Прасемитско-английский словарь на N

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Семитские словари - Прасемитский. Древние: Аккадский | Арамейский | Древнееврейский | Финикийский | Угаритский. Современные: Арабский | Ассирийский | Иврит | Эфиопский.
Прасемитско-английский: ‘ (ɂ) | (ˤ) | B | D | | G | Ġ | H | | | K | L | M | N | P | Q | R | S | Ś | Š | | Ṣ́ | T | | | Tṯ | W | | Y | Z

Представлен реконструированный прасемитский корнеслов на N (финик. nun, араб., условно d_) с английским описанием (см. англо-русский словарь).

Также смотрите корни в лексиконах семитских языков-потомков:

Central Semitic, to be(come) pleasant, agreeable = Центральносемитский, быть(прийти) приятным, приятным.
1. Naomi, from Hebrew noʕŏmî, my delight, from nōʕam, delight, delightfulness, from nāʕēm, to be(come) pleasant, delightful.
2.anemone, perhaps a folk-etymological alteration (influenced by Greek anemos, wind) of an epithet of Adonis (the anemone having sprung from Adonis's blood in Greek myth), from Phoenician *hannaʕmon, "the pleasant one" akin to Hebrew na'ămān, a man's name (literally "pleasantness"), and na'ămānîm, a word describing a garden in Isaiah 17:10, perhaps a distortion of an epithet of Adonis
West Semitic, to shake, roar = Западносемитский, трястись, реветь. noria, from Arabic nāʕūra, from Aramaic nāʕurā, water-wheel, from nəʕar, to shake, roar.
Common Semitic pronoun suffix *-na/-ni/-nu, we, us, our = Общий семитский суффикс местоимения *-na/-ni/-nu, мы, нас, наш. a. bwana, from Arabic ʔabūnā, our father; b. maulana, from Arabic mawlānā, our master. Both a and b from Arabic -nā, our.
Ethiopic root, to sit, dwell = Эфиопский корень, сидеть, обитать. almemar, from Medieval Hebrew almêm r, from Arabic al-minbar, the pulpit, probably from Ethiopic manbar seat, chair, pulpit, or mənbār, seat, throne, from nabara, to sit, dwell.
To name, proclaim, summon = Называть, провозглашать, призывать. Tanakh, from Hebrew nābîʔ, prophet (originally, "one named, summoned by a god").
West Semitic, to vow, consecrate = Западносемитский, давать обет, освящать. Kol Nidre, from Aramaic kol nidrê, all the vows of, from nidrê, plural bound form of nidrā, vow, from nədar, to vow.
West Semitic, to become prominent, conspicuous, to drag, lead, travel = Западносемитский, выделяться, бросаться в глаза, тащить, вести, путешествовать.
1.Haggadah, from Hebrew haggādâ, narration, telling, from higgîd, to narrate, tell (< *hangida).
2.Aggadah, from Aramaic ʔaggādā, formed on the model of Hebrew haggādâ, narration, telling (see 1 above).
West Semitic, to press, oppress, drive = Западносемитский, давить, угнетать, гнать. Negus, from Amharic nəgus, from Classical Ethiopic nəguś, king, ruler, verbal adjective of nagśa, to rule, become king.
Common Semitic noun *nah(a)r-, river. Achernar, from Arabic nahr, river = Распространенное семитское существительное *nah(a)r-, река.
Central Semitic, to console, comfort = Центрально-семитский, утешать, утешать. a. Nahum, from Hebrew naḥûm, comfort; b. Capernaum, from Hebrew kəpar naḥûm, village of Nahum (see kpr2)... Nehemiah, from Hebrew nəḥemyāh, Yahweh comforted, from nəḥem, reduced form of niḥam, he comforted. Both 1 and 2 from Hebrew niḥam, to console, comfort.
To shake, shatter = Сотрясать, разбивать. intifada, from Arabic intifāḍa, shudder, awakening, uprising, from intafaḍa, to be shaken, shudder, wake up, derived stem of nafaḍa, to shake.
Common Semitic noun *napṭ-, naphtha = Распространенное семитское существительное *napṭ-, нафта. naphtha, from Greek naphtha, from a Semitic source akin to Arabic and Ethiopic nafṭ, Aramaic nepṭā, Akkadian napṭu, naphtha.
To sift = Просеять. apron, map, mop, napery, napkin, nappe, from Latin mappa, originally napkin, cloth, said by the Roman author Quintilian to be of Punic origin, perhaps from Phoenician (Punic) *mappē, from Common Semitic *manpay- or *manpiy-, sieve, fine cloth (?).
To pierce = Прокалывать.
1. Maccabee, from Hebrew maqqebet (< *manqabt-), hammer, from nāqab, to pierce.
2. niqab, from Arabic niqāb, veil, from naqaba, to pierce, bore a hole, perforate.
To bore, pierce = Сверлить, прокалывать. nacre, from Arabic naqqāra, small drum, from naqara, to bore, pierce.
To give = Давать.
1a. Matthew, from Hebrew mattayyāh, from *mattan-yāh, gift of Yahweh, from mattan, bound form of mattān (< *mantan), gift (yāh, Yahweh; see hwy); b. (i) Nathan, from nātān, he (God) gave;; (ii) Jonathan, from Hebrew yônātān, Yahweh has given, from nātān, he gave (yô, Yahweh; see hwy). Both a and b from Hebrew nātan, to give; c. Nathanael, from Hebrew nətanʔēl, God has given, from nətan, reduced form of nātan (see above ; ʔēl, God; see ʔl).
2. Esarhaddon, from Akkadian ššur-aḫa-iddin, Ashur has given a brother, from iddin (< *yandin), preterite of nadānu, to give (aḫa, brother; see ʔḫ).
Central Semitic, to stretch out, extend, incline = Центральный семитский, вытягиваться, простираться, наклоняться. mat1, from Late Latin matta, possibly from Phoenician (Punic) *maṭṭē (< *manṭay- or *manṭiy-), akin to Hebrew miṭṭâ, bed, couch, from nāṭâ, to stretch out, extend, incline.
Arabic root, to arrange = Арабский корень, устроить. Nizam, from Arabic niẓām, order, arrangement, from naẓama, to arrange.
To see, watch, observe, guard = Видеть, наблюдать, наблюдать, охранять.
1a. Nebuchadnezzar, from Hebrew nəbûkadneʔṣṣar (also nəbûkadreʔṣṣar, whence English by-form Nebuchadrezzar), alteration of Akkadian nabû-kudurrī-uṣur, Nabu protect the borders (nabû, Nabu (a god); kudurrī, oblique plural of kudurru, border); b. Belshazzar, from Hebrew bēlšaṣṣar, from Akkadian bēl-šar-uṣur, Bel protect the king (bēl, lord, Bel (Akkadian deity), and šar, king; see bʕl and śrr). Both a and b from uṣur, protect, singular imperative of naṣāru, to guard, protect.
2. nadir, from Arabic naẓīr (as-samt), opposite (of the zenith), from naẓīr, facing, equal, opposite, from naẓara, to see, watch.
Arabic root, to represent, act as deputy = Арабский корень, представлять, выступать в качестве заместителя. nabob, from Arabic nuwwāb, plural of nāʔib, deputy, active participle of nāba, to represent, act as deputy.
To rest, come to rest = Отдыхать, приходить отдыхать. almanac, from Arabic munāḫ, halting place, caravan stop, position of the stars, from ʔanāḫa, to make (a camel) lie down, from nāḫa, to lie down, rest (of camels).
Common Semitic noun *nūn-, fish = Распространенное семитское существительное *nūn-, рыба. a. nu, from Greek nū, nu; b. nun2, from Mishnaic Hebrew nûn, nun. Both a and b from Phoenician *nūn, fish, fourteenth letter of the Phoenician alphabet.
To shine, be(come) bright = Сиять, быть(приходить) ярким.
1. menorah, from Hebrew mənôrâ, lamp, lampstand, akin to nēr, lamp.
2. kinara, minaret from Arabic manāra, lamp, lighthouse, minaret, akin to nūr, light.
3. Nanna, from Sumerian Nanna, Nannar, from Akkadian nannāru, luminary, from nawāru, to shine.

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