Слова алтайского праязыка (*M)

Здесь представлен реконструированный словарный фонд праалтайского языка, начинающийся на фонему *M- (X корней). из общеалтайской этимологической БД проекта "Вавилонская башня" Московской школы компаративистики.

Proto-Altaic: *ma
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a negative particle
Russian Meaning: отрицательная частица
Turkic: *-ma-
Tungus-Manchu: *-me
Korean: *mō-t
Japanese: *-ma-
Comments: ОСНЯ 2, 57. A monosyllabic root, but, unlike the 1st p. pron. or the accusative particle, it did not undergo denasalization in PA. This may be explained by the fact that it was in most cases already incorporated into the verbal form as a suffix. It is interesting to note Mong. *büi, *bu 'neg. particle' - which may be originally the same morpheme, but functioning as a separate word and thus subject to the rule *mV > *bV.
Proto-Altaic: *m[a]bči
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: worm, insect
Russian Meaning: червь, насекомое
Mongolian: *meče
Tungus-Manchu: *ma[b]ši-
Japanese: *músí
Comments: In Turkic cf. *bȫnček 'insect' (Az. miček, Turkm. mȫǯek etc.) - if not, as usually thought, a contraction < *bȫgen-ček (see under *bi̯ūgi).
Proto-Altaic: *máč`à
Meaning: to fast, hunger
Russian Meaning: поститься, голодать
Turkic: *bAča-
Mongolian: *mačag
Tungus-Manchu: *maču-
Japanese: *mátúr-
Comments: Mong. mačag cannot be < Turk., despite EDT 293, Clark 1980, 43; it is also difficult to suppose Man. mačixi (especially the verb maču-) < Mong. mačag. The root thus seems to be reconstructable for PA, with the meaning approx. "to fast, hunger with religious purposes".
Proto-Altaic: *máč`V̀
Meaning: target
Russian Meaning: цель, мишень
Korean: *màč-
Japanese: *mátua
Comments: Martin 229; it is not quite clear whether PJ *mat- 'wait' belongs here as well (or rather to *mude 'finally' q. v.). A Kor.-Jpn. isogloss; cf. perhaps Mong. *möči 'edge' (if not = *möči 'limb').
Proto-Altaic: *maja
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to miss, fail, bad luck
Russian Meaning: не удаваться, неудача
Turkic: *bAńɨ-
Mongolian: *maɣu
Tungus-Manchu: *maja-
Comments: A Western isogloss. ОСНЯ 3, 50-51; Дыбо 13. PT *bańɨ- regularly < *majɨ- (with nasalization not lost completely, but shifted to the *-j-).
Proto-Altaic: *maji
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: protecting spirit
Russian Meaning: дух-покровитель
Turkic: *baj ( ~ -ń)
Tungus-Manchu: *maji-n
Japanese: *mi
Comments: ОСНЯ 3, 51. An interesting common Altaic religious term (although within Turkic it is rather hard to distinguish from *bāj 'rich' < *bēǯu q. v.).
Proto-Altaic: *màjŋì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: temple, forehead, ear
Russian Meaning: висок, лоб, ухо
Turkic: *bejŋi
Mongolian: *maŋlai
Japanese: *mìmì
Comments: Лексика 195-196.
Proto-Altaic: *májŋV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: go-between
Russian Meaning: посредник, сват
Tungus-Manchu: *maŋa
Korean: *mjǝ̀nɨ́rí
Japanese: *mániák-
Comments: An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *majV
Meaning: fat
Russian Meaning: жир
Turkic: *bań
Mongolian: *majaɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *majā
Comments: A Western isogloss. Turkic has a normal transfer of nasalization to *-j-.
Proto-Altaic: *mak`é
Meaning: to be deceived, perplexed
Russian Meaning: быть растерянным, обманутым
Mongolian: *mek(e)-
Tungus-Manchu: *maka-
Korean: *mǝ̀k-
Japanese: *mǝnka-r-
Comments: Cf. *mék`a.
Proto-Altaic: *ma[k`]o
Meaning: to wind, twist, bend
Russian Meaning: вить, крутить, гнуть
Mongolian: *makiji-
Tungus-Manchu: *makti-
Korean: *mằi-
Comments: Cf. *múk`e. Loss of *-k`- in Kor. is unclear.
Proto-Altaic: *mála
Meaning: far, rare
Russian Meaning: далекий, редкий
Tungus-Manchu: *mali-
Korean: *mǝ̄r-
Japanese: *márá
Comments: Whitman 1985, 128, 192, 238. An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *máĺe
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wild cat
Russian Meaning: дикий кот
Turkic: *bɨńĺ(ɨk)
Mongolian: *malur
Tungus-Manchu: *mala-
Japanese: *músásà(m)pì
Comments: In Jpn. -u- is irregular (*-ǝ- would be expected); this is probably a distortion in a long word. Turkic, as in a number of other cases, preserves here some traces of nasalization.
Proto-Altaic: *male
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: honey, plant oil
Russian Meaning: мед, растительное масло
Turkic: *bạl
Mongolian: *milaɣa-
Tungus-Manchu: *mala
Comments: A Western isogloss; but cf. perhaps moro- in Jpn. moro-mi 'undistilled sake, soy sauce', moro-haku 'distilled sake'.
Proto-Altaic: *màli
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: stick, cudgel
Russian Meaning: палка, дубина
Turkic: *baltu
Mongolian: *milaɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *mala
Korean: *már
Comments: Cf. also modern Kor. moru 'anvil', moru-čhä 'hammer' (although the vocalism is not quite clear < *maru?). Turk. *baltu 'axe' > Mong. balta (whence Evk. balta etc.), see Doerfer 1, 199, Щербак 1997, 104. Both Iranian and Akkadian origins of Turk. *baltu (see Poppe 1953, Menges 1953) seem improbable and its Altaic origin quite possible.
Proto-Altaic: *màlt`e
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to bend, twist
Russian Meaning: гнуть, изгибать
Mongolian: *möltür- / *multur-
Tungus-Manchu: *maltu-
Japanese: *mǝ̀ntì-
Comments: A derivative *màlt`e-rV is reflected in PM *möltü-r- / *multu-r- and PJ *mǝ̀ntì-r-.
Proto-Altaic: *mált`u
Meaning: to dig, bury
Russian Meaning: копать, хоронить
Turkic: *baĺtar (?)
Mongolian: *malta-
Tungus-Manchu: *malta-
Korean: *mùt-
Japanese: *úntú-m- ( < *múntú-m-)
Comments: Poppe 1966, 196, Doerfer MT 61, Rozycki 155 regard the TM form as borrowed from Mong., which is not excluded (although dubious). The Karakh. word may belong here if its original meaning was 'digging instrument' ( > 'cutting instrument' > 'sickle'), but on the whole it is rather dubious, because of the unique cluster -št- (violating Helimski's rule). The Jpn. form reflects a frequent confusion between *mV- and *V- in front of the following nasal. {AD: from Turkic rather *mal- 'immerse'}
Proto-Altaic: *màlù
Meaning: room
Russian Meaning: комната
Tungus-Manchu: *malu
Korean: *maru
Japanese: *mùruà
Comments: An Eastern isogloss. See SKE 139 (Kor.-Tung.), Martin 232 (Jpn.-Kor.).
Proto-Altaic: *mana
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: many, big
Russian Meaning: много, большой
Turkic: *bạnɨ- ~ *bonɨ-
Mongolian: *mandu- / *mantu-
Tungus-Manchu: *mani
Korean: *mān(h)-
Japanese: *manai-
Comments: Ozawa 27-28 (Jap-Mong.); МССНЯ 348, Martin 249, АПиПЯЯ 26, 276.
Proto-Altaic: *mána (~-o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to learn, try
Russian Meaning: учиться, стараться
Tungus-Manchu: *man-dū-
Japanese: *máná(m)p-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss. Not quite reliable, since the Jpn. word is usually derived < *mána- 'imitating, similarity' (v. sub *méŋa); but a confusion of two originally different root was possible in Japanese.
Proto-Altaic: *mànč`u ( ~ -i̯a-)
Meaning: swaddling-clothes
Russian Meaning: пеленки
Mongolian: *mančuj
Japanese: *mùtù-kí
Comments: A Mong.-Jpn. isogloss. It is interesting to note PT *beĺčük 'cradle' - perhaps < *benčük, under the influence of *bele- 'to swaddle'.
Proto-Altaic: *măndo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of elk
Russian Meaning: вид лося
Turkic: *botu
Mongolian: *manǯi
Tungus-Manchu: *manda-ksa
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mańu(k`V)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of fish
Russian Meaning: вид рыбы
Turkic: *bańak-
Mongolian: *munig
Tungus-Manchu: *māńgu / *mańma
Korean: *mǝ̀ijùkí
Japanese: *mùná(n)kí
Comments: Cf. also Kalm. manǯǝ(g) zaɣǝsn 'Plötze; Kaulbarsch' (KW 255, 256); WMong. montuwqai, Khalkha montōxoi 'a k. of fish', maj 'herring'. Like in many other fish names, there are phonetic problems, probably due to interdialectal borrowing.
Proto-Altaic: *maŋga (~-o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: big, strong
Russian Meaning: большой, сильный
Tungus-Manchu: *maŋga
Japanese: *manki-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 113, 280. A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss (within Jpn. preserved only in the Ryukyu dialects, where it is the basic word for 'big'). Cf. perhaps Khak., Oyr. maŋ 'success, luck' (if not < OUygh. (Suv.) maŋal < Sanskr. maŋgala). In TM a possible derivative is *maŋ(g)ī 'giant; evil spirit' (ТМС 1, 530) - which brings us to Mong. maŋgus id. (which, despite Doerfer MT 39, can hardly be the source of Tungus words).
Proto-Altaic: *m[a]ŋi
Meaning: cicada, a k. of insect
Russian Meaning: цикада, вид насекомого
Turkic: *bAŋɨŕ (~-s)
Tungus-Manchu: *mana-
Korean: *mằijàmí
Japanese: *mìmìnsúkù
Comments: Some irregularities are due to the root semantics.
Proto-Altaic: *maŋi ( ~ *meŋa)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: joy
Russian Meaning: радость
Turkic: *beŋi
Mongolian: *maɣa-
Comments: A Turk.-Mong. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *màra (~-ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to refuse, quarrel
Russian Meaning: отказываться, ссориться
Mongolian: *margu-
Tungus-Manchu: *mari-
Korean: *mār-
Japanese: *màtuàp-
Comments: SKE 138-139, PKE 103, Menges 1984, 277. Despite Doerfer MT 144, hardly borrowed in TM < Mong. In Turk. the root has probably merged with *boŕ- / *buŕ- 'damage, oppress' (cf. also *burul- ~ *borul- 'to be angry', ЭСТЯ 2, 269). The Korean form may be alternatively compared with Mong. melǯe- 'to refuse, refrain'.
Proto-Altaic: *máro (~-ŕ-)
Meaning: to roll, bend
Russian Meaning: вертеть, гнуть
Mongolian: *marija-, mirija-
Tungus-Manchu: *mari-
Korean: *mằr-
Japanese: *mát(u)áp-
Comments: The Mong. form is somewhat dubious semantically ('creep up' < 'coil up'?); otherwise the root seems quite reliable.
Proto-Altaic: *maru ( ~ -ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: heap, crowd, many
Russian Meaning: толпа, куча, множество
Tungus-Manchu: *mar(b)u
Korean: *muri, *múr
Japanese: *mǝ́rǝ́, *múrá
Comments: Martin 229, Whitman 1985, 127, 194, 239, SKE 153, АПиПЯЯ 279. An Eastern isogloss. In MKor. cf. also mɨrɨs 'all, in general'. In Jpn. low tone would be expected; high tone here was probably induced by the similar *mǝ́r- 'to heap up' (see under *mi̯ólo), which also influenced the vowel in *mǝ́rǝ́.
Proto-Altaic: *mása
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: more, stronger
Russian Meaning: больше, сильнее
Turkic: *bAsa
Mongolian: *masi
Tungus-Manchu: *masi
Japanese: *más-
Comments: EAS 79, KW 257. TM may be borrowed from Mong. (see Doerfer MT 144).
Proto-Altaic: *mā̀li
Meaning: disease, wound
Russian Meaning: болезнь, рана
Turkic: *bAlɨg
Mongolian: *milan
Tungus-Manchu: *māl-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mā́ńa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: paw, hand
Russian Meaning: лапа, кисть руки
Turkic: *bĀń-
Tungus-Manchu: *mańa
Comments: A Turk.-Tung. isogloss; cf. perhaps also Mong. (dalnɨ) majā 'шейка лопатки'.
Proto-Altaic: *mā́n[u]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: useless, insufficient
Russian Meaning: бесполезный, недостаточный
Turkic: *būn
Tungus-Manchu: *mana-
Japanese: *múná-si-
Comments: Cf. *mùne, *múnu. Turkic *-ū- is irregular here (*bān would be expected).
Proto-Altaic: *mā́ro
Meaning: sand, stony earth, marsh
Russian Meaning: песок, каменистая почва, болото
Turkic: *bōr
Mongolian: *mara-
Tungus-Manchu: *mar-
Korean: *mòr'ái
Japanese: *mana-n-kua
Comments: SKE 151 (Turk.-Kor.), АПиПЯЯ 288. In MKor. cf. also a reduplicated form: màmằrằ- 'rough, stony (ground)'. The Jpn. form must be explained as a result of nasal assimilation (*mana- < *mara-n-); but cf. for Jpn. *mana-n-kua alternatively Mong. *maŋka 'long sandy hill' (MGCD 481).
Proto-Altaic: *mébo ( ~ -p-)
Meaning: to shamanize, dance
Russian Meaning: камлать, танцевать
Tungus-Manchu: *mebu-
Japanese: *máp-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *meju
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to shake, sway
Russian Meaning: трясти, махать
Turkic: *bań-
Mongolian: *maji-
Tungus-Manchu: *mej-
Korean: *mūi- / *mùi'ú-
Japanese: {*mui 'fan, winnow'}
Comments: See SKE 144, ТМС 1, 564, ОСНЯ 3, 45-47, Дыбо 12. Turkic has a normal transfer of nasalization (*bań- < *maj-).
Proto-Altaic: *mĕ̀ko
Meaning: to pull out
Russian Meaning: вытаскивать
Tungus-Manchu: *meK(u)-
Korean: *mắi-
Japanese: *mǝ̀k-
Comments: An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mék`à
Meaning: to be in a bad position
Russian Meaning: быть в затруднительном положении
Mongolian: *mak-
Tungus-Manchu: *meK-
Korean: *màk-
Japanese: *máká-
Comments: Martin 226. Cf. *mak`é.
Proto-Altaic: *mék`ù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: meat; part of body
Russian Meaning: мясо; часть тела
Mongolian: *mikan
Tungus-Manchu: *meKile
Japanese: *múkúrua
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 294.
Proto-Altaic: *mĕ̀ĺba ( ~ -p-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to stir up
Russian Meaning: помешивать
Tungus-Manchu: *melbi-
Japanese: *mànsì-(p)-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss. Phonetically the match is precise; as for the meaning, one has to suppose a rather frequent development *'row' > 'stir up' > 'mix'.
Proto-Altaic: *melo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of fish
Russian Meaning: вид рыбы
Turkic: *bẹl
Tungus-Manchu: *melu
Comments: A Turk.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mĕlu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of berry
Russian Meaning: вид ягоды
Turkic: *bẹleĺ
Mongolian: *mojil-
Tungus-Manchu: *m[e]likte
Comments: Дыбо 11. A Western isogloss. Note traces of nasalization preserved in PT (one could reconstruct *benleĺ or *belenĺ). Mong *mojil- regularly < *molil- ( = *beleĺ).
Proto-Altaic: *mèl[ú]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to become stale, overripe, wither
Russian Meaning: становиться затхлым, загустевать, увядать
Tungus-Manchu: *mel-me- ?
Korean: *mằrằ-
Japanese: *mùrá-
Comments: Korean has a "verbal" low tone. Basically a Kor.-Jpn. isogloss; the TM parallel is much more problematic (poorly attested and semantically distant).
Proto-Altaic: *mĕ́ĺǯu ( ~ -a)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: head
Russian Meaning: голова
Turkic: *baĺč
Mongolian: *malǯa-, *melǯe-
Tungus-Manchu: *meli-mu
Korean: *mǝ̀rí
Comments: EAS 109, SKE 146, АПиПЯЯ 31-32, 282, Мудрак Дисс. 90, Лексика 194. Doerfer's (TMN 2, 253) criticism is short ("unklar"). On possible traces in Jpn. see under *k`ŏjli. An unsuccessful attempt of refuting the etymology was undertaken by Vovin 2000, who argues that the attested Old Korean form is 麻帝 MC mạ-tìej [ma-te]. However, it is most probable that MC -t- was used here just to transcribe Korean -r- (since Middle Chinese, as well known, lacked r-). Anyway, it is hardly possible to make any decisions on the basis of very inadequate and scanty Kirim transcriptions.
Proto-Altaic: *ménč`o ( ~ *mi̯ónč`a, -nč-)
Meaning: first of all
Russian Meaning: прежде всего
Korean: *mònčjǝ́(i)
Japanese: *mántù
Comments: Martin 248. A Kor.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *meń[o]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dwelling place, village
Russian Meaning: жилище, деревня
Mongolian: *maji-kan
Tungus-Manchu: *mēne-
Korean: *mằńằrh
Japanese: *múrà
Comments: The Kor.-Jpn. form is a derivative in *-rV (*-lV). The Tungus form fits very well semantically, but raises some phonetic doubts: vowel length and the quality of -n- (instead *-ń-) do not correspond to other languages. Cf. perhaps Turk. (Oyr.) man 'fence' (VEWT 325). See Vovin 1993, 257.
Proto-Altaic: *ménrV
Meaning: garlic, onion
Russian Meaning: чеснок, лук
Mongolian: *maŋgir, *maŋgina
Tungus-Manchu: *meŋgu-
Korean: *mànắr
Japanese: *mìrà
Comments: SKE 140, Poppe 35, Lee 24, 26, 28. Low tone in Jpn. is probably due to contraction. Cf. also Old Koguryo *maiš 'garlic' (thus in Miller 1979, 15; Lee reads *mail).
Proto-Altaic: *méŋa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: shape, face
Russian Meaning: форма, лицо
Turkic: *bEŋiŕ
Mongolian: *maji-kaj
Japanese: *mána-i
Comments: For the same semantic relationship cf. PA *mi̯at`i.
Proto-Altaic: *mĕŋa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to run, trot
Russian Meaning: бежать, идти рысью
Turkic: *baŋ
Mongolian: *meŋde-
Tungus-Manchu: *meŋ-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *meŋe ( ~ -i, -a)
Meaning: mole, scar
Russian Meaning: родинка, шрам
Turkic: *beŋ
Mongolian: *meŋge
Korean: *mǝŋ
Comments: KW 261. Despite TMN 1, 512, Щербак 1997, 129 Mong. is hardly < Turkic (final vowel is unexplained). {Cf. PAA *m[ua]n 'boil, pimple'}
Proto-Altaic: *méŋu
Meaning: whole
Russian Meaning: сам; тело
Mongolian: *men-dü
Tungus-Manchu: *meŋde-
Japanese: *mú-i
Comments: KW 261, SKE 151, Martin 226, АПиПЯЯ 69, 280. The Japanese meaning was partially influenced by the root *mḕnò q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *méra
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of berry
Russian Meaning: вид ягоды
Turkic: *bürü-lgen
Mongolian: *maril
Tungus-Manchu: *m[e]rVŋV
Korean: *mǝ̀r'úi
Comments: ОСНЯ 2, 44, Дыбо 11. Turk. *bürü-lgen < *berü-lgen with labial attraction.
Proto-Altaic: *méru (~-ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: spot
Russian Meaning: пятно
Mongolian: *merije- / *marija-
Tungus-Manchu: *merī-
Japanese: *múrá
Comments: Poppe 35, АПиПЯЯ 74. Turk. *beŕe 'to ornament' (ЭСТЯ 2, 105-106) would be a good match; but it may be in fact a crasis < *bedŕe (see *pédá).
Proto-Altaic: *mésV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wild apple, grape
Russian Meaning: дикая яблоня, виноград
Tungus-Manchu: *mes(k)u-
Korean: *mǝ̀s
Comments: A Tung.-Kor. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mèto
Meaning: to ask
Russian Meaning: спрашивать
Mongolian: *möči-
Tungus-Manchu: *mete-
Korean: *mūd-
Japanese: *mǝ̀tǝ̀-ma-
Comments: Should be kept distinct from *m[i̯u]ti 'to know, believe' (although contaminations were possible).
Proto-Altaic: *mét`i(-rkV)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: bird's crop or navel; pudenda
Russian Meaning: птичий зоб или пупок; гениталии
Turkic: *böteke
Tungus-Manchu: *motoka
Korean: *mǝ̀rtǝ̀kǝ́n
Japanese: *mitua
Comments: The initial vowel correspondence is not quite clear (probably secondary labialization in PT).
Proto-Altaic: *mét`ò
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: most
Russian Meaning: самый
Mongolian: *-med
Korean: *mằt
Japanese: *mǝ́tǝ̀-mǝ̀
Comments: SKE 142, EAS 79, Martin 247. Cf. also similar forms (maybe specialized usages of the same root): MKor. mātā̆i / mátắi 'top', Jpn. maT- 'emphatic prefix'; Evk. mātālīkān 'up to the top', moton 'even'.
Proto-Altaic: *mḗča
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: monkey
Russian Meaning: обезьяна
Turkic: *bĒčin
Mongolian: *mečin
Japanese: *masi
Comments: Ozawa 98-99, Лексика 168. The Jpn. parallel shows that, despite Clark 1980, 43, there is no need for assuming Mong. < Turk. (which is difficult because of *m-, but still possible; the Mong. variant bečin is certainly < Turkic).
Proto-Altaic: *mḗmV
Meaning: female breast; foster-mother
Russian Meaning: женская грудь; кормилица
Turkic: *mēme (*bēme)
Mongolian: *mömü
Tungus-Manchu: *meme
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 281. An obvious "nursery" Western isogloss, thus the PA antiquity is dubious.
Proto-Altaic: *mḕnò
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: self, body
Russian Meaning: сам, сущность, тело
Turkic: *bu(-n) (?)
Mongolian: *mön
Tungus-Manchu: *mēn
Korean: *móm
Japanese: *mǝ̀nǝ̀
Comments: The Turkic form may belong here if it represents a secondary development *bu(-n) 'this' < *bun 'self'; the vocalism, however, speaks against the comparison (*bạ(-n) would be expected). The root reveals contaminations with *méŋu 'whole' q. v. Illich-Svitych (ОСНЯ 2, 70) compares the Turk.-Mong. stem with PKartv. *m(a)-, PU *mū / *mō etc.
Proto-Altaic: *mìlt`e ( ~ -i)
Meaning: full, fill
Russian Meaning: полный, наполнять
Mongolian: *melteji-
Tungus-Manchu: *milte-
Japanese: *mìt-
Comments: KW 260, АПиПЯЯ 111, 278. The root is very similar to *mi̯ólo 'full, fill' and may indeed be derived: *mi̯ol-t`i. Such an explanation, however, would involve a metatony in Japanese and borrowing in TM (milte- < Mong. melte-), so we prefer to separate the two roots for the time being.
Proto-Altaic: *mińa ( ~ -o, -u)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of grass
Russian Meaning: вид травы
Turkic: *bɨńan
Korean: *mìnàrí
Comments: A Turk.-Kor. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *míŋa ( ~ -o, -u)
Meaning: large number, thousand
Russian Meaning: большое число, тысяча
Turkic: *bɨŋ
Mongolian: *miŋgan
Comments: EAS 78, Владимирцов 324, Poppe 72. A Turk.-Mong. isogloss, but the Mong. form can hardly be explained as borrowed from Turkic, despite TMN 4, 33, Щербак 1997, 107. Cf. perhaps MKor. màńắn 'forty' < 'big number'?
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ač`e
Meaning: to move, climb
Russian Meaning: двигаться, лезть
Mongolian: *mača-
Tungus-Manchu: *miči-
Korean: *mìčhɨ́-
Comments: One of common Altaic motion verbs.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯àga
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: glory, praise
Russian Meaning: слава, хвала
Turkic: *bAgatur
Mongolian: *magta-
Tungus-Manchu: *m[ia]g-
Korean: *mār
Japanese: *màwǝ̀-s-
Comments: Kor. *mār < *maga-r.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ăk`ó
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: illness, stomach sickness
Russian Meaning: болезнь, желудочное заболевание
Turkic: *b(i)ăk
Mongolian: *mekeji-
Tungus-Manchu: *muxa-
Japanese: *manka
Comments: The TM-Mong. match suggests that the original meaning was 'stomach sickness', with a later development into a more general 'sickness, disease' and 'misfortune, bad (circumstabces)' elsewhere.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ák`ù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: neck
Russian Meaning: шея
Turkic: *bAkan
Tungus-Manchu: *muKa
Korean: *mòk
Japanese: *múk-
Comments: SKE 150, Martin 233.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ak`u
Meaning: fur
Russian Meaning: мех
Mongolian: *makalaj
Tungus-Manchu: *muKa
Japanese: *muku
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯àĺà
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to measure, measure
Russian Meaning: мерить, мера
Mongolian: *malu
Tungus-Manchu: *miali-
Korean: *már
Japanese: *màsù
Comments: SKE 138, Martin 236, Miller 1976, 350-351, АПиПЯЯ 69. A completely regular match. It is interesting to note Karakh. (EDT 379) bašɣan 'a large fish weighing between 100 and 50 raṭls' (MK), used as a simile for the head-man of a tribe - although the word may, of course, be derived from baš 'head' (as suggested in EDT) - and thus unrelated to the present root.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ali(-k`V)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: bright, to shine
Russian Meaning: светлый, светить
Turkic: *bAlk-
Mongolian: *mel-
Tungus-Manchu: *mia(l)-
Korean: *mằrk-
Comments: SKE 139.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯alu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of evergreen tree
Russian Meaning: вид вечнозеленого дерева
Turkic: *bAla- (?)
Mongolian: *majila-su
Tungus-Manchu: *molari
Japanese: *murua
Comments: Mong. majila- < *mali-la.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯àrà ( ~ -ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: male, mature
Russian Meaning: самец, матерый
Tungus-Manchu: {*mi(a)rē-}
Japanese: *màrà
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss. Note also several possible matches in Bur.: morgo 'male bear', murā 'male, mature', mergeser '3 y.-old pig'.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯at`è
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to bend
Russian Meaning: сгибать
Mongolian: *mata-
Tungus-Manchu: *mita-
Japanese: *mǝtǝr-
Comments: Correspondences are regular, and the etymology seems quite reliable.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯at`i
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: head skin, face
Russian Meaning: кожа на голове, лицо
Turkic: *bĕt
Mongolian: *metü
Tungus-Manchu: *miata
Comments: EAS 79, KW 262, Лексика 207-208. A Western isogloss. The Jpn. cognates present problems. Ozawa 292-293 compares OJ mod(w)ok(j)i 'resembling, similar', which is quite irregular vocalically. It is interesting to note MJ mitai id. (used exactly in the same suffixed position and being phonetically quite a good match for Mong. metü etc., but attested late and usually analysed (folk-etymologically?) as a desiderative form of mi- 'to see'.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ā́k`o
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: frog
Russian Meaning: лягушка
Turkic: *b(i)āka
Mongolian: *mekelej, *melekej
Tungus-Manchu: *moKo(lV)-
Korean: *mǝ̀kùrí
Comments: SKE 144, Лексика 180. An unmistakable match is PT *b(i)āka : MKor. mǝ̀kùrí. The Mong. forms may belong here if we assume the archaic nature of the Kalm. form (meklɛ̄), with innovations elsewhere. In TM one has to suppose a secondary shift of
Meaning: 'toad' > 'small creature' (bat, chipmunk).
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ā́ni
Meaning: to be confused, hesitate
Russian Meaning: смущаться, колебаться
Turkic: *bȫn
Mongolian: *men-
Tungus-Manchu: *mian-
Korean: *mɨ̀ńɨ́i-
Comments: Vocalism is not quite certain: in Turk. one has to suppose a secondary labialization: *bȫn < *bēn; in Kor. - vowel assimilation in a long wordform (*mɨ̀ńɨ́i- < *mằńi-), as well as secondary palatalization *-n- > *-ń-.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ā̀sò
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a cutting or grinding tool
Russian Meaning: орудие для резания или перетирания
Mongolian: *mese
Tungus-Manchu: *mōsa
Japanese: *màsà-
Comments: Cf. also Orok masāri `axe' (probably < Jpn.).
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯oje
Meaning: to hate, dislike
Russian Meaning: ненавидеть, не любить
Mongolian: *mejeɣe-
Tungus-Manchu: *mujē-
Korean: *mùi-
Comments: SKE 153, ТМС 1, 551.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ójńi ( ~ -n-)
Meaning: to become overripe, rot
Russian Meaning: переспевать, сгнивать
Turkic: *bAńɨl
Tungus-Manchu: *munī-
Korean: *mằi-b-
Japanese: *mínǝ́-r-
Comments: Medial *-j- has to be reconstructed to account for the secondary palatalization in Turkic and for the -i-reflex in Korean.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ŏjo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be mislead, mad
Russian Meaning: сбиваться с пути, сходить с ума
Turkic: *boj-
Tungus-Manchu: *mija-
Korean: *mì-čhi-
Japanese: *maju(a)-
Comments: SKE 149.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ók`[ú]
Meaning: to bow
Russian Meaning: гнуться, кланяться
Turkic: *bok-
Mongolian: *meküji-
Tungus-Manchu: *miaxu-
Japanese: *mánká-
Comments: ТМС 1, 536. The parallel seems plausible, although in Jpn. one would rather expect -u-.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯óle
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to present, gift
Russian Meaning: дарить, подарок
Turkic: *bẹlek
Mongolian: *melǯe-
Tungus-Manchu: *mula-
Korean: *mūr-
Japanese: *mǝ́ráp-, *mǝr-
Comments: The basic meaning of the root is "to present (or obtain) a gift"; a metaphorical change "present a gift > condescend > pity" must have occurred in TM.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯olk`o
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to creep, slide
Russian Meaning: ползти, скользить
Mongolian: *mölki-
Tungus-Manchu: *milkü- / *mirkü-
Japanese: *mǝkǝ-jǝp- (~-ua-)
Comments: Poppe 36.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ólo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: full, to fill, thick
Russian Meaning: полный, наполнять, толстый
Turkic: *bol
Mongolian: *mel- / *möl-
Tungus-Manchu: *mila-
Korean: *mīr-
Japanese: *mǝ́r-
Comments: Note traces of nasalization in Turkic (should one reconstruct *bonl?). Cf. also *mìlt`e.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯óńde
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: hare
Russian Meaning: заяц
Turkic: *bAńɨ-
Mongolian: *möndele
Tungus-Manchu: *mundu-kān
Japanese: *mǝ́m-
Comments: The root (containing a rare cluster *-ńd-) must have denoted a small wild animal, most probably a hare. It occurs with various suffixes; a common formation may be Chuv. mulgaś < *bańɨ-l-(kač) = PM *mönde-le < *mi̯óńde-lV.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯óńù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: heart; breast
Russian Meaning: сердце; грудь
Tungus-Manchu: *miańam
Korean: *mằńằm
Japanese: *múnà-i
Comments: An Eastern isogloss. See SKE 136, EAS 79, Whitman 1985, 202, 237, АПиПЯЯ 48, 290, Robbeets 2000, 103. The MKor. variant njǝm- in njǝ̀m-thòŋ 'heart' (which Lee 1958, 115 attempts to compare separately with Manchu ńaman), is most probably just a contraction in a compound < *mằńằm-thòŋ. {If the original meaning was 'front, protruding point', cf. perhaps Mong. mondaɣa, monduɣ 'high ground, mountains, peaks', Bur. mundarga 'woodless rocky summit', whence Manchu muŋGa 'hill, burial mound' ?}
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯oŋe
Meaning: red, blood-red
Russian Meaning: красный, кроваво-красный
Mongolian: *min-či- / *men-te- (?)
Tungus-Manchu: *muŋsi
Japanese: *mǝmi ( ~ -ua-)
Comments: Since the Mong. reflex is somewhat dubious, basically a Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ore
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to hurt, damage, wound
Russian Meaning: вредить, ранить
Turkic: *bert-
Mongolian: *mer
Tungus-Manchu: *mur-dul-
Japanese: *miar- ( ~ *mair-)
Comments: The Jpn. parallel is not quite certain, both semantically and phonetically; if it really belongs here it might demand a reconstruction *mi̯ojre.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯óre ( ~ -ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to long, show affection
Russian Meaning: стремиться, чувствовать влечение
Mongolian: *mereji-
Tungus-Manchu: *mur-
Japanese: *mútú-m-
Comments: One of the common Altaic verbs of emotion.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯óri
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: road, track; to follow
Russian Meaning: дорога, след; преследовать
Turkic: *bar-
Mongolian: *mör
Korean: *mōr-
Japanese: *mítí
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 89, 277.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ót`i
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: joint
Russian Meaning: сустав
Mongolian: *möči
Korean: *mằtằi
Comments: A Mong.-Kor. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ot`ì ( ~ -u-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: land
Russian Meaning: земля, суша
Korean: *mut
Japanese: *mita ( ~ -u-)
Comments: A Kor.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯údu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dragon
Russian Meaning: дракон
Tungus-Manchu: *muduri
Korean: *mìrɨ́
Japanese: *múi ( ~ *mǝ́i)
Comments: Whitman 1985, 61, 239 (Kor.-Jpn.); see also the discussion in Miller 2000. An interesting Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯úkč`[à]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of hammer
Russian Meaning: вид молотка
Tungus-Manchu: *mukča
Korean: *màčhí
Japanese: *mútì
Comments: An Eastern isogloss. Cf. perhaps also Turk. *bɨčkak 'knife' (if re-analysed semantically on analogy with *bɨč- 'cut'). The vowel reflex in Jpn. points to a variant *mi̯ukč`o (or mi̯ukč`u).
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯uktu ( ~ -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: stump, horn foundation
Russian Meaning: пень, основание рогов
Mongolian: *mugǯi-
Tungus-Manchu: *mugde-ke
Korean: *mìth
Comments: The old deriving stem is perhaps preserved in Mong. muqur, moɣutur 'blunt, hornless', MMong. muɣular id., Khalkha moxo-, Kalm. muxǝ- 'to make blunt' etc. (whence numerous TM forms, see ТМС 1, 552-553). Some of them (especially suffixless forms or forms with -l-, like Evk. muku- 'to become blunt', Sol. moxō 'blunt', Evn. muk- 'to chop off') may actually be genuine, see Poppe 55. In Mong. cf. also the fronted variant mökü 'blunt' (KW 265).
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯uĺi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: ignorant
Russian Meaning: глупый, неумелый
Mongolian: *mulgu-
Tungus-Manchu: *mul-(di-)
Korean: *mòrắ-
Japanese: *misu-
Comments: Jpn. -s- (even in the absence of Turkic forms) points to PA *-ĺ- here.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ùní ( ~ -o-)
Meaning: a k. of skin or cloth
Russian Meaning: вид шкуры или одежды
Tungus-Manchu: *mune-
Japanese: *mìnǝ́
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss. Cf. perhaps MMong. (HY) minda-sun, WMong. mindasu(n), Khalkha ḿandas 'floss-silk, silk thread'.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯uŋo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: suffering
Russian Meaning: мучение
Turkic: *buŋ
Mongolian: *muŋ
Tungus-Manchu: *miŋnī- ( ~ -ü-)
Japanese: *munkua-
Comments: Владимирцов 350, Poppe 71. Mong. may be < Turk. The root seems to be different from *mùne q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯urgu
Meaning: wheat
Russian Meaning: пшеница
Tungus-Manchu: *murgi
Korean: *mírh
Japanese: *mùnkí
Comments: Martin 251, АПиПЯЯ 69. An Eastern isogloss; but cf. also Turk. *bogu- ( < *borgu- ?) in *bogu-daj > *bugdaj (ЭСТЯ 2, 232-234, Лексика 461, Chuv. pъʷri 'полба'; borrowed in Mong. buɣudaj, see Щербак 1997, 110, Hung. búza 'wheat', see MNTESz 398; not < Chin., despite Joki 1963, 106, Menges 1984, 285), *boguŕ 'хлеб в зерне', *bogur-sak > Mong. Kh. bōrcog 'вид печенья'. Cf. also Bur. murā 'flour'.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯uŕu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to press, damage
Russian Meaning: давить, вредить
Turkic: *buŕ- / *boŕ-
Tungus-Manchu: *muru-
Korean: *mīr-
Comments: See also notes to *bùro.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯usi
Meaning: a k. of flour
Russian Meaning: вид муки
Mongolian: *musi
Tungus-Manchu: *musi
Korean: *mìsí
Japanese: *mìsǝ́
Comments: Kor. and Jpn. have a tone mismatch, so borrowing is not excluded; a borrowing in Mong. < Man. or vice versa is also possible (see Rozycki 160, proposing Mong. > Manchu).
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯úsu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to bind, strand
Russian Meaning: связывать, скручивать
Mongolian: *musgi-
Korean: *mɨsk-
Japanese: *músú(m)p-
Comments: Martin 227. ? Cf. Man. maselaqu 'loops, trap' (ТМС 1, 533).
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯usu ( ~ -a, *mi̯osi)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to smile
Russian Meaning: улыбаться
Mongolian: *misije-
Tungus-Manchu: *musim-
Comments: ТМС 1, 561. A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *m[i̯u]ti
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to know, believe
Russian Meaning: знать, верить
Turkic: *büt-
Mongolian: *mede-
Tungus-Manchu: *mute-
Korean: *mìt-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 15, 294. See SKE 149, EAS 149. Mong. *mede- is perhaps < *möde- with secondary delabialization.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ū̀jre
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: shoulder
Russian Meaning: плечо
Mongolian: *mörü
Tungus-Manchu: *mǖre
Korean: *mǝ̄i-
Japanese: *mǝ̀t-
Comments: Poppe 35, ТМС 1, 538, SKE 145, Колесникова 1972а, 91-92, АПиПЯЯ 291, Дыбо 308, Rozycki 156. The cluster *-jr- accounts for Kor. -i- (but note that in TM it may be perhaps reconstructed directly: a reconstruction *mūjre is also possible).
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ūko
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: snake
Russian Meaning: змея
Turkic: *böke
Mongolian: *mogaji
Tungus-Manchu: *mǖkǖ
Korean: *mǝk-
Japanese: *múkátai ( ~ -tia)
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 36, 293, Лексика 180. The Mong.-Tung. match is precise; other reflexes present bigger or lesser problems, possibly of tabooistic nature. PJ has irregular tone (but cf. the accentuation in Kyoto, pointing to *mùká-); in PT one would rather expect a back vowel; the Kor. word is analysed as "ink-snake" (which is probably a folk-etymology).
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ū́ĺi
Meaning: ice, hail
Russian Meaning: лед, град
Turkic: *bū(n)ŕ
Mongolian: *möl-sü, *möl-dür
Korean: *múrúi
Japanese: *mínsǝ́-rá-
Comments: EAS 79, SKE 155, Poppe 35, 138. The Turkic form presents biggest problems: it must be explained as a result of dissimilation and contraction - *bū(n)ŕ (cf. obvious traces of nasalization in reflexes) < *būĺ(V)ŕ < *mi̯ū́ĺi-ŕV or even *mi̯ūĺi-dVŕV (cf. Mong. *möldür, Evk. melder-); early loss of *-i- would then also account for the back vowel reflex. All other forms are more or less plausibly united under the protoform *mi̯ū́ĺi.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ū̀nǯù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of {} badger
Russian Meaning: вид барсука
Mongolian: *minǯi
Tungus-Manchu: *mō[nǯ]ika
Japanese: *mùnsìnà
Comments: The root contains a rare cluster -nǯ- (with not quite clear reflexes in TM); nevertheless, the etymology seems probable.
Proto-Altaic: *mi̯ū̀ri
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: water
Russian Meaning: вода
Mongolian: *mören
Tungus-Manchu: *mū
Korean: *mɨ́r
Japanese: *mí(-n-tú)
Comments: EAS 79, 147, KW 267, Poppe 35, Lee 1958, 115, Martin 246, ОСНЯ 2, 61, Murayama 1962, 109, Menges 1984, 277-278, АПиПЯЯ 28-29, 69, 86, 278, Rozycki 160. Turkic has preserved the root only within the archaic compound *jag-mur 'rain'. Tone in Jpn. is irregular (probably because of reduction and the position within a compound; suffixless *mi is also attested in OJ, but its accent is unknown); loss of resonant presupposes a suffixed form: *mí < *mi̯ū̀r(i)-gV (cf. Manchu mū-ke).
Proto-Altaic: *m[ī́]ro
Meaning: arrow
Russian Meaning: стрела
Turkic: *bǖri
Mongolian: *merge-n
Tungus-Manchu: *m[i]rV
Comments: A Western isogloss. Vocalism is somewhat uncertain.
Proto-Altaic: *módè ( ~ -u-, -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: bend, circle
Russian Meaning: извилина, круг
Tungus-Manchu: *moda-
Korean: *mùd-Vph > *mùrVph
Japanese: *mǝ́tǝ́-pǝr-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 296. An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *móju
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: all, whole
Russian Meaning: весь, целый
Tungus-Manchu: *muja-
Korean: *măin
Japanese: *múina
Comments: An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mŏ̀k`a ( ~ -u-, -k-)
Meaning: to sow, scatter
Russian Meaning: сеять, разбрасывать
Tungus-Manchu: *moK-
Japanese: *màk-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mók`ì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: old, aged
Russian Meaning: старый, пожилой
Turkic: *bük-tel- (~ö) (?)
Mongolian: *mökü-
Tungus-Manchu: *muxu-
Korean: *muk-
Japanese: *múkási
Comments: Martin 247, Дыбо 13, ТМС 1, 566.
Proto-Altaic: *mŏk`V
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dirt
Russian Meaning: грязь
Turkic: *bok
Mongolian: *moki-
Tungus-Manchu: {*mux-}
Korean: *muk
Comments: Дыбо 10.
Proto-Altaic: *mola ( ~ -u-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: blunt, short
Russian Meaning: тупой, короткий
Mongolian: *moli-
Tungus-Manchu: *melu- ~ *mulu-
Japanese: *marV- (?)
Comments: The Jpn. parallel is somewhat dubious (a local Ryukyu word, and the semantic match is not quite convincing).
Proto-Altaic: *móĺe
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to bite, gnaw
Russian Meaning: грызть, глодать
Mongolian: *mölǯi-
Tungus-Manchu: *mul-
Korean: *mɨ̀r-
Japanese: *músír-
Comments: SKE 154, ОСНЯ 2, 70; Ozawa 296-297; АПиПЯЯ 295.
Proto-Altaic: *mòle
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sick, weak
Russian Meaning: больной, слабый
Turkic: *bül-
Tungus-Manchu: *mul-
Korean: *mɨră-
Japanese: *mǝ̀rǝ̀-
Comments: Martin 242 (Jpn.-Kor.)
Proto-Altaic: *mólu
Meaning: ridge, corner
Russian Meaning: конек (крыши), угол
Turkic: *bul-
Tungus-Manchu: *mulu
Korean: *mằrằ
Japanese: *múná-i
Comments: Lee 1958, 115 (Kor.-TM), Whitman 1985, 183, 237 (Kor.-Jpn.). Despite SKE 139, hardly a loan in Manchu from Kor. In Jpn. we have to assume *múná < *mura-n (cf. Turk. buluŋ); in Turkic - a secondary narrowing (*buluŋ < *boluŋ).
Proto-Altaic: *mónŋo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to knead, press, stroke
Russian Meaning: мять, жать, гладить
Turkic: *boŋ
Mongolian: *mun-
Tungus-Manchu: *monŋi-
Korean: *mằn-čí-
Japanese: *mǝ́m- (~-uá-)
Comments: SKE 144, Lee 1958, 114, Лексика 383.
Proto-Altaic: *mórV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: horse
Russian Meaning: лошадь
Turkic: *bura (?)
Mongolian: *mori
Tungus-Manchu: *murin
Korean: *mằr
Comments: EAS 79, 141. Somewhat dubious as a PA etymon: the Turkic reflex is questionable, the Tungus forms may be borrowed from Mong., see TMN 1, 507-508, Doerfer MT 25, Rozycki 159 (although the vocalism is not quite satisfactory for a loan); however, the Kor. word is hard to explain as a Mong. borrowing.
Proto-Altaic: *mṓč`a ( ~ -u, -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: edge, end
Russian Meaning: край, конец
Turkic: *būč-gak, -mak
Tungus-Manchu: *muč-
Korean: *mằčh-
Comments: EAS 79, АПиПЯЯ 76, Дыбо 13.
Proto-Altaic: *mṓjńo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: neck
Russian Meaning: шея
Turkic: *bōjn
Mongolian: *mundaɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *moń-ga-n, *moń-pen
Korean: *mjǝ-k
Japanese: *nǝmpV
Comments: EAS 98, Poppe 34, 67 (Turk.-Tung.), АПиПЯЯ 53, 280, Дыбо 5, Лексика 234. In Japanese, unfortunately, only Ryukyu forms are attested, which probably underwent an influence of the PJ root *nǝmp- 'to stretch, lengthen'; still, the origin of the Ryukyu stem from this PA root seems probable. The Kor. form is morphologically = PT *bojnak < *mojńo-k`V; cf. also MKor. mǝ̀ŋ-'ǝ́i 'yoke, harness' with preservation of nasal. The TM form also reflects velar suffixation (*mojn-ga-).
Proto-Altaic: *mṓli
Meaning: to cut into pieces
Russian Meaning: резать на куски
Turkic: *bȫl-
Mongolian: *möli-
Tungus-Manchu: *m[o]l-
Korean: *mằrằ-
Comments: PKE 108. In Kor. one has to suppose vocalic assimilation *mằrằ- < *mòrằ- (cf. similarly *k`ṓli).
Proto-Altaic: *mṓńe ( ~ -o)
Meaning: a k. of fruit
Russian Meaning: вид плода
Turkic: *bōń-
Mongolian: *mono-su
Tungus-Manchu: *moja- (-ń-?)
Japanese: *mǝ́mǝ́ ( ~ -ua-)
Comments: EAS 123-124, Poppe 36, Мудрак Дисс. 75.
Proto-Altaic: *mṓŋi ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: round
Russian Meaning: круглый
Turkic: *bōn-čok
Mongolian: *möɣer
Tungus-Manchu: *muŋu-, *muŋbu-
Korean: *mūŋ-
Comments: OJ mapa-r- 'turn round' may belong here if it goes back to < *moŋ-bV (cf. Tungus forms), although the vocalism is not quite right; cf. also Mong. (dissimilation?) bömbüger 'round', see EAS 116.
Proto-Altaic: *mṑro
Meaning: a k. of weed
Russian Meaning: вид травы
Tungus-Manchu: *mōr-
Korean: *mắr
Japanese: *mǝ̀ (~*muà)
Comments: Whitman 1985, 144, 155, 237. An Eastern isogloss. In Turk. cf. perhaps Oyr., Shor parga 'weed' (which would require a modification of the PA form to *mi̯àro). The loss of resonant in Jpn. presupposes a suffixed form like *mòr(o)-gV (cf. the Turkic parallels) or *mòr(o)-ŋV (cf. Evk. moriŋa).
Proto-Altaic: *múbè
Meaning: blunt, hornless, hairless
Russian Meaning: тупой, безрогий, безволосый
Mongolian: *müjide
Tungus-Manchu: *mub-(up)-
Korean: *mǝ̄bi- / mɨ̀bi-
Japanese: *mápí-rǝ(n)ka-
Comments: The Jpn. word is traditionally analysed as 'totally spread' - most probably a folk-etymological reanalysis; note the obvious semantic parallel between MJ mafiroge- and MKor mǝi-was-.
Proto-Altaic: *mùč`e
Meaning: branch (of a pine, conifer)
Russian Meaning: ветка (хвойного дерева)
Mongolian: *möčir
Tungus-Manchu: *muči-kta
Japanese: *màtú
Comments: Колесникова 1972а, 94; АПиПЯЯ 76.
Proto-Altaic: *mude
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: soon, finally
Russian Meaning: скоро, наконец
Mongolian: *mödü
Tungus-Manchu: *mudan
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss; cf. perhaps also PJ *mat- 'to wait', *mata 'again'. Ramstedt (SKE 142) compares the Tung. form with Kor. mačhida 'to end, finish' (Ramstedt: mătčhida), but MKor. has always -č- or -s- in this verb (mằč-tá, mằs-tá), see *mṓč`a.
Proto-Altaic: *múgdà
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: bank, earth
Russian Meaning: земля; место
Turkic: *bodun
Mongolian: *muǯi
Tungus-Manchu: *megdī / *mugdī
Korean: *màt(h)
Japanese: *mátì
Comments: EAS 78-79, Whitman 1985, 171, 237, АПиПЯЯ 279. The hypothesis of borrowing in Korean from Tibetan (SKE 137) is untenable. The Turkic form may be alternatively derived from *bod 'body', in which case it may be unrelated to other forms above.
Proto-Altaic: *mùgdó ( ~ *mògdé)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to coil, turn round
Russian Meaning: извиваться, поворачиваться
Mongolian: *muǯi-, *moǯi-
Tungus-Manchu: *mugdi-
Korean: *mɨ̀rɨ̀-
Japanese: *mǝ̀ntǝ̀r-
Comments: Kor. has a usual verbal low tone.
Proto-Altaic: *mújŋi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: horn; cartilage, tendon
Russian Meaning: рог; хрящ, сухожилие
Turkic: *bujŋuŕ (*büjŋüŕ)
Mongolian: *möɣer-sü (-ŋ-)
Tungus-Manchu: *muŋi
Korean: *mɨ̀i'ìm
Comments: EAS 120, Poppe 73, KW 268, VEWT 347b (but PTM *mǖre 'shoulder' is not related); ТМС 1, 557 (Tung.-Mong.); АПиПЯЯ 282, Лексика 148.
Proto-Altaic: *mujre
Meaning: a bird of prey
Russian Meaning: вид хищной птицы
Turkic: *bürküt
Tungus-Manchu: *muri
Korean: *māi
Comments: The cluster *-jr- is reconstructed to account for the loss of *-r- in Korean.
Proto-Altaic: *múk`è
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to wrap, tie up
Russian Meaning: заворачивать, завязывать
Mongolian: *muku-
Tungus-Manchu: *muK-
Korean: *moka-
Japanese: *mák-
Comments: Cf. *ma[k`]o.
Proto-Altaic: *m[ù]k`è
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to suck
Russian Meaning: сосать
Turkic: *bök-
Mongolian: *meke
Tungus-Manchu: *muKu-
Korean: *mǝ̀k-
Japanese: *màkà-nàp-
Comments: PKE 109, Lee 1958, 115, АПиПЯЯ 295, Дыбо 14. Korean has a verbal low tone; delabialization in Mong. (*möke or *müke would be expected) is not quite clear (cf. the same process in *mede- < *mi̯uti).
Proto-Altaic: *mŭ̀k`V́ ( ~ -o-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: mole
Russian Meaning: крот
Tungus-Manchu: *muktu-
Japanese: *mǝnkura / *munkura
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mula
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of deer
Russian Meaning: вид оленя
Turkic: *bulan
Mongolian: *maral
Tungus-Manchu: *mul-
Comments: Дыбо 8, Лексика 154. A Western isogloss. Mong. *maral regularly < *mala-r.
Proto-Altaic: *muma ( ~ *mema)
Meaning: a k. of small wild animal
Russian Meaning: вид мелкого дикого животного
Mongolian: *mamu-wna
Tungus-Manchu: *mume- / *meme-
Japanese: *mami
Comments: An expressive root; one of many common Altaic words for small animals.
Proto-Altaic: *mùńa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to guard, graze
Russian Meaning: охранять, пасти
Mongolian: *mana-
Tungus-Manchu: *mun-di-
Korean: *mòńí-
Japanese: *màmuà-r-
Comments: Korean has a verbal low tone; an old derivative is probably MKor. màńắr 'office' ( > Man. mejren etc.).
Proto-Altaic: *mùne
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: defect, lack
Russian Meaning: недостаток, отсутствие
Turkic: *bün
Mongolian: *mun-du-
Japanese: *màntù-
Comments: Cf. *mā́n[u], *múnu - the roots are sometimes difficult to distinguish. Cf. also Evk. modu 'greedy, miserly' (ТМС 1, 542).
Proto-Altaic: *múnŋa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: mist, rain
Russian Meaning: туман, дождь
Turkic: *bunar
Mongolian: *maŋ-
Tungus-Manchu: *meŋ- / *muŋ-
Korean: *mah
Comments: Kor. mah < *maŋh (just like *kahi < *kaŋhi etc.).
Proto-Altaic: *múnu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wrong, mad, uneasy
Russian Meaning: неправильный, безумный, нелегкий
Turkic: *bun-
Mongolian: *mun-
Tungus-Manchu: *moŋ-nV- (*mon-ŋV-)
Japanese: *múntú-ká-
Comments: KW 268, Poppe 35, ОСНЯ 3, 53. Lee 1958, 114 cites also a MKor. mǝŋthǝŋ'i 'stupid', which we were unable to locate (but Manchu mentu-χun with which he compares it, is probably < Mong. meŋde-ɣe-, see *mĕŋa).
Proto-Altaic: *muŋĺe
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: angle
Russian Meaning: угол
Turkic: *büŋüĺ
Tungus-Manchu: *moŋla
Japanese: *masu-
Comments: An interesting Turk.-TM-Jpn. match; the meaning in TM probably reflects an intermediate stage "angle between the index finger and thumb". {Cf. Wmo mujilaŋ 'короткие и широкие рога'?}.
Proto-Altaic: *múra
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: round; turn, return
Russian Meaning: круглый; поворачиваться, возвращаться
Turkic: *bur(a)-
Mongolian: *murui
Tungus-Manchu: *murV-
Korean: *muri
Japanese: *márǝ́
Comments: Poppe 36, ОСНЯ 2, 74-75, АПиПЯЯ 93, 278 (however, Kor. mɨrɨ- - rather to *mùgdó q. v.).
Proto-Altaic: *mùsi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: steam, spirit
Russian Meaning: пар, дух
Turkic: *bus
Mongolian: *mösü(n)
Tungus-Manchu: *musun
Japanese: *mùs-
Comments: For PT *bus cf. alternatively PTM *bušu- 'drizzle' (ТМС 1, 117).
Proto-Altaic: *mŭ́t`ì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to complete, gather together
Russian Meaning: завершать, собирать вместе
Turkic: *büt-
Mongolian: *möči-
Tungus-Manchu: *mute-
Korean: *mòt-
Japanese: *muta
Comments: EAS 58, АПиПЯЯ 27, 70, 86, 274, Дыбо 13. Doerfer (TMN 2, 208) is hardly right in criticizing the Turk.-Tung. match : it is quite satisfactory both phonetically and semantically.
Proto-Altaic: *mūga
Meaning: bonfire
Russian Meaning: костер
Mongolian: *maj
Tungus-Manchu: *mōgdi
Japanese: *mákí
Comments: Somewhat dubious because of a possible alternative etymology of the Japanese word and because of tonal discrepancy between TM and Japanese.
Proto-Altaic: *mū̀jV
Meaning: to cut, tear
Russian Meaning: резать, рвать
Tungus-Manchu: *mǖ- (*mūj-)
Korean: *mɨ́i-
Comments: A Tung.-Kor. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mū̀k`é
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of fish
Russian Meaning: вид рыбы
Mongolian: *mök-
Tungus-Manchu: *mōk-
Japanese: *mànkúrúa
Comments: Cf. also Kor. mik:uri 'амурский вьюн'.
Proto-Altaic: *mūk`o ( ~ -u)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: male
Russian Meaning: самец
Turkic: *būka
Mongolian: *mok-
Tungus-Manchu: *muxa- / *muxe-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *mūńa(kV)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of deer
Russian Meaning: вид оленя
Turkic: *buńgak
Tungus-Manchu: *mōń(i)ka-
Japanese: *manaka
Comments: Лексика 153. The Jpn. form is traditionally analysed as resp. prefix mana- + ka 'deer', which may be a folk etymology in the light of external evidence; otherwise the root is a Turk.-TM isogloss. Cf. Mong. (Khalkha) dial. mundu 'female deer', Tuva mɨndɨ, Tof. mundučaq id. - see Аникин, 142. According to Helimski and Anikin, the Turkic forms are borrowed from Southern Samoyedic, and Mongolian < Turkic; but the S.-Sam. word has no Uralic etymology, while Mong. mundu - if not for its poor attestation - could be a regular reflex of PA *mūńa, and a possible source both for the Turkic (Tuva-Tof.) and the Samoyedic forms.
Proto-Altaic: *mū́ro
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: tree, forest
Russian Meaning: дерево, лес
Mongolian: *mo-du ( < *mor-du)
Tungus-Manchu: *mō
Korean: *mōi(h), *mòró
Japanese: *mǝ́rí
Comments: EAS 79, KW 263, Poppe 35, Martin 237, АПиПЯЯ 33-34, 69, 292; SKE 150, Doerfer MT 24. The parallel form *mōi in Kor. presupposes a suffixed form *mōr-jV(-gV) (?).
Proto-Altaic: *mū̀sV ( ~ -ō-, -i̯ō-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: swamp, pond
Russian Meaning: болото, пруд
Tungus-Manchu: *mūsa
Korean: *mós
Comments: See SKE 152. A Tung.-Kor. isogloss; cf. perhaps also Chuv. pozъ 'well' ( < *bos-).
Proto-Altaic: *mV́
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: an interrogative root
Russian Meaning: вопросительная основа
Turkic: *-mi
Mongolian: *-mu, -mi
Korean: *mɨ̀
Japanese: *mǝ́-si
Comments: SKE 147, АПиПЯЯ 297. Cf. perhaps also Evk. mu 'or' (in interrogative sentences) (Титов 1926, 94). Further Nostratic parallels of this grammaticalized interrogative stem see in ОСНЯ 2, 66-8.

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