Прасемитско-английский словарь на B

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Семитские словари - Прасемитский. Древние: Аккадский | Арамейский | Древнееврейский | Финикийский | Угаритский. Современные: Арабский | Ассирийский | Иврит | Эфиопский.
Прасемитско-английский: ‘ (ɂ) | (ˤ) | B | D | | G | Ġ | H | | | K | L | M | N | P | Q | R | S | Ś | Š | | Ṣ́ | T | | | Tṯ | W | | Y | Z

Представлен реконструированный прасемитский корнеслов на B (финик. beth) с английским описанием (см. англо-русский словарь).

Также смотрите корни в лексиконах семитских языков-потомков:

Common Semitic noun *biʔr-, well, cistern = Распространенное семитское существительное *biʔr-, колодец, цистерна.
1. Beersheba, from Hebrew bəʔēr šebaʕ, well of oath, from bəʔēr, well (šebaʕ, oath; see šbʕ).
2. Beirut, from Arabic bayrūt, from Phoenician *biʔrōt, plural of *biʔr, well.
Common Semitic noun *baʕl-, lord = Распространенное семитское существительное *baʕl-, господь.
1a. Baal, from Hebrew baʕal, lord, Baal; b. Beelzebub, from Hebrew baʕal zəbûb, lord (of the) fly, pejorative alteration of baʕal zəbûl, lord prince (name of a Philistine god; see ḏbb and zbl).
2a. Hannibal, from Phoenician (Punic) *ḥannī-baʕl, my grace (is) Baal (see ḥnn); b. Hasdrubal, from Phoenician (Punic) *ʕazrō-baʕl, his help (is) Baal (see ʕḏr). Both a and b from Phoenician (Punic) *baʕl, lord, Baal.
3. Belshazzar, from Hebrew bēlšaṣṣar, from Akkadian bēl-šar-uṣur, "Bel, protect the king" from bēl, absolute form of bēlu, lord, Bel (Akkadian god; šar, king, and uṣur, protect; see śrr and nṯ̣r).
Common Semitic preposition bi-, in, on, at, with = Распространенный семитский предлог bi-,в, на, в, с. lamejune, from Arabic laḥm bi-'ajīn, meat with dough, from bi-, with.
To change, divide, separate = Менять, делить, отделять. habdalah, from Hebrew separation, from hibdîl, to divide, separate.
West Semitic, to be(come) desolate, desert; noun *badw-, desert = Западносемитский, быть(прийти) пустынным, пустынным; существительное *badw -, пустыня. Bedouin, from Arabic badawīyīn, Bedouins, plural of badawī, nomadic, Bedouin, from badw, desert, nomads, Bedouins.
To seek = Искать. baggage from Arabic baġīy, prostitute, from baġā, to seek, to oppress, to act corruptly, to fornicate.
West Semitic, to be dumb = Западно-семитский, чтобы быть немым. behemoth, from Hebrew bəhēmôt, plural of bəhēmâ, animal, beast.
Central Semitic, to be(come) empty, deserted = Центральный семитский, быть(прийти) пустым, пустынным. a. Bahaullah from Arabic bahāʔu llāh, splendor of God, bahāʔu, splendor, bound form of bahāʔ, from bahā, to be(come) empty, beautiful; b. Bahai, from Arabic bah , follower of Bahaullah, from bah u ll h (see above ).
Common Semitic noun *baḥr-, sea, coast = Распространенное семитское существительное *baḥr-, море, побережье. Bahrain, from Arabic baḥrayn, two seas, dual of baḥr, sea.
Common Semitic *bukur-, *bikr-, *bak(u)r-, first-born = Общесемитский *bukur-, *bikr-, *bak(u)r-, первенец. albacore, from Arabic al-bakūra, the albacore, akin to bikr, first-born, and bakr, young camel.
Common Semitic noun *b(i)n-, son, and feminine derivative *bint-, daughter = Распространенное семитское существительное *b(i)n-, сын и производное женского рода *bint-, дочь.
(I) Common Semitic *b(i)n-.
1a. bar mitzvah, from Aramaic bar, bound form of bərā, son; b. Barabbas, from Aramaic bar-ʔabbā, son of the father (probably a nickname, or a joking name for a bastard; ʔabbā, father; see ʔb); c. Barnabas, from Aramaic bar-nəbô, son of Nabu (nəbô, Nabu, Akkadian deity, from Akkadian nabû)
2a. B'nai B'rith, from Hebrew b nê, plural bound form of b n, son; b. Benjamin, from Hebrew biny mîn, son of the right hand, from bin-, frozen bound form of b n (y mîn, right hand, south; see ymn).
(II) Common Semitic *bint-.
1a.bat mitzvah, from Hebrew bat (< *batt < *bitt < *bint), daughter; b. Bathsheba, from Hebrew bat-šebaʕ (see šbʕ).
2. bint, from Arabic bint, daughter.
To build, create = Созидать. Assurbanipal, from Akkadian aššur-bāni-apli, Ashur (is) the creator of the heir, from bāni, bound form of participle of banû, to build (apli, heir; see ʔpl)
West Semitic, to bless = Западно-семитский, благословлять. Probably a metathesized variant of krb.
1. Baruch, from Hebrew bārûk, blessed, passive participle of *bārak, to bless (only attested in derived stem bērēk, to bless).
2. broker, from Arabic al-barka, colloquial variant of al-baraka, the blessing, divine favor, gift, from bāraka, to bless. Compare krb.
To flash (especially of lightning) = К вспышке (особенно молнии). emerald, from Greek smaragdos, emerald, probably ultimately from a Semitic source akin to Akkadian barraqtu and Hebrew bāreqet, a kind of gemstone (probably emerald)..
To be(come) clear, pure, white = Быть(прийти) ясным, чистым, белым.
1. barrio, from Arabic barrī, open (of land), rural, from barr, open area, akin to barra, to be kind, true, in derived stem barrara, to clear, acquit.
2. birr2, from Amharic bərr, coin, silver (< “white metal”).
Common Semitic noun *biry-, interval, in-between area = Распространенное семитское существительное *biry-, интервал, промежуточная область. a. B'nai B'rith, from Hebrew bərît, covenant, akin to Akkadian birītu, in-between area, link, from biri, between; b. bris, from Ashkenazic Hebrew brīs, from biblical Hebrew bərît (see above ).
Central Semitic noun *baśam-, balsam = Центральносемитское существительное *baśam-, бальзам.
1. balsam, from Greek balsamon.
2. desman, from Medieval Latin bisamum. Both 1 and 2 from a Semitic source akin to Hebrew bōśem, bāśām, Aramaic besmā, busmā, Arabic bašām, all meaning "balsam"
Akkadian noun bābu, gate, doorway = Аккадское существительное bābu, ворота, дверной проем.
1. Bab, Babism, from Arabic bāb, gate, from Aramaic bābā, from Akkadian bābu;
2. Babylon1, from Akkadian bāb-ili, Babylon, literally "gate of the god" (probably a folk etymology of a pre-Akkadian place name), from bāb, bound form of bābu, gate (ili, genitive of ilu, god; see 'l).
West Semitic, to be separate, clear, distinct = Западносемитский, быть отдельным, ясным, отчетливым; in derived stems, to discern, understand. maven, from Hebrew mēbîn, one with understanding, expert, active participle of hēbîn, to understand, derived stem of bîn, to discern, understand.
Common Semitic noun *bayt-, house = Нарицательное семитское существительное *bayt-, дом.
1a. beta; alphabet, from Greek bēta, second letter of the Greek alphabet; b. beth, from Hebrew bêt, house, beth. Both a and b from Phoenician *bēt, house, second letter of the Phoenician alphabet.
2a.bethel, from Hebrew bêt ʔēl, house of God, from bêt, bound form of bayit, house; b. Bethlehem, from Hebrew bêt-leḥem, house of bread (see lḥm).
3. Beta Israel, from Ge'ez beta ʔisrāʔel, house of Israel, from beta, bound form of bet, house (ʔisrāʔel, Israel, from Hebrew yiśrāʔēl; see śry).

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