Прасемитско-английский словарь на R

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Семитские словари - Прасемитский. Древние: Аккадский | Арамейский | Древнееврейский | Финикийский | Угаритский. Современные: Арабский | Ассирийский | Иврит | Эфиопский.
Прасемитско-английский: ‘ (ɂ) | (ˤ) | B | D | | G | Ġ | H | | | K | L | M | N | P | Q | R | S | Ś | Š | | Ṣ́ | T | | | Tṯ | W | | Y | Z

Представлен реконструированный прасемитский корнеслов на R (финик. resh, араб. ) с английским описанием (см. англо-русский словарь).

Также смотрите корни в лексиконах семитских языков-потомков:

To replace, rectify = Заменить, исправить. Sennacherib, from Akkadian Sîn-aḫḫī-erība, Sin has replaced the (lost) brothers for me, from erība, he has replaced for me, from erīb, preterite of râbu, to replace + -a, for me (aḫḫī, brothers; see ʔḫ).
Common Semitic noun *raʔš-, head, top = Распространенное семитское существительное *raʔš-, голова, верх.
1. resh, from Hebrew rêš, resh, from Aramaic rēš or dialectal Phoenician *rēš, head, twentieth letter of the alphabet.
2. rho, from Greek rho, from Phoenician *rōš, head, twentieth letter of the Phoenician alphabet.
3. Rosh Hashanah, from Hebrew rōʔšhaš-šānâ, beginning of the year, from rōʔš, head, top, beginning.
4.ras el hanout, from Arabic raʔs, head, top.
5. Rastafarianism, from Amharic ras, head, chief, prince.
West Semitic, to see. rai, perhaps from dialectal Arabic (hā ar-)ray, (here is the) view, from raʔy, view, opinion, from raʔā, to see = возможно, от диалектного арабского (hā ar-)ray, (здесь) view, от raʔy, view, мнение, от raʔā, видеть.
To graze (of flocks), to pasture, tend (flocks) = Пасти (стада), пасти, пасти (стада). rayah, from Arabic raʕīya, flock, parish, subjects, a subject, from raʕā, to graze, pasture, tend.
Common Semitic *ʔarbaʕ-, four, Central Semitic noun *rubʕ-, fourth, quarter, and other derived forms of various patterns = Общесемитское *ʔarbaʕ-, четыре, центральносемитское существительное *rubʕ-, четвертая, четверть и другие производные формы различных узоров.
1. arroba, from Arabic ar-rubʕ, the quarter.
2.rabi, Rabi, from Arabic rabīʕ, fourth part, spring.
3.rubaiyat, from Arabic rubāʕī, quatrain, from rubāʕ, by fours.
Also rby. To be(come) much, many, great = Быть(прийти) много, много, здорово.
1. rabbi, Reb2, rebbe, from Hebrew and Aramaic rabbî, my master, from rab(b), master, chief, from rab, to be(come) much, many, great (î, my; see -y); b. rabbinical, probably from Aramaic rabbin, plural of rab(b), master (see above ).
2. Jeroboam, from Hebrew yārobʕām, the (divine) kinsman increased, from yārob, archaic preterite of rābab, to be(come) many, much (ʕām, kinsman; see ʕmm).
3. rebec, from Arabic rabāb, rebec, from rabba, to be master, control.
Arabic root, to bind, tie = Арабский корень, связывать, связывать. marabout1, from Arabic murābiṭ, posted, stationed, marabout, participle of rābaṭa, to be posted, derived stem of rabaṭa, to bind, tie.
see rbb.
Central Semitic, to fear = Центральный семитский, чтобы бояться. Rajab, from Arabic rajab, a month name, from rajaba, to fear, revere.
West Semitic noun *rigl-, *ragl-, foot = Западносемитское существительное *rigl-, *ragl-,нога. Rigel, from Arabic rijl, foot.
To say, speak, call, shout, contest, lay claim to = Говорить, говорить, призывать, кричать, оспаривать, претендовать..
1. dragoman, from Arabic tarjumān, translator, from Aramaic targəmānā, from Akkadian targumannu, interpreter, either from Akkadian ragāmu, to speak, call, contest, or from an earlier Semitic verb in a derived stem, *t-rgm, to speak to one another, translate.
2. Targum, from Mishnaic Hebrew targûm, translation, from Aramaic targəmā (< *targumā), back-formation from targəmānā (see above ).
Common Semitic noun *raḥt-, hand, palm of the hand (*-t-, feminine suffix) = Распространенное семитское существительное *rḥt-, рука, ладонь руки (*-t-, суффикс женского рода). racket1, from Arabic rāḥat, bound form of rāḥa, palm of the hand.
West Semitic, to be(come) wide, large = Западносемитский, быть(прийти) широким, большим. Rehoboam, from Hebrew rəḥabʕām, the (divine) kinsman has increased, from rəḥab, reduced form of rāḥab, to be(come) wide, large, to increase (ʕām, kinsman; see ʕmm).
Common Semitic noun *raḫil-, ewe = Распространенное семитское существительное *railil-,овца. Rachel, from Hebrew rāḥēl, ewe.
West Semitic, to burn, be(come) scorched = Западносемитский, гореть, быть(прийти) опаленным. Ramadan, from Arabic ramaḍān, from ramaḍ, parchedness, from ramiḍa, to be(come) scorched.
To throw, throw down, set down, establish = Бросать, бросать, сажать, устанавливать. Jeremiah, jeremiad, from Hebrew yirməyāhû, Yahweh has established, from yirm(ə), he has established, old preterite of rāmâ, to establish, cast.
West Semitic, to heal, mend = Западносемитский, исцелять, исправлять.
1. Hammurabi, from Akkadian ḫammurāpi, from Amorite *ʕammu-rāpiʔ, the (divine) kinsman (is) a healer, from *rāpiʔ, participle of *rapaʔa, to heal (*ʕammu, kinsman; see ʕmm).
2. Raphael, from Hebrew rəpāʔēl, God has healed, from rəpāʔ, he has healed, reduced form of rāpāʔ, to heal (ʔēl, God; see ʔl).
To be(come) thin, fine, soft, tender = Быть(прийти) тонким, тонким, мягким, нежным. Merak, from Arabic marāqq, tender areas of the lower abdomen, loins, from raqqa, to be(come) thin, tender.
Arabic root, to adhere = Арабский корень, придерживаться. intarsia, from Arabic tarṣīʕ, inlaying, setting, infinitive of raṣṣaʕa, to inlay, derived stem of raṣiʕa, to adhere.
West Semitic, to be(come) high, exalted = Западносемитский, быть(прийти) высоким, возвышенным. Abraham, from Hebrew ʔabrāhām, the (divine) father is exalted, from rāhām, alternate form of rām, exalted, participle of rām, to be(come) high, exalted, rise.
West Semitic, to drink one's fill = Западно-семитский, чтобы напиться досыта. Ruth, from Hebrew or Moabite rût, meaning uncertain, perhaps akin to rāwâ, to drink one's fill.
East Semitic, to give = Восточно-семитский, давать. marionette, marry2, Mary, Miriam; marigold, from Hebrew miryām, Miriam, meaning uncertain, perhaps "gift" (akin to Akkadian riāmu, to give) or "beloved" (of Egyptian origin).
Arabic root, to bundle = Арабский корень, связывать. ream, from Arabic rizma, bundle, from razama, to bundle.
Arabic root, to fix, stick, insert = Арабский корень, чтобы исправить, вставить, вставить. mortise, perhaps from Arabic murtazz, fastened, participle of irtazza, to be fixed (in place), derived stem of razza, to fix, stick, insert.

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