Слова алтайского праязыка (*E)

Здесь представлен реконструированный словарный фонд праалтайского языка, начинающийся на фонему *E- (X корней). из общеалтайской этимологической БД проекта "Вавилонская башня" Московской школы компаративистики.

Proto-Altaic: *é
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: that (deictic root)
Russian Meaning: тот (дейктическая основа)
Turkic: *ạ(-n)
Mongolian: *e-ne
Tungus-Manchu: *e-
Korean: *ā-mò
Japanese: *á-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 111-112, 277; EAS 126, KW 122, АПиПЯЯ 56, 292, Doerfer MT 21, Rozycki 70.
Proto-Altaic: *e
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: not
Russian Meaning: не
Mongolian: *e-se
Tungus-Manchu: *e-
Comments: Poppe 65, KW 128, ОСНЯ 1, 265, АПиПЯЯ 44, 291. A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *èbà
Meaning: to join, meet
Russian Meaning: соединять(ся), встречать
Turkic: *ab-
Mongolian: *aɣu-lǯa-
Tungus-Manchu: *ebu-re-
Korean: *àbór-
Japanese: *àp-
Comments: SKE 12, Martin 234, Ozawa 167-168. An attempt of Doerfer (TMN 1, 173) to disprove Ramstedt's etymology (by supposing *h- in Mong.) is unsuccessful. Korean has a low tone, typical for the verbal subsystem.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕbà
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to winnow, fan
Russian Meaning: веять, провеивать
Turkic: *ebis-
Tungus-Manchu: *ebiri-
Japanese: *apu-
Comments: The root is not widely represented, but seems quite reliable. A derivative *ĕbà-rV is reflected in Nan. ebiri- = OJ apu-t-, apu-r-. Cf. *ap`i.
Proto-Altaic: *éba(-ku)
Meaning: marsh-mallow, hollyhock
Russian Meaning: пастушья сумка, алтей, шток-роза
Mongolian: *(h)abuga
Tungus-Manchu: *ebke-
Korean: *à'ók
Japanese: *ápúpi
Comments: Lee 1958, 105 (Man.-Kor.).
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ̀bè
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to carry on the back
Russian Meaning: нести на спине
Mongolian: *eɣüre-
Tungus-Manchu: *ebe-
Korean: *ǝ̀p-
Japanese: *ǝ̀p-
Comments: Martin 238. Korean has a verbal low tone.
Proto-Altaic: *ebí
Meaning: to be weak, to wither
Russian Meaning: быть слабым, изможденным
Tungus-Manchu: *ebe-
Korean: *ǝ̀bí-
Japanese: *impu-sia-
Comments: PKE 59. An Eastern isogloss. Cf. *àpo.
Proto-Altaic: *èbla
Meaning: egg
Russian Meaning: яйцо
Turkic: *o(bɨ)l-duruk
Mongolian: *(h)eɣülde
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)elū-
Korean: *árh
Comments: In Turk. *obɨl-duruk probably < *abɨl-duruk with secondary narrowing in a long wordform. Kor. *árh reflects a suffixed *èbla-gV.
Proto-Altaic: *ebo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: enough, big
Russian Meaning: достаточный, большой
Turkic: {*ebe- }
Mongolian: *(h)öɣ- / *(h)öb-
Tungus-Manchu: *ebi-
Korean: *ò'ắ-
Comments: Cf. PJ *ǝ̀pǝ̀- 'big' which may reflect a merger of this root with *ĕ̀p`o q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *ebVrV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: worm, snake
Russian Meaning: червь, змея
Turkic: *ebren
Tungus-Manchu: *ūre
Japanese: *bǝ̀rǝ̀tì ( ~ -ua-)
Comments: The Turkic form strongly suggests that PJ *bǝ̀rǝ̀tì is a contraction of a longer *ǝ̀bǝ̀rǝ̀tì.
Proto-Altaic: *éča
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: early, morning
Russian Meaning: рано, недавно, утро
Tungus-Manchu: *esī
Korean: *àčhắm
Japanese: *àsâ
Comments: Martin 236. An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕda
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: thing, goods
Russian Meaning: вещь, добро
Turkic: *ed
Mongolian: *aǯi- / *ada-
Tungus-Manchu: *idegē (/*e-)
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕdV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: host, husband
Russian Meaning: хозяин, муж
Turkic: *Edi
Mongolian: *eǯen
Tungus-Manchu: *edī-
Comments: EAS 97, KW 130, Poppe 53, 105, Цинциус 1972a, 49-52, Дыбо 6. A Western isogloss. Despite Щербак 1997, 114, Mong. is hardly borrowed from Turk. Doerfer's (TMN 2, 177-178) doubts in the validity of the etymology are hardly grounded: all forms are easily explained if we suppose a protoform like *edije. The form can be in fact an old derivative of *ĕda 'thing, household' (q. v., cf. Poppe UJb XIII, 114, 120).
Proto-Altaic: *ĕgi ( ~ -e, -a)
Meaning: to bend
Russian Meaning: гнуть
Turkic: *eg-
Mongolian: *eɣe-
Tungus-Manchu: *ege-
Korean: *ǝ̀i-
Comments: KW 130, SKE 51.
Proto-Altaic: *egmV
Meaning: shoulder, collarbone
Russian Meaning: плечо, ключица
Turkic: *egin
Mongolian: *eɣem
Tungus-Manchu: *emu-ge
Comments: KW 130, Владимирцов 321, Poppe 60, Колесникова 1972а, 92-93, Дыбо 307, Лексика 240. A Western isogloss. Despite Щербак 1997, 114, Mong. is not < Turk. May be derived from *ĕgi 'to bend' q. v. Doerfer (TMN 2, 192) protests against the Turk.-Mong. comparison, but restricts himself to "einigen grundsätzlichen Bemerkungen" (a loan theory would have to explain Turk. *-n > Mong. -m).
Proto-Altaic: *egVrV
Meaning: to twist, spin
Russian Meaning: крутить, вертеть, прясть
Turkic: *egir-
Mongolian: *eɣere-
Korean: *ǝ̀rɨ̀
Comments: KW 131, Владимирцов 194. Despite TMN 2, 193, Щербак 1997, 114, Mong. is hardly borrowed from Turk. The stem may be derived from *ĕgi 'to bend' q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *éjá ( ~ -o)
Meaning: to be afraid
Russian Meaning: бояться
Turkic: *Ej-men-
Mongolian: *aju-
Japanese: *ájá-
Comments: Poppe 66, АПиПЯЯ 79.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕju ( ~ -o)
Meaning: to speak, cry, sound
Russian Meaning: говорить, кричать, звучать
Turkic: *ạj-ɨt-
Mongolian: *aji-
Tungus-Manchu: *ejē-
Korean: *òi'ó-
Comments: KW 4, 25, Владимирцов 282, Poppe 67, АПиПЯЯ 286. {SH parallels see in ND 101 *ʔ[a]yV}.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ̀ka (~ -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: bad, weak
Russian Meaning: плохой, слабый
Turkic: *ek-
Mongolian: *(h)egel
Tungus-Manchu: *eke
Japanese: *àk-
Comments: Дыбо 12. Mong. may be < Turk.
Proto-Altaic: *èk`á
Meaning: to paw, hit with hooves
Russian Meaning: бить копытами
Turkic: *agsa-
Mongolian: *(h)agsa-
Tungus-Manchu: *ekte-
Japanese: *ànkà-k-
Comments: KW 5. Both Turkic and Mongolian languages have also a derivative meaning 'rampage, rage, raging': Karakh. aχsuŋ, axsum (MK), aqsun (QB), Chag. aqsum, axsum, Az. aqsɨn, Kirgh. aqsɨm etc.; WMong. aɣsum, Khalkha agsaŋ, Bur. agsam, Ord. agsum (DO 7) 'wild, raging', Khalkha agsam 'rampage'. Doerfer (TMN 2, 90) supposes a loanword in Turk. < Mong.; Shcherbak (Щербак 1997, 103) - vice versa; the final decision is still unclear.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕk`à (~ -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: elder sister
Russian Meaning: старшая сестра
Turkic: *eke
Mongolian: *eke, *egeče
Tungus-Manchu: *eKe / *keKe
Korean: *kjǝ̄-čìp
Japanese: *kaka
Comments: EAS 91, KW 118, Poppe 55, VEWT 38, АПиПЯЯ 292, Цинциус 1972a, 29-31, Дыбо 6. The root is (like most other kinship terms) a "nursery word", but very well attested in all branches, so - despite Doerfer TMN 1, 190-191 - all forms cannot be explained as borrowings (although some later interactions were of course possible, e.g. Mong. egeče may - because of its irregular -g- and meaning coinciding with Turkic - be a later Turkic loanword).
Proto-Altaic: *éli
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sufficient
Russian Meaning: достаточный
Mongolian: *el-
Tungus-Manchu: *ele-
Korean: *ǝr-
Japanese: *ír-
Comments: KW 119, Lee 1958, 108 (TM-Kor.), Rozycki 68. Despite Doerfer MT 20, TM *ele is hardly < Mong. (a particle in Mong. vs. a widespread verb in TM).
Proto-Altaic: *ĕlV(-k`V)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: deer
Russian Meaning: олень
Turkic: *elik
Mongolian: *ili
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)elkēn
Comments: KW 207, ОСНЯ 1, 273, Лексика 153, 389. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕĺǯu
Meaning: donkey
Russian Meaning: осел
Turkic: *eĺgek
Mongolian: *elǯigen
Tungus-Manchu: *eji-ken
Comments: KW 119, Владимирцов 323, Poppe 86. A Western isogloss. The phonology of the word strongly resists all attempts to regard it as an interlingual borrowing (Turk. > Mong. > TM, see, e.g., Rozycki 67), as well as attempts to derive it from Armen. eš etc.
Proto-Altaic: *ema ( ~ -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to come
Russian Meaning: приходить
Mongolian: *amada-
Tungus-Manchu: *eme-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss. Cf. perhaps also Karakh. öme 'guest, foreigner'.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ̀ma (~-o)
Meaning: to stay, be left, leave
Russian Meaning: оставаться, оставлять
Tungus-Manchu: *emē-n-
Japanese: *àmà-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 279. A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss. Cf. perhaps also MKor. mǝ̀mɨ́r- 'to stay, remain' ( < *Vmǝ-mɨr-, with a rather usual Korean loss of initial vowel?).
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ̀me
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: woman, female
Russian Meaning: женщина, самка
Turkic: *eme
Mongolian: *eme
Tungus-Manchu: *emV
Korean: *ámh
Japanese: *mía
Comments: EAS 116, Цинциус 1972a, 20-27, Menges 1984, 265, АПиПЯЯ 89, 279. In Jpn. cf. also omo 'mother' (see Ozawa 61, Murayama 1962, 110, Miller 1985a, 82); in MKor. also ǝ́mí 'mother' (see Martin 236). Jpn. mia represents a relatively rare case of a loss of initial vowel in Japanese.
Proto-Altaic: *èmi ( ~ a-, *ime)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to avoid, taboo
Russian Meaning: избегать, табуировать
Turkic: *emge-
Mongolian: *emiɣe-
Japanese: *ìm-
Comments: KW 121.
Proto-Altaic: *emo
Meaning: front
Russian Meaning: перед
Turkic: *ömgen
Mongolian: *emü-
Tungus-Manchu: *ume- / emu-
Comments: EAS 117, Владимирцов 154, SKE 54, Дыбо 307, Лексика 271. A Western isogloss. The vocalic reconstruction is somewhat uncertain: because of variation in PTM it is not quite clear whether Mong. has a secondary delabialization or Turkic has a secondary labialization. PA *ome is also possible.
Proto-Altaic: *emV ( ~ *ami)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to suck
Russian Meaning: сосать
Turkic: *em-
Mongolian: *em-kü-
Comments: A Turko-Mongolian isogloss. One is tempted to suppose lost *p`- and to unite this root with TM *pemu-, Jpn. *pàm- (see *pĕ̀ma). This is, however, hardly possible, because both Middle Mongolian and Dagur have 0- here (while Mongor x- can easily be secondary in front of a voiceless stop). A possible solution would be a loss of *h- ( < *p`-) in Proto-Mongolian (or even Proto-Turko-Mongolian) under the influence of a phonetically close "nursery" word, *ĕ̀me 'mother, female' q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *emV(ŋV)
Meaning: saddle, belt
Russian Meaning: седло, пояс
Turkic: *ẹ̆dŋe-r
Mongolian: *emeɣe-l
Tungus-Manchu: *emu-l
Comments: Мудрак Дисс. 102, Лексика 539. A Western isogloss. The Turkic form should be explained as a contraction < *emŋe-der (*emŋe- = Mong. emeɣe-).
Proto-Altaic: *eńa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sin, bad behaviour
Russian Meaning: грех, дурное поведение
Turkic: *(i)ańɨg
Mongolian: *ende-
Tungus-Manchu: *eńe-
Korean: *āń-
Comments: The root must have denoted "bad behaviour" in general, whence all the attested meanings: "mistake", "sin", "robbery".
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ́ńa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: mother, elder sister
Russian Meaning: мать, старшая сестра
Turkic: *ana / *eńe
Tungus-Manchu: *eńi-
Korean: *ǝ̀ńí
Japanese: *ánái
Comments: Цинциус 1972a, 27-29, АПиПЯЯ 78. A "nursery word" (like most kinship terms), but no doubt archaic.
Proto-Altaic: *eńa
Meaning: a k. of vessel
Russian Meaning: вид сосуда
Turkic: *ańak
Mongolian: *ajaga(n)
Tungus-Manchu: *eńukē
Comments: Владимирцов 293. A Western isogloss. Mong. may be < Turk. (TMN 2, 171, Щербак 1997, 95-96).
Proto-Altaic: *ènŋù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: young of an ungulate
Russian Meaning: детеныш копытного животного
Turkic: *ạnkaj
Mongolian: *unagan
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)enŋe-
Japanese: *ùmà
Comments: All forms reflect a suffixed *ènŋù-kV. A certain phonetic problem is raised by u- in Mong.; one has to assume PM *unu-gan (cf. the early TM loans: Evk. unukān 'foal', Sol. unuxũ 'kid'; see on it Poppe 1974, 128) with vocalic assimilation from earlier *anu-gan. Otherwise the etymology seems quite plausible, and appears to explain the Jpn. form better than the usual theory of Chinese borrowing (neither MC mạ́, nor OC mrāʔ can explain the initial um- in Japanese).
Proto-Altaic: *enu ( ~ -o)
Meaning: to beware, attention
Russian Meaning: остерегаться, внимание
Turkic: *anu-
Mongolian: *(h)an-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)en-te-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *eŋsV
Meaning: shoulder, back part
Russian Meaning: плечо, задняя часть шеи
Turkic: *eŋse
Korean: *ǝ̀skǝ́i
Comments: A Turk.-Kor. isogloss. For the Turk. form cf. alternatively TM *pisa (see Лексика 239).
Proto-Altaic: *ĕp`a
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: mother, elder sister, aunt
Russian Meaning: мать, старшая сестра, тетя
Turkic: *apa
Mongolian: *ebej
Tungus-Manchu: *ebke
Japanese: *pàpà
Comments: Цинциус 1972a, 32-37, Poppe 43. One of the rather widely spread nursery kinship words.
Proto-Altaic: *ép`á
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: breast, rib
Russian Meaning: грудь, ребро
Mongolian: *eb-
Korean: *ǝp-
Japanese: *ámpárá
Comments: Lee 1958, 108 (Mong.-Kor.); a loanword in Kor. < Mong. is not excluded.
Proto-Altaic: *ep`ò
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: bread, food
Russian Meaning: хлеб, пища
Turkic: *Epej
Mongolian: *aɣag / *haɣag
Tungus-Manchu: *epe
Korean: *páp
Japanese: *ǝpǝ-mǝnǝ
Comments: The Kor. form (perhaps also the Dagur form with x-) reflect an expressive reduplication.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ̀p`o
Meaning: big
Russian Meaning: большой
Turkic: *Ap / *Ep
Mongolian: *aba-
Korean: *opɨ-
Japanese: *ǝ̀pǝ̀-
Comments: SKE 174, Martin 239, АПиПЯЯ 102 (with literature), 274. Cf. also *ebo (Jpn. reflects a merger of these two roots).
Proto-Altaic: *ép`V
Meaning: grandfather
Russian Meaning: дед
Mongolian: *ebü-gen
Tungus-Manchu: *epu
Korean: *ǝ̀p-
Comments: SKE 3, Poppe 103. Cf. *áp`a.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ̀ra
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be
Russian Meaning: быть
Turkic: *er-
Mongolian: *ere-
Tungus-Manchu: *eri-
Japanese: *àr-
Comments: Cf. Mong. *a- (MMong. a-) a defective auxiliary verb. This, together with the frequent absence of -r- in Turkic paradigms, may speak in favour of reconstructing monosyllabic *er for PA.
Proto-Altaic: *érga ( ~ -u)
Meaning: a k. of box, enclosure
Russian Meaning: вид ящика, огороженное место
Turkic: *erge
Mongolian: *(h)ergi-neg
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)erge
Korean: *ǝ̀rí
Comments: VEWT 47. The Turkic forms are attested late and those ending in -ne may actually be < Mong.; however, the Oyr. and Kaz. forms can hardly be explained as loans.
Proto-Altaic: *èrì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of fruit
Russian Meaning: вид плода
Turkic: *erük
Mongolian: *üril
Korean: *ɨrɨm
Japanese: *ìtàpi
Comments: ЭСТЯ 1, 292. In TM cf. perhaps Evk. dial. erbeɣu 'name of a shrub with yellow flowers, used instead of tea' (ТМС 2, 462). Mong. *üril 'plum' should be kept distinct from *ölir 'small apple' (see under *ójle); however, since the sequences -l-r and -r-l in Mong. are liable to metathesis, it is difficult to decide which protoforms are actually reflected in *üril and *ölir. In any case, labialization in Mong. is probably secondary here (either *üril < *irü-l or *ölir < *elör < *erö-l).
Proto-Altaic: *erka
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to wrap, tie
Russian Meaning: заворачивать, завязывать
Turkic: *Arka-
Mongolian: *arga-
Korean: *ǝ̀rk-
Comments: Cf. Nan. erĩ 'rope for binding up the yurt with ritual purposes' (ТМС 2,463), suggesting that *-k- may be originally a suffix. Despite Щербак 1997, 162, Mongolian forms are hard to explain as borrowed from Turkic.
Proto-Altaic: *eŕmu
Meaning: a k. of grass, wormwood
Russian Meaning: вид травы, полынь
Turkic: *eŕen
Mongolian: *erme
Korean: *òrmí
Comments: The root denotes wormwood, artemisia in Turkic and Mongolian; in Korean the meaning is not quite certain (probably some sort of shepherd's purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris). The phonetic match is precise, anyway, and the reconstruction seems reliable.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ́ro
Meaning: clean
Russian Meaning: чистый
Turkic: *ạrɨ-
Mongolian: *ariɣ-
Japanese: *áráp-
Comments: EAS 88, KW 24, Владимирцов 199, Poppe 79, Ozawa 170-171, Мудрак Дисс. 182. Cf. TM forms: Orok ārŋa- 'to clean (with a brush)' (ТМС 1, 50), Evk. ertikē- 'clean up' (ТМС 2, 465). Despite TMN 1, 129, Щербак 1997, 100, Mong. can hardly be regarded as borrowed < Turk.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ̀rù ( ~ -ŕ-)
Meaning: skin
Russian Meaning: кожа
Mongolian: *ar[a]-su
Tungus-Manchu: *eruke-
Japanese: *ùrǝ̀kǝ̀ (/*i-; ~ -ua-)
Comments: The TM and Jpn. forms reflect a common derivative *ĕ̀rù-k`V (diminutive).
Proto-Altaic: *eso
Meaning: unripe, sour
Russian Meaning: незрелый, кислый
Turkic: *ẹsür-
Mongolian: *es-
Tungus-Manchu: *esi-kin
Japanese: *àsì-
Comments: Cf. perhaps also (although semantically dubious) OJ asa- 'to fade'.
Proto-Altaic: *ĕ́t`è
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: elder relative
Russian Meaning: старший родственник
Turkic: *Ata / *Ete
Mongolian: *ečige
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)eti-
Korean: *àtắ
Japanese: *tǝtǝ, *ti
Comments: Цинциус 1972a, 37-40. Poppe 51, 56, АПиПЯЯ 296, Дыбо 6; a weak attempt of disproving the etymology see in TMN 1, 188. A "nursery" word, represented in all Altaic subgroups. Ramstedt (KW 129) compares the Mong. form with Turk. *eči / *eče 'elder brother', but it is obviously closer related to *ata (Mong. *eči-ge = Turk. *ete-ke / *ata-ka). The form *ete-k`e, reflected in Turkic, Mongolian and Tungus, is probably an archaic diminutive, and Doerfer's (TMN 2, 9) attempt to treat the Turk. form as a compound ata 'Vater' + äkä 'älteres Geschwister' is certainly faulty.
Proto-Altaic: *èt`i ( ~ -t-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: thread, to quilt
Russian Meaning: нить, стегать
Turkic: *Etek
Tungus-Manchu: *etu- / *ute-
Japanese: *ìtuá
Comments: Дыбо 15.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗbǯo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to see, understand
Russian Meaning: видеть, понимать
Turkic: *ȫ(j)-
Mongolian: *üǯe-
Tungus-Manchu: *eǯe-
Comments: A Western isogloss. The medial cluster with *-b- should be reconstructed in order to account for labialization in Turk. and Mong. However, the Turkic form may be alternatively compared with Mong. ojun 'thought' - if the latter is not related to PT *ōd 'thought' (as suggested by Владимирцов 285 and supported in Мудрак Дисс. 103).
Proto-Altaic: *ēč`o
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: be weak, exhausted
Russian Meaning: быть слабым, истощенным
Turkic: *ạ̄č
Tungus-Manchu: *eče-
Korean: *ǝ́č-
Japanese: *ǝ̀tǝ̀r-
Comments: The parallel seems reliable despite tone discrepancy between Turk.-Tung., on the one hand, and Kor.-Jpn., on the other.
Proto-Altaic: *ēda
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: silly, evil
Russian Meaning: глупый, дурной
Turkic: *Ada
Mongolian: *ada
Tungus-Manchu: *ēde-
Japanese: *ántá
Comments: Mong. may be < Turk., see EDT 40, Щербак 1997, 94. The Jpn. high tone seems to contradict the TM length, but it may be secondary, see above.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗga
Meaning: to rise, lift
Russian Meaning: подниматъ, подниматься
Turkic: *(i)āg-
Mongolian: *(h)ag-sa-
Tungus-Manchu: *ek-se-
Japanese: *á(n)ká-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 275; Miller 1981, 869. Cf. *i̯ā́ga.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗgó
Meaning: big, many
Russian Meaning: большой, много
Turkic: *ẹ̄g-id-
Mongolian: *aɣu-
Tungus-Manchu: *egdi
Korean: *ǝ̀'uí-
Japanese: *ǝnki-rǝ
Comments: EAS 73, VEWT 169, SKE 62, 59, АПиПЯЯ 291. Korean has ǝ- instead of the expected *ă, because the latter cannot stand in Anlaut. A derivative of the same root may be MKor. ón 'hundred' ( < *ēgo-nV). {Cf. PE *uɣla- 'numerous, many'.}
Proto-Altaic: *ḗjba
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to hurry
Russian Meaning: спешить
Turkic: *ēb-
Mongolian: *(h)abad
Tungus-Manchu: *ebV-
Japanese: *áwá-tá-
Comments: Ozawa 8, Дыбо 12. Medial *-j- has to be reconstructed to account for lack of spirantization in Mong. and for -w- (not -p-) in Jpn. Note a similar dental suffixation in Mong. and Jpn.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗĺpo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to cover
Russian Meaning: покрывать
Turkic: *ēĺü-
Mongolian: *(h)olbug
Tungus-Manchu: *elbe-, *eldu-
Japanese: *ǝ́sǝ́p-
Comments: PKE 46-47, Street 1980, 287, Дыбо 15, Лексика 512. Mong. *(h)olbug < *(h)albug, with a frequent labial attraction.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗĺV
Meaning: to scratch, rake, row
Russian Meaning: скрести, загребать, грести
Turkic: *ēĺ-
Mongolian: *ele-
Tungus-Manchu: *elbe-s-
Comments: A Western isogloss. See KW 119, Poppe 78, 126, VEWT 51 (Turk.-Mong.), АПиПЯЯ 287, Дыбо 14.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗlV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: peace
Russian Meaning: мир
Turkic: *ēl
Mongolian: *el
Tungus-Manchu: *elke
Comments: EAS 145, KW 118, Poppe 76, ОСНЯ 1, 268, Rozycki 68. A Western isogloss (in fact, basically Turk.-Tung., since Mong. may be < Turk., see TMN 2, 200; Clark 1980, 43 on Mong. elči < Turk. ēl-či).
Proto-Altaic: *ḗna(kV)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: middle, width
Russian Meaning: середина, ширина
Turkic: *ēn
Mongolian: *eŋ
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)ene-kǖ
Korean: *ánh
Japanese: *nàká
Comments: VEWT 43, Martin 234. Note a common Altaic derivation in *-kV, reflected in all languages except Turkic; for TM we suppose a semantic development 'sheath' < 'receptacle' < 'inside, middle'. Jpn. has lost the first vowel in this archaic trisyllabic structure, and Kor. has rising tone also due to contraction.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗnV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: pain, sickness
Russian Meaning: боль, болезнь
Turkic: *ēn-
Mongolian: *ene-ri, -l-
Tungus-Manchu: *enū-
Comments: KW 122, Poppe 69. A Western isogloss. Despite Doerfer MT 47, TM cannot be borrowed from Mong.
Proto-Altaic: *ēŋa(k`V)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: chin, jaw
Russian Meaning: подбородок, челюсть
Turkic: *ēŋ
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)eŋge
Japanese: *ánk-
Comments: One could also reconstruct *ēna(k`V) - in which case cf. Kor. anɨm 'jowl, meat of the cheek' (KED 1068).
Proto-Altaic: *ēŋV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to think, understand
Russian Meaning: думать, понимать
Turkic: *āŋ, *āŋ-la-
Mongolian: *aɣuda-la-
Tungus-Manchu: *eŋē-
Japanese: *ǝ̀mǝ̀-p-
Comments: ЭСТЯ 1,154 (Turk.-Mong.), АПиПЯЯ 286. The Jpn. word poses some problems: its accent does not correspond to Turkic length, and if we reconstruct *ēŋo (as required by Jpn. *ǝ-), PT should have a closed *ạ̄. It is worth while therefore to consider other explanations of Jpn. *ǝ̀mǝ̀-p-: e. g. compare it with Mong. ojun 'thought' and reconstruct a separate protoform like *uńo.
Proto-Altaic: *ḕŋV
Meaning: cloud, darkness
Russian Meaning: облако
Mongolian: *eɣüle
Tungus-Manchu: *ēŋ-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗpo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to hunt, kill
Russian Meaning: охотиться, убивать
Turkic: *Āb
Mongolian: *aba
Tungus-Manchu: *wā- ( = *ebā-)
Japanese: *ǝ́p-
Comments: KW 19, Poppe 46, 97. Cf. Manchu ebte ǵaxun 'hunting bird' (perhaps preserving the original shape of the root *eb(a)-, that has elsewhere been irregularly reduced to *ewā- > *wā-). Despite TMN 1, 107, 2, 131, Щербак 1997, 94, there is no reason for assuming Turk. > Mong.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗŕa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to go astray, mistake
Russian Meaning: сбиваться с пути, ошибаться
Turkic: *āŕ-
Mongolian: *ereɣü
Tungus-Manchu: *er[e]-
Korean: *ǝ̀rjǝ́-b-
Japanese: *árá-
Comments: EAS 107, 145-146, SKE 56 (Mong.:Tung.:Kor.). Mong. and Turk. have also suffixed forms that may belong to the same root (with front / back vowel variation): cf. Mong. arča- 'to quarrel, argue'; erüs- 'to rival, compete'; Turk. *ersi- 'mean, nasty' (see Дыбо 12); perhaps also Mong. *arila- 'to disappear, vanish' ( < '*to miss'), see MGCD 118.
Proto-Altaic: *ḗra
Meaning: rough
Russian Meaning: грубый
Turkic: *Ērig
Mongolian: *ar-
Korean: *ar-
Japanese: *árá-
Comments: Martin 225 (Kor.-Jpn.)
Proto-Altaic: *ḗre ( ~ -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: early
Russian Meaning: рано, ранний
Turkic: *ẹ̄r
Mongolian: *er-te
Tungus-Manchu: *erü-n
Korean: *ìrɨ̀-
Comments: EAS 146, KW 126, VEWT 46, SKE 69, Poppe 106, Menges 1984, 267, Дыбо 11, Лексика 79. Cf. perhaps also MKor. jǝ̄t 'now' ( < *jǝ̄r-t = Mong., Turk. *erte?); Lee 1958, 108 also draws MKor. ǝri 'time, season', ǝrɨn 'quickly', which we were unable to identify. Borrowing in Mong. from Turk. (Щербак 1997, 116) is hardly plausible: the *-t`V suffix in this case must be Common Altaic. The etymology is still quite valid, despite all attempts of Doerfer (TMN 4, 257-259). Cf. also Turk. *er-k- 'early; ancient' = Mong. argi- 'to be old, ancient, mature'.
Proto-Altaic: *ērt`a ( ~ -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to carry on back
Russian Meaning: нести на спине
Turkic: *ạ̄rt-
Mongolian: *ači-
Comments: VEWT 27, KW 18. A Turko-Mongolian isogloss; in Turkic the root has partially merged with PT *ārt 'back' (see under *p`i̯ṑrí).
Proto-Altaic: *ḕs[i]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to take care of
Russian Meaning: заботиться
Turkic: *es
Mongolian: *asara-
Tungus-Manchu: *ēske-
Korean: *às-kàb-, *às-kí-
Japanese: *ìsàma-
Comments: Дыбо 14. Vocalism is not quite certain (in Mong. one would rather expect a front *e-).
Proto-Altaic: *ḗt`a
Meaning: to take care of, to deal with
Russian Meaning: заботиться (о), иметь дело (с)
Turkic: *ēt-
Tungus-Manchu: *ete-
Korean: *àtáŋ
Japanese: *átúkáp-
Comments: Дыбо 15. Cf. also Mong. atugaj 'be! (imper.)' (MMong. aduɣai 'er soll sein', SH). Cf. *ĭ̀t`á. {Cf. PEsk *ita-ɣ- 'to take care of'.}

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