Слова алтайского праязыка (*A)

Здесь представлен реконструированный словарный фонд праалтайского языка, начинающийся на фонему *A- (X корней) из общеалтайской этимологической БД проекта "Вавилонская башня" Московской школы компаративистики.

Proto-Altaic: *ăbu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: interior of the mouth
Russian Meaning: внутренность рта
Turkic: *Ăburt
Mongolian: *owči
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)abu-ǯan-
Comments: KW 292, Лексика 226. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ăčV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: elder relative, ancestor
Russian Meaning: старший родственник, предок
Turkic: *ăčaj / *ĕčej
Tungus-Manchu: *asī
Korean: *àčă-
Comments: An expressive kinship "nursery" word with the typical structure *VCV; the root must have denoted some elder relative, both male and female. Deriving TM *asī from a Chinese (ТМС 1,55) or Sino-Korean (SKE 15) source is quite impossible. The Mongolian reflexes are problematic: Mong. eǯei 'mother, elder sister' (whence Yak. eǯīj, Dolg. eǯij, see Кал. V 27, Stachowski 43) is probably < Turkic.; Mong. ečige 'father' reflects rather PA *ĕ́t`è q. v. One should, however, note an isolated Dagur form ačā 'father' (Тод. Даг. 122), whence certainly Solon ača id. and possibly Evk. (Vit.) ači 'ancestor' (ТМС 1, 59).
Proto-Altaic: *áč`u
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to doubt
Russian Meaning: сомневаться
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)aču-
Korean: *ǝ̄ču-b-
Japanese: *útákáp-
Comments: An Eastern isogloss; not quite certain because of sparse attestation in TM and Korean.
Proto-Altaic: *ădV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to fit, equal, similar
Russian Meaning: подходить, равный, похожий
Turkic: *ădaĺ
Mongolian: *adali
Tungus-Manchu: *ada-
Comments: A Western isogloss. Cf. several similar roots: *idV 'to follow, lead'; *i̯ude 'to imitate, simulate', with a natural tendency towards contamination.
Proto-Altaic: *agà
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: rain; air
Russian Meaning: дождь; воздух
Mongolian: *agaɣar
Tungus-Manchu: *aga
Korean: *ak-su
Japanese: *àkî
Comments: Lee 1958, 119 (Kor.-TM), АПиПЯЯ 291, ТМС 1, 11. The TM form is not borrow < Mong., pace Rozycki 11. *agaɣar (cf. the length in all dialects) < *aɣa-ɣar, with regular dissimilation. The Jpn. form may be attributed here if it originally meant "rainy season" (cf. "rain, thunder" in TM); autumn is not so rainy in present-day Japan, but it must have been different in the original homeland.
Proto-Altaic: *ágà ( ~ e-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: mouth, to open mouth
Russian Meaning: рот, открывать рот
Turkic: *Agɨŕ
Mongolian: *ag-
Korean: *hà-
Japanese: *ákúp-
Comments: SKE 5, Martin 234, Колесникова 1972а, 77-78, АПиПЯЯ 80, 283 (confused with *ák`a), Лексика 225. Despite Poppe 95 Mong. aɣur 'steam, anger' hardly belongs here (see under *ap`i). The root should be distinguished from *ák`a, although they tend to be confused: thus, Mong. *ag 'crack' could quite possibly reflect *ák`a. Some phonetic
Comments: Mong. *aguji regularly < *aɣuji with velar fricative dissimilation; Korean has lost the first vowel in a long derivative (a rather frequent phenomenon).
Proto-Altaic: *àgŋa
Meaning: net; to spin, plait
Russian Meaning: сеть; вязать, плести
Turkic: *āg
Mongolian: *aɣoga
Tungus-Manchu: *aŋ(g)a
Japanese: *àm-, *àmì
Comments: Лексика 419. The root has some irregularities (Jpn. tone does not correspond to Turkic length): there may have been some interaction with *ăŋu q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *ằgò
Meaning: trade
Russian Meaning: торговля
Turkic: *Agɨ
Mongolian: *(h)ag-su-, *(h)aɣu-ra-
Japanese: *àkì
Comments: Владимирцов 319 (Turk.-Mong.). An interesting common Altaic economic term, denoting the barter process or barter objects.
Proto-Altaic: *agu-la
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: uninhabited place, wilderness
Russian Meaning: незаселенное место, пустошь
Turkic: *aglak
Mongolian: *aɣula
Tungus-Manchu: *agulān
Comments: Poppe 58. A Western isogloss. May be derived from the root reflected in TM as *agī- 'to walk without a road', 'wilderness' (ТМС 1, 13; its borrowing from Mong. aɣui 'wide', suggested by Poppe 1972, 101, Doerfer MT 123, is highly dubious). Note that vowel length in PT *aglak is unknown; if the original meaning of the root was 'to nomadize', one is tempted to compare also PT *āgɨl 'settlement' (originally perhaps 'nomadic settlement'; see Лексика 492-493, 522-523, ЭСТЯ 1, 65-66, 83-85, TMN 2, 82-84, Stachowski 257), whence probably MMong., WMong. ajil id. ( > Evk. ail etc., see Doerfer MT 125). Not borrowed from Turkic, but rather genuine may also be WMong. ajimak 'a group of ajil's' (TMN 1, 184-185: Mong. > Khak., Tuva ajmaq (see also ЭСТЯ 1, 110), Man. ajman etc.).
Proto-Altaic: *aguŕV
Meaning: colostrum
Russian Meaning: молозиво
Turkic: *ạguŕ
Mongolian: *uɣurag
Comments: KW 454, Владимирцов 196, Мудрак Дисс. 186. A Turk.-Mong. isogloss, but, despite TMN 2, 80-81, Щербак 1997, 95 hardly borrowed in Mong. < Turk.
Proto-Altaic: *ằjbo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: grass
Russian Meaning: трава
Mongolian: *ebe-sü
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)abü-
Japanese: *àwǝ̀-
Comments: *-j- should be reconstructed to account for Mong. e- and for Jpn. -w-. The semantic derivation *'grass' > 'green' is quite common.
Proto-Altaic: *aje ( ~ *ejo)
Meaning: to reach, come close
Russian Meaning: достигать, подходить
Mongolian: *aji-su-
Japanese: *ǝ́jǝ́mp-
Comments: A Mong.-Jpn. isogloss. {? Cf. PE *aɣi-ʁ- 'to come'}
Proto-Altaic: *ăjV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: good, fitting
Russian Meaning: хороший, подходящий
Turkic: *ăja-
Mongolian: *(h)aja
Tungus-Manchu: *aja, *aju-
Comments: KW 3, Владимирцов 282 (Turk.-Mong.), EAS 97, 139, Poppe 66 (with an unreliable Korean parallel), АПиПЯЯ 290, Дыбо 12. A Western isogloss. Because of a semantic difference, TM forms are hardly borrowed from Mong., despite Doerfer MT 46.
Proto-Altaic: *ăjVrV
Meaning: sour milk, melted fat
Russian Meaning: кислое молоко, топленый жир
Turkic: *ajran
Mongolian: *ajirag
Tungus-Manchu: *ajara-
Comments: Владимирцов 283. Despite Doerfer TMN 2, 180, Щербак 1997, 96, hardly borrowed in Mong. < Turk. A Western isogloss; but cf. perhaps Kor. ari- 'bitter', Middle Jpn. era- 'rank, offensive'.
Proto-Altaic: *akt`V
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a castrated animal
Russian Meaning: кастрированное животное
Turkic: *atan
Mongolian: *akta
Comments: A Turk.-Mong. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ák`à
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to open, opening
Russian Meaning: открывать, отверстие
Korean: *àk-
Japanese: *áká-
Comments: Martin 238. A Kor.-Jpn. isogloss: in other languages (Turkic, Mongolian) the root has probably merged with *ága 'mouth, open mouth' q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *ak`a-
Meaning: a k. of aquatic bird
Russian Meaning: вид водоплавающей птицы
Turkic: *Akańa
Mongolian: *(h)akawna
Tungus-Manchu: *aKa
Comments: ТМС 1, 24. A Western isogloss. The TM languages reflect a compound *aKa-nīkü (with *nīkü 'duck' < PA *nī̀kV q. v.); the same compound in a somewhat distorted shape may be also present in the PT and PM forms.
Proto-Altaic: *ák`à ( ~ -k-,-o)
Meaning: dirt, filth
Russian Meaning: грязь
Mongolian: *(h)ag
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)aK-
Japanese: *ákà
Comments: The root is not very widely represented, but seems reliable.
Proto-Altaic: *ắk`è
Meaning: to advance gradually, slowly
Russian Meaning: продвигаться постепенно, медленно
Turkic: *(i)akuru-
Mongolian: *(h)aki-
Japanese: *ǝ́kúr(á)-
Comments: The Turk. and Jpn. forms reflect a derivative *ak`e-ru-.
Proto-Altaic: *ằk`ú
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to dig, delve
Russian Meaning: копать, долбить
Mongolian: *uku-
Tungus-Manchu: *axiri-
Japanese: *ùnkàt-
Comments: PJ *ùnkàt- and PTM *akiri- may reflect a PA derivative *ằk`ú-rV-.
Proto-Altaic: *ắla
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: take, receive
Russian Meaning: брать, получать
Turkic: *ạl-
Mongolian: *ali-
Tungus-Manchu: *al(i)-
Japanese: *á-
Comments: KW 6, EAS 140, Poppe 75, Doerfer MT 239 (attempts to disprove the etymology in TMN 2, 122 are futile). The reason for close *ạ in PT is unclear (*al- would be normally expected). Note, however, that the Jpn. reflex represents loss of *-l- in a verbal stem, thus strongly suggesting an original monosyllabic form *ál (cf. *gĕ̀le, {*si̯óle}).
Proto-Altaic: *ála
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: hail, ice
Russian Meaning: град, лед
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)al-dan
Korean: *ǝ̀r-
Japanese: *árárái (~-ría)
Comments: Martin 232. Basically a Kor.-Jpn. isogloss; the TM evidence is very scanty and thus dubious.
Proto-Altaic: *àlak`u
Meaning: to walk, step
Russian Meaning: ходить, шагать
Mongolian: *alku-
Japanese: *àrùk-
Comments: A Mong.-Jpn. isogloss. See АПиПЯЯ 278. Man. alxun 'step', alkūn 'the gait of a horse or other livestock' is no doubt borrowed from Mongolian (see Rozycki 16-17). The Jpn.-Mong. comparison seems to us preferable to other etymologies of the Mongolian form (see ОСНЯ 3,66-70; Poppe 96, KW 7 - Mong. alqu-: Turk. *āĺ-). The stem can be possibly derived from a root reflected in Mong. *ala 'inner side of thigh' (L 26; Poppe 75; pl. alas, whence Evk. alas, see Doerfer MT 94; hence also WMong. alčaji-, Khalkha alcaj- 'to spread the legs', Dag. alčī- id., WMong. alčaɣar, alčaŋ, Khalkha alcan 'bowlegged'; but to be distinguished is *ale 'below' q. v.).
Proto-Altaic: *ằĺčà
Meaning: knucklebone; foot
Russian Meaning: лодыжка, бабка; нога
Turkic: *(i)aĺ(č)uk
Mongolian: *(h)alču
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)ajū
Japanese: *àsì
Comments: Poppe 86, 95, TMN 2, 115, АПиПЯЯ 275, Дыбо 15, Лексика 288.
Proto-Altaic: *alda
Meaning: fathom
Russian Meaning: сажень
Mongolian: *alda
Tungus-Manchu: *alda-n
Korean: *ară-m
Japanese: *ata
Comments: Ozawa 38-40, АПиПЯЯ 16, 71, Rozycki 18-19. Despite Doerfer MT 111, TM forms are hardly < Mong. (because of a semantic difference). A possible parallel in Turkic could be *adɨ[ĺ] > OT adɨt 'handful', Kirgh. adɨš, Yak. ɨtɨs 'palm' (VEWT 7, ЭСТЯ 1, 100-101, 410, Лексика 252, Stachowski 263), but there are some phonetic and semantic problems. Note, however, that OJ ata also denotes a small measure of length (8 sun, or about 12 centimetres) - rather a span than a fathom. Such a semantic development may presuppose an earlier usage of *alda in constructions like 'big fathom' - 'small fathom' ( = 'span') both in Turkic and Japanese.
Proto-Altaic: *ale
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: below, lower
Russian Meaning: низ, опускать
Turkic: *ăl
Korean: *àrái
Japanese: *ǝ̀rǝ́-
Comments: SKE 6, EAS 106, Martin 230. The tone correspondence between Kor. and Jpn. is irregular.
Proto-Altaic: *ălgi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: net, sieve
Russian Meaning: сеть, сито
Turkic: *ĕlge-
Tungus-Manchu: *alga
Korean: *ǝrkǝmi
Comments: EAS 145, SKE 53 (Kor. is somewhat doubtful: KED 1142 has only ǝlgɨm čhe 'rough sieve' - lit. 'pock-marked sieve').
Proto-Altaic: *ăĺi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to know; to listen, hear
Russian Meaning: знать; слушать, слышать
Turkic: *ẹĺit-
Mongolian: *al-dar
Tungus-Manchu: *ala-
Korean: *ār-
Comments: EAS 140, 154, SKE 7 (Mong.-Kor.-Tung.), АПиПЯЯ 282; closed *ẹ in PT may be explained by a secondary narrowing in a disyllable *eĺ-it- > *ẹĺ-it- (cf. *er-kek > *ẹr-kek etc.).
Proto-Altaic: *áĺi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sand
Russian Meaning: песок
Turkic: *Aĺu
Mongolian: *ele-sü
Tungus-Manchu: *al-
Japanese: *ísá-, *ísuá
Comments: PJ *ísuá < *ísá-gV; the root's similarity to *(d)isi `stone' is accidental (no -i/-a alternation exists in Japanese).
Proto-Altaic: *álikV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of small animal
Russian Meaning: вид небольшого животного
Turkic: *Ălaŋɨr
Mongolian: *(h)alag-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)algi-n
Japanese: *írúká
Comments: In Turk. and Mong. the stem is associated with the reflexes of *ā́lV 'variegated' (q. v.), which is most probably a folk etymology. In Japanese the meaning 'dolphin' must be a secondary transformation of 'otter-like animal' (cf. the meaning 'otter' in TM).
Proto-Altaic: *ălpa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: unable, sick; being at service, man-at-arms
Russian Meaning: слабый, больной; бесправный, наемник
Turkic: *ălp-
Mongolian: *alba-n
Tungus-Manchu: *alba-
Korean: *àrphằ-
Japanese: *apar-
Comments: Poppe 85, 121 (Turk-Mong.); TMN 2, 110-111.
Proto-Altaic: *àlu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: good, beautiful
Russian Meaning: хороший, красивый
Mongolian: *(h)olig
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)ala
Korean: *àr-
Japanese: *ùrùpà-
Comments: SKE 14. Kor. has a usual "verbal" low tone.
Proto-Altaic: *aĺV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: fresh crops, germinated seeds
Russian Meaning: проросшие семена, молодые злаки
Turkic: *(i)ăĺ-
Mongolian: *(h)alir-su
Tungus-Manchu: *alu-
Comments: A Western isogloss: outside the Western area cf. perhaps OJ azami 'sow-thistle'.
Proto-Altaic: *ámbe
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: heavy, big
Russian Meaning: тяжелый, большой
Mongolian: *amban
Tungus-Manchu: *amba-
Korean: *mɨ̀-
Japanese: *ǝ́m(p)ǝ́-
Comments: Martin 233, АПиПЯЯ 103, 277. Kor. has lost the initial vowel, as in many other cases (*mɨ̀- < *ǝ̀mɨ̀-). Rozycki 17 supposes Man. > Mong. which is not excluded.
Proto-Altaic: *amča
Meaning: plough
Russian Meaning: плуг
Turkic: *amač
Mongolian: *anǯi-sun
Tungus-Manchu: *anǯa
Japanese: *anti
Comments: Ozawa 312-313, ТМС 1, 43. An interesting common Altaic cultural term. The TM forms could be < Mong. (see Rozycki 19), but the absence of -su(n) (universally present in the Mong. form) suggests rather their genuine nature.
Proto-Altaic: *ắmo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: mouth; taste (*amo-t`a, *amo-sa)
Russian Meaning: рот; вкус (*amo-t`a,*amo-sa)
Turkic: *um-, *um-sa-
Mongolian: *ama-, *amsa-, *amta
Tungus-Manchu: *amŋa, *amta-
Korean: *más
Japanese: *ámá-, *ántí
Comments: EAS 116, 140, Poppe 68, Колесникова 1972а, 73-77, Martin 248, АПиПЯЯ 46-47, 70, 291, Rozycki 18. A common Altaic root with old derivatives meaning 'taste': *ámo-sa- > Turk. *umsa-, Mong. *amsa-, Kor. *más; *ámo-t`a > Mong. *amta, TM *amta-, Jpn. *ántí. The deriving root itself, with its basic meaning 'mouth', could probably also designate 'to taste' in predicative function (cf. the suffixless Jpn. *ámá- 'tasty, sweet' and PT *um- (*'to taste, have a taste for' > 'to hope'). Despite Doerfer MT 19, TM *amŋa 'mouth' cannot have anything in common with Mong. *haŋga 'crack, hole' (on this form see under *àŋa and *p`éŋi).
Proto-Altaic: *ămV
Meaning: quick, timely
Russian Meaning: быстро, своевременно
Turkic: *(i)am-
Mongolian: *(h)am-
Tungus-Manchu: *am-
Korean: *ām
Comments: AKE 6, EAS 117. {An attempt of a Nostratic etymology see in ND 38 *ʔamV 'iste', 'now'}.
Proto-Altaic: *ắni
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: very
Russian Meaning: очень
Turkic: *eŋ
Mongolian: *aŋ-ka
Tungus-Manchu: *ana-
Korean: *àńí
Comments: SKE 5, EAS 119. Turkic and Mongolian reflect a suffixed form *ắni-k`V, with assimilation *-n- > *-ŋ- (and further reduction in Turkic).
Proto-Altaic: *ant`a
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: hill, slope
Russian Meaning: холм, склон
Tungus-Manchu: *antaga
Korean: *ǝntǝk(h)
Japanese: *antuma
Comments: An Eastern isogloss: in Turk. cf. perhaps, Turkm. aŋŋat 'sandhill, mound'.
Proto-Altaic: *àŋa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: hole, crack, gape
Russian Meaning: дыра, щель, зиять
Turkic: *aŋ-
Mongolian: *aŋ, *aŋga-
Tungus-Manchu: *aŋa-
Japanese: *ànà
Comments: Poppe 72, АПиПЯЯ 81. Mong. *aŋga- < *aŋa-ga-.
Proto-Altaic: *ăŋatV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of duck
Russian Meaning: вид утки
Turkic: *Ăŋ(k)ɨt
Mongolian: *aŋgir
Tungus-Manchu: *andi
Japanese: *anti
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 71, Лексика 172. Cf. also Mong. aŋgat 'аркалик (птица)' ( < Turk.); but for *aŋgir borrowing is hardly possible, despite TMN 2, 130, Щербак 1997, 192. Mong. -r here requires an explanation: it is most probably a result of reinterpreting the original *aŋgid as a plural form and rebuilding a new singular *aŋgir (cf. *nökör - *nököd etc.). The word is widely spread in Siberian languages, see Аникин 70.
Proto-Altaic: *aŋt`à
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of fragrant plant
Russian Meaning: вид пахучего растения
Turkic: *Aŋduŕ
Mongolian: *(h)aǯVrgana
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)an(d)ikta
Japanese: *àntùsà
Comments: Name of a fragrant grass, probably geranium-like. One should also note Mong. inaɣda (Khalkha janagd) 'willow-herb' - looking suspiciously close to some TM forms (a loan from TM?).
Proto-Altaic: *ăŋu
Meaning: wild game
Russian Meaning: дикий зверь, дичь
Turkic: *Ăŋ
Mongolian: *(h)oɣuna
Tungus-Manchu: *aŋa-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *aŋV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: separate, different
Russian Meaning: отдельный, другой
Mongolian: *aŋgi-
Tungus-Manchu: *aŋa-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *àpo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to wear out, be spoiled
Russian Meaning: изнашиваться, портиться
Turkic: *obu-ra- / *obu-n-
Mongolian: *ebe-
Tungus-Manchu: *abu-
Japanese: *àpà-
Comments: Cf. *ebí.
Proto-Altaic: *apuči
Meaning: elder in-law
Russian Meaning: старший свойственник
Turkic: *Abuč-ka
Mongolian: *(h)abisu-n
Tungus-Manchu: *abusi
Comments: A Western isogloss. Mong. has -s- (instead of the expected *-č-) probably because of a fusion with the productive suffix -su(n).
Proto-Altaic: *apV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to take
Russian Meaning: брать
Turkic: *ạbuč
Mongolian: *abi-
Tungus-Manchu: *abgu-
Comments: A Western isogloss. KW 19, Poppe 44. Despite TMN 4, 307-310, PT *abuč (*abut) cannot be regarded as a variant of *adɨ[ĺ] (on which see under *alda) - although the two roots could have influenced each other. The closed vowel in PT is not quite clear (under the influence of the two following labial phonemes?).
Proto-Altaic: *áp`a
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: father
Russian Meaning: отец
Turkic: *apa
Mongolian: *ab[u]
Tungus-Manchu: *apa
Korean: *àpí
Comments: EAS 140, Цинциус 1972a, 32-37. A common Altaic "nursery" word. Cf. *ĕp`a.
Proto-Altaic: *àp`akV ( ~ -k`-)
Meaning: a k. of foliage tree
Turkic: *apaka
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)apkā-
Japanese: *àpàkì
Comments: The root is sparsely attested, but seems reliable {unless the Turkic forms are borrowed < Mong. abuɣa 'marshmallow' - q. v. sub *éba(-ku)}.
Proto-Altaic: *ap`i
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wind, vapour
Russian Meaning: ветер, пар
Turkic: *Ep-
Mongolian: *aɣur
Tungus-Manchu: *apka
Comments: A Western isogloss; however, in Jpn. the root probably merged with *ĕbà 'winnow, blow' q. v. (cf. especially the PJ form with a velar suffix *apu-(n)k-, OJ apug-).
Proto-Altaic: *ằra
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: back, behind
Russian Meaning: спина, задняя сторона
Turkic: *ărka
Mongolian: *aru
Tungus-Manchu: *arka-
Japanese: *àtuà
Comments: EAS 139, KW 12, Poppe 78, Колесникова 1972а, 84-87, Дыбо 305, Лексика 268, TMN 2, 29-30, Doerfer MT 46. PT *arka and PTM *arka go back to a dative-locative formation *ara-k`a.
Proto-Altaic: *ara
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of insect
Russian Meaning: вид насекомого
Mongolian: *araɣalǯin
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)arabgī
Japanese: *ari
Comments: The root denotes some small biting insect.
Proto-Altaic: *àŕì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: thorn, fang
Russian Meaning: шип, клык
Turkic: *aŕɨg
Mongolian: *ariɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)ar- (?)
Japanese: *ìrà
Comments: KW 12, Владимирцов 361, EAS 111, Poppe 81, Лексика 229. Despite TMN 2, 55-56, Щербак 1997, 103 Mong. is not < Turk. The TM reflexes are weak: the Evk. form is semantically difficult, while Manchu arGan may well be borrowed < Mong.; however, the parallel form ar-sun is hard to explain as a loan (no similar form is attested in Mong.).
Proto-Altaic: *àrp`á
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: barley, millet
Russian Meaning: ячмень, просо
Turkic: *arpa
Mongolian: *arbaj
Tungus-Manchu: *arpa
Japanese: *àpá
Comments: EAS 90, KW 15, Poppe 87. АПиПЯЯ 67. The Mong. form cannot be explained as a Turkism (despite TMN 2, 24, Щербак 1997, 100). The Turkic form is sometimes compared with Proto-Iran. *arba- (corresponding to Gr. alphi), cf. East Iranian forms going back to *arpasyā- (or *arbasyā) (Стеблин-Каменский 1982, 23), but it is not identical (loss of the final syllable is hard to explain); on the other hand, the Jpn. parallel is a strong argument in favour of the Altaic origin of the Turkic form.
Proto-Altaic: *ărV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: witchcraft, craft
Russian Meaning: волшебство, искусство
Turkic: *ar-
Mongolian: *arga
Tungus-Manchu: *ar-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *aŕV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: or
Russian Meaning: или
Turkic: *aŕu
Japanese: *ar-
Comments: JOAL 147. An interesting Turkic-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *arV ( ~ e-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to change, sell
Russian Meaning: менять, продавать
Turkic: *Ar-
Mongolian: *aralǯi-
Comments: A Turk.-Mong. isogloss; not quite reliable. Jpn. *úr- could be a match, but it may also reflect PA *úŕi q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *ase ( ~ p`-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to catch fire; hot
Russian Meaning: загораться; горячий
Turkic: *ɨsɨg / *isig
Mongolian: *(h)asa-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 288. A Turk.-Mong. isogloss; cf. (?) Kor. (SKE 217) s:a-da 'to be hot'; s:ǝ-da 'to kindle (fire)' (the forms are nowhere to be found except SKE).
Proto-Altaic: *ătV
Meaning: horse
Russian Meaning: лошадь
Turkic: *ăt
Mongolian: *aduɣu-
Tungus-Manchu: *abdu-
Comments: Новикова 1972, 108, АПиПЯЯ 15, Doerfer MT 99. A Western isogloss. Cf. also PT *adgɨr (Лексика 442, ЭСТЯ 1, 107-108, Stachowski 40), Mong. aǯirga 'stallion', Dag. adirag, ad́irga, S.-Yugh. aǯirɣa, Mongor aǯirGa (see KW 2, Владимирцов 397, VEWT 6; TMN 2, 186-187, Щербак 1997, 94: Turk. > Mong.; Mong. > Evk. aǯirga etc., see Poppe 1966, 192, Doerfer MT 75, MKor. ačirkǝi măr, see Lee 1958, 119). It is possible to reconstruct *atbV or *abtV.
Proto-Altaic: *at`i
Meaning: son, young
Russian Meaning: сын, детеныш
Turkic: *Atɨ
Mongolian: *ači
Korean: *àtắr
Japanese: *itua
Comments: Владимирцов 324, АПиПЯЯ 287.
Proto-Altaic: *aǯo
Meaning: a k. of salmon
Russian Meaning: вид лосося
Mongolian: *(h)iǯe
Tungus-Manchu: *aǯi-n
Japanese: *àjû
Comments: The root denotes some salmon-like fish; the meaning of the Mong. form is unfortunately not very well defined.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́gi
Meaning: acid
Russian Meaning: кислый
Turkic: *ạ̄gu
Mongolian: *eɣe-de-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)aK-
Comments: Poppe 57 (Turk.-Mong.). A Western isogloss. The Manchu form is isolated in TM, but seems to be reliable.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀gV
Meaning: sharp, whet
Russian Meaning: острый, точить
Mongolian: *(h)ag
Tungus-Manchu: *āga-
Comments: ТМС 1, 13. A Mong.-Tung. isogloss, but borrowing is impossible to suppose. Cf. also notes to *ŏ̀k`a.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀ja
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to go, walk
Russian Meaning: идти, ходить
Turkic: *Aj-
Mongolian: *aja-
Tungus-Manchu: *āj-
Japanese: *àjùm-
Comments: ОСНЯ 1, 243.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀jbi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of duck
Russian Meaning: вид утки
Turkic: *Ebür(d)ek
Tungus-Manchu: *ābu-
Japanese: *û
Comments: Лексика 172. Jpn. *û must be a later contraction < *iw(V); medial *-j- must be reconstructed to explain the spirantization *-b- > -w-.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́k`a
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: elder brother
Russian Meaning: старший брат
Turkic: *(i)āka
Mongolian: *aka
Tungus-Manchu: *akā / *kakā
Comments: EAS 91, KW 3, Владимирцов 324, Poppe 55, Цинциус 1972a, 40-45. АПиПЯЯ 290. A Western isogloss. The Turkic forms are relatively late attested and could be < Mong., see TMN 1, 137, Щербак 1997, 199, but the Mong.-Tung. parallel still holds.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́ĺa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to cross (a mountain)
Russian Meaning: переваливать (через гору)
Turkic: *(i)āĺ-
Mongolian: *alu-s
Tungus-Manchu: *ala-
Japanese: *asu
Comments: EAS 108, 139, ТМС 1, 28, ЭСТЯ 1, 214, Poppe 96, KW 7, 8, VEWT 30, ОСНЯ 1, 274, АПиПЯЯ 291. Despite Doerfer MT 91, TM cannot be explained as borrowed < Mong.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́la ( ~ -ē-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: front side
Russian Meaning: передняя сторона
Turkic: *āl
Korean: *àr-p
Comments: A Turk.-Kor. isogloss. Cf. also Evk. alga 'Southern mountain slope', algaja 'right river bank', algakačan 'mountain' - in ТМС 1, 30 united with alga 'blessing' which is somewhat dubious.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀le
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: weak, tired, confused
Russian Meaning: слабый, усталый, смущенный
Turkic: *ăl-
Mongolian: *al-
Tungus-Manchu: *āli-
Korean: *ǝ̀rí-
Japanese: *ǝrǝ-ka
Comments: Martin 243, Whitman 1985, 129, 194, 246. The most probable accent reconstruction is *ā̀le, with regular correspondences between Turk., TM and most Japanese dialects; Kor. has a frequent "verbal" low tone.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́li
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to deceive, trick
Russian Meaning: обманывать, подшучивать
Turkic: *Āl
Mongolian: *aliɣa
Tungus-Manchu: *ali-, *alak-
Korean: *ìrbǝ̀ń-
Japanese: *ira-p-
Comments: PKE 21. Ramstedt cites Kor. ari- 'angry', but all dictionaries available to us only have ari- 'bitter, pungent'. A suffixed form *ā́li-bV may be probably recovered in Mong. albin, Kor. *ìrbǝ́ń- (and perhaps also PT *alba-stɨ) and PJ *ira-p-.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀lV
Meaning: to destroy, kill
Russian Meaning: уничтожать, убивать
Turkic: *Alk-
Mongolian: *ala-
Tungus-Manchu: *āli-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́lV ( ~ *ē-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: variegated
Russian Meaning: пестрый
Turkic: *āla
Mongolian: *ala-g
Korean: *ǝr-
Comments: SKE 7, KW 6-7, Лексика 607. Despite Doerfer TMN 2, 96, Щербак 1997, 97, there is no reason for assuming Turk. > Mong., and even less - Mong. > Turk. (despite Rozycki 16). Cf. also Evn. (Okh.) iler 'variegated' ( < *elir ?; see ТМС 1, 312).
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀mú
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: river, valley
Russian Meaning: река, долина
Mongolian: *ama-n
Tungus-Manchu: *āmu-
Korean: *omi
Japanese: *ùmí
Comments: Cf. Amu-Darya in Turk.; Oyr. Umar 'big river (Ob').?
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀mV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be quiet; sleep
Russian Meaning: быть спокойным; спать
Turkic: *ăm-
Mongolian: *amu-, *ami-
Tungus-Manchu: *ām-
Comments: KW 9, VEWT 19, ТМС 1,2-3, АПиПЯЯ 292, Дыбо 13, Rozycki 17. A Western isogloss. The root presents considerable difficulties because of widespread later interlingual borrowings (see TMN 2, 125, Щербак 1997, 97-98). A specific problem is raised by initial h- in some Southern Mongolian forms (Dong. hamura-, Bao. hamera-, Mongor xamurā- 'to rest'). The aspiration here is evidently secondary, because it is absent both in Dagur and in most attested Middle Mongolian sources (but cf. MA hamisqu). It is, therefore, probable that these forms are in fact borrowed from modern Turkic dialects with secondary aspiration (cf. h- in Khalaj). This would be indeed an argument in favour of the whole *amura- group of words in Mong. to be regarded as borrowed from Turkic (although later reborrowings into modern Turkic languages were, of course, also possible). However, significant semantic and formal differences do not allow us to regard as borrowed, on the one hand, the Turkic forms going back to attested Old Uyghur (e.g. amɨr- 'to love), on the other hand, Mong. ami-n 'life, soul' and amu- 'to rest'.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́nda
Meaning: to do wrong; to accuse, tease
Russian Meaning: ошибаться, делать неправильно; обвинять
Turkic: *āt-aĺč-
Mongolian: *anda-
Tungus-Manchu: *(x)an(d)u-
Japanese: *áná-
Comments: A different etymology of the Jpn. form (see АПиПЯЯ 18, 81 and *ŋenu) seems less probable because of an obvious parallelism between the Jpn. and TM forms.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀ńe(-č`V)
Meaning: to be quiet, sit
Russian Meaning: быть спокойным, сидеть
Turkic: *Enč
Mongolian: *eje, *en-
Tungus-Manchu: *āńi-
Korean: *ànč-
Japanese: *ǝ̀ntà-
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 297. Korean has a "verbal" low tone. Deriving Kor. anč- from Sino-Korean an (SKE 11) should of course be rejected. The Turk., Kor. and Jpn. forms reflect a derivative with *-č`V; Mong. eŋke < *ā̀ńe-kV.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀ni
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: not, negative verb
Russian Meaning: не, отрицательный глагол
Turkic: *en
Tungus-Manchu: *ā(n)-
Korean: *àn-
Japanese: *nà-, *-(a)n-, *ìná
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 95-96, 277, Vovin 1997, 3. Basically an Eastern isogloss, with a Western remnant in Chuvash. Cf. also MKor. àčhjǝ́t- (-r-) 'not to like' (cf. TM *ān-či-). Korean has a usual verbal low tone.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́ni
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to hold, present
Russian Meaning: держать, преподносить
Turkic: *ēn-čü
Mongolian: *anǯu
Tungus-Manchu: *anī-
Korean: *ān-
Comments: SKE 11, Дыбо 15.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́nta
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: oath; comrade, match
Russian Meaning: клятва; друг, товарищ
Turkic: *Ānt
Mongolian: *anda
Tungus-Manchu: *anda
Japanese: *ánta
Comments: EAS 153, KW 10, Владимирцов 318, Poppe 83, VEWT, ТМС. Despite TMN 2, 128, Щербак 1997, 98, there is no reason to suppose Turk. > Mong.; for TM, however, a borrowing from Mong. cannot be excluded (see Poppe 1972, 100, TMN 1, 152, Doerfer MT 37, Rozycki 18).
Proto-Altaic: *ā́ńu
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: moon; (moon cycle), year
Russian Meaning: луна; (лунный цикл), год
Turkic: *āń
Mongolian: *oj
Tungus-Manchu: *ańŋa
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 283, Дыбо 11, Мудрак Дисс. 70, Лексика 77. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀ŋo
Meaning: right
Russian Meaning: правый
Turkic: *oŋ
Mongolian: *eŋge-
Tungus-Manchu: *āŋ(gi)-
Comments: ЭСТЯ 1, 459. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀pi
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to enjoy, rest
Russian Meaning: быть довольным, праздным
Turkic: *(i)abɨ-
Mongolian: *abu-ra-
Tungus-Manchu: *ā(b)-
Korean: *ìpàt-
Japanese: *ìpà-p-
Comments: Low tone in Kor. is due to the root's verbal nature. Semantic development is modified by changes in diathesis (e.g. in Mongolian 'save' < 'comfort' < 'cause to enjoy' etc.).
Proto-Altaic: *āŕa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: small, scarce; recent
Russian Meaning: малочисленный, редкий; недавний
Turkic: *Āŕ
Mongolian: *araj
Tungus-Manchu: *ara-
Korean: *ārắi
Japanese: *àrà-(ta-)
Comments: EAS 110, KW 13, Владимирцов 361. Low tone in *àrà-tà- is probably secondary (a result of some contamination?); cf. Yonaguni (suffixless) àrà- < *árá- 'new'. Despite Doerfer MT 44, TM is hardly borrowed from Mong. (although some forms - Evk., Evn. arai - are).
Proto-Altaic: *ā́ri ( ~ *ḗra)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: man
Russian Meaning: мужчина
Turkic: *ēr
Mongolian: *ere
Comments: KW 123, Владимирцов 324, Poppe 79, 106, Цинциус 1972a, 45-49, ОСНЯ 1, 247, АПиПЯЯ 54, 283. A well known Turk.-Mong. isogloss. Borrowing in Mong. from Turk. (see TMN 2, 179, Щербак 1997, 115) is quite improbable because of the final vowel. Cf. *i̯òre.
Proto-Altaic: *ā́rV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: open space
Russian Meaning: открытое пространство
Turkic: *(i)āra
Mongolian: *ar-
Tungus-Manchu: *ara-
Comments: KW 14 (Turk.-Mong.). A Western isogloss. Cf. also PTM *arbu- 'space between two river branches'; Mong. arba- 'растопыриваться (о пальцах)'.
Proto-Altaic: *ā̀ǯV
Meaning: younger relative
Russian Meaning: младший родственник
Mongolian: *aǯi-n
Tungus-Manchu: *āǯi-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss; one of numerous common Altaic kinship "nursery" words.

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