Слова алтайского праязыка (*O)

Здесь представлен реконструированный словарный фонд праалтайского языка, начинающийся на фонему *O- (X корней). из общеалтайской этимологической БД проекта "Вавилонская башня" Московской школы компаративистики.

Proto-Altaic: *ó
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: this, that (deictic particle)
Russian Meaning: этот,тот (дейктическая основа)
Turkic: *o(-l)
Mongolian: *on-
Tungus-Manchu: *u-
Japanese: *ǝ́-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 280. A Korean match (dubious) see in SKE 176.
Proto-Altaic: *obri ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dawn
Russian Meaning: белый, светлый; рассвет
Turkic: *ürüŋ (*örüŋ)
Mongolian: *öwr
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)oru-
Comments: KW 298, VEWT 375, АПиПЯЯ 288. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *óče
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: late, evening
Russian Meaning: поздний, вечер
Mongolian: *öčüge
Korean: *ǝ̀čǝ́i
Japanese: *ǝ́sǝ́-
Comments: Martin 234-235. Cf. TM: Nan. wasoana 'not long ago' (see ТМС 2, 295). Kor. ǝ- is probably a result of secondary assimilation ( < *ɨ̀čǝ́i or *ùčǝ́i).
Proto-Altaic: *odi ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: day, time
Russian Meaning: день, время
Turkic: *öd
Mongolian: *üd-
Comments: KW 455, Владимирцов 153, Лексика 68-69. A Turk.-Mong. isogloss. Cf. also Mong. udaɣa, Mongor udā 'time' (MGCD 666). Nan. udur 'heat' may be borrowed < Mong.
Proto-Altaic: *odi ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sexual passion
Russian Meaning: сексуальное влечение
Turkic: *öd-
Mongolian: *(h)uǯid
Tungus-Manchu: *uda-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ̀ge
Meaning: lonely, orphan
Russian Meaning: одинокий, сирота
Turkic: *ög-
Mongolian: *ügej
Tungus-Manchu: *ugī
Korean: *ói
Comments: Рясянен 1955, 106, TMN 2, 159-160.
Proto-Altaic: *òje
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to swim
Russian Meaning: плавать
Mongolian: *üji- / *oji-mu-
Tungus-Manchu: *ujV-
Japanese: *ǝ̀jǝ̀nk- (*ǝ̀juànk-)
Comments: EAS 98, АПиПЯЯ 79, 99, 277.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ̀je
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: life, age
Russian Meaning: жизнь, возраст
Turkic: *öj (?)
Mongolian: *üje
Tungus-Manchu: *uju-
Japanese: *ǝ̀jǝ̀-
Comments: ОСНЯ 1, 242, Ozawa 65-66 (Mong.-Jpn.).
Proto-Altaic: *ójle ( ~ -i)
Meaning: small fruit
Russian Meaning: мелкий плод
Mongolian: *ölir
Tungus-Manchu: *ulīn-kta
Korean: *òijǝ́s
Comments: Дыбо 10. Cf. Turkm. ülǯe 'cherry'; Kum., KBalk. ülkü 'bush, shrub', Bashk. ölköm id.? Despite Doerfer MT 81, Rozycki 217, TM cannot be < Mong. or vice versa. Cf. also *èrì, *ùjrV́. {Cf. PE *ulaʁi(ʁ) 'apple berry'}
Proto-Altaic: *oki
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to sing, recite
Russian Meaning: петь, декламировать
Turkic: *okɨ-
Mongolian: *üge
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)og- ~ *(x)ok-
Korean: *o'ăi-
Japanese: *uka-ip-
Comments: Despite poor representation in TM, the root is well preserved elsewhere and appears to be well reconstructable for PA.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ̀k`à
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sharp point, notch
Russian Meaning: острие, зазубрина
Turkic: *ok
Mongolian: *(h)oki
Tungus-Manchu: *ok-
Japanese: *àkuàjaì
Comments: Poppe 98, 134, KW 284. The morphological structure of Jpn. is not quite clear (perhaps some old compound is reflected); this, together with rather scarce representation in TM, makes the reconstruction not quite reliable. Note that the Jpn. form may also continue PA *ā̀gV q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *òk`è
Meaning: to grieve, be angry
Russian Meaning: горевать, сердиться
Turkic: *ökün-
Mongolian: *uki-la-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)ukt-
Japanese: *ǝ̀kǝ̀-r-
Comments: Cf. *uk`e (with possible contaminations).
Proto-Altaic: *ò[k`]è
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wife, female
Russian Meaning: женщина, самка
Turkic: *ög (*ök)
Mongolian: *oki-n / *öki-n
Tungus-Manchu: *uKu-
Japanese: *ǝ̀ku
Comments: Цинциус 1972a, 31-32, Дыбо 7. Voiced -g in OT is not quite clear; otherwise correspondences are regular.
Proto-Altaic: *ok`V
Meaning: coire
Russian Meaning: coire
Mongolian: *(h)ok-
Tungus-Manchu: *oxa-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *oĺa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of grass
Russian Meaning: вид травы
Turkic: *oĺ-
Mongolian: *(h)ulalǯi
Japanese: *asi
Comments: A possible comparison, but the Turkic reflexes are rather sparse and somewhat dubious.
Proto-Altaic: *óĺa ( ~ u-, i̯-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: ford, shallow place
Russian Meaning: брод, мелкое место
Mongolian: *(h)olam
Tungus-Manchu: *ola-
Japanese: *ásá-
Comments: Poppe 98. TMN 1, 178, Doerfer MT 25, Rozycki 167 consider Mo < TM, which is dubious.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏli ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to die; to be hungry, exhausted
Russian Meaning: умирать; быть голодным, истощенным
Turkic: *öl-
Mongolian: *öl-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)olbu-
Comments: A Western isogloss. See EAS 146, KW 295, Poppe 108 (but the Evk. form that he lists is probably < Mong.), TMN 2, 112, АПиПЯЯ 281, Дыбо 13; see further Nostratic parallels (Ural. *welV et al.) in МССНЯ, 367.
Proto-Altaic: *oĺi ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: chest bone, collar bone
Russian Meaning: грудная кость, ключица
Turkic: *öĺün
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)uli-n
Comments: Лексика 241-242. A Turk.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *óligV ( ~ u-)
Meaning: female (of animals), pig
Russian Meaning: самка (животных), свинья
Turkic: *Vlagŕɨn
Mongolian: *ölögčin
Tungus-Manchu: *uligan
Comments: A Western isogloss. Somewhat dubious because of the possibly borrowed nature of the OT word.
Proto-Altaic: *olu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be startled, annoyed
Russian Meaning: пугаться, раздражаться
Turkic: *ol-
Mongolian: *(h)ul-, *(h)ül-
Tungus-Manchu: *ola-
Japanese: *uru-sa-
Comments: A common derivative *olu-bV is reflected in Mong. *ul-ba-ji- and TM *ol-ba-n-.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ́mu
Meaning: hip; back part, buttocks
Russian Meaning: бедро; задняя часть, ягодицы
Turkic: *omV-
Mongolian: *(h)omu-
Tungus-Manchu: *omga
Korean: *òmìnòi
Comments: PTM and PT probably reflect a common derivative *ŏ́mu-kV. The meaning 'buttocks' in Mong. gave rise to two widely separated semantic reflexes: a) > 'large intestine'; b) > 'back' > 'North'.
Proto-Altaic: *omuŕV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: shoulder, collar bone
Russian Meaning: плечо, ключица
Turkic: *omuŕ
Mongolian: *omur-
Comments: Poppe 68, Колесникова 1972а, 93-94, Дыбо 308; Лексика 241. A Turk.-Mong. isogloss, but, despite Щербак 1997, 129, not a loanword in Mong. < Turk.
Proto-Altaic: *óŋdu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of small wild animal
Russian Meaning: вид мелкого дикого животного
Turkic: *utɨŕ
Tungus-Manchu: *oŋda
Korean: *òńắrí
Japanese: *uni
Comments: An alternative match for PT could be Evk. hatala 'beaver' (ТМС 1, 384).
Proto-Altaic: *òŋè
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: exterior, front
Russian Meaning: внешняя сторона, перед
Turkic: *öŋ / *oŋ
Mongolian: *öŋge
Japanese: *ǝ̀mǝ̀
Comments: EAS 154, Poppe 107 (Turk.-Mong.). Щербак 1997, 131 treats the Mong. word as borrowed from Turk., which is hardly the case. In the Turk.-Mong. area the root could have interacted with *ā̀ŋo `right' (sometimes also acquiring the meaning 'front') q. v.; note also the common Mong. derivative eŋge-sge `rouge, red paint' ( < `face skin').
Proto-Altaic: *òŋi(čV)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: windpipe, part of neck
Russian Meaning: дыхательное горло, часть шеи
Turkic: *öŋüč
Mongolian: *öŋgül-
Tungus-Manchu: *uŋ-se, *uŋnu-
Japanese: *ùnà(-nsi)
Comments: KW 297, Лексика 233.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ́ŋke
Meaning: (abundant) food, pasture
Russian Meaning: (обильная) пища, пастбище
Mongolian: *(h)öŋ
Tungus-Manchu: *oŋka
Japanese: *ǝ́nkǝ́-r-
Comments: Jpn. ógór- 'be arrogant' = Mong. oŋgira- (a variant of the same root?).
Proto-Altaic: *oŋne
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: same, self; lonely
Russian Meaning: тот самый, сам; одинокий
Turkic: *öŋ
Mongolian: *önü-
Japanese: *ǝnǝ
Comments: Ozawa 62-63. The original meaning should be probably reconstructed as "self", with a further development > "lonely" (Mong. "orphan"), typologically a frequent case (cf. Polish sam - samotny etc.), whence Old Turkic "desolate, deserted".
Proto-Altaic: *op`á(rV)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to wear out, be wasted, have a bad {look}
Russian Meaning: изнашиваться, стареть, плохо выглядеть
Turkic: *op-ra-
Mongolian: *(h)obur
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)upara-
Japanese: *ampu-
Comments: Cf. *àpo, *ebí.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ̀p`ekV
Meaning: lung(s)
Russian Meaning: легкие
Turkic: *öpke
Mongolian: *owuski ~ *awuski
Tungus-Manchu: *upVkte
Korean: *púhóa
Japanese: *pùkùpùkùsi
Comments: Дыбо 5, Лексика 277.
Proto-Altaic: *op`V
Meaning: powder
Russian Meaning: порошок
Turkic: *opa
Mongolian: *(h)ow
Tungus-Manchu: *upa
Comments: EAS 90, Владимирцов 210. A Western isogloss. Despite TMN 1, 182, Doerfer MT 142, Rozycki 215-216 not borrowed in Mong. from Turk. or in TM from Mong.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏŕe ( ~ -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: other, one of two
Russian Meaning: другой, один из двух
Turkic: *öŕ-ge
Mongolian: *öre-
Tungus-Manchu: *urē-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ́ri ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to cover
Russian Meaning: покрывать
Turkic: *ört-
Mongolian: *örü-
Tungus-Manchu: *ura- / *ur-ke
Korean: *òrái
Comments: Lee 1958, 118 (TM-Kor.), Константинова 1972, 240-241, ТМС 2, 288, Rozycki 215.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏri ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to dig
Russian Meaning: копать
Turkic: *or-
Mongolian: *örüm
Tungus-Manchu: *urī-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *óru
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to cry, shout
Russian Meaning: кричать
Turkic: *orɨ
Mongolian: *ori- / *uri-
Tungus-Manchu: *or-
Japanese: *úru-tápa-
Comments: МССНЯ 345 (Mong.-Tung.). An expressive root. Mong. may be < Turk. Cf. also notes to *ū́lo.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ̀rù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: inner side
Russian Meaning: внутренняя сторона
Turkic: *or-
Mongolian: *oro-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)urī-
Japanese: *ùrà
Comments: Murayama 1962, 110 (Jpn.-TM). Cf. *ṓŕì (the two roots are liable to mergers).
Proto-Altaic: *orusi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: river, to flow
Russian Meaning: река, течь
Turkic: *örs, *örsen
Mongolian: *urus-
Comments: A Turk.-Mong. isogloss. Phonetically a good match would be Jpn. *úrúsí 'lacquer' ( < *'liquid'?), but semantics raises doubts. Poppe 102 compares *urus- with Evk. urigden 'backwater' - the same comparison see in ОСНЯ 1, 240-241. Cf. also Yak. ürex, Dolg. ürek 'river' (Stachowski 253) - suggesting that *-si might be an original suffix.
Proto-Altaic: *orV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: deer, antelope
Russian Meaning: олень, антилопа
Turkic: *orga
Mongolian: *(h)oroŋgo
Tungus-Manchu: *oran
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏrV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to mow, hay
Russian Meaning: косить, сено
Turkic: *or-
Tungus-Manchu: *orā-kta
Comments: A Turk.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ̀se
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be bad, guilty
Russian Meaning: быть плохим, виновным
Turkic: *osa-
Mongolian: *ös
Tungus-Manchu: *us(a)
Japanese: *ǝ̀sǝ̀r-
Comments: EAS 102, Poppe 65, Finch 1987, 58. Despite TMN 2, 135, Щербак 1997, 131, Clark 1980, 51, Mong. ös cannot be borrowed from Turk. *ȫč (see *ṓč`e). Attempts to disprove the Turk.-Tung. match in TMN 2, 149-150 are unsuccessful.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ̀ti ( ~ -t`-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to move, change place
Russian Meaning: двигаться, менять место
Turkic: *öt-
Mongolian: *oči-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)utur-
Korean: *tɨ-
Japanese: *ùtù-r-
Comments: The Kor. form (attested only in SKE) has a frequent loss of initial vowel.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ́t`è (~-t-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sound
Russian Meaning: звук, звучать
Turkic: *öt-
Mongolian: *öči-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)ot-
Japanese: *ǝ́tǝ̀
Comments: KW 302, Владимирцов 323, Poppe 51, АПиПЯЯ 286. Despite TMN 2, 134, not borrowed in Mong. < Turk.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏt`k`V
Meaning: grass
Russian Meaning: трава
Turkic: *ot
Mongolian: *(h)otul
Tungus-Manchu: *okta
Comments: KW 191, Poppe 98, Дыбо 10. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ót`ó(rV)
Meaning: bushes, low trees
Russian Meaning: кустарник, низкие деревья
Turkic: *otrug
Tungus-Manchu: *utu-n / -r
Japanese: *ǝ́ntǝ́rǝ́
Comments: The meanings 'island' and 'forest, bushes' are frequently associated in Altaic, so the etymology on the whole seems quite plausible. Note the common derivative *ót`ó-rV reflected in PT *ot-ru-g, Orok ute-ri-kte and PJ *ǝ́ntǝ́rǝ́.
Proto-Altaic: *ŏ̀t`ù ( ~ -t-, -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: tent, house
Russian Meaning: шатер, дом
Turkic: *otag
Tungus-Manchu: *utē-n
Japanese: *ùtàina ( ~ -ia-)
Comments: It is not quite clear whether PTM *utē-n and PJ *ùtàina point to a common derivative *ŏ̀t`ù-nV; because of the diphthong in the second syllable Jpn. may rather reflect a compound with some obscure second element.
Proto-Altaic: *òǯa
Meaning: to play
Russian Meaning: играть
Turkic: *oj-
Mongolian: *oǯu-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)oǯu
Japanese: *àjà-
Comments: Poppe 64, TMN 2, 225 ("semantisch möglich, nicht mehr").
Proto-Altaic: *ṓč`é
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: bad, anger
Russian Meaning: плохой, злоба
Turkic: *ȫč
Mongolian: *öče-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)uč- ( ~ -š-)
Japanese: *ǝ́ntǝ́-
Comments: Mong., Turk. and Jpn. reflect a common reciprocal derivative *ṓč`é-ĺV- 'to be inimical (towards each other)', on which see above.
Proto-Altaic: *ṓjV
Meaning: to sew, pierce
Russian Meaning: шить, протыкать
Turkic: *ōj-
Mongolian: *oja-
Tungus-Manchu: *uji-
Comments: EAS 143, KW 447. A Western isogloss. The Turkic and Mongolian forms clearly point to the original meaning 'pierce, sew', so the attribution of the TM form ("to tie, bind") is not quite reliable. One has to deal with a possibility that the TM forms, despite their wide distribution, are actually borrowed from Mong. uja- 'to tie, bind' (which cannot be genetically related to Mong., since the latter goes back to PM *huja- - so far without Altaic etymology -, with h- well preserved in Southern Mongolian languages).
Proto-Altaic: *ṓki ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to belch, nauseate
Russian Meaning: рыгать, чувствовать тошноту
Turkic: *ȫk-
Mongolian: *ogi-, *ogsi-
Tungus-Manchu: *oKor-
Comments: ЭСТЯ 1, 503. An expressive Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ṓk`è
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to put, heap; to give
Russian Meaning: класть, накладывать; давать
Turkic: *ȫk-
Mongolian: *ök-, *ög-
Tungus-Manchu: *oK-
Korean: *ukɨr
Japanese: *ǝ́k-
Comments: SKE 285 (Turk. : Kor.), АПиПЯЯ 288.
Proto-Altaic: *ōk`e ( ~ -k-)
Meaning: deep place, place far from the shore
Russian Meaning: глубокое место, место, далекое от берега
Turkic: *ȫkü
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)uK-
Japanese: *ǝki
Comments: The parallel seems plausible; the common meaning here may be formulated as "a place (in the sea or river) distant from the shore". {PE *ǝkǝ- 'bay, strait'}
Proto-Altaic: *ṑlu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be, become; to come
Russian Meaning: быть, становиться; приходить
Turkic: *ol-ur-, *ol(u)-tur-
Mongolian: *ol-
Tungus-Manchu: *ō-
Korean: *ó-
Comments: SKE 174, Menges 1984, 281-282, АПиПЯЯ 284. Note the loss of *-l- in Kor. and some Turkic forms, which may indicate the original monosyllabic nature of the verb (*ṑl).
Proto-Altaic: *ṑńè ( ~ *ū-, -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: shaman, spirit
Russian Meaning: шаман, дух
Mongolian: *oŋgo-n
Tungus-Manchu: *ūńi-
Japanese: *ǝ̀nì
Comments: ? Cf. OT oŋužin 'a k. of devil'; TM *ogiaŋä 'evil spirit' ( + Orok oŋdo id.; < Mong.?).
Proto-Altaic: *ṓni
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: high
Russian Meaning: длинный; высокий
Turkic: *ȫn-
Mongolian: *öndü-
Korean: *un-tu
Japanese: *untu
Comments: Владимирцов 164; Ozawa 57-59; АПиПЯЯ 18, 290. Comparison with Tung. (see АПиПЯЯ) should be abandoned. Ramstedt (SKE 55) compares Kor. ǝnč- (MKor. jǝ̀nč-) 'to put on the top, place above' (?), considering Kor. undu to be a mongolism.
Proto-Altaic: *ṑni ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: angle
Russian Meaning: угол
Mongolian: *önčüg
Tungus-Manchu: *ōn-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ṑnV ( ~ ū-)
Meaning: to fall, lie
Russian Meaning: падать, лежать
Mongolian: *una-
Tungus-Manchu: *ōn-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss. Some of the TM forms could have been influenced by reflexes of *i̯òmke 'to crawl, move' (q. v.). In Mong. cf. also (with a velar suffix) WMong. oŋqu, Kalm. oŋxǝ 'head over heels' (KW 287), Khalkha onxoldo- `to fall head over heels'. {Cf. PE *in-[r]aʁ- 'to lie down, go to bed', *iŋ-aʁ- 'to lie'.}
Proto-Altaic: *ṓp`à
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to drink, inhale
Russian Meaning: пить
Turkic: *ōp-
Mongolian: *uw(u)-
Japanese: *apa-ik-
Comments: EAS 78, Владимирцов 211. An expressive root. Cf. also Turk. *öp- 'to kiss' (ЭСТЯ 1, 539); Mong. *aɣa-ki-la- (L 25 akila-, Khalkha āxila-) 'to gasp for breath, pant'; Evn. ābu- 'to kiss' (ТМС 1, 6).
Proto-Altaic: *ṓp`V
Meaning: hill, heap of stones
Russian Meaning: холм, куча камней
Turkic: *ōpuŕ
Mongolian: *obuɣa
Comments: Мудрак Дисс. 199; Лексика 323. A Turk.-Mong. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ṓp`V
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: clan, family
Russian Meaning: род, семья
Turkic: *ōpa
Mongolian: *obug
Comments: A Turk.-Mong. isogloss - but hardly borrowed in Mong. < Turk., despite TMN 2, 133.
Proto-Altaic: *ṓre
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to plait, weave
Russian Meaning: плести, ткать
Turkic: *ȫr-
Mongolian: *ör-
Korean: *ōr
Japanese: *ǝ́r-
Comments: Poppe 110 (Turk.-Mong.). Mong. *ör-mege may be < Turk. (cf. TMN 2, 47, Щербак 1997, 197), but may also reflect a common Turk.-Mong. derivative. The Turk. form can be alternatively compared with TM *poro-, *pori- 'turn round, spin', Mong. hor-či- id. (see *p`i̯áru), but the Turk.-Mong.-Jpn. comparison seems closer semantically.
Proto-Altaic: *ṑr(e)kV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be frightened, startled
Russian Meaning: пугаться
Turkic: *ürk-
Mongolian: *ürgü-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)ūrkan-
Japanese: *ǝ̀ntǝ̀rǝ̀k-
Comments: EAS 122, Poppe 80, 83, 111. Mong. may be < Turk., see Щербак 1997, 162. There is also a possibility of confusion of this root with *p`i̯ŭ̀ri q. v. - in Turkic their reflexes could have merged, and in Mong. some dialects (cf. the Dagur form) may reflect *hürgü-.
Proto-Altaic: *ṓŕì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: middle, inside
Russian Meaning: середина, внутренность
Turkic: *ȫŕ
Mongolian: *örü
Tungus-Manchu: *uri
Japanese: *útì
Comments: EAS 112, KW 298, Poppe 81, АПиПЯЯ 74, Лексика 90. Despite TMN 2, 146, not borrowed in Mong. < Turk. Cf. *ŏ̀rù.
Proto-Altaic: *ṓŕi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to rise, up
Russian Meaning: подниматься, верх
Turkic: *ǖŕ (/*ȫŕ)
Mongolian: *ergü- (*örgü-)
Korean: *òrắ-
Japanese: *ura(i)
Comments: SKE 178, EAS 107, ОСНЯ 1, 254. Despite Щербак 1997, 131 the Mong. stem cannot be regarded as a Turkic loanword. The root is sometimes difficult to distinguish from *p`ṓre q. v. See also notes to *p`i̯ŏlge.
Proto-Altaic: *ōt`a ( ~ -t-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: fire; hot, warm
Russian Meaning: огонь; горячий, теплый
Turkic: *ōt
Mongolian: *(h)očki-n
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)utinŋe
Korean: *tằ-
Japanese: *àtà- / *àtù-
Comments: KW 291, ОСНЯ 2, 104, АПиПЯЯ 70, 97, 102, 278, Martin 234, Лексика 356. The Mong. form may belong here if *očkin < *očikin < *oti-kin; however, it may also reflect PA *p`ṑči 'spark' q. v. Korean has a frequent loss of initial vowel. Tone in Jpn. is irregular.
Proto-Altaic: *ṓt`è
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: old
Russian Meaning: старый
Turkic: *ȫtü-
Mongolian: *öte-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)ut-
Japanese: *ǝ́tǝ́-nà
Comments: EAS 146, KW 302, Poppe 51, 107 (Mong.-Chuv.-Tung.), Дыбо 11, Лексика 85. Despite Doerfer MT 46, TM cannot be borrowed from Mong.

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