Прасемитско-английский словарь на Q

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Семитские словари - Прасемитский. Древние: Аккадский | Арамейский | Древнееврейский | Финикийский | Угаритский. Современные: Арабский | Ассирийский | Иврит | Эфиопский.
Прасемитско-английский: ‘ (ɂ) | (ˤ) | B | D | | G | Ġ | H | | | K | L | M | N | P | Q | R | S | Ś | Š | | Ṣ́ | T | | | Tṯ | W | | Y | Z

Представлен реконструированный прасемитский корнеслов на Q (глубокое задненёбное K, финик. qoph, араб., условно къ) с английским описанием (см. англо-русский словарь).

Также смотрите корни в лексиконах семитских языков-потомков:

Central Semitic, to bend, sit = Центральный семитский, сгибаться, сидеть. a. Dhu'l-Qa'dah, from Arabic ḏūl-qaʕda, the one of the sitting (perhaps referring to staying at home instead of going to war, since this is the first of the months in which fighting is forbidden), from qaʕda, sitting;; b. al-Qaeda, from Arabic al-qāʕida, the foundation, the base. Both a and b from qaʕada, to sit.
Common Semitic noun *qabl-, front, whence West Semitic denominative verb qbl, to receive = Общесемитское существительное *qabl-, фронт, откуда западносемитский знаменательный глагол qbl, получать.
1. cabal, kabbalah, from Hebrew qabbālâ, received doctrine, tradition, from qibbēl, to receive.
2a. gabelle, from Arabic qabāla, tax, tribute; b. Kabyle, from Arabic qabāʔilu, plural of qabīla, tribe. Both a and b from Arabic qabila, to receive.
3. kiblah, from Arabic qibla, the direction of the Kaaba, toward which Moslems face when praying, akin to qabila, to receive (compare the probably denominative derived stem qābala, to face).
West Semitic, to collect, gather = Западносемитский, собирать, собирать. kibbutz, from Hebrew qibbûṣ, gathering, from qibbēṣ, to gather, derived stem of qābaṣ, to gather.
Also qww. West Semitic, to collect = Западно-семитский, собирать. mikvah, from Hebrew miqwâ, reservoir, or miqwe, collection (especially of water), immersion pool, both from qāwâ, to collect, perhaps akin to Aramaic (Syriac) qbā, to collect (of liquids), Ethiopic qabawa, to be distended (of the stomach).
Common Semitic noun *qadm-, front, east, earlier time, with denominative verb, to precede, be in front = Общее семитское существительное *qadm-, фронт, восток, более раннее время, с знаменательным глаголом, предшествовать, быть впереди. cadmium, Cadmus, from Greek Kadmos, from Phoenician *qadm, front, east.
To be(come) holy, sacred = Быть(прийти) святым, священным.
1. Kiddush, from Mishnaic Hebrew qiddûš, sanctification, purification, from Hebrew qiddēš, to consecrate, sanctify, derived stem of qādaš, to be(come) holy, sacred.
2. Kaddish, from Aramaic qaddiš, holy, sacred, from qədaš, to be(come) holy, sacred (so called after the first words of the prayer: yitgaddalwə-yitqaddaššəmeh rabbā, may His (God's) great name be exalted and kept holy).
Arabic root, to conquer, vanquish = Арабский корень, чтобы победить. Cairo, from Arabic al-qāhira, the conquering one, feminine active participle of qahara, to conquer, vanquish.
Also khw. Central Semitic, to be(come) weak, dim, dull, dark = Центральный семитский, быть(прийти) слабым, тусклым, тусклым, темным. café, cafeteria, caffeine, coffee, ultimately from Arabic qahwa, coffee, wine (originally perhaps “dark stuff”), akin to Arabic kahiya, to be(come) weak, Aramaic kəhā, qəhā, Hebrew kāhâ, qāhâ, to be(come) dim, faint, dull.
To burn, roast = Жечь, жарить. alkali; hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, from Arabic (al-)qily, the ashes, lye, potash, from qalā, to fry, roast.
Central Semitic, to enclose = Центральный семитский, заключать.
1. camisado, camisole, chemise, chemisette, from Late Greek kamision, probably from a Semitic source akin to Ugaritic qmṣ, a garment, Arabic qamīṣ, shirt, both akin to Hebrew qāmaṣ, to enclose with the hand, grasp.
2. camise, from Arabic qamīṣ, shirt.
Common Semitic noun *qanaw-, reed = Распространенное семитское существительное *qanaw-, тростник.
1. canasta, cane, canistel, canister, canna, cannelloni, cannelure, cannoli, cannon, cannula, canyon; cannellini bean, from Greek kanna, reed, from a Semitic source akin to Akkadian qanû, Aramaic qanyā, Hebrew qāne, all meaning "reed"
2. canon, from Greek kanōn, bar, from the same Semitic source as Greek kanna above or a related one.
West Semitic, to close, enclose = Западносемитский, закрывать, заключать. coffle, from Arabic qāfila, caravan, feminine active participle of qafala, to close, also a denominative verb, to return.
Also qry. West Semitic *qry, to meet; noun *qart-, *qary(at)-, *qiryat-, village, town (*-(a)t-, feminine suffix) = Западносемитский *qry, встречаться; существительное *qart-, *qary(at)-, *qiryat-, деревня, город (*-(a)t-, суффикс женского рода). Carthage, from Latin Carthāgō, from Phoenician (Punic) *qart-ḥadašt, new town, from *qart, town (*ḥadašt, new; see ḥdṯ).
To call (out), read, summon = Вызывать (out), читать, вызывать. Koran; Alcoran, from Arabic (al-)qurʔān, (the) reading, Koran, from qaraʔa, to read, recite.
To be(come) near, draw near = Приблизиться.
1a. corban, from Hebrew qorbān, offering, from hiqrîb, to bring near, present, offer; b. kiruv, from Mishnaic Hebrew qîrûb, bringing near, rapprochement, from Hebrew qērēb, to bring near. Both a and b derived stems of qārab, to approach.
2. carboy, from Arabic qarrāba, big jug, from qarraba, to bring near, derived stem of qaruba, to be(come) near.
West Semitic, to gnaw, glean = Западносемитский, грызть, подбирать. macramé, from Arabic miqrama, bedcover, thin curtain, veil, from qarama, to gnaw, nibble.
see qr.
West Semitic, to divide, distribute, assign, ordain, practice divination; noun *qasm-, *qism-, divination = Западносемитский, делить, распределять, назначать, посвящать, практиковать гадание; существительное *qasm-, *qism-, гадание. kismet, from Arabic qisma, portion, lot, destiny, fate, from qasama, to divide, distribute, assign, foreordain.
To cut, cut off = Отрезать. Casbah, from Arabic dialectal qaṣba, citadel, fortified area of cities in northwest Africa, from qaṣaba, to cut up.
West Semitic, to judge, decree, rule = Западносемитский, судить, постановлять, править. alcalde, from Arabic al-qāḍī, the decisive one, judge, active participle of qaḍā, to settle, decree, judge.
To be(come) thin, fine, small = Быть(прийти) тонким, тонким, маленьким. cotton, from Arabic quṭn, quṭun, cotton, perhaps akin to Akkadian qatānu, to be(come) thin, fine (of textiles), or perhaps borrowed from an unknown source.
West Semitic, to lead = Западно-семитский, вести. alcaide, from Spanish, from Arabic al-qāʔid, the leader, active participle of qāda, to lead.
West Semitic, to (a)rise, stand (up) = Западносемитский, чтобы (а)подняться, встать (встать).
1. sycamine, from Greek sūkamīnos, mulberry tree, from a Semitic source akin to Qatabanian sqmt (probably to be read *suqāmat, planted (< "made to stand"), feminine passive causative adjective of *qāma, to stand), whence also Arabic sawqām, a type of fig tree, and Aramaic šiqmâ and Hebrew *siqāmâ, sycamore fig (Ficus sycomorus).
2. sycamore, from Greek sūkomoros, sycamore fig, perhaps folk-etymological alteration of a word borrowed from the same Semitic source as above (influenced by Greek sūkon, fig, and moron, black mulberry).
see qbw.

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