denominative verb, to sharpen = Общее семитское существительное *šinn-, зуб; знаменательный глагол, точить.
1. shin2, from Hebrew šîn, from Phoenician *šinn, tooth, twenty-first letter of the Phoenician alphabet, akin to Hebrew šēn, tooth. (The use of the word for "tooth" for this letter is the result of folk etymology and is based on the shape of the letter, which resembles a row of pointed teeth. The letter originally depicted a composite bow, a powerful kind of bow that is made of layers of different materials such as horn and wood and usually has the tips curving away from the archer when unstrung. The earlier name of the letter was *šann < *ṯann, "composite bow")
2a. Sunna, from Arabic sunna, customary practice, tradition, from sanna, to sharpen, shape, prescribe; b. Sunni, from Arabic sunnī, Sunni, from sunna (see above ).
To send a message, send on a journey = Отправить сообщение, отправить в путешествие. safari, from Arabic safarīya, journey, from safar, departure, journey, akin to the denominative verb sāfara, to travel.
see ṣqʕ.
Northwest Semitic noun * iqm-, a tree, perhaps the mulberry.
1. sycamine, from Greek s kam nos, mulberry tree, from a Semitic source akin to Aramaic iqmin, plural of iqm, mulberry, and Hebrew iqmîm, plural of * iqmâ, the eastern sycamore-fig (Ficus sycomorus).
2. sycamore, from Greek s komoros, sycamore, perhaps folk-etymological alteration of a word borrowed from the same Semitic source as above (influenced by Greek s kon, fig, and moron, black mulberry).
To be(come) wild, detestable = Быть(прийти) диким, отвратительным. Exact preform uncertain; other possible reconstructions are *šqṣ́, *šqṯ̣, *ṯqṣ, and *ṯqṣ́. shegetz, shiksa, from Hebrew šeqeṣ, blemish, something detestable (compare denominative derived stem verb šiqqēṣ, to detest).
To water, give to drink = Поить, поить. acequia, from Arabic as-sāqiya, the irrigation ditch, feminine active participle of saqā, to water, give to drink.
To loosen, remove, begin = Разрыхлять, удалять, начинать. Tishri, from Hebrew tišrî, a month name, from Akkadian tašrītu, beginning, name of a month corresponding to parts of September and October, from šurrû, to begin, derived stem of *šarû, to begin.
Central Semitic, to be(come) evil, devastated, empty = Центральный семитский, быть(прийти) злым, опустошенным, пустым. Shoah, from Hebrew šôʔâ, devastation, calamity.
(or swd). Arabic root, to be(come) black = Арабский корень, быть(прийти) черным. soda, perhaps from Arabic suwayd, soda, soda-plant, or suwayda, a type of saltwort, perhaps akin to ʔaswad, black.
Northwest Semitic noun *šūr-, wall = Северо-западное семитское существительное *šūr -, стена. sura, from Arabic sūra, sura, from Aramaic šurā, absolute form of šurətā, line, row.
Central Semitic, to be(come) even, equal = Центрально-семитский, быть(прийти) ровным, равным.
1. Shiviti, from Hebrew šiwwîtî, I have set (first word of Psalm 16:8), from šiwwâ, to set, place, derived stem of *šāwâ, to be(come) even.
2. schwa, from Hebrew šəwāʔ, schwa, probably from Aramaic (Syriac) (nuqzē) šwayyā, even (points), plural passive participle of šwā, to be even, equal.

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