Слова алтайского праязыка (*N)

Здесь представлен реконструированный словарный фонд праалтайского языка, начинающийся на фонему *N- (X корней). из общеалтайской этимологической БД проекта "Вавилонская башня" Московской школы компаративистики.

Proto-Altaic: *ná
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: thou
Russian Meaning: ты
Turkic: *-ŋ
Korean: *nǝ̀
Japanese: *ná
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 102, 280. Velarization in Turkic is not quite clear and probably secondary (perhaps a fusion with the attributive *-k`i). The root is widely used only in the Kor.-Jpn. area, and its original function (to judge from the OJ opposition of si and na) was probably limited to the oblique stem of the suppletive 2d p. paradigm.
Proto-Altaic: *nable
Meaning: net, fish-trap
Russian Meaning: сеть, ловушка для рыбы
Turkic: *jɨlɨm
Tungus-Manchu: *nalba
Comments: A Turk.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńabĺu(-ǯV)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: young, child
Russian Meaning: молодой, ребенок
Mongolian: *ǯulǯa-gan
Tungus-Manchu: *ńab[l]ǯa-
Japanese: *mus-
Comments: The etymology seems probable, although the medial cluster demonstrates a complicated behaviour. It is not quite clear whether -ǯa- in Mong. and Tung. should be treated as a suffix or as a part of the root here.
Proto-Altaic: *nad[i]
Meaning: seven
Russian Meaning: семь
Turkic: *jẹt(t)i
Tungus-Manchu: *nada-n
Korean: *nìr-kúp
Japanese: *nana-
Comments: Mong. *dal- '7' may suggest PA *ĺad[i]- (with a development > Mong. *ĺal- (through assimilation) > dal-). The medial consonant in general behaves rather irregularly: one may suggest an original cluster like *-dd- to explain the Turkic reflex. Jpn. *nana- regularly < *nada-n ( = TM *nada-n); in Kor. one has to assume vowel elision already after *-d- > -r- (i.e. *nìr-kup < *nìrV-kup). Despite all these difficulties, the numeral 'seven' seems to be safely reconstructable for PA. Cf. also Koguryo *nanǝn 'seven', see Lee 28, 39, Menges 1984, 278.
Proto-Altaic: *naja
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to envy, wish
Russian Meaning: завидовать, желать
Mongolian: *najida-
Tungus-Manchu: *nadi-
Japanese: *nàità-m- ( ~ -ia-)
Comments: Poppe 37, 140, 158, JOAL 70. All forms reflect a dental suffix.
Proto-Altaic: *nàje
Meaning: pole, shaft
Russian Meaning: шест, древко
Tungus-Manchu: *najü
Japanese: *nǝ̀
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńằjla ( ~ -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: shoot, sprout; teeth, gills
Russian Meaning: росток, побег; зубы, жабры
Mongolian: *ǯal-magaj
Tungus-Manchu: *ńal-
Korean: *ní
Japanese: *mài
Comments: Дыбо 1995b (Mong.-Tung.). The semantic interchange between 'teeth' and 'sprouts' is quite common, so in this respect the etymology seems plausible. In Jpn. one has to suppose a suffixed form *ma(i) < *ńằjl(a)-gV; medial *-j- is reconstructed to account for the loss of resonant in Kor. The root seems to be unattested in Turkic, but cf. Tur. dial. jalama 'white spot on horse's head from forehead down to the lower lip' (ЭСТЯ 4, 91) - cf. the semantic development in TM.
Proto-Altaic: *nàjĺV ( ~ -e-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: age
Russian Meaning: возраст
Turkic: *jāĺ
Mongolian: *na-su
Korean: *náh
Comments: EAS 75, SKE 157, KW 272, АПиПЯЯ 288, Лексика 84. Mong. nasun regularly < *nal-sun and the assumption of its being borrowed from Turk. (Щербак 1997, 123) is absolutely improbable (Doerfer in TMN 4, 97 refutes the comparison without further discussion). The cluster *-jĺ- has to be reconstructed to account for the loss of resonant in Korean (*-h is a trace of a velar suffix: *najĺV-gV). It could be also interesting to mention a verb attested in MJpn.: neba- ( < *nai-(m)pa-) 'to grow old; to become grown up' - perhaps with an irregular loss of -s- (that would be an expected reflex of *-ĺ-) in a cluster. The root should be distinguished from *ńā́ĺba 'young' q. v. (which, however, certainly influenced the Turkic reflex - whence an irregular long vowel).
Proto-Altaic: *najV(rV)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: lake, river
Russian Meaning: озеро, река
Mongolian: *naɣur
Tungus-Manchu: *niāru
Korean: *nāih
Comments: Should be kept apart from *ni̯úŕe, despite ОСHЯ 2, 89.
Proto-Altaic: *nak`i ( ~ -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of skin
Russian Meaning: вид шкуры
Mongolian: *nekej
Tungus-Manchu: *naKita
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńàme
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: goat, deer
Russian Meaning: коза, олень
Turkic: *jɨmga
Tungus-Manchu: *ńamī-
Korean: *jǝ́m-sjó
Comments: EAS 78, 116, KW 214, Poppe 32, АПиПЯЯ 20. Loss of *n- in Kor. is not quite clear: perhaps *jǝ́m- < *njǝ́m- through dissimilation. Mong. jimaɣan 'goat' (MGCD 734) may be borrowed from Turk. (see Щербак 1997, 124; but cf. the WMong. variant nimaɣan and Bur. ńamā (Владимирцов) which may be genuine); Mong. > Tung. (ТМС 1, 312), see Poppe 1966, 190, Doerfer MT 37.
Proto-Altaic: *ńam(ń)ekt`V
Meaning: a k. of tree
Russian Meaning: вид дерева
Turkic: *jɨmurt
Mongolian: *ǯimuɣu-su
Tungus-Manchu: *ńamńikta
Korean: *nàmòk
Japanese: *mǝ̀mìti
Comments: KW 111, АПиПЯЯ 297, Дыбо 10. Correspondences are regular except for the tonal discrepancy between Kor. and Jpn.
Proto-Altaic: *ńằmò
Meaning: hundred
Russian Meaning: сто
Turkic: *jom-
Mongolian: *ǯaɣu-n
Tungus-Manchu: *ńamā
Japanese: *muàmuà
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 78. Mong. *ǯaɣu- < *ńaŋu- < *ńamŋu- (or -ɣ- as a result of contamination with *či̯obe 'ten' q. v.). In Jpn. *muàmuà < *mǝ̀muà as a result of late vowel assimilation.
Proto-Altaic: *ńamo
Meaning: turf, moss
Russian Meaning: торф, мох
Turkic: *jom (?/*joŋ)
Mongolian: *ǯim
Tungus-Manchu: *ńamulsa
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńanŋa
Meaning: a k. of small bird
Russian Meaning: вид мелкой птицы
Mongolian: *ǯana
Tungus-Manchu: *ńa(n)ŋa-
Japanese: *mami-
Comments: ТМС 1, 633, Дыбо 1995b.
Proto-Altaic: *ńáŋa
Meaning: dirt, to smear
Russian Meaning: грязь, мазать
Tungus-Manchu: *ńaŋ-
Japanese: *mámíra-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńaŋo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: nut
Russian Meaning: орех
Turkic: *jAŋgak
Mongolian: *ǯiɣag
Tungus-Manchu: *ńaŋu-
Japanese: *mamai
Comments: EAS 75, АПиПЯЯ 78, Дыбо 10.
Proto-Altaic: *ńargu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a young male deer (elk)
Russian Meaning: молодой самец оленя (лося)
Turkic: *jargun
Mongolian: *ǯorgul
Tungus-Manchu: *ńargu-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nàsà
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: grief, pity
Russian Meaning: горе, жалость
Tungus-Manchu: *nasa-
Japanese: *nàsàkài
Comments: A TM-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nát`a ( ~ l-, -t-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of plant, cereal
Russian Meaning: вид растения, злака
Turkic: *jAt-
Korean: *nāt
Japanese: *nátúmái
Comments: Cf. perhaps Evk. latarā 'усыпанный ягодами (о ветке, кусте)' (ТМС 1, 495).
Proto-Altaic: *ńā́ĺba
Meaning: young
Russian Meaning: молодой
Turkic: *jāĺ
Mongolian: *ǯalaɣu
Tungus-Manchu: *ńalba-
Japanese: *masa-
Comments: KW 465, Street 1980, 298.
Proto-Altaic: *nālV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: earth, land
Russian Meaning: земля, страна
Turkic: *jalaŋ
Mongolian: *nala-
Tungus-Manchu: *nā
Korean: *nàráh
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 290, EAS 75, SKE 161 (the Japanese parallel cited by Ramstedt is dubious), Menges 1984, 278-279. The PTM form points to original length, so the low tone in Korean is irregular.
Proto-Altaic: *nā̀mo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: testicle
Russian Meaning: testiculi
Turkic: *jum-
Mongolian: *(n)im
Tungus-Manchu: *nāma / *māna (*māŋa)
Comments: A Western isogloss; somewhat dubious because of tabooistic irregularities and rather scarce attestation.
Proto-Altaic: *ńā̀na
Meaning: to turn back; again
Russian Meaning: поворачивать назад; снова
Turkic: *jAn-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńān
Japanese: *mani-ma
Comments: The Turkic root is verbal, but it is worth noting adverbial usage of the root in all branches where it is attested.
Proto-Altaic: *nā́ne
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: skin
Russian Meaning: кожа
Turkic: *jɨ̄n
Tungus-Manchu: *nansa
Comments: Лексика 267. A Turk.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nāǯV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: summer, midday
Russian Meaning: лето, середина дня
Turkic: *jāj
Mongolian: *naǯir
Korean: *náč
Comments: SKE 162, EAS 75, Лексика 74 (Turk.-Mong.). Unsubstantial criticism in TMN 4, 253 (for Kor.: "aus semantischen Gründen nicht hierher" (?), "lautlich unsicher" (?)"; for Mong.: "...müßte der bur. und dag. Wortschatz erst noch gründlicher untersucht worden" (?). Let us note, however, a tonal discrepancy between Turkic and Korean.
Proto-Altaic: *nébì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: new
Russian Meaning: новый
Turkic: *jub-ga
Mongolian: *niɣu-n
Tungus-Manchu: *nebi
Korean: *nǝ̄-
Japanese: *nípí-
Comments: SKE 172, АПиПЯЯ 110, 279. Turkic has a vowel metathesis: *jub-ga < *jab-gu.
Proto-Altaic: *nĕ̀č`á
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to scrape, scrape off (skin); to fade
Russian Meaning: выскабливать (шкуру), линять
Mongolian: *ničügen
Tungus-Manchu: *neču-
Japanese: *nàntá-
Comments: Дыбо 1995b. (Mong.-Tung.).
Proto-Altaic: *neč`è ( ~ l-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: late
Russian Meaning: поздний, поздно
Turkic: *jEče
Korean: *nɨ̀č-
Japanese: *nǝ̀tì
Comments: Martin 234-235. The low tone in Kor. may be explained as "verbal"; but cf. an alternative variant *nǝ́tí in PJ.
Proto-Altaic: *ńéč`ù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be annoyed
Russian Meaning: раздражаться
Turkic: *jačan-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńeču-
Japanese: *mútúkár-
Comments: One of the many common Altaic verbs of emotion.
Proto-Altaic: *negle (~-a)
Meaning: snag, root
Russian Meaning: колода, корень
Mongolian: *newle
Tungus-Manchu: *nelge
Korean: *nǝ̄r
Japanese: *nài (~ nìa)
Comments: ТМС 1, 619.
Proto-Altaic: *negre ( ~ -i)
Meaning: a k. of deer
Russian Meaning: вид оленя
Turkic: *jẹgre-n
Tungus-Manchu: *ne(r)gdi
Korean: *nɨrǝ-
Comments: The Evk. form most probably reflects a suffixed *ner-gdi; less probable is a specific development of the cluster *-gr-. Cf. *ĺóre.
Proto-Altaic: *neji
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: louse, nit
Russian Meaning: вошь, гнида
Mongolian: *ni-sa-
Tungus-Manchu: *nej(l)e-
Korean: *ní
Comments: SKE 165, EAS 76, АПиПЯЯ 296. The Mong. form presupposes an earlier *ni-(su) 'louse'.
Proto-Altaic: *néji
Meaning: even, equal
Russian Meaning: ровный, равный
Mongolian: *nej
Tungus-Manchu: *neje-
Japanese: *ní-
Comments: A good Mong.-TM-Jpn. parallel.
Proto-Altaic: *ńĕka ( ~ -o, -u)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: place on the back of an animal
Russian Meaning: место на спине животного
Turkic: *jAgɨr
Mongolian: *ǯagal
Tungus-Manchu: *ńegde
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nĕ̀ko
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to leave, put aside
Russian Meaning: оставлять, откладывать
Mongolian: *nögü-ɣe
Tungus-Manchu: *neku-
Korean: *nòh-
Japanese: *nǝ̀k-
Comments: Martin 239. Korean has the verbal low tone. The Mong. form is somewhat questionable: it can belong here if 'other' < 'the one left'; on the other hand, it may be a historical derivative < *nige-ɣü where *nige- = *nige- 'one' (see *ni̯ŏŋe).
Proto-Altaic: *neku
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: lowland, water meadow
Russian Meaning: низина, заливной луг
Mongolian: *nigu
Tungus-Manchu: *nekte
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nek`u
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to weave
Russian Meaning: ткать
Mongolian: *neke-
Japanese: *nuki
Comments: A Mong.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nek`V
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: friend, relative
Russian Meaning: друг, родственник
Mongolian: *nökör
Tungus-Manchu: *neku-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss. The root seems to be different from *nī̀k`e and *ńi̯ṑge, although there may have been some natural confusion. It is interesting to note Jpn. naka(ma) 'friend' - perhaps a secondary contamination with naka 'middle'?
Proto-Altaic: *nèĺbù ( ~ -p-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: fringe
Russian Meaning: бахрома
Tungus-Manchu: *nelbi
Japanese: *nùsà
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss; cf. perhaps also Karakh. (MK) jɨšɨɣ 'thread, string, cord' (although the vocalism is not clear).
Proto-Altaic: *nelk`V
Meaning: new-born; spring
Russian Meaning: новорожденный; весна
Mongolian: *nilka
Tungus-Manchu: *nelki
Comments: Владимирцов 369. A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nelmu
Meaning: a k. of cloth, coat
Russian Meaning: вид ткани, верхней одежды
Turkic: *jAlma
Mongolian: *nolom
Tungus-Manchu: *nelme-
Comments: Дыбо 15, ТМС 1, 635. A Western isogloss; vocalism is not quite clear. Note also MJpn. (late attested) nume 'a k. of silk' (if not < numa- 'to be slippery, smooth')?
Proto-Altaic: *nema
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to add, exceed
Russian Meaning: добавлять, превосходить
Turkic: *jem-
Mongolian: *neme-
Korean: *nǝ̄m-
Comments: EAS 76, Владимирцов 369, SKE 163, Poppe 38, 68. Manchu forms (nem-sele- 'to add, increase' etc.) may be borrowed < Mong. (see ТМС 1, 622, TMN 1, 519, Doerfer MT 103, Rozycki 162). MKor. has also a synonymous nàm-. Despite TMN 1, 520 borrowing in Kor. < Mong. is quite improbable.
Proto-Altaic: *nĕ́mè
Meaning: to patch
Russian Meaning: латать, штопать
Turkic: *jama-
Mongolian: *nem-
Tungus-Manchu: *neme- / *nama-
Japanese: *nǝ́mì
Comments: Poppe 68. Despite Doerfer's (TMN 4, 194) criticism the Turk.-Tung. match appears quite satisfactory.
Proto-Altaic: *ńéŋńi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: East or South (wind), warm season
Russian Meaning: восток или юг, южный ветер, теплый сезон
Mongolian: *ǯeɣü-n
Tungus-Manchu: *ńeŋńe
Japanese: *mínámí
Comments: Дыбо 1995b. In Jpn. cf. perhaps also *minki 'right' ( < *'East' as opposed to *pìntárí 'left' < 'West', see *p`i̯ṑrí).
Proto-Altaic: *nĕ́ŋu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: female relative (sister or brother's wife)
Russian Meaning: родственница (сестра или жена брата)
Turkic: *jeŋe
Mongolian: *nagaču
Tungus-Manchu: *neŋu-
Korean: *nù'ɨ̀i
Comments: EAS 76; TMN 4, 207 ("kaum annehmbar... Lallwort").
Proto-Altaic: *nĕ̀p`é
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to spread, cover
Russian Meaning: стелить, покрывать
Turkic: *jap-
Mongolian: *nebseji-
Tungus-Manchu: *nep-te-
Korean: *nìp-
Japanese: *nǝ̀mpú- (~-ua-)
Comments: ТМС 1, 624. Verbal low tone in Korean.
Proto-Altaic: *nep`V(ĺV)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of insect, butterfly
Russian Meaning: вид насекомого, бабочка
Turkic: *japɨĺgak
Mongolian: *naɣalinkaj
Tungus-Manchu: *nelbige (?)
Korean: *nàpắi
Comments: A common derivative *nep`V-ĺV is reflected in PT *japɨĺ-(gak), PM *naɣali-(nkaj) and probably Evk. nelbiɣe < *nepli-ge. The root must have denoted a small flying insect, with a further development > 'small biting insect' in Turkic. It may well be that the initial consonant was *l- (since the only TM reflex is the isolated Evk. dialectal form nelbiɣe); cf. perhaps also a wider spread Evk. name of the caterpillar - lepurēgdi, lepčerēgdi (ТМС 518), although it is usually derived from PTM *lepu- 'fluffy'.
Proto-Altaic: *nèra
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: thin, flat
Russian Meaning: тонкий, плоский
Turkic: *jAr-
Mongolian: *nari-n
Tungus-Manchu: *ner- / *nar-
Korean: *jǝ̄rp- ( < *njǝ̄r-p- ?)
Japanese: *nàràs-
Comments: If the Korean form is related here, it must be one of the irregular cases of *n- lost in front of -j-, -i- already in Middle Korean; however, since the -jǝ- diphthong is also not quite regular, the Korean match is rather questionable.
Proto-Altaic: *ńĕra
Meaning: earth, floor
Russian Meaning: земля, пол
Turkic: *jẹr
Mongolian: *ǯir-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńerke
Comments: ТМС 1, 355. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nèra ( ~ -ŕ-)
Meaning: a k. of big tree
Russian Meaning: вид большого дерева
Mongolian: *nara-su
Tungus-Manchu: *ner- ( ~ ń-)
Japanese: *nàrà
Comments: The Mong.-Jpn. match appears certain; the Even parallel is isolated and less reliable.
Proto-Altaic: *nĕ́re
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: name; announcement, order
Russian Meaning: имя; объявление, приказ
Turkic: *jạr-
Mongolian: *nere
Korean: *(n)ìr(h)-
Japanese: *nǝ́r-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 37, 72, 294. Closed -ạ- in Turk. is not quite clear.
Proto-Altaic: *néro
Meaning: to fly; to rise
Russian Meaning: летать; подниматься
Turkic: *jAr-man-
Mongolian: *narba-
Tungus-Manchu: *nere-
Korean: *nằr-
Japanese: *nǝ́r-
Comments: SKE 159, ТМС 1,625 (Tung.-Kor.), Martin 240, АПиПЯЯ 296. In Kor. cf. also nắr-kái 'wing' (with change of tone?), mod. narɨ-da 'to transport'. The Turk. and Jpn. forms can be alternatively compared with MKor. nīr- 'to stand up, rise'.
Proto-Altaic: *ńésa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: luck, fortune
Russian Meaning: счастье, судьба
Tungus-Manchu: *ńes-
Japanese: *mású-rá-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nèse ( ~ -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: flat, to flatten
Russian Meaning: плоский, разглаживать
Tungus-Manchu: *nese-
Japanese: *nǝ̀s-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss; on a possible Turk. reflex see under *dắsi.
Proto-Altaic: *nḗ
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to lie, put
Russian Meaning: лежать; класть
Mongolian: *niɣu-
Tungus-Manchu: *nē-
Korean: *nū-b-
Japanese: *ná-
Comments: Martin 235, АПиПЯЯ 72, 94, 276. One of common Altaic monosyllabic verbs. Mong. reflects a suffixed form ( = Kor. nūb-); length in TM is exceptionally preserved in a monosyllabic root.
Proto-Altaic: *nìbi ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to smoke, to smell
Russian Meaning: дымиться, пахнуть
Mongolian: *neɣü-
Tungus-Manchu: *nibu(p)-
Korean: *nắi
Japanese: *nìpǝ̀-p-
Comments: EAS 77, SKE 158 (Tung.-Kor.), АПиПЯЯ 297. Kor. -ă- is most probably a result of vowel contraction after the loss of *-b-.
Proto-Altaic: *nibĺa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: clay, to smear
Russian Meaning: глина, мазать
Turkic: *joĺa
Tungus-Manchu: *ńiblü-
Japanese: *nasur-
Comments: The vowel *-o- in Turkic is probably due to the medial cluster (*joĺa < *jɨbĺa).
Proto-Altaic: *ńíkrV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of thorny tree
Russian Meaning: вид колючего дерева
Mongolian: *ǯeɣergene
Tungus-Manchu: *ńikri-kta
Japanese: *míkúri
Comments: For the phonetic development in Mong. cf. *bŭkrV, *č`ik`ò (*č`ik`rV).
Proto-Altaic: *nìk`é
Meaning: to become sour, ripen
Russian Meaning: скисать, созревать
Mongolian: *negsi-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńeK- ~ *niK-
Korean: *nìk-
Japanese: *nìnkà-
Comments: ТМС 1, 651 (Mong.-Tung.). Verbal low tone in Kor.
Proto-Altaic: *nĭ̀k`ú
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to grind, crunch; knead
Russian Meaning: растирать, разгрызать; месить
Turkic: *jɨk-
Mongolian: *niku-
Tungus-Manchu: *ń[i]Ki-
Korean: *nìkì-
Japanese: *nǝ̀nkǝ̀-p- / *nùnkù-p-
Comments: Poppe 39, Дыбо 1995b.
Proto-Altaic: *nilko ( ~ -u)
Meaning: old, grown-up
Russian Meaning: старый, взрослый
Turkic: *jɨlkɨ
Korean: *nɨ̀rk-
Comments: A Turk.-Kor. isogloss; cf. also Kor. nɨ(l)ktari 'old beast' (see SKE 171). The parallel is striking, but one should keep in mind that the stem may be actually derived from *nàjĺV 'age', with additional influence of *jɨl 'year' in Turkic.
Proto-Altaic: *ńiĺu ( ~ -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to polish, scrape
Russian Meaning: полировать, скрести
Turkic: *jɨĺ-
Mongolian: *ǯilgü-
Tungus-Manchu: *nili-
Korean: *(n)īr-
Comments: SKE 69, Дыбо 15.
Proto-Altaic: *nĭmči(-k`V)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: fat in the intestines, fat food, roe
Russian Meaning: кишечный жир, жирная пища, икра
Turkic: *(j)inčgek
Mongolian: *nimǯi-ge, *nümǯi-ge
Tungus-Manchu: *nim(u)kse
Comments: Лексика 151. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńĭ̀mi (~-e)
Meaning: host, guest
Russian Meaning: хозяин, гость
Tungus-Manchu: *ńime-
Korean: *nīm
Japanese: *mìmà-p-
Comments: An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńĭ̀ŋči
Meaning: thin, narrow; short
Russian Meaning: тонкий, узкий; короткий
Turkic: *jiŋč-ge
Mongolian: *ǯiǯig
Tungus-Manchu: *nisi-
Japanese: *mìnsìkà-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 110, 278, Дыбо 12, Дыбо 1995b.
Proto-Altaic: *nìŋi
Meaning: burden, load
Russian Meaning: ноша, груз
Tungus-Manchu: *niŋu-
Korean: *ni(ŋ)-
Japanese: *nì
Comments: Martin 227. An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńipV
Meaning: a k. of weed, bush
Russian Meaning: вид травы или кустарника
Mongolian: *ǯiba
Tungus-Manchu: *nibēkte
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nĭ̀ra
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: spine
Russian Meaning: позвоночник
Turkic: *jɨr
Mongolian: *niruɣu
Tungus-Manchu: *niri-
Japanese: *nà(n)tùki
Comments: EAS 76-77, KW 281, Poppe 39, 116, Колесникова 1972а, 88-89, Дыбо 306. Despite Doerfer MT 114, evidently not a loan in TM from Mong. The comparison with Turkic is possible if we suppose a usual semantic development 'North' < 'back'.
Proto-Altaic: *níre ( ~ -ŕ-, -o)
Meaning: a k. of foliage tree, elm
Russian Meaning: вид лиственного дерева, вяз
Tungus-Manchu: *nir-
Korean: *nɨ̀rɨ́p
Japanese: *nírai
Comments: An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńiro ( ~ -ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of big fish
Russian Meaning: вид большой рыбы
Mongolian: *ǯirga
Tungus-Manchu: *ńiru- / *ńeri-
Japanese: *mǝrǝkǝ ( ~ -ua)
Comments: ТМС 1, 640. Cf. Chuv. śarlan 'herring'. Cf. also Kalm. jarɣǝ 'salmon' < unattested Turk.??
Proto-Altaic: *nìt`á
Meaning: weak, quiet
Russian Meaning: слабый, тихий, спокойный
Turkic: *jit-
Mongolian: *nete-
Tungus-Manchu: *nita-
Korean: *njǝ̀th-
Japanese: *nàntà- / *nǝ̀ntǝ́-
Comments: A common derivative *nìt`á-rV- is reflected in PM *nete-re- = Man. nita-ra- = PJ *nàntà-ra-(ka).
Proto-Altaic: *nìt`à
Meaning: sharp weapon, a k. of knife
Russian Meaning: острое орудие, вид ножа
Turkic: *jiti
Mongolian: *nitula-
Korean: *nát
Japanese: *nátá
Comments: See SKE 162 (Kor-Jpn.). The Jpn. word is not attested in OJ and MJ texts and may well be borrowed from Korean - which would also explain the irregular high tone.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ač`i
Meaning: to forget, refuse
Russian Meaning: забывать, отказываться
Mongolian: *niča-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńaču-
Korean: *nìč-
Comments: PTM *ńaču- is a secondary contraction < *ni̯aču; PA *n- (not *ń-) is indicated by Mong. *n-.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ăke
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: neck, vertebra
Russian Meaning: шея, (шейный) позвонок
Turkic: *jaka
Mongolian: *nigur-su
Tungus-Manchu: *nikimna
Comments: A Western isogloss. See VEWT 180 (Turk.-Tung.; but Kor. mjǝk 'neck' cannot belong here), ОСНЯ 2, 92, АПиПЯЯ 293. Doerfer (TMN 4, 104) tries (in vain) to destroy the Turk.-Tung. paralle l ("aus lautlichen ... als auch semantischen Gründen inkorrekt" - ?). The comparison of the Mong. form with Man. ikursun in KW 281, Rozycki 115 should be regarded as erroneous (Man. ikursun < ТМ *xīKeri q. v.). For further Nostratic parallels see ОСНЯ 2, 92.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ák`ì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: mild, soft
Russian Meaning: мягкий, нежный
Tungus-Manchu: *ńaKa
Korean: *nǝ̀k
Japanese: *níkuá- / *níkí-
Comments: An Eastern isogloss. The original meaning must have been 'mild', particularly (but not necessarily) applied to feelings, whence the more general meaning 'soul' in Kor. Turk. *jakĺɨ 'good' (see ЭСТЯ 4, 63-64) may be a merger of this root with *jakɨĺ- 'to approach' (q. v.).
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ála
Meaning: shallow, shallow place
Russian Meaning: мелкий, отмель
Turkic: *jAl-kɨ-,-pak
Mongolian: *naliɣur
Tungus-Manchu: *niala-
Korean: *nằrằ
Comments: ТМС 1, 629 (Tung.-Mong.).
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ama
Meaning: low, level; side of the mountain
Russian Meaning: низкий, ровный; склон горы
Turkic: *jAmač
Mongolian: *nam
Tungus-Manchu: *niama
Japanese: *mama
Comments: Phonetics in the Mong.-Tung. area presents some problems, probably because of an early dissimilation *ńi̯ama > *ni̯ama in part of the dialects, and some dialectal mixture afterwards (cf. several different reflexes in Evk.).
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯áme
Meaning: a k. of vessel
Russian Meaning: вид сосуда
Turkic: *jAm
Mongolian: *namaɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *nim(b)a
Korean: *nìmắr
Comments: There are some indications in Turkic and TM that the root in question denoted a big vessel for tanning skins; in the Eastern area, however, it is also used for a boat or part of a boat (with a natural transition 'vessel' > 'boat').
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯áme
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to curse, harm
Russian Meaning: ругать, вредить
Turkic: *jem-ür-
Mongolian: *ǯime
Tungus-Manchu: *ńim- / *ńum-
Korean: *namɨra-
Japanese: *mǝ́má-
Comments: Turkic forms like Kirgh. ǯeme, Tuva čeme, Oyr. d́eme, Yak. seme- are most probably < Mong.; Chuv. śamlan- 'to perish' is not quite clear.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯àmi
Meaning: trace
Russian Meaning: след
Turkic: *jam
Mongolian: *ǯim
Tungus-Manchu: *ńiam-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯amńa
Meaning: to ride, mount
Russian Meaning: ехать верхом
Mongolian: *namna-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńamńa-
Comments: A Tung.-Mong. isogloss. See ТМС 1, 632, Doerfer MT 56 (suggesting TM > Mo, with doubt).
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ańa
Meaning: to arrange, steer
Russian Meaning: располагать в порядке, направлять
Turkic: *jań-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńiani-
Japanese: *nama-
Comments: The original meaning is well reconstructable as 'to arrange, take or lead (smb. or smth.) in a row'.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯áŋa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: calm, quiet
Russian Meaning: спокойный, тихий
Tungus-Manchu: *ńaŋa
Japanese: *nánkì
Comments: A Tung-Jpn. isogloss; on a possible Turkic reflex see under *zìŋke.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ắŋe
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to curse, swear
Russian Meaning: ругать
Turkic: *jAŋɨl
Mongolian: *niɣül-, -g-
Tungus-Manchu: *niŋī-
Japanese: *nǝ́nǝ́sír-
Comments: A common derivative *ni̯ắŋe-lV is reflected in PT *jaŋɨ-l = PM *nigü-l = Sol. niŋī-l.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯àŋu / *ŋi̯àŋu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: field, grazing place, hunting place
Russian Meaning: поле, пастбище, место охоты
Turkic: *(i)aŋɨŕ
Mongolian: *nuntug / *nintug
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋuŋi
Korean: *nón
Japanese: *nùa
Comments: Martin 247-248. A good common Altaic root, but demonstrating some assimilative effects. Jpn. *nùa reflects a suffixed form *ni̯àŋ(u)-gV.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ăŕe (?*ĺ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to draw
Russian Meaning: чертить, рисовать
Turkic: *jạŕ-
Mongolian: *ǯiru-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńiru-
Korean: *nìrk-
Comments: Владимирцов 188, Poppe 28, Дыбо 14. Initial *l- is possible if we relate here Jurch. lar-ru- 'to write' (809) - the PTM form in this case must be reconstructed as *liru-. Despite Doerfer's criticism (TMN 4, 69-70), the etymology seems quite plausible (and the TM forms can certainly not be explained as borrowed < Mong.).
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯àŕì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: man, young man
Russian Meaning: мужчина, юноша
Turkic: *jeŕne
Mongolian: *ǯer-me-
Tungus-Manchu: *ń(i)ari
Korean: *nắr-ná-
Japanese: *mì(n)tù
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 291.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ằrke
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to pinch (hair)
Russian Meaning: выщипывать (волосы)
Turkic: *jarkak
Mongolian: *ǯirge-
Tungus-Manchu: *nirku-
Japanese: *mǝ̀(n)k-
Comments: Дыбо 1995b. The root is quite reliable both phonetically and semantically.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ā̀
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: eye
Russian Meaning: глаз
Turkic: *jāĺ 'tear'
Mongolian: *nidü
Tungus-Manchu: *ńia-sa
Korean: *nún
Japanese: *mài(N), *mì-
Comments: EAS 77, Poppe 39, Menges 1984, 281, Street 1980, 300-301, АПиПЯЯ 30-31, 78, 87, 275. For the Turkic form cf. Mong. *ni-l-mu-sun (KW 281; Владимирцов 146), ТМ *(i)ńa-mū-, MKor. nún-mɨ́r, PJ *na-mi(n)tV 'tear' < PA *ńi̯ā(ĺ)-mi̯ūri 'water of the eye'. PT irregularly preserves length here: it is probably due to the influence of other homophonic and synonymic roots. Jpn. *m- here deserves special comment. It is a usual reflex of *ń- or *ŋi̯-, but none can be safely reconstructed here (not *ń- because of Mong. ni-dün, not *ŋi̯- because of TM *ńia-sa). One may note, however, that Jpn. has n- in *na-mi(n)tV 'tear', and perhaps also in the old deverbative OJ niram- (also *nia-m- > nem-) 'to glare at, keep an eye on' = Kor. nori- 'to have an eye upon' = TM *ńia-ru- 'to stare' (ТМС 1, 291) = Karakh. jeze- (EDT 985, TMN 4, 163) 'to patrol, keep an eye on' < PA *ni̯ā-ŕV. One can also pay attention to the nasal suffix present in Kor. nu-n and Jpn. *mai(N); it may suggest that we are actually dealing with reflexes of an archaic suffixed form *ni̯a-ŋ(V), the velar in which also can account for some unexpected TM forms: Jurch. ŋia-ĉi and Nan. dial. ŋasar ( < *ŋia-sa < *ńiaŋ-sa). Japanese may have had a similar assimilation (*ma-iN < *ŋi̯a-ŋ < *ni̯a-ŋ), while the suffixless form is preserved in a compound (*na-mi(n)ta < *ni̯a) and a derived verb (niram-). Cf. also KBalk. ǯalamuq 'tear' (probably < Bulg., reflecting a trace of the original compound in PTurk.). Traces of *-ĺ- in some forms (Turk. *jāĺ, Mong. *nil-mu-sun) may reflect a distinct root, preserved in Mong. *naliqa 'wing-like membrane, corner of the eye', as well as nilma / milma 'pupil of the eye'.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ā̀bo ( ~ -o-)
Meaning: storm, natural disaster
Russian Meaning: буря, стихийное бедствие
Turkic: *jubug ( ~ *jabug)
Mongolian: *nöɣe-le-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńō[be]-kte
Japanese: *nàw(u)í
Comments: The vocalism is not quite secure due to assimilations; nevertheless the root seems well reconstructable.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ā̀da ( ~ -i̯o-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to suffer, pine, tarry
Russian Meaning: страдать, изнывать
Turkic: *jAdna-
Mongolian: *naǯa- ( < *naǯi-)
Tungus-Manchu: *ńāda
Japanese: *nàjàm-
Comments: One of common Altaic verbs of emotion. The original meaning was probably something like 'languish', which would explain all the individual semantic developments.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ā̀ji
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: pus, snot
Russian Meaning: гной, сопли
Mongolian: *nij-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńā-
Comments: Poppe 38. A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ā́ĺi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: raw, fresh
Russian Meaning: сырой, незрелый, свежий
Turkic: *jāĺ
Mongolian: *nilaɣu
Tungus-Manchu: *ń(i)ali-
Korean: *năr
Comments: EAS 110, Poppe 39, SKE 159, АПиПЯЯ 280-281, Дыбо 12, Doerfer MT 114. Preservation of n- in Mong. suggests a reconstruction *ni̯āĺi, with PTM *ńali- secondarily < *niali-.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ā̀lo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: blade, sharp
Russian Meaning: лезвие, острый
Mongolian: *nüjile-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńūl(u)-
Korean: *nắrh
Japanese: *na
Comments: Jpn. *na goes back to a suffixed form *ni̯āl(o)-gV ( = Kor. *nắrh); Mong. reflects a regular dissimilation *nüjile- < *nüli-le ( < *nilü-le or *nelü-le).
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ā̀lpá
Meaning: tin, lead
Russian Meaning: жесть, свинец
Tungus-Manchu: *ńālban
Japanese: *nàmári
Comments: An interesting TM-Jpn. isogloss; cf. also Old Koguryo *naimul (see Miller 1979, 8). Jpn. *nàmá-ri < *nàpan-(r)i, with usual regressive nasalization.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ā́ŕ[à]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: young; spring, summer
Russian Meaning: молодой; весна, лето
Turkic: *jāŕ
Mongolian: *nirai
Tungus-Manchu: *ńar-gu-
Korean: *njǝ̀rɨ́-m
Japanese: *nátù
Comments: EAS 111, KW 277, Владимирцов 145-146, Poppe 38, 81, Martin 243, ОСНЯ 2, 84, АПиПЯЯ 74, Лексика 73-74. The Mong. form certainly cannot have a Turkic origin (despite Щербак 1997, 123). Doerfer (TMN 4, 67) attacks the etymology desperately ("Kor. njǝrɨm... ist lautlich ausgeschlossen"; "mo. nirai 'frisch' ist semantisch unklar"; "bei ma. ńarxun fragt es sich, ob es nicht ein Lw. < Mo. ist" (but isn't Mo. "semantisch unklar"?), etc. The root has indeed some problems: Mong. and Kor. reflect rather an assimilative variant *ni̯āŕi than *ni̯āŕa; but the comparison still remains quite reliable.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ombu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: thin
Russian Meaning: тонкий
Mongolian: *nimgen
Tungus-Manchu: *nem(i)- / *niambu-
Comments: Poppe 38, АПиПЯЯ 51, 286, KW 276. A Mong.-Tung. isogloss. A probable reflex in Jpn. is OJ num(j)er- 'be slippery' - with the meaning influenced by *nàmià 'slippery' (see *ni̯ùmà). The roots *ni̯ombu and *ni̯uma generally tend to influence each other.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯oŋe
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: cold
Russian Meaning: холодный
Turkic: *jEŋ
Mongolian: *ǯiŋ-de-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńeŋde- / *ńuŋde-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ŏŋe
Meaning: one, single
Russian Meaning: один, единственный
Turkic: *jaŋɨŕ
Mongolian: *nige(n)
Tungus-Manchu: *noŋ- ~ *non-
Korean: *njǝ̀nɨ̀(k)
Japanese: *nǝmi
Comments: A good common Altaic root.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯oru
Meaning: strap, rag
Russian Meaning: полоса, тряпка
Turkic: *jur-
Mongolian: *ǯur-
Tungus-Manchu: *ń(i)ara-, *ńiarma-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯òru ( ~ -ŕ-)
Meaning: to untie, unwrap
Russian Meaning: развязывать, разворачивать
Tungus-Manchu: *ner- (?*niar-)
Korean: *nắrí-
Japanese: *nura-
Comments: An Eastern isogloss. It would be tempting to add also PT *jȫr- 'to untie' (see under *dòru) and perhaps also *jȫrge- 'to wrap, twist' (see ЭСТЯ 4, 234-237), but vocalism raises problems.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯oso ( ~ *ni̯usi)
Meaning: heavy, clumsy
Russian Meaning: тяжелый, неуклюжий
Mongolian: *nüser
Tungus-Manchu: *nis-
Comments: ТМС 1, 613. A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ń[i̯ō]ba
Meaning: to walk, to go out
Russian Meaning: ходить, выходить
Tungus-Manchu: *ńē(b)- ~ *ńū(b)-
Korean: *ní-
Japanese: *màwǝ- ( ~ -u)
Comments: EAS 77. An Eastern isogloss. The vocalic structure of the TM forms is not quite clear (because of contractions), thus the PA reconstruction is not secure. Cf. perhaps Mong. ǯow 'пошла вон! (о собаке)'. See SKE 165.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ṑgè
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: son-in-law, nephew
Russian Meaning: зять, племянник
Turkic: *jEgin
Mongolian: *ǯeɣe
Tungus-Manchu: *ńōg-
Japanese: *mùkuâ
Comments: Владимирцов 198. The Jpn. word is to be analysed as *mu- ( < *ńi̯ōge) + *kua 'son, child'.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ṓĺe ( ~ -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: green, vegetable
Russian Meaning: зелень, овощи
Turkic: *jāĺ-ɨl
Mongolian: *ǯöl(ü)ge
Tungus-Manchu: *ńoli-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ṑpo
Meaning: front, in front, front side
Russian Meaning: перед, впереди, передняя сторона
Mongolian: *ǯöb
Tungus-Manchu: *ńōb- (/ *ńāb-)
Korean: *njǝ̀p
Japanese: *màpiâ
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 297. TM reflects a form with early dissimilation: *ńi̯ṑpo > *ńōbo; other forms point to a diphthong in PA.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ṑri
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to heat
Russian Meaning: нагревать, накаливать
Mongolian: *nurma
Tungus-Manchu: *ńūre-
Japanese: *nìrà(n)k-
Comments: EAS 77. Mong. *nurma is probably a contraction < *niru-ma.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯údi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to burn, boil
Russian Meaning: жечь, варить
Mongolian: *nidu-
Korean: *nùd-
Japanese: *ní-
Comments: Martin 240 (Kor.-Jpn.).
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯údurgi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: fist
Russian Meaning: кулак
Turkic: *jɨdruk / *judruk
Mongolian: *nidurga
Tungus-Manchu: *nurga
Japanese: *nínkír-
Comments: EAS 77, KW 280, Владимирцов 187, 369, Poppe 39, Дыбо 317, Лексика 253. Despite Щербак 1997, 125 and Doerfer MT 77, Rozycki 164 borrowing in Mong. from Turk. and TM from Mong. is excluded. TM has a regular loss of *-d- before -r-, with subsequent vowel contraction; Jpn. also reflects a contraction: *ni̯údurgi > *nuj(u)ki- > *ni(n)ki-. It is interesting to note that all subgroups reflex the form with *-rgi; this means that Mong. nidur(a)-, nidu-či- 'to strike with the fist' may be analogical back-formations (or else the most archaic forms reflecting suffixless *ni̯údu).
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ugu ( ~ l-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to put in
Russian Meaning: класть
Turkic: *jɨg-
Mongolian: *nöɣe-
Korean: *njǝ̀h-
Comments: A perfect phonetic match would be PTM *lugu- 'to put out, take out' (ТМС 1, 506-507), but the semantics is baffling.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ùmà
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: warm; soft, mild
Russian Meaning: теплый; мягкий,нежный
Turkic: *jɨm-ĺčak
Mongolian: *nomu- /*neme- / *nima-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńume-/ *ńama / *ńem-
Japanese: *nàmià
Comments: EAS 76, KW 275, Martin 232 (Jpn.-Kor.), ОСНЯ 2, 86-87, АПиПЯЯ 69, 292, Дыбо 12, Мудрак Дисс. 91. The original meaning must have been 'soft, tender' (generally, or particularly - of weather, fruits etc.). An expressive root with phonetic variation, tending to contaminate with *ni̯ombu 'thin' q. v. (hence vocalic variation in Mongolian and Tungus; but despite Doerfer MT 69 it is hardly appropriate to regard the TM forms as mongolisms). In Mong. cf. also nalmi-gar ( < *namli-gar?) 'excessively soft, weak'.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ŭmi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to close (eyes, mouth)
Russian Meaning: закрывать (глаза, рот)
Turkic: *jüm- / *jum-
Mongolian: *ǯimüji-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńim-
Comments: KW 111, EAS 65, Дыбо 13. A Western isogloss. Mong. is hardly borrowed from Turk., despite Щербак 1997, 125.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯úŕe
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to become wet, soak
Russian Meaning: мокнуть
Turkic: *jüŕ-
Mongolian: *nor-
Tungus-Manchu: *ń[ü]r-
Japanese: *núrá-
Comments: The vocalism in TM is not quite certain, but initial *ń- (corresponding to Mong. n- and Jpn. *n-) points to PA *n- followed by a diphthong.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯uŕge
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of weed
Russian Meaning: вид травы
Turkic: *jiŕ
Mongolian: *ǯürgij
Tungus-Manchu: *nirge- ( ~ -ü-)
Japanese: *mǝrǝkǝsi
Comments: Phonetically a good match, but botanical details remain to be clarified.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯uru
Meaning: song and dance
Russian Meaning: песня и танец
Turkic: *jɨr
Mongolian: *nürgi-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńur(g)a-
Korean: *nòr-
Comments: A derivative *ni̯uru-gV is reflected in PM *nür-gi-, Evn. nör-gъ-, MKor. nòr'ái.
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯utu ( ~ -a)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to pound, pestle
Russian Meaning: толочь, пест
Mongolian: *nidü-
Tungus-Manchu: *nutiku
Comments: ТМС 1, 613, АПиПЯЯ 16. A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ūnŋe
Meaning: direction, sign
Russian Meaning: направление, указание
Turkic: *jȫn
Mongolian: *ǯöŋ
Tungus-Manchu: *ńuŋ-
Japanese: *muna-i
Comments: An interesting common Altaic root, with quite plausible phonetic and semantic correspondences; however, some contaminations with *nuŋu 'chief, master' were possible.
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ūno
Meaning: to adze, scrape off
Russian Meaning: обтесывать, соскребать
Turkic: *jōn-
Mongolian: *ǯoma-gul
Tungus-Manchu: *ńüŋ-
Comments: KW 476. A Western isogloss. Medial -m- in Mong. is probably secondary (assimilatory here). Note that all languages reflect a derivative *ńi̯ūno-gV (in Turk. cf. *jōn-ga 'chips, wooden shavings' = Mong. *ǯomu-gu-l = TM *ńüŋ(g)-).
Proto-Altaic: *ńi̯ū̀ŋńù
Meaning: liquid faeces
Russian Meaning: жидкие испражнения
Turkic: *jin (/*jɨn)
Mongolian: *ǯuŋgag
Tungus-Manchu: *ńōŋńa
Korean: *nú(ŋ)-
Japanese: *ùmì
Comments: SKE 172, Дыбо 10, Лексика 149. In Jpn. one has to suppose either a secondary dissimilation (*ùmì < *mùmì), or a preliminary assimilation *ńi̯ū̀ŋńu > *ŋi̯ū̀ŋńu ( > *ùmì).
Proto-Altaic: *ni̯ū̀ra(-k`V) ( ~ -ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: hair
Russian Meaning: волосы
Mongolian: *norakai
Tungus-Manchu: *ńūrikte
Korean: *narot
Comments: SKE 162.
Proto-Altaic: *nī́bŕo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: face, resemblance
Russian Meaning: лицо, сходство
Turkic: *jǖŕ
Mongolian: *niɣur
Japanese: *nǝr-
Comments: VEWT 214. *-ǖ- in Turk. is due to contraction.
Proto-Altaic: *nī̀kV ( ~ -i̯ā-)
Meaning: duck
Russian Meaning: утка
Mongolian: *nigu-sun
Tungus-Manchu: *nīKǖ
Comments: KW 281, Poppe 1974, 121, АПиПЯЯ 293. A Tung.-Mong. isogloss. The TM form can hardly be regarded as a mongolism, therefore (despite Poppe 1966, 31) this root should be carefully distinguished from ТМ *ńuŋńakī 'goose' (= Karakh. juɣaq id.). Mong. has parallel forms niɣusun and noɣusun - possibly resulting from contamination.
Proto-Altaic: *nī̀k`e ( ~ -i̯ā-)
Meaning: servant
Russian Meaning: слуга
Mongolian: *nek-
Tungus-Manchu: *nīka-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss. Cf. *ńi̯ṑgè, *nek`V.
Proto-Altaic: *nīme
Meaning: top of head
Russian Meaning: верхняя часть головы
Turkic: *jem-kek
Tungus-Manchu: *nīme-kte
Korean: *nìmáh
Japanese: *mínái
Comments: Лексика 202, Дыбо 1995b. Tone in Kor.-Jpn. is irregular. In Jpn. one has to assume metathesis (*míná- < *nímá-), quite probable in a root with two nasals.
Proto-Altaic: *nòču
Meaning: to seize, steal
Russian Meaning: хватать, красть
Mongolian: *noču-
Japanese: *nùsùm-
Comments: A Mong.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *nóle
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to burn, flame
Russian Meaning: гореть, пламя
Turkic: *jula
Mongolian: *nöl-
Tungus-Manchu: *nul-
Korean: *nuri-
Japanese: *nǝ́rǝ́-sí
Comments: PKE 132, Poppe 38, АПиПЯЯ 72. Turkic *-u- is not quite regular here (but on the basis of the attested forms a reconstruction *jola is also not excluded). The Korean form may belong here only if the meaning "burnt smell" (not "rank" or "foul smell") is original.
Proto-Altaic: *ńŏ̀lo ( ~ -u-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to pluck, pick out
Russian Meaning: срывать, выдергивать
Turkic: *jol-
Mongolian: *ǯul-
Tungus-Manchu: *ń[u]l-
Japanese: *mǝ̀r-
Comments: ОСНЯ 2, 91-92.
Proto-Altaic: *ńóro ( ~ -u-, -e)
Meaning: arrow, harpoon
Russian Meaning: стрела, гарпун
Mongolian: *ǯoruɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *ńuru (~-i)
Japanese: *mǝ́rí (~-ua-)
Comments: A good match denoting a hunting weapon.
Proto-Altaic: *nṑdà ( ~ -ū-)
Meaning: lovely
Russian Meaning: милый, красивый
Tungus-Manchu: *nōdi
Japanese: *nàtùkà-
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńu-
Meaning: six
Russian Meaning: шесть
Mongolian: *ǯirgu-ɣa-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńu-ŋu-
Japanese: *mu-
Comments: Poppe 28, АПиПЯЯ 78.
Proto-Altaic: *ńugńa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: water bird, goose
Russian Meaning: водоплавающая птица, гусь
Turkic: *jugak
Tungus-Manchu: *ńuŋńakī
Korean: *nǝ̄ńí
Comments: Дыбо 9, Лексика 171.
Proto-Altaic: *nŭ̀k`é
Meaning: to pass
Russian Meaning: проходить мимо
Mongolian: *nögči-
Tungus-Manchu: *nuK-
Japanese: *nuànkà-
Comments: One of the many common Altaic verbs of motion.
Proto-Altaic: *ńuk`V ( ~ -k-)
Meaning: gum, juice
Russian Meaning: смола, сок
Turkic: *juk / *jok
Tungus-Manchu: *ńuK-
Comments: A Turk.-Tung. isogloss. Related may be some plant names (as 'juicy'?): cf. Yak. sugun 'blue-berry'; Evk. ńukekte 'mayflower'; OJ mukagwo, nukagwo 'bulb sprout' (for the latter cf., however, alternatively: WMong. nakija 'shoot of grass, leaf bud'; Man. ńaχara, ńaχari id., see ТМС 1, 628).
Proto-Altaic: *nuli
Meaning: to rob, oppress
Russian Meaning: подавлять, угнетать, грабить
Turkic: *julɨ-
Mongolian: *nölüɣe
Korean: *nùrɨ́-
Comments: SKE 173.
Proto-Altaic: *numu ( ~ l-, -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: task, important affair
Russian Meaning: задача, важное дело
Turkic: *jumuĺ
Tungus-Manchu: *nume
Japanese: *numa
Comments: It is interesting to note WMong. nom (with a variant lom) '(religious) law, religious book'. It is, of course, a borrowing < OT nom < Sogd. nwm < Gr. nomos, but the variant lom could indicate that there had been an original *lom that merged with the borrowed nom. In that case a reconstruction of *l- for PA would be justified.
Proto-Altaic: *n[u]ńa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of grass
Russian Meaning: вид травы
Turkic: *jon-ɨrčka
Mongolian: *nimniɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *ńuńV
Korean: *nàńí
Japanese: *nàntúna
Comments: Martin 240, Дыбо 10, Robbeets 2000, 104. The root denotes some sort of wild-growing flower (clover, dandelion, shepherd's purse), but - as most plant names - raises some problems. Mong. nimniɣa must represent a transformation of *nin-miɣa, with not quite clear suffixation. The tone correspondence between Kor. and Jpn. is irregular. If the original Turk. form is *jor-ɨnčka (cf. (QB) jor "porridge" - a semantic derivation like Russ. кашка 'clover'?), it does not belong here. On the other hand, cf. PT *jandak 'name of a thorny plant, camel-thorn, thistle' (EDT 947, VEWT 185). It appears semantically distant from the other forms, but may represent a secondary development due to association with jan- 'burn' ('burning plant'). The reconstruction in this case would have to be changed to *ni̯uńa - better explaining consonant reflexes and Mong. vocalism, but also suggesting a secondary restructuring in Turkic (*jɨn-dak > *jan-dak).
Proto-Altaic: *ńuŋe
Meaning: thigh
Russian Meaning: бедро
Mongolian: *ǯoɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *ńuŋī
Japanese: *muàmuâ
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 78.
Proto-Altaic: *nŭ́ŋu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wool, down
Russian Meaning: шерсть, пух
Turkic: *juŋ
Mongolian: *nowur-
Tungus-Manchu: *nuŋari
Japanese: *núnuá
Comments: EAS 119-120, KW 279, Poppe 73, ТМС 1, 611, АПиПЯЯ 285, Дыбо 9, Лексика 146. Borrowing in Mong. from Turk. is impossible, despite Щербак 1997, 125. The Turk.-Mong. match is quite regular, despite TMN 4, 228.
Proto-Altaic: *nuŋu
Meaning: chief, master
Russian Meaning: главный, хозяин
Turkic: *jɨŋak
Tungus-Manchu: *nuŋ-
Japanese: *nùsí (?)
Comments: A problematic case. The original meaning may be reconstructed as "main direction" (whence "direction, point of the compass" in Old Turkic and "main riverbed, stem" in TM), with a development > "chief, master" in Jpn. However, Jpn. nusi may belong here only if -si is an original attributive suffix (*nu-si < *nuŋ-si). There is also a very similar root *ńi̯ūnŋe meaning 'direction, sign', with ample opportunity for contaminations - which in fact almost certainly occurred in TM.
Proto-Altaic: *núra
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to pile, stack
Russian Meaning: накладывать, нагромождать
Mongolian: *norum
Tungus-Manchu: *nora-
Korean: *nar- ( ~ -ă-)
Japanese: *nárá(m)p-
Comments: ТМС 1, 606 (TM-Mong.). Cf. also MKor. núrí 'paddy pile', núrí- 'pile up paddies or grasses' (see Lee 1958, 116) - because of quite exceptional tone and vocalism probably borrowed from Manchu. The Manchu form, despite Rozycki 163, can be hardly explained as borrowed < Mong. In Turkic cf. perhaps Khak. (Верб.) jurlas 'crosswise supports for the firewood (for better burning)'.
Proto-Altaic: *nure ( ~ -ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: slow
Russian Meaning: медленный
Mongolian: *nör-
Tungus-Manchu: *nur-
Korean: *nàrhó-
Japanese: *nǝrǝ- (~-ua-)
Comments: Martin 241.
Proto-Altaic: *núŕi ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of berry, grape
Russian Meaning: вид ягоды, виноград
Turkic: *jüŕüm
Mongolian: *nüre
Tungus-Manchu: *nure
Korean: *nùrúk
Comments: Lee 1958, 116 (Kor.-TM), Дыбо 10. The distinction between *nüre and *nere- in Mong. is somewhat peculiar and may suggest the existence of two original roots.
Proto-Altaic: *ńū̀bV
Meaning: entertainment
Russian Meaning: развлечение
Turkic: *juba-
Mongolian: *ǯuɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *ńōba
Comments: Владимирцов 210. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ńūje
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: warm, to burn
Russian Meaning: теплый, гореть
Mongolian: *ǯöɣe-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńē-
Japanese: *muája-
Comments: A rare case of preservation of *-ua- after a labial in PJ; in fact we may be dealing here with a contraction of a more complex underlying form like *majU-ja- (with an original passive suffix).
Proto-Altaic: *nū́ru ( ~ -o)
Meaning: dwelling place
Russian Meaning: жилище
Turkic: *jūrt
Mongolian: *niruɣu
Tungus-Manchu: *nora-
Korean: *nùrí
Comments: Mong. *niruɣu probably < *nuriɣu (under the influence of *niruɣu 'back, spine'?). It would be also possible to regard the Manchu form as borrowed < Mong. (but preserving the earlier meaning), in which case the PA reconstruction would be *ni̯ṓru.
Proto-Altaic: *ńū̀t`V̀
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: plant glue
Russian Meaning: липкое растительное вещество
Mongolian: *ǯutaŋ
Tungus-Manchu: *ńūte
Japanese: *mǝ̀ti ( ~ -ua-)
Comments: The root must have denoted some kind of sticky plant substance.
Proto-Altaic: *ńV́jVrV ( ~ -g-, -ŕ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: gland
Russian Meaning: железа
Mongolian: *nojir
Tungus-Manchu: *ńeru / *ńiru
Japanese: *múrá-t́ua
Comments: ТМС 1, 654. Mong. reflects a dissimilation *ńV́jVrV > *nVjrV. The vocalism is not quite certain because of the variation in TM reflexes.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: 1st person pronoun (oblique stem?)
Russian Meaning: мест. 1-го лица (косв. основа?)
Mongolian: *na-m-
Korean: *nà
Japanese: *a-
Comments: SKE 156, АПиПЯЯ 296. The root serves as oblique stem in Mong., which may have been its original function; traces of it may be also discovered in OJ, see above.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋalma
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a biting insect
Russian Meaning: кусающее насекомое
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋalma-
Japanese: *àmû
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 81. A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋăńa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: clear sky
Russian Meaning: ясное небо
Turkic: *ańaŕ
Tungus-Manchu: *ńaŋńa
Japanese: *àmâi
Comments: Дыбо 11. In TM one has to suppose a metathesis (typical for roots with two nasals): *ńaŋńa < *ŋań-ŋa.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋā̀li
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: hand
Russian Meaning: рука
Turkic: *el, -ig
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋāla
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 17, 47, 282; Дыбо 316, Лексика 251-252. A Turk.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋā̀ńì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to take smb. with (oneself)
Russian Meaning: брать кого-л. с собой
Mongolian: *naji-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋāni-
Korean: *nīń-
Japanese: *ìmuà
Comments: See also Robbeets 2000, 110.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋā̀nsa
Meaning: debt
Russian Meaning: долг
Turkic: *asɨg
Tungus-Manchu: *nāŋsa
Japanese: *nàs-
Comments: The TM and Jpn. forms underwent a metathesis (frequent for roots with two nasals): *nāŋsa < *ŋānsa.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋḕlu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: fright, be afraid
Russian Meaning: страх, бояться
Turkic: *jAl-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋēle-
Korean: *nōr-ra-
Japanese: *ùrà-m-
Comments: Menges 1984, 279-280 (Kor.-TM). Despite Doerfer MT 21, TM cannot be borrowed from Mong. gelme- (which, despite Poppe 25 and АПиПЯЯ 18, is probably unrelated at all).
Proto-Altaic: *ŋḗni
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to go (down, away)
Russian Meaning: идти
Turkic: *ēn-
Mongolian: *neɣü-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋene-
Korean: *nàń(ắ-)
Japanese: *ín-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 18, 72, 292, Дыбо 13. Mong. *neɣü- < *ŋeŋü- < *ŋenü-.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋḗnu
Meaning: to attack, tease
Russian Meaning: нападать, издеваться
Turkic: *jān(u)-
Mongolian: *naŋ-si-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋen-
Japanese: *una-kas-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 18, 81 (with a different Jpn. form, see under *ā́nta), Дыбо 15.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋḕrá
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: day, sun, light
Russian Meaning: день, солнце, свет
Turkic: *jạr-ɨn
Mongolian: *naran
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋēr(i)-
Korean: *nár
Japanese: *àrí-
Comments: ОСНЯ 2, 86, АПиПЯЯ 295. See SKE 159, EAS 75 (Mong.-Kor.); one frequently links Turk. *jāŕ 'spring' (see SKE ibid., KW 272, VEWT 193), but the latter should be separated (see *ni̯ā́ŕ[à]); instead it seems plausible to compare Turk. *jarɨ-n 'tomorrow, morning' - see Лексика 80-81. TM *ŋēr(i)- 'light' is a perfect phonetic and semantic match and should be separated from Mong. gere-l 'light' (especially because the rule *ŋ- > Mong. g- is most probably false) - despite KW 134, Poppe 25, ОСНЯ 1, 228-229, АПиПЯЯ 18, Дыбо 11; on the etymology of the latter see under *gari (despite Poppe 1972, 101, Doerfer MT 21, the TM form of course cannot be borrowed from Mong. gerel).
Proto-Altaic: *ŋĭ̀ndó
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dog
Russian Meaning: собака
Turkic: *ɨt / *it
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋinda-
Japanese: *ìnú
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 18, 49, 72, 101, 274, Дыбо 9, Лексика 189. {Cf. Mong. ɣudarɣa 'пес, собака (бран.)' ?}.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯àbi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: deceased, funeral
Russian Meaning: покойник, похороны
Turkic: *jẹbe-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋiabi
Japanese: *mǝ̀ ( ~ *muà)
Comments: Дыбо 15.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯aji ( ~-e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: lower side
Russian Meaning: нижняя сторона
Turkic: *ej-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋia-
Korean: *nằrí-
Comments: See SKE 161 (Kor. nằrí- = TM *ŋia-la-). Vocalism is not quite certain because of contractions.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯àkča
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: nose, part of nose
Russian Meaning: нос, часть носа
Mongolian: *nagčar-kaji
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋiakso, *ŋiaksi-n
Korean: *nằčh
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 18, 293.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯ā̀k`u
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dog, wolf
Russian Meaning: песец, собака
Turkic: *eker
Mongolian: *nokaj
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋōKe
Korean: *nǝkori
Comments: Lee 1958, 115, АПиПЯЯ 18; a different analysis see in ОСНЯ 2,35.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯ā̀ŋe
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: fir-tree
Russian Meaning: пихта
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋiāŋ-ta
Japanese: *mǝ̀mì (~-ua-)
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 81. A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯ŏbu
Meaning: to pour
Russian Meaning: лить
Turkic: *ju(b)-
Mongolian: *jeɣü-le-
Tungus-Manchu: *ńiabe-
Korean: *nūb-
Comments: ТМС 1, 352. It is tempting to compare also Evk. ńewte, Evn. ńewte 'spring, well' (*'washing or pouring place') and perhaps also OJ mjiwo 'water-way, seaway' (if mji- is to be analysed as 'water', the -wo part stays completely obscure).
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯ṑk`è ( ~ -k-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to rise, elevation
Russian Meaning: подниматься, возвышение
Turkic: *jok-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋōKe ~ *ŋēKu
Japanese: *ǝ̀kǝ̀-
Comments: The reconstruction of the diphthong in this root is based on PT *j-: one should suppose an early development *ŋi̯ō- > *jo- in Turkic (which explains the vocalic reflex). Cf. *i̯úgu 'up, above' (which could also influence the Turkic form due to mutual influence of synonymous *jüg- and *jok-).
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯ōle
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: red, pink; yellow
Russian Meaning: красный, розовый; желтый
Turkic: *Āl
Mongolian: *öle
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋule-
Korean: *nùrɨ́-
Japanese: *mùrà-sákì
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 297. Turk. > Mong. al (KW 6, Щербак 1997, 97). The Jpn. parallel is quite convincing, despite a mismatch in tone (probably distorted in a long compound).
Proto-Altaic: *ŋ[i̯u]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: three, thirty
Russian Meaning: три, тридцать
Turkic: *otuŕ
Mongolian: *gu-
Japanese: *mi-
Comments: ? Cf. also Turk. *üč (*öč) 'three' (ЭСТЯ 1, 641-642, Stachowski 254). The match is somewhat problematic, basically because of the absence of the TM cognate, shortness of the root and unclear suffixation. The basic phonological correspondence pointing to PA *ŋ- is, however, observed, and the parallel seems to be worth noting.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯ūja
Meaning: smell
Russian Meaning: запах, пахнуть
Turkic: *jɨd (?)
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋō-
Korean: *nái
Comments: The Turkic form may belong here if *-d is a result of dissimilation (*jɨd < *jɨj) or a suffix.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋi̯ū̀ŋt`è
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: root
Russian Meaning: корень
Mongolian: *ündü-sü
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋǖŋte
Japanese: *mǝ̀tǝ̀
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 18, 39, 92, 291.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋ[i̯V]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: what, who (interrog. pronoun)
Russian Meaning: что, кто (вопросит. местоим.)
Turkic: *nē
Mongolian: *jaɣu-n-, *jaɣuma
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋǖ
Korean: *nú-
Japanese: *nV̀
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 18, 55, 81, 104, 278 (with literature). Initial *n- in Jpn. is probably due to assimilation to the following nasal (the most usual form is *na-ni); there also exists an interrogative *i- (in *i-ka 'how', *i-n-ture 'which' etc., reflecting nasalless *ŋi-. Vocalism in this archaic monosyllabic pronoun is not quite clear, evidently because of different suffixation.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋònŋi
Meaning: straight
Russian Meaning: прямой, правильный
Turkic: *öŋ-ed-
Mongolian: *üne-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋunŋe
Japanese: *ùmà-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 18, Дыбо 12.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋṓjču
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: thin, small
Russian Meaning: тонкий
Turkic: *ōču-
Mongolian: *öčü-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋüši- (*ŋujši-)
Korean: *nằč-
Japanese: *úsú-
Comments: EAS 148, АПиПЯЯ 18, 43, 292; SKE 162-163. Medial *-j- has to be reconstructed to account for the peculiar vowel behaviour in Mong. and TM.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋṑla
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: long; extend
Russian Meaning: длинный; растягивать
Turkic: *ula-
Mongolian: *nolig
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋōli-
Korean: *nắr-
Japanese: *nàn-kà-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 109, 276. The PTM form should be reconstructed with *-l- (despite АПиПЯЯ); therefore it belongs here rather than to PT *ȫn-, Mong. *ön-.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋṑŕa
Meaning: to surpass, win, contest
Russian Meaning: превосходить, побеждать, соревноваться
Turkic: *oŕ-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋōr-ča-
Japanese: *àràsuap-
Comments: Дыбо 15. Ozawa 170 compares the Jpn. form with Mong. arča- 'to quarrel, fight', but the latter is rather a reflex of *ḗŕa q. v. We should note that the Jpn. form may also belong to a different root, PA *erV 'seek, contest' (a possible Mong.-Turk. isogloss, on which see under *ī́re 'reach').
Proto-Altaic: *ŋúpu ( ~ -o-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of clamp
Russian Meaning: вид зажима
Mongolian: *gub-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋubi
Japanese: *úpái
Comments: An interesting common Altaic cultural term: as seen from the reflexes, it could denote a device that could snap around some object (a fish-trap, a clamp, a two-pronged rowlock etc.).
Proto-Altaic: *ŋurV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: young male
Russian Meaning: молодой самец
Turkic: *urɨ
Mongolian: *gura
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋur
Comments: SKE 177, EAS 107. A Western isogloss. See also *gúri.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋŭ̀sí ( ~ -o-)
Meaning: heel
Russian Meaning: пятка
Mongolian: *ösügeji
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋusē-
Japanese: *ùsírǝ
Comments: The original meaning is probably preserved in Mongolian, with a specialization ('heel' > 'heel strap, ski strap') in TM, and a generalization ('heel' > 'back') in Japanese.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋūja
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be able
Russian Meaning: мочь
Turkic: *u(j)-
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋū-
Japanese: *a-
Comments: Cf. also potential forms in Mongolian languages: Ord. -ūn 'if it is possible to', Bur. -ūtaj 'going to'.
Proto-Altaic: *ŋū̀je
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: long hair
Russian Meaning: длинные волосы
Turkic: *öjek
Mongolian: *öjekeji
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋūjelse
Japanese: *bǝ̀ (*buà)
Comments: Дыбо 10, Лексика 146, 423. In Jpn. *ua would be expected - which would yield OJ wo (therefore undistinguishable from *bua or *bǝ).
Proto-Altaic: *ŋū́ju
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to sleep
Russian Meaning: спать
Turkic: *ū-dɨ-, *ū-dɨ-k-la-
Mongolian: *nojir
Tungus-Manchu: *ŋu(j)a
Japanese: *úi-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 18, 50, 101, 280, Мудрак Дисс. 102.

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