Слова алтайского праязыка (*B)

Здесь представлен реконструированный словарный фонд праалтайского языка, начинающийся на фонему *B- (X корней) из общеалтайской этимологической БД проекта "Вавилонская башня" Московской школы компаративистики.

Proto-Altaic: *bădo
Meaning: a k. of bird (quail, dun-bird)
Russian Meaning: вид птицы (перепелка, нырок)
Turkic: *budur-
Mongolian: *bödüne
Tungus-Manchu: *badara
Comments: Лексика 174. A Western isogloss. Mong. *bödüne is a result of assimilation < *bedüne.
Proto-Altaic: *bagu
Meaning: white, grey
Russian Meaning: белый, серый
Mongolian: *buɣurul
Tungus-Manchu: *bag-
Korean: *pùhɨ́i-
Comments: Note Karakh. (MK, hap. leg.) bögrül 'a horse or sheep with white flanks' (EDT 328-329) - although the vocalism in this form is not clear.
Proto-Altaic: *bắja
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: happiness, joy
Russian Meaning: счастье, радость
Turkic: *bAj-ra-m/k, bAj-ga
Mongolian: *bajar
Tungus-Manchu: *baj-li
Japanese: *bái-m-
Comments: Turk. *bAj-ra- = Mong. *bajar = OJ we-ra- < PA *bắja-rV- (it is interesting to note the double suffixation in PT *bAj-ra-k = OJ we-ra-k-).
Proto-Altaic: *baja ( ~ -i̯a-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: place, to be located
Russian Meaning: место, находиться
Mongolian: *baji-
Tungus-Manchu: *bia, -gun
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss (cf. also notes under *bi̯ogo).
Proto-Altaic: *băjV
Meaning: rock
Russian Meaning: скала, холм
Turkic: *bAjɨr
Mongolian: *baji-ča
Tungus-Manchu: *baj-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bằka
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to look, watch
Russian Meaning: смотреть
Turkic: *bạk-
Tungus-Manchu: *baKa-
Korean: *pò-
Japanese: *bàkàr-
Comments: The root should be distinguished from *pḗk`o q. v. The etymology in SKE 204, linking the Kor. form with the Jpn. and TM accusative marker, is hardly credible. Kor. has a "verbal" low tone.
Proto-Altaic: *bằká ( ~ -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to divide
Russian Meaning: делить
Tungus-Manchu: *baK-
Japanese: *bàká-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *báku ( ~ -a)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: pole, pillar
Russian Meaning: столб, балка
Turkic: *bakna ( ~ -g-)
Mongolian: *bagana
Tungus-Manchu: *baksa
Korean: *pò
Comments: KW 29, Doerfer MT 101. The Turkic and Mong. words are very similar, but quite different semantically, so one can hardly suppose a loan.
Proto-Altaic: *băkV
Meaning: knucklebone
Russian Meaning: бабка, щиколотка
Turkic: *bakań
Mongolian: *bagul- / *bugul-
Tungus-Manchu: *baK-
Comments: Дыбо 310; Лексика 287. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *balu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sable
Russian Meaning: соболь
Mongolian: *bulagan
Tungus-Manchu: *bali-
Japanese: *puruki
Comments: Ozawa 314-315. Despite obvious similarity, the etymology raises some problems. The MJpn. furuki is said to be an animal breeding in Korea, but no Korean match is available. R. A. Miller's hypothesis that furuki was borrowed from Mongolian, seems rather far-fetched (no early Mong.-Jpn. contacts have been noticed so far), so we prefer to regard the word as genuine until some further evidence becomes available. Rather complicated is the attribution of PT *albuga (VEWT 16): Khak. albɨɣa 'sable', Oyr. albaɣa 'sable; game' (Баск. Леб. 137). Cf. also alda 'game' (Баск. Туба 101, Яимова 109-110 albaga, albaa, alabuga (= "perch"). This may be al (al perü 'wild wolf') + bulgan, bulɨq 'sable' (< Mong.; see Потанин 1881, Очерки Северозападной Монголии, p. 139), see ibid. aldɨq 'sable'. The word is obviously tabooistic and folk-etymologically analysed as "red ox", but may also be a distortion of the original *baluga (cf. the external evidence). On the other hand, one may note the resemblance of the Turkic word with Mong. elbeŋkü 'racoon', see KW 207 ( > Evk. elbiɣe, elbiŋē, Man. elbixe, ТМС 2, 445).
Proto-Altaic: *bằlu
Meaning: early, ancient
Russian Meaning: ранний, древний
Turkic: *baldɨr
Tungus-Manchu: *bala-
Japanese: *pùrù-
Comments: Лексика 72 (but the Turkic root should be divided and Mong. *boli- attributed rather to *pŭ́lo 'old, ancient - although the two roots may have converged in Mong.).
Proto-Altaic: *băŋk`i
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to kick
Russian Meaning: пинать, лягать
Turkic: *böŋk-
Tungus-Manchu: *baŋ-sala-
Comments: An expressive Turk.-Tung. isogloss, with secondary vowel labialization in Turkic.
Proto-Altaic: *bằŕ[i]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wide, thick
Russian Meaning: широкий, толстый
Turkic: *bAŕɨk
Mongolian: *bar-
Tungus-Manchu: *baru-n
Korean: *pắr
Japanese: *pìrǝ̀-
Comments: Whitman 1985, 193, 210 (Kor.-Jpn.). The vowel reflex in Korean is irregular, which leaves a possibility of Kor. *pắr and Jpn. *pìrǝ̀ 'fathom' going back to a different root (reconstructable as *Piari or *Piali); the coincidence of *pìrǝ̀ 'fathom' and *pìrǝ̀- 'wide, broad' in Jpn. must be in that case secondary.
Proto-Altaic: *baŕV
Meaning: opposite, inimical
Russian Meaning: противоположный, враждебный
Turkic: *bAŕ
Mongolian: *bar-lug
Tungus-Manchu: *bargi-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bási
Meaning: payment, loan
Russian Meaning: плата, заем
Turkic: *basɨg
Tungus-Manchu: *basa-
Korean: *pskūi'í-, pskú-
Japanese: *písák-
Comments: ТМС 1, 76 (TM-Turk.). Korean has a usual vowel loss between a stop and a fricative (*psku- < *pis(i)-ku or *pǝs(i)-ku). Note the velar suffixation in Turkic, Korean and Jpn.
Proto-Altaic: *bašo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to run, drive
Russian Meaning: бежать, гнать
Mongolian: *bisi-ɣu, *busi-ɣu
Tungus-Manchu: *baša-
Japanese: *basi-r-
Comments: Cf. *pasi.
Proto-Altaic: *bằtò
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of plant (for making ropes)
Russian Meaning: вид растения (для изготовления веревок)
Turkic: *buta-
Tungus-Manchu: *batu-kin
Japanese: *bàtà
Comments: The root evidently denoted some k. of plant used for making ropes or yarn. Note however that the Turkic reflex is poorly attested and not quite reliable; in PTM a reconstruction *bartu-kin is also possible (and perhaps preferable). The PA form should thus perhaps be changed to *bằrtò - a Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bằt`í
Meaning: dirt
Russian Meaning: грязь
Turkic: *bat-
Mongolian: *bat-ga
Tungus-Manchu: *batu-n
Korean: *ptắi
Japanese: *pìntì
Comments: Whitman 1985, 141, 181, 213. Korean has a usual reduction: *ptắi < *pitắi.
Proto-Altaic: *bằǯá
Meaning: early
Russian Meaning: рано, ранний
Turkic: *bAja
Tungus-Manchu: *baǯi-
Japanese: *pàjá-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 77, Дыбо 11, Лексика 83-84. PJ has an irregular devoicing here (or should one think about a secondary assimilative voicing *baǯi < *paǯi in PTM? In that case PA *pàǯa should be reconstructed).
Proto-Altaic: *bā́
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to bind
Russian Meaning: связывать
Turkic: *b(i)ā-
Tungus-Manchu: *ba-
Korean: *pa
Japanese: *bǝ́
Comments: EAS 57, SKE 179, Martin 228, ОСНЯ 1, 172, АПиПЯЯ 68. One of the few common Altaic monosyllabic roots. Mong. *baɣu- 'to bind' is probably < Turk. (Щербак 1997, 103). Doerfer's (TMN 2, 254) criticism is unacceptable ("unklar, da kor. Nominalstamm, tü. Verbalstamm").
Proto-Altaic: *bā́č`V ( ~ *p-, -č-)
Meaning: sister
Russian Meaning: сестра
Turkic: *bāča-
Mongolian: *bača-gan
Comments: A Turk.-Mong. isogloss. Manchu baša 'wife's younger sister' is isolated and most probably < Mong. (see ТМС 78, Rozycki 26).
Proto-Altaic: *bā̀dì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: face, colour
Russian Meaning: лицо, цвет
Turkic: *bEd-le
Tungus-Manchu: *bāda
Japanese: *pítápi ( / *pìtàpi)
Comments: Contaminations were possible: cf. *pédá, *pắdà.
Proto-Altaic: *bāku ( ~ -k`-)
Meaning: small cattle
Russian Meaning: мелкий скот
Turkic: *bākana
Mongolian: *bog
Comments: A Turk.-Mong. isogloss. Some Turkic forms meaning 'lamb, baby' may actually also continue PA *bèka q. v. Cf. also Evk. (Titov) baxana 'he-goat' ( < unattested Yak.?).
Proto-Altaic: *bā̀k`a ( ~ -k-)
Meaning: to slide, sweep
Russian Meaning: скользить, мести
Tungus-Manchu: *bāKa- / *bāKu-
Japanese: *pàk-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bā̀k`ù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a sharp instrument
Russian Meaning: острое орудие, инструмент
Turkic: *bokursɨ
Mongolian: *baki
Tungus-Manchu: *bāgba
Japanese: *pukusi
Comments: PT *bokursɨ probably < *bakursɨ (with a vowel narrowing in the first syllable of a trisyllabic word); PTM *bāgba < *bāk-ba through assimilation. Note a remarkable similarity of the Turkic and Japanese derivation. Cf. other similar roots: *p`i̯ùgV, *pŏ̀k`è, *p`ū̀ge, *p`àgò.
Proto-Altaic: *bāla
Meaning: child, young
Russian Meaning: ребенок, молодой
Turkic: *bāla, *bāldɨŕ
Mongolian: *balčir
Tungus-Manchu: *baldi-
Japanese: *bàràpa(i)
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 289. Jpn. low tone (or Turkic length) is irregular. The Western languages all reflect a common derivative *bāl(a)-tV.
Proto-Altaic: *bā́ra
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: goods, to possess, earn
Russian Meaning: имущество, обладать, зарабатывать
Turkic: *bār
Mongolian: *bari-
Tungus-Manchu: *bara-
Korean: *pǝ̄r-
Comments: KW 38, VEWT 62, ТМС 1,73, АПиПЯЯ 287, Лексика 326-327; ОСНЯ 1, 175, 176. Doerfer (MT 239) tries to argue ("Die Quantitätsverhältnisse weichen ganz ab"), but the phonetic match is quite regular (Turk. long : TM short).
Proto-Altaic: *bāŕa ( ~ -o)
Meaning: to rejoice, be proud
Russian Meaning: радоваться, гордиться
Turkic: *bAŕ-
Mongolian: *bar-da-
Tungus-Manchu: *bāra-či-
Japanese: *báráp-
Comments: Not quite secure, because of tone incongruence. Jpn. could have merged the roots *bāŕa 'rejoice' and *bĕŕa 'peace'.
Proto-Altaic: *bā̀rì
Meaning: right, straight, direct
Russian Meaning: правый, прямой
Turkic: *bEr-
Mongolian: *baraɣun
Tungus-Manchu: *bāru
Korean: *pàrằ-
Japanese: *pìtà
Comments: EAS 57, SKE 191, Poppe 21. "Verbal" low tone in Korean. Doerfer (TMN 1, 207) attempts to dismantle Ramstedt's comparison (Tung.-Kor.-Mong.) by preferring Ramstedt's own earlier (KW 35) derivation of Mong. baraɣun 'right; West' < bara- 'to end' - which is evidently much weaker semantically.
Proto-Altaic: *bā̀ri
Meaning: a k. of cloth
Russian Meaning: вид ткани
Turkic: *bẹr
Mongolian: *baraɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *bārga-
Korean: *pār
Comments: Mongolian and TM reflect a suffixed form *bā̀ri-ga.
Proto-Altaic: *bĕ́
Meaning: bait
Russian Meaning: приманка, наживка
Turkic: *beŋ
Tungus-Manchu: *be
Japanese: *bái ( ~ biá)
Comments: Miller 1985a, 78. An interesting monosyllabic root (TM evidence indicates that Turk. -ŋ is suffixed). {Cf. PAN *baŋi 'bait'}
Proto-Altaic: *bĕ̀dù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: thick, large
Russian Meaning: толстый, крупный
Turkic: *bEdü-k
Mongolian: *bediɣün, *büdüɣün
Tungus-Manchu: *burgu-
Korean: *pɨ̀rɨ̀-
Japanese: *pùtuà-
Comments: Gombocz 1905, KW 66, Poppe 53 (Turk.-Mong.), Martin 243-244, АПиПЯЯ 16, 68, 72, 280, Дыбо 12. Verbal low tone in Kor. Doerfer's (TMN 1, 235; 4, 275) criticism of the Turk.-Mong. match ("lautgesetzlich nicht vergleichbar;...passen im Vokalismus nicht...") is incorrect, because *-e- is well reconstructable for Proto-Mongolian. PTM *burgu is a contraction < *bedu-rgu (a similar phonetic development cf. in PTM *xürgü 'tail' < *k`i̯udo-rgV). In Kor. one would expect *pùrɨ̀-; the attested pɨ̀rɨ̀- is an obvious result of vocalic assimilation.
Proto-Altaic: *begV
Meaning: a k. of ferment
Russian Meaning: закваска, вид фермента
Turkic: *bEgni
Mongolian: *beɣe-
Tungus-Manchu: *bege
Comments: A Western isogloss; not quite reliable.
Proto-Altaic: *bĕ̀je
Meaning: man; self, body
Russian Meaning: человек; сам, тело
Mongolian: *beje
Tungus-Manchu: *beje
Japanese: *bǝ̀
Comments: EAS 57, 98, KW 47, Владимирцов 261, Poppe 66, АПиПЯЯ 79, 105, 276.
Proto-Altaic: *béjo
Meaning: an ungulate animal
Russian Meaning: копытное животное
Turkic: *bEje
Mongolian: *baji-ta-su
Tungus-Manchu: *bejū-
Japanese: *bí ( ~ *bǝ́i)
Comments: The root denotes any ungulate in TM; in other languages we observe a specialization of meaning ("mare", "horse", "cow" in Turk.-Mong., "pig" in Jpn.).
Proto-Altaic: *bèka
Meaning: young
Russian Meaning: молодой
Mongolian: *baga
Tungus-Manchu: *bekte-
Japanese: *bàkà-
Comments: A Mong.-Jpn. isogloss. See Ozawa 300-301, Miller 1985, 143. On possible Turkic parallels see Лексика 390 (also under *bāku).
Proto-Altaic: *bek`ú
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of fish
Russian Meaning: вид рыбы
Turkic: *bEkre
Mongolian: *bekir
Tungus-Manchu: *beKe
Korean: *pok
Japanese: *punku
Proto-Altaic: *bèli
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be acquainted, assist, employ
Russian Meaning: быть знакомым, помогать, использовать
Turkic: *bil-
Mongolian: *bele-
Tungus-Manchu: *bele-
Korean: *pɨ́rí-
Comments: EAS 106, Poppe 21, 76, Doerfer MT 78. Cf. also Kor. paraǯi 'aid, assistance'. The reason for narrowing *bel- > *bil- in PT is unclear; cf. *bel- in the more archaic *bel-gü 'sign'.
Proto-Altaic: *bĕ̀ló
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: pale
Russian Meaning: бледный
Mongolian: *balaj
Tungus-Manchu: *beli
Korean: *pằrk-
Japanese: *pàrá-
Comments: Martin 227 (Kor.-Jpn.). Jpn. has an irregular p-.
Proto-Altaic: *belV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: hysterics, panic, mourning
Russian Meaning: истерика, паника, траур
Turkic: *bEliŋ
Mongolian: *belbe-
Tungus-Manchu: *beli(n)
Comments: ТМС 1, 124 (TM-Turk.). A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *beńa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: red clay, dirt
Russian Meaning: красная глина, грязь
Turkic: *bAńak
Tungus-Manchu: *beŋ-ge-
Japanese: *pání
Comments: If the Negidal form belongs here, it may reflect, together with PT *bAńak, a common derivative *beńa-kV.
Proto-Altaic: *bĕŕa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: peace
Russian Meaning: мир
Turkic: *bAŕ- / *bAr-
Mongolian: *berele-
Tungus-Manchu: *bere
Comments: A Western isogloss. The Mong. word is usually analysed as 'to behave like a daughter-in-law' (see e.g. KW 42, L 99), which may be a folk-etymology (in view of the external evidence).
Proto-Altaic: *bĕ̀ré
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: daughter-in-law
Russian Meaning: невестка, младшая свойственница
Mongolian: *beri-
Tungus-Manchu: *bener
Japanese: *bǝ̀tǝ́-
Comments: For TM one has to suppose a resonant metathesis: *bener < *bere-n.
Proto-Altaic: *bétà / *pédà
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sea, ford
Russian Meaning: море, брод
Tungus-Manchu: *pedē-
Korean: *pàtá-h, *pàdắr
Japanese: *bátá
Comments: An Eastern isogloss, with a peculiar variation of laryngeal features. Cf. perhaps Mong. bide- (? L 108: bitü-) 'to wander' (for semantics cf. Russ. брод 'ford' - бродить 'wander').
Proto-Altaic: *bēle ( ~ -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: waist, lap
Russian Meaning: талия, передняя часть бедер
Turkic: *bẹ̄l(k)
Mongolian: *belkeɣü
Tungus-Manchu: *belge
Comments: Poppe 76, Дыбо 306, Мудрак Дисс. 69, Лексика 269. A Western isogloss. Doerfer (TMN 2, 416) cannot say anything but "kaum dürfte das Wort auf ein "altaisches" *belke zurückgehen". Cf. also WMong. beldüge, Kalm. böldǝgn 'die Weichen' (KW 56).
Proto-Altaic: *bēǯu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: numerous, great
Russian Meaning: многочисленный, громадный
Turkic: *bāj, -tak
Mongolian: *buǯa-
Tungus-Manchu: *beǯun
Japanese: *piji(n)ta- ( ~ pui-)
Comments: Note the common derivative *bēǯu-tV (-t`V) reflected in PT *bāj-ta-k and PJ *piji-(n)ta-.
Proto-Altaic: *bĭ̀
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: I, 1st person pronoun
Russian Meaning: я, мест. 1-го лица
Turkic: *bẹ-
Mongolian: *bi, *min-; *ba, *man-
Tungus-Manchu: *bi; *bue, *mü-n-
Korean: *úrí
Japanese: *bà-
Comments: EAS 79, Владимирцов 357, ОСНЯ 2, 55-56, 63-66, JOAL 157, АПиПЯЯ 57, 68, 104-105, 276. An alternation *bi / *mi-ne- (sing.) ; *ba / *mi̯u-n- (plur.) should be reconstructed. Korean has undergone an irregular (dialectal) loss of *b- (*úrí < *bú-rí).
Proto-Altaic: *bíju
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be, sit
Russian Meaning: быть, сидеть
Mongolian: *büji- ( < *bijü-)
Tungus-Manchu: *bi-
Japanese: *b(u)í-
Comments: EAS 57, Poppe 112, Ozawa 304-307, ОСНЯ 1, 184, Murayama 1962, 109, АПиПЯЯ 68, 111, 280. Cf. perhaps MKor. ì- 'to be' (with loss of *b-, like in *uri 'we')?
Proto-Altaic: *bilč`i
Meaning: to mix, knead
Russian Meaning: месить, замешивать
Turkic: *biĺči-
Mongolian: *bilča-
Tungus-Manchu: *bilča-
Korean: *pìč-
Japanese: *písípǝ́
Comments: SKE 202, Miller 1970, 129.
Proto-Altaic: *bĭli
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wrist
Russian Meaning: запястье
Turkic: *bilek
Mongolian: *beɣelej
Tungus-Manchu: *bile-n
Comments: A Western isogloss. Mong. beɣelej < *bejelej < *bele-lej. See EAS 109, Колесникова 1972а, 97-98, Дыбо 311, Лексика 250. Doerfer's (MT 240) attempt to refute the TM form by reconstructing *biglēn is quite artificial: forms like Ul. gileptu(n) go back to a quite separate root (see *gilu).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯aga ( ~ -i) ?
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: moon, brilliance
Russian Meaning: луна, свет
Tungus-Manchu: *biaga
Comments: An isolated TM form.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯alge
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: throat, to swallow
Russian Meaning: глотка, глотать
Mongolian: *balgu-
Tungus-Manchu: *bilga
Comments: KW 31, ОСНЯ 1, 173. A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ắĺmi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: knee, ankle
Russian Meaning: колено, бабка
Turkic: *bAĺmak
Mongolian: *belberkej
Tungus-Manchu: *bialebki
Korean: *parmak (~ -ă-)
Japanese: *pínsá
Comments: SKE 186 (Kor.-Turk.); Дыбо 1989a (Mong-TM). For a different treatment see ОСНЯ III 67-69 (cf. *pằlgà below).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ălu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dirt, mud
Russian Meaning: грязь
Turkic: *bạl-
Mongolian: *bul-
Tungus-Manchu: *bul-
Korean: *piro
Japanese: *pu-
Comments: KW 30, ОСНЯ 1, 185, Martin 247. Jpn. *pu (attested only within a compound) reflects a contraction < *bi̯ăl(u)-gu; Kor. piro < *pjǝro (with a frequent variation *jǝ / i).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯are
Meaning: to build, construct
Russian Meaning: строить
Turkic: *b(i)ar-k
Mongolian: *bari-
Tungus-Manchu: *biri-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ási
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: penthouse, decking
Russian Meaning: тент, покрытие
Turkic: *bAs-tɨrma
Tungus-Manchu: *bi(a)sere-
Japanese: *písásí
Comments: The root is similar to *pi̯óso 'stairway, step' (q. v.), but should be strictly distinguished.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ā́ĺča
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: harm, wound
Russian Meaning: вред, повреждение, рана
Turkic: *biāĺč
Mongolian: *bilčawu
Tungus-Manchu: *bial-
Japanese: *bánsá-pápí
Comments: Мудрак Дисс. 90, 194.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŏ̀ga
Meaning: place
Russian Meaning: место
Mongolian: *baɣu-
Tungus-Manchu: *buga
Korean: *pá
Japanese: *bà
Comments: KW 40, Lee 1958, 106, АПиПЯЯ 81, Menges 1984, 282-283, ТМС 1, 101. In PA it is somewhat difficult (but probably necessary) to distinguish between *bi̯òga 'place', *baja 'to be located' and *bi̯ogo 'open place' q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŏ̀gi
Meaning: to be cold, freeze
Russian Meaning: замерзать, остывать, зябнуть
Mongolian: *beɣe-re-
Tungus-Manchu: *bog(i)- / *begi-
Japanese: *pìja-, *pì
Comments: EAS 91, KW 44, Poppe 60, АПиПЯЯ 69, 106, 280. Despite Doerfer MT 20, TM cannot be borrowed < Mong.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ogo
Meaning: place, open place
Russian Meaning: место, открытое место
Mongolian: *buji-
Tungus-Manchu: *biga
Japanese: *pía
Comments: The root is somewhat difficult to distinguish from *baja q. v. (and in Jpn., indeed, the two roots could have merged - with additional mixture with *p`āji 'part' q. v.). Jpn. *pia must be a contraction < *pǝja (*puja).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŏ́k`à(rV) ( ~ *p-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dirt, patina
Russian Meaning: грязь, налет
Turkic: *bakɨr
Mongolian: *boki(r)
Japanese: *pǝ́kǝ́rí
Comments: Лексика 406. Jpn. *-ǝ- in the first syllable is irregular, due to assimilation or bad compatibility of *a (which would be expected) and *ǝ.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŏla
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: end (of a branch etc.)
Russian Meaning: конец (ветки, палки и т. п.)
Turkic: *bAldak
Mongolian: *bol- / *bul-
Tungus-Manchu: *bule
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŏla
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of bush, spiraea
Russian Meaning: вид кустарника, spiraea
Turkic: *bạl-gɨn
Mongolian: *balčirgana, *baldargana
Tungus-Manchu: *boloka
Korean: *pùrò
Japanese: *bàrà(m)pì
Comments: KW 31. Tone correspondence between Korean and Japanese is irregular.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŏ́li
Meaning: arm muscles
Russian Meaning: мышцы рук
Turkic: *b(i)altɨr
Mongolian: *bul-čiŋ, *bul-čir-
Tungus-Manchu: *bola-n
Korean: *pằrh
Japanese: *píntì
Comments: Дыбо 313, Лексика 284. Martin 247, Whitman 210. The vocalism in Mong. *bul-či- is probably influenced by the descriptive root bul- (bult-, buld-, bült- etc.) 'to be swollen, swell', see *pi̯óla. Note that PT, Mong. and Jpn. reflect a common derivative *bi̯ol-t`i- (*bi̯oli-t`V-).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ólò
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: time, agree upon time
Russian Meaning: время, срок
Mongolian: *bolǯu-
Tungus-Manchu: *bila-
Japanese: *bǝ́rì
Comments: Mong. *bolǯu- > Evk. bolǯo etc., see Poppe 1966, 192, Doerfer MT 101; bolǯal 'appointed time' > Chag. bolǯal etc., see ЭСТЯ 2, 188-189, Щербак 1997, 200).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯olo
Meaning: all, completely
Russian Meaning: весь, целиком
Turkic: *bile (bula)
Mongolian: *bul-tu
Tungus-Manchu: *bil-
Comments: A Western isogloss; in the front row variant *bile Turkic reveals a secondary delabialization < *büle. {? Cf. PE *ǝluq-na- 'all, whole'}
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ònV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of predator
Russian Meaning: вид хищного животного
Turkic: *bAnu
Tungus-Manchu: *bońa
Comments: A Turk.-Tung. isogloss. Palatalized *-ń- in TM is a secondary assimilation result. The root must have denoted some wild predator. It is tempting to compare similar forms in Mong. and Jpn., denoting some (mythical?) aquatic predator: PJ *bàni 'crocodile', WMong. (БАМРС) banuqai 'a rare aquatic creature, dwelling in water during daytime and on the shore during nighttime' - but the semantic change seems too far-fetched.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯or[a]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: color, shape
Russian Meaning: цвет, форма
Turkic: *bArɨk (??)
Mongolian: *baraɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *borkan
Japanese: *púrí
Comments: The Turkic match is rather weak (see notes above), but otherwise the etymology seems quite credible.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯óro ( ~ -ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: bank, rift
Russian Meaning: берег, ущелье, стремнина
Mongolian: *borgija
Tungus-Manchu: *bir[u]-kan
Korean: *pìrǝ́
Comments: Lee 1958, 106 (TM-Kor.).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŏ́ŕu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: calf, lamb
Russian Meaning: теленок, ягненок
Turkic: *buŕagu
Mongolian: *biraɣu
Tungus-Manchu: *biaru
Korean: *puruk
Japanese: *pítú-nsí
Comments: KW 69, Владимирцов 361, Poppe 21, 81, Новикова 1972, 117. In Jpn. we have to assume a secondary vocalic development in a long word: *pútí-(u)si > *pítú(n)si (the word is most probably a compound with *úsí 'cow' in the second part, cf. the Korean match).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯òsá
Meaning: field, mountain slope
Russian Meaning: поле, склон горы
Turkic: *basɨg
Tungus-Manchu: *bosoga
Japanese: *bàsái
Comments: The original meaning may be reconstructed as "vegetation on a mountain slope". All forms reflect a suffixed shape *bi̯òsa-gi (-ga).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŏ́t`è
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to cover
Russian Meaning: покрывать
Turkic: *bạt-
Mongolian: *büte-, *büteɣe-
Japanese: *pútá
Comments: The front vowel in Mong. is not quite regular here: *but- would be normally expected.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ṓr[é]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: give; take, collect
Russian Meaning: давать; брать, собирать
Turkic: *bēr-
Tungus-Manchu: *bū-
Japanese: *pírí-p-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 282. The root seems quite secure, but reveals a variation of the vocalic reflex in the 2d syllable: *bi̯ṓre ( > Turk., TM), *bi̯ṓri- ( > Jpn.).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯udi
Meaning: a k. of weed, pigweed
Russian Meaning: вид сорной травы, амарант
Mongolian: *budurgana
Korean: *pìrăm
Japanese: *pìjú
Comments: Martin 238, Whitman 213. Despite the tone discrepancy, the Kor.-Jpn. parallel is still very convincing.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯údò ( ~ p-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: cold, fog
Russian Meaning: холод, туман
Turkic: *bud-
Mongolian: *budaŋ
Japanese: *pújù
Comments: A diphthong has to be reconstructed because of the *-j-reflex in Jpn.; cf. also Orok pidul- 'to freeze completely' (of a river) (ТМС 2, 37).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ùdo ( ~ -u)
Meaning: gruel, paste; to swell in water
Russian Meaning: каша, клейкая масса; разбухать в воде
Turkic: *botka
Mongolian: *budaɣa
Korean: *pɨ̄d-, *pɨ́dVh
Japanese: *pùjàkà-
Comments: Cf. perhaps also Man. buǯu- 'to cook': the form may go back to PTM *büdigu-. MKor. phɨ́r < *pɨ́rh < *pɨ́rVh < *pɨ́dVh (with an early vowel reduction, which explains the reflex -r as originally intervocalic).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯udu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: down, feather, curly
Russian Meaning: пух, перо, курчавый
Turkic: *bɨdɨk (*bɨdńɨk)
Mongolian: *buǯi- / *boǯi-
Tungus-Manchu: *bodu-
Japanese: *pí-n-kai
Comments: KW 58, Владимирцов 174, Poppe 21, 53, Лексика 224. Despite Лексика 223, Turk. *budra 'curls' (ЭСТЯ 2, 245) very probably represents the same root as *bɨdɨk 'moustache' and also belongs here. Jpn. *pí- should be regarded as an early contraction < *bi̯uj- < *bi̯udu.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯úga
Meaning: wheel, pommel of a saddle
Russian Meaning: колесо, лука седла
Mongolian: *büɣü-rge
Korean: *pàhói
Japanese: *bà
Comments: Martin 246. Low tone in Jpn. is probably due to contraction. In Mong. one has to assume *büɣü-rge < *biɣe-r-gü. Cf. Manchu faχun 'rim of a wheel' ( < Kor.?).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŭ́ge
Meaning: rock, hill
Russian Meaning: холм, горка
Turkic: *bögür
Mongolian: *böɣerüg
Tungus-Manchu: *bug-
Korean: *pàhói
Japanese: *bǝ
Comments: Cf. *bū̀k`e, *pā̀ko.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ugu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: joint
Russian Meaning: сустав
Turkic: *bogum
Mongolian: *bog-tu
Tungus-Manchu: *bog-
Japanese: *pu
Comments: KW 53, ЭСТЯ 2, 171; Дыбо 309, Лексика 260.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ùjlu ( ~ -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: blood
Russian Meaning: кровь
Mongolian: *bülüŋ
Tungus-Manchu: *boldu-
Korean: *píh
Comments: Medial *-jl- is reconstructed to account for loss of *-l- in Kor. (-h should be regarded as a suffix, as in a number of other cases).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ujri
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: well, spring
Russian Meaning: колодец, источник
Mongolian: *bürü-dü
Tungus-Manchu: *bira
Korean: *ù-
Japanese: *bì
Comments: Whitman 1985, 139, 245 (Kor.-Jpn.). Loss of final resonant in Kor. makes us reconstruct the medial -j-, which also explains several other phenomena: *-i-vowel in PTM (-u- would be expected after a labial); *b- in PJ (*p- would be expected before i). Korean has also lost the initial *b-, as in some other cases; cf. in this respect the interesting Old Koguryo and Silla forms: Old Koguryo *wöl, Silla *ŏl (see Miller 1979, 9). Jpn. *bì < *bi̯ujr(i)-gV.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯uk`e
Meaning: vessel; gourd
Russian Meaning: сосуд; тыква
Tungus-Manchu: *buKu-
Korean: *pàk
Japanese: *pùkù(m)pái ( ~ -ia)
Comments: Martin 232. An Eastern isogloss. In Kor. the root could contaminate with *p`ágò (q. v.), which can explain the prosodic irregularity.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŭ̀k`í
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to bow, bend
Russian Meaning: гнуть(ся)
Turkic: *bük-
Mongolian: *bök-
Tungus-Manchu: *buk-
Japanese: *pìnkàm-
Comments: EAS 147, KW 55, Poppe 56, ОСНЯ 1, 191. Despite Doerfer MT 56, TM is hardly borrowed from Mong., and (despite TMN 2, 352) the Turk. and Mong. forms are certainly related. Cf. also Turk. *bok- 'to cross (legs), bend (knees)' (VEWT 79, EDT 311), WMong. boki- (KW 49) 'to bend', reflecting a back-row variant of the same root. Part of the Mongolian (*bög-) and TM forms seem to go back to a variant *bi̯ŭ̀ki.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ule
Meaning: wick
Russian Meaning: фитиль
Turkic: *bilik
Tungus-Manchu: *bulin
Comments: ТМС 1, 108. A Turk.-Tung. isogloss
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŭ́le
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to rub, whet
Russian Meaning: тереть, растирать, точить
Turkic: *bile-
Mongolian: *büle-
Tungus-Manchu: *bula
Korean: *pjǝ̀ró
Comments: Turk. *bile- is usually derived from *bij 'edge' (q. v.) which is hardly the case (*bijle- cannot be reconstructed).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ŭ̀lò
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to soak, gush forth
Russian Meaning: мокнуть, мочить, бить ключом
Turkic: *bulak
Mongolian: *bul(ka)-, *bilka-
Tungus-Manchu: *b[ü]lkü-
Korean: *purɨ- ( ~ -ɨ-)
Japanese: *pùrǝ̀ ( ~ -ua)
Comments: ТМС 1, 108 (TM-Mong.). An expressive root with difficult reconstruction. The two variants in Mong. and TM are probably due to interdialectal borrowing, but direct borrowing from Mong. into TM is hard to justify: the meanings are not in mutual correlation (Mong. bilka- is 'overflow', while bilki- in TM is 'to wet, moisten'; Mong. bulka- is 'to dip, rinse', while TM bulku- is 'to splash'). The Korean reflex is not quite certain (Martin KED 836 considers pulli- to be a factitive of pūd- 'swell' - which is, however, somewhat questionable).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ura
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to abandon, lose
Russian Meaning: покидать, терять
Turkic: *bɨrak-
Tungus-Manchu: *burī-
Korean: *pǝ̄ri- / *pằrí-
Japanese: *párà-p- / *pàrá-p-
Comments: SKE 184, 192, Martin 243. The Jpn. form is dubious because of irregular devoicing and somewhat aberrant semantics; cf. also an odd variation between *pằr- and *pǝ̄r- in Kor., suggesting that we may be dealing with more than one root here: one of them could have also resulted in Mong. bara- 'to end, finish'. Turkic has a peculiar disyllabic structure and Ramstedt may be right in suggesting an old compound; for the second part cf. *ek- `to sow' < `to throw' (v. sub *p`èk`a).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ure
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: flea
Russian Meaning: блоха
Turkic: *bürče / *bürge
Mongolian: *bürge
Korean: *pjǝ̀rók
Comments: KW 71, SKE 198, ОСНЯ 2, 99-100, Лексика 183. In Turkic one would rather expect *bir-: this variant is indeed reflected in most Oghuz languages; others may have reintroduced -ü- under Mongolian influence.
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯uri
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: one
Russian Meaning: один
Turkic: *bir
Mongolian: *büri
Korean: *pìrɨ́-
Japanese: *pitǝ
Comments: KW 67, Martin 238, АПиПЯЯ 73, 99, 277. Doerfer (TMN 2, 384) doubts Ramstedt's Turk.-Mong. comparison for phonetic reasons, which is hardly justified: Turkic frequently reveals a secondary delabialization -ir-, -il- < *-ür-, *-ül- (especially after labials).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ùsí ( ~ p-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to hide
Russian Meaning: прятать(ся)
Turkic: *bus-
Korean: *pskɨ́-
Japanese: *pìsǝ́-ka
Comments: Korean has a usual loss of narrow vowel between a stop and a fricative. The back row in PT is not quite regular (*büs- would be expected). It might be better to reconstruct *biso ( > Turk. *bɨs-, with a subsequent labial assimilation > *bus-). In TM cf. perhaps Nan. busĩ 'rodents' stores' (ТМС 1, 115).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ūgi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of insect
Russian Meaning: вид насекомого
Turkic: *bȫg
Mongolian: *böɣe-sü
Tungus-Manchu: *bugu-tuna
Japanese: *pìwǝ̀-musi
Comments: KW 57, VEWT 82-3, АПиПЯЯ 294, Лексика 184. The Jpn. tone seems to contradict Turkic length (but is not sufficiently well attested).
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ū̀k`a ( ~ -u)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: side (of body), thigh
Russian Meaning: бок, бедро
Turkic: *bɨkɨn
Mongolian: *bokaɣur
Tungus-Manchu: *bōKan
Comments: Дыбо 6, Лексика 280. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bī́re
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of predator
Russian Meaning: вид хищника
Turkic: *bȫrü
Mongolian: *ber-
Tungus-Manchu: *birin
Comments: A Western isogloss. KW 42, Лексика 160. In Turk. one has to suppose a secondary assimilation < *bērü.
Proto-Altaic: *bòdà
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: body; intestines, belly
Russian Meaning: тело; внутренности, живот
Turkic: *bod
Mongolian: *boda
Japanese: *bàtà
Comments: EAS 57, Poppe 21, 53, KW 48, VEWT 77, АПиПЯЯ 279, Лексика 266. Despite TMN 2, 360, Mong. is hardly borrowed from Turk.
Proto-Altaic: *bŏ́dé
Meaning: to jump, trot
Russian Meaning: прыгать, скакать
Turkic: *büdi-
Mongolian: *büdüri-
Tungus-Manchu: *buduri-
Korean: *ptùi-
Japanese: *bǝ́ntǝ́r-
Comments: Korean demonstrates a frequent vowel loss between two stops. Note that Mong., TM and Jpn. reflect a common derived stem *bode-rV-.
Proto-Altaic: *bodi ( ~ -e)
Meaning: a k. of platform
Russian Meaning: вид платформы
Turkic: *böd
Tungus-Manchu: *bedu- / *budu-
Korean: *ptǝ́i (?)
Comments: Basically a Turk.-Tung. isogloss; the Kor. word may belong here if it is not derived from ptɨ́- 'to float' (q. v.). If the parallel is correct, then most TM languages have a secondary shift u > e after a labial (a very frequent phenomenon there).
Proto-Altaic: *bŏga ( ~ -u, -o)
Meaning: pregnant (of animals); to bear a bastard or miscarry
Russian Meaning: беременная (о животных); рожать до срока или вне брака
Turkic: *bogaŕ
Mongolian: *boɣo-
Tungus-Manchu: *bogī-
Korean: *pằi-
Comments: EAS 57, АПиПЯЯ 295. Doerfer's attempt (TMN 2, 348) to refute the Turk.-Tung. parallel for semantic reasons is unsuccessful. The meaning 'slave' in Mong. and Tung. is obviously derived < 'bastard', 'illegal child' (derivation < *boɣo- 'bind' and attempt to derive the TM words for 'slave' < Mong. in Poppe 1972, 96 is unsuccessful). The Kor. word has been secondarily associated with pắi 'belly' (see under {*p`ḕjló}).
Proto-Altaic: *bŏ́gdu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to paint, variegated
Russian Meaning: красить, пестрый, пятно
Turkic: *bodo-
Mongolian: *budu-
Tungus-Manchu: *bugdi
Japanese: *púti
Comments: KW 57. Mong. may be < Turk. (see Щербак 1997, 107).
Proto-Altaic: *bògé
Meaning: wizard, holy
Russian Meaning: мудрец, святой
Turkic: *bögü
Mongolian: *bogda
Tungus-Manchu: *bugu-ča
Japanese: *bǝ̀nkám-
Comments: One of common Altaic religious terms.
Proto-Altaic: *bojĺe
Meaning: empty, meagre
Russian Meaning: пустой, свободный, постный (очищенный)
Turkic: *boĺ
Tungus-Manchu: *bol-
Korean: *pɨi-
Comments: Medial *-j- is reconstructed to account for the loss of *-ĺ- in Korean. Phonetically a good match would be PJ *bǝsa-na- 'small, young (of children)', but the semantics raises some doubt here. Ramstedt (SKE 186) compares Turk. boš with Mong. bulgu 'free, broad' > Kirgh. buluk- 'to try to free smb.'; but we have not found either word in accessible sources.
Proto-Altaic: *bójĺo
Meaning: to learn, be attentive
Russian Meaning: учить(ся), быть внимательным
Turkic: *boĺgu-
Mongolian: *bolgu-ɣa-
Korean: *pằihó-
Japanese: *bǝ́sí-pa-
Comments: Street 1980, 287 compares the PT form with Mong. bolba-sun 'trained, educated, mature' (possibly also related as a suffixed form). Medial *-j- should be reconstructed to account for loss of *-ĺ- in Korean.
Proto-Altaic: *bóju
Meaning: esteem
Russian Meaning: уважение
Turkic: *bujur-
Mongolian: *boj
Tungus-Manchu: *buje-
Korean: *pằi-hắ-
Japanese: *úja / *bíjá
Comments: Originally we related to this root Mong. beile 'prince of the 3d rank' which is usually considered to be borrowed from Manchu beile id. (cf. also Mong. beise = Man. beise 'prince of the 4th rank'). Both words are rather loans from some third language, perhaps Kitan (and cf. also the Old Bulgarian rank bojla) and may be ultimately related to PT *beg which itself is either < Chinese or < Iranian (see Шервашидзе 1989); but Mong. boji 'care' seems to be a more satisfactory comparison. Both semantically and phonetically the etymology seems quite plausible (except perhaps for the variant -i- vowel in Old Japanese, possibly conditioned by the following -j-).
Proto-Altaic: *bŏ̀kà
Meaning: rib, breast bone
Russian Meaning: ребро, грудная кость
Turkic: *bokana
Mongolian: *bogoni
Tungus-Manchu: *boka-
Japanese: *bàkì
Comments: KW 49, Дыбо 5, Лексика 275-276. The Jpn. word could also go back to *bi̯ū̀k`a, but in that case it would rather have a *p-.
Proto-Altaic: *bŏ́ke
Meaning: to lie in ambush
Russian Meaning: сидеть в засаде, нападать
Turkic: *buk-
Mongolian: *büg-
Tungus-Manchu: *bokan-
Japanese: *bǝ́ká-s-
Comments: KW 66.
Proto-Altaic: *bŏ̀ku
Meaning: throat, Adam's apple
Russian Meaning: горло, кадык
Turkic: *boguŕ (/*bokuŕ)
Mongolian: *bagalǯaɣur
Tungus-Manchu: *bukse
Japanese: *pùkùm-
Comments: KW 28, Дыбо 5, Лексика 231-232. In Mong. the vocalism was influenced by a similar root (Mong. *bakaɣu, *bakalaɣur < *pŭ́k`a q. v.); a remnant of the original root vocalism may be seen in WMong. boɣaɣu 'crop, goitre' (coexisting with baqaɣu) - however, the latter form may as well be a Turkism < Turk. *bokak.
Proto-Altaic: *boĺe
Meaning: an indirect relative
Russian Meaning: родственник по браку
Turkic: *böĺük
Mongolian: *büli
Tungus-Manchu: *bulu-
Comments: Tekin 1979, 129-130. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bŏĺi
Meaning: a k. of cedar, pine
Russian Meaning: вид кедра, сосны
Turkic: *böĺ
Mongolian: *bujil- / *büjil-
Tungus-Manchu: *bolgikta
Japanese: *pusi
Comments: Дыбо 11. Mong. *bujil- is a regular dissimilation < *bulil-.
Proto-Altaic: *bóra ( ~ -ŕ-)
Meaning: to divide
Russian Meaning: разделять
Tungus-Manchu: *borī-
Korean: *pǝ̄rí-
Japanese: *bár-
Comments: Martin 243. An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *borso(k`V)
Meaning: badger
Russian Meaning: барсук
Turkic: *borsuk, *borsmuk
Mongolian: *borki
Korean: *ùsɨ̀rk
Japanese: *bǝ̀sákí, *ùsákí
Comments: The meaning in Jpn. ('hare') is probably a result of contamination with *t`ŏ̀gsu-k`V 'hare' (which should have normally yielded PJ *tusaki); this could also explain the tonal discrepancy between Jpn. and Kor. Korean, as in several other cases, has a loss *b- > *0-; cf. Old Koguryo *wus(i)kam 'rabbit' (see Miller 1979, 10). All languages reflect a trisyllabic form *borso-k`V, with an original diminutive suffix. Loss of -s- in Mong. is somewhat strange; cf. perhaps alternatively TM *barka-na 'bear's cub' > Evk. barka-na, barka-čan, Neg. bajkana, Ud. bakana (ТМС 1, 75).
Proto-Altaic: *bŏ́ru (~ -a,-o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dust; smoke, whirlwind
Russian Meaning: пыль; дым, вихрь
Turkic: *bur-uk
Mongolian: *bur-gi- / *bür-gi-
Tungus-Manchu: *bure-ki
Korean: *pằrằ-m
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 288. See ТМС 1, 113 (Mong.-Tung.); despite ОСНЯ 1, 188 the TM root is hardly related to Turk. *bōr (on which see *mā́ro) and to Mong. bur 'dirty, dark'. The Korean root belongs rather here than to Manchu fara- 'to dry' (SKE 191).
Proto-Altaic: *boŕV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: grey
Russian Meaning: серый
Turkic: *boŕ
Mongolian: *boro
Comments: KW 51, Владимирцов 361, Poppe 20, 81, ОСНЯ 1, 183. A Turk.-Mong. isogloss. Despite TMN 2, 335, Щербак 1997, 109, Mong. cannot be borrowed from Turkic.
Proto-Altaic: *bŏ̀t`é
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to bind
Russian Meaning: связывать
Mongolian: *büči
Tungus-Manchu: *botā-
Korean: *pɨ̀th-
Japanese: *pǝ̀ntǝ̀k-
Comments: Cf. *pŭ̀ti 'quilt, weave' and *p`út`à 'thread, yarn': the roots are sometimes hard to distinguish.
Proto-Altaic: *bṑki ( ~ -e)
Meaning: to stop up
Russian Meaning: затыкать, задерживать
Turkic: *bök-
Mongolian: *bögle-
Tungus-Manchu: *bōk-
Comments: EAS 58, KW 54, Poppe 58, 59 (Turk.-Mong.). A Western isogloss. The root is quite well attested in Turkic and borrowing is highly improbable, so Doerfer's (TMN 1, 229) skepticism seems ungrounded. A slight problem is the variation of *-k- and *-g- in Turkic, probably assimilative in this case (*bök- should be the original variant).
Proto-Altaic: *bṓlo ( ~ -e)
Meaning: to be
Russian Meaning: быть
Turkic: *bōl-
Mongolian: *bol-
Japanese: *bǝ́r-
Comments: KW 50, Poppe 99, Miller 1981, 851, Street 1985, 639, АПиПЯЯ 68. Doerfer (TMN 2, 358), quite fantastically, links also TM *ō- (what about "Lautgesätze"?) : "altes indoeur. Lw. : *u̯ol- 'wollen'" (isn't this "Omnikomparatismus"?).
Proto-Altaic: *bṓrk`i
Meaning: to cover, cover
Russian Meaning: покрывать, покрытие
Turkic: *bȫrk
Mongolian: *bürkü-
Japanese: *púk-
Comments: Cf. *bū̀ri (with possible contaminations).
Proto-Altaic: *buč`o ( ~ -o-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to dry on fire, under the sun
Russian Meaning: сушить на огне, под солнцем
Mongolian: *bučal-
Tungus-Manchu: *bučī-
Korean: *pčōi-
Japanese: *pǝ̀tǝ̀-pǝr-
Comments: Korean has a usual loss of narrow vowel between a stop and an affricate. Cf. also Kor. č:i- 'to steam, cook' (SKE 32).
Proto-Altaic: *buda
Meaning: to attach, follow, accompany
Russian Meaning: прикреплять, следовать, сопровождать
Turkic: *bodu-
Tungus-Manchu: *boda-
Korean: *pǝ̄t
Comments: A rather usual case of secondary nominalizing in Korean (cf. pa 'rope' < *bā́ 'to bind' etc.).
Proto-Altaic: *bùjre
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wrong, bad
Russian Meaning: неправильный, плохой
Mongolian: *buruɣu
Korean: *ōi-
Japanese: *bàrǝ̀-
Comments: In TM cf. perhaps Evn. bēruw- 'to slander' (ТМС 1, 127). Medial *-j- should be reconstructed to account for the loss of *-r- in Korean; the Korean word may belong here if it is another case of *b- > 0-, like in úrí 'we' < *bĭ̀-ŕV, ì- 'to be' < *bíju, ù- 'well' < *bi̯ujri, ùsɨ̀rk 'badger' < *borso-k`V.
Proto-Altaic: *bŭ̀kà
Meaning: chain, rim
Russian Meaning: цепь, обод
Turkic: *bukagu
Mongolian: *bugu-
Tungus-Manchu: *boKi-
Japanese: *bàkù
Comments: Дыбо 226 (Turc-Mong-TM).
Proto-Altaic: *bŭkrV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: pea, nut, cone
Russian Meaning: горох, орех, шишка
Turkic: *burčak
Mongolian: *buɣurčag
Tungus-Manchu: *boKari, *boKa-kta
Korean: *phắs
Comments: Дыбо 10, AKE 15, EAS 58. Phonetically a rather complicated case because of the rare medial cluster *-kr- with non-standard reflexes. Turkic, Mongolian and probably Korean reflect a suffixed form *bukrV-č`V (MKor. phắs = *phắč < *bukVr-č`V); medial -k- in the cluster had disappeared in PT and yielded -ɣ- in Mong. Another derivative from the same root may be the Turk.-Mong. name of various kinds of berries: PT *bögürtlen 'blackberry' etc., Mong. *böɣerel(ǯi)gene 'raspberry etc.' (KW 56).
Proto-Altaic: *buk`V
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to doubt, be stupid
Russian Meaning: сомневаться, быть глупым
Mongolian: *bukinid-
Tungus-Manchu: *buK-
Korean: *puki
Comments: One of the many verbs of emotion reconstructed for PA; cf. *pū̀go, and perhaps Mod. Jpn. baka 'fool' (with expressive b-).
Proto-Altaic: *bŭ́li
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to stir, shake, smear
Russian Meaning: трясти, помешивать, мазать
Turkic: *bulga-
Mongolian: *büli-
Tungus-Manchu: *bul-
Japanese: *púr-
Comments: See EAS 57-58, 106.
Proto-Altaic: *bŭ̀ĺì ( ~ -o-)
Meaning: joint, sinew
Russian Meaning: сустав, сухожилие
Mongolian: *büli-ken
Tungus-Manchu: *bul-
Japanese: *pùsì
Comments: Дыбо 311, Лексика 250-251. {? Cf. PE *uɫiɣ- 'sinew from backbone'}
Proto-Altaic: *bŭ̀ĺo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to pity, be sad
Russian Meaning: жалеть, печалиться
Tungus-Manchu: *bulī-
Korean: *pɨ̀rǝ́-
Japanese: *bǝ̀sì-
Comments: Korean has a verbal low tone. An Eastern isogloss, but cf. *bū́ĺa : the two roots are very similar and their reflexes could have been mixed in Turk. and Mong. (which also has a form bulara- (БАМРС) 'to be exhausted, tired').
Proto-Altaic: *bŭlu ( ~ -a, -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: cloud
Russian Meaning: облако
Turkic: *bulut (*bulɨt)
Tungus-Manchu: *bol-
Comments: A Turk.-TM isogloss. A Nostratic etymology (Ural. *pilwe et al.) see in \X<1.2>ОСНЯ\x 1, 179-180.
Proto-Altaic: *bŭlV
Meaning: to grab, find
Russian Meaning: хватать, находить
Turkic: *bul-
Mongolian: *buliɣa-
Tungus-Manchu: *bule-
Comments: KW 59, VEWT 87. A Western isogloss. In Turkic `find' obviously < `grab, capture', the original meaning being well preserved in PT *bulun `captive, prisoner' (EDT 343).
Proto-Altaic: *bulV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: ice, jelly-like substance
Russian Meaning: лед, желеобразное вещество
Turkic: *bul-
Tungus-Manchu: *belu / *bul-
Comments: A Turk.-TM isogloss. ? Cf. Karakh. buldunɨ (MK) 'a k. of milk dish' ( = Evk. buldumna, - if the original meaning was "congeal").
Proto-Altaic: *bŭrdV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: beard
Russian Meaning: борода
Turkic: *burut
Mongolian: *burǯi-
Tungus-Manchu: *burgakta (/*gurgakta)
Comments: Лексика 224. A Western isogloss. TM reflects an early assimilation (*burda-kta > *burga-kta) - the process which went on and led to a further assimilation *burga-kta > *gurga-kta in some dialects.
Proto-Altaic: *bŭri ( ~ -ŕ-, -o-, -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to die, perish
Russian Meaning: умирать, погибать
Mongolian: *bür-il-
Tungus-Manchu: *bu(r)-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 290, ТМС 1, 99. A Mong-Tung. isogloss. TM demonstrates an exceptional case of loss of *-r- (recoverable in some forms of the paradigm) after an original short vowel, so the root may have been monosyllabic (*bur) in PA.
Proto-Altaic: *bùro ( ~ -o-, -ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to break, crush
Russian Meaning: ломать
Mongolian: *burči-
Tungus-Manchu: *bur-
Japanese: *bǝ̀r-
Comments: A reconstruction of *-ŕ- is also possible; in the latter case Turkic could have merged the root with *buŕ- < *mi̯uŕu q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *bŭsi ( ~ -o-, -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: kidney {}
Russian Meaning: почка {}
Turkic: *bögse(k) < *bös-ge(k)
Mongolian: *büse
Tungus-Manchu: *bosa-kta
Comments: A Western isogloss - but cf. also MKor. khòŋ-phắs 'kidney' (khòŋ 'bean'), where phắs is also folk-etymologically analysed as 'bean', but may in fact continue the same Altaic root.
Proto-Altaic: *bŭ̀té
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: itch, scab
Russian Meaning: чесотка, зуд, сыпь
Turkic: *büt-
Mongolian: *bodu(ɣa)
Tungus-Manchu: *butu-
Japanese: *pàtákài
Comments: PJ has irregular devoicing *b- > p- here. Turkic forms may belong here if they are not a specialized semantic development of *büt- 'to finish, end' (a secondary merger is possible).
Proto-Altaic: *bŭ̀t`ù ( ~ -o-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to beat, break
Russian Meaning: бить, ломать
Mongolian: *buta-
Tungus-Manchu: *bute-, *butekte-
Korean: *putɨ'ič-
Japanese: *pùt-
Comments: Poppe 21, 101; Martin 233.
Proto-Altaic: *bū́gà
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: heat, steam
Russian Meaning: жар, пар
Turkic: *būg
Mongolian: *baɣa-gi-
Tungus-Manchu: *bugar
Japanese: *bák-
Comments: Martin 226 compares the Jpn. form with Kor. pagɨl-, but PA *-g- could not have been preserved in Korean. The latter should be rather derived from PA *p`ó[k]u 'swell' q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *bū́ktV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: leg, thigh
Russian Meaning: нога, бедро
Turkic: *būt
Tungus-Manchu: *begdi / *bugdi
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 289, Лексика 282. A Turk.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *bū̀k`e ( ~ -i)
Meaning: hill, mound
Russian Meaning: холм, гора
Turkic: *bük
Mongolian: *buka
Tungus-Manchu: *būKa
Korean: *puk ( ~ -ɨ-)
Comments: SKE 208, Дыбо 11. Cf. *bi̯ŭ́ge, *pā̀ko. Jpn. *bǝ́ká is rather to be derived from PA *úk`e q. v. (although contaminations were possible).
Proto-Altaic: *bū́ĺa
Meaning: confusion, fright
Russian Meaning: замешательство, испуг
Turkic: *būĺ-
Mongolian: *bala-
Tungus-Manchu: *bolga-
Japanese: *básúr-
Comments: Despite Poppe 75, the Tungus root has nothing to do with Mong. bulga 'confusion, uprise' (a probable Turkic loanword, see under *bŭ́li). Cf. *bŭ̀ĺo.
Proto-Altaic: *bū̀ŋe
Meaning: to howl
Russian Meaning: выть
Turkic: *böŋre-
Mongolian: *büŋsi-, *büɣüre-
Tungus-Manchu: *būni-
Japanese: *bàmià-k- ( ~ -ai-)
Comments: Poppe 35, 73. An onomatopaeic root, but widely represented and (except for secondary fronting *būŋi- > *būni- in TM) with quite regular correspondences.
Proto-Altaic: *bū̀ri ( ~ -i̯ū-, -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to cover, shade
Russian Meaning: закрывать, заслонять
Turkic: *bürü-
Mongolian: *bürü-
Tungus-Manchu: *bū-
Comments: KW 68, Poppe 111, ОСНЯ 1, 192. A Western isogloss - but Mong. is hardly borrowed from Turk., despite Щербак 1997, 111. Cf. *bṓrk`i.

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