Слова алтайского праязыка (*L)

Здесь представлен реконструированный словарный фонд праалтайского языка, начинающийся на фонему *L- (X корней). из общеалтайской этимологической БД проекта "Вавилонская башня" Московской школы компаративистики.

Proto-Altaic: *la-
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: on this side, near
Russian Meaning: по эту сторону, близко
Mongolian: *naɣa-
Tungus-Manchu: *la-kV, *la-ŋ
Korean: *njǝk
Comments: ТМС 1, 488, АПиПЯЯ 293. Originally a monosyllabic deictic root with directive affixes.
Proto-Altaic: *làbò
Meaning: more, better
Russian Meaning: больше, лучше
Turkic: *jaba
Mongolian: *lab / *naj
Tungus-Manchu: *lab-du
Korean: *năboi
Japanese: *nàpǝ́
Comments: SKE 162, Martin 226, АПиПЯЯ 68, Doerfer MT 144 (Mo < TM).
Proto-Altaic: *ĺábó
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of plant
Russian Meaning: вид растения
Turkic: *jaba
Mongolian: *debeɣe
Tungus-Manchu: *labikta / *lebukte
Japanese: *náimpú
Comments: Jpn. has one of the rare cases of the Inlaut -ai- (-ia-) diphthong. Otherwise correspondences are regular, although the precise botanical nature of the plant is not quite clear.
Proto-Altaic: *labV̀ / *lebV̀
Meaning: rope, long hair, rags
Russian Meaning: веревка, длинные волосы, лохмотья
Turkic: *job-lač (*jabu-lač)
Mongolian: *lab- / *lob-
Tungus-Manchu: *lab- / *leb-
Korean: *nòh ( < *nVbVh)
Japanese: *nàp-
Comments: Martin 240 (Jpn.-Kor.). An expressive root with some variation of reflexes, but no doubt archaic. In Jpn. the root may have merged with *ĺā̀p`o q. v.: this could be one of the reasons of the the accent discrepancy between Kor. and Jpn. (otherwise explainable as a result of contraction in Korean after the loss of *-b-).
Proto-Altaic: *láčà ( ~ *ĺ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of plant with drooping branches
Russian Meaning: вид растения со свисающими ветвями
Tungus-Manchu: *lasa-
Korean: *nǝ̀čhúr
Japanese: *násì
Comments: An Eastern isogloss; cf. perhaps Chuv. śüźe 'willow' (which can go back to PT *jača-).
Proto-Altaic: *làjp`V
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to glue, stick to
Russian Meaning: прилипать, приклеивать(ся)
Turkic: *jạp-ɨĺč-
Mongolian: *niɣa-
Tungus-Manchu: *labgān-, *lipa-
Japanese: *nàimpà-r- (~-ia-)
Comments: Владимирцов 209, 369, Poppe 39, 47, 74, ОСНЯ 2, 19, Miller 1986, 203, АПиПЯЯ 75, Мудрак Дисс. 91. Cf. also OJpn. nìbè 'fish glue'; diphthong in Jpn. and vowel variation in Jpn. and TM probably indicates PA *-j-. Doerfer (TMN 4, 49) denies the Turk.-Mong. parallel - in a hardly plausible way.
Proto-Altaic: *lako
Meaning: a k. of foliage tree
Russian Meaning: вид лиственного дерева
Turkic: *jöke
Mongolian: *nüger- ( ~ nigür-)
Tungus-Manchu: *laKa-
Comments: A Western isogloss. Turkic vocalism is not quite clear (*jaka would be normally expected).
Proto-Altaic: *làku ( ~ -k`-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: dirt, dregs
Russian Meaning: грязь, осадок
Mongolian: *lag
Tungus-Manchu: *lakti- / *legdi-
Japanese: *núká-r-
Comments: Cf. perhaps also Turk. *jak- 'to smear' - usually confused with *jāg 'fat' (see e.g. ЭСТЯ 4, 58), but having a different vowel and consonant.
Proto-Altaic: *lak`[a]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of bird
Russian Meaning: вид птицы
Turkic: *jakɨl-
Mongolian: *lag
Tungus-Manchu: *lakun
Korean: *nokočiri
Comments: The root probably denoted a small field bird (grouse or hazel-hen); the meaning `hawk' in the Turkic derivative is obviously < `the one hunting grouses'. The reconstruction of Auslaut presents some problems: the Kor. form presupposes something like *lak`u, in which case we would expect *-x- in TM. One wonders if Kor. nokočiri is not in fact one of Mongolian loanwords (since a hazel-hen, grouse or lark are good prey for a falcon, it may have been borrowed together with other falcon-hunt words); a form like *nugtɨrū (cf. WMong. nuɣturuu) could have been easily borrowed like *nugutiru > nokočiri. If this is the case, the word will be a Western isogloss, with a most plausible reconstruction *laku.
Proto-Altaic: *lak`a ( ~ -k-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of big fish
Russian Meaning: вид большой рыбы
Mongolian: *laka
Tungus-Manchu: *laka
Japanese: *nakatai
Comments: See Doerfer MT 91 (regarding Mong. as borrowed < Tung.). Cf. also a variant with *-o-: TM *lokija > Neg. loxon 'верхогляд', Ud. ĺöxö 'терпуг', Man. ĺoxo 'a k. of salmon', Orok loqqo 'камбала', see ТМС 1, 501, 502; Mong. lioqo 'ein weißgestreifter Seefisch' - see Doerfer MT 144 (suggesting Mong. < TM). It may well be that the original shape should be reconstructed as *luk(`)a > Mong. *laka, TM *lok(ij)a, Jpn. *nakatai - with TM *laka being secondarily borrowed from Mong. Note that the Mong. form is also borrowed in
Turkic: Turkm. laGGa balɨq, Uzb. laqqa baliq `sheat-fish'.
Proto-Altaic: *làk`ù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to bend, hang, hanger
Russian Meaning: нагибать, вешать, вешалка
Mongolian: *naki-
Tungus-Manchu: *laxu-
Korean: *náks
Japanese: *nuki
Comments: The original meaning was probably 'hook or (bent) stick for hanging smth.', which can well explain all the available reflexes. It is also possible to reconstruct a derivative *làk`ù-čV 'smth. bent, curved' reflected in MKor. náks ( < *nák-č) and Evk. laku-ča.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺak`V ( ~ -e-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: fur clothes
Russian Meaning: меховая одежда
Turkic: *jaku
Mongolian: *daku
Tungus-Manchu: *leKu (/ *laKu)
Comments: A Western isogloss. Mong. cannot be < Turk., despite Щербак 1997, 121.
Proto-Altaic: *làlè
Meaning: sticky substance
Russian Meaning: клейкое вещество
Turkic: *jilik
Mongolian: *nila-
Tungus-Manchu: *lala
Japanese: *nǝ̀rì
Comments: Лексика 264. A rather usual fronting in Turk.: *jilik < *jɨlɨk.
Proto-Altaic: *lalV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: weak, exasperated
Russian Meaning: слабый, измотанный
Turkic: *jalk-
Mongolian: *nal-, *nalk-
Tungus-Manchu: *lali-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lami
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: convenient, helpful
Russian Meaning: удобный, вспомогательный
Turkic: *jAmak
Mongolian: *limbaj
Tungus-Manchu: *nam
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lằŋi
Meaning: dirt, slime
Russian Meaning: грязь, жижа
Mongolian: *laj
Tungus-Manchu: *laŋga
Japanese: *nìnkǝ̀r-
Comments: PTM and PJ reflect a suffixed form *lằŋi-kV.
Proto-Altaic: *láp`ì
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: flat, broad
Russian Meaning: плоский, широкий
Turkic: *jap-
Mongolian: *labta-
Tungus-Manchu: *lapta-
Korean: *nàp- / *nǝ̀p-
Japanese: *nípá
Comments: SKE 160, Poppe 37, Цинциус 1984, 8. Despite Doerfer MT 97, hardly borrowed in TM < Mong. The root should be distinguished from *li̯àp`[à] 'leaf'.
Proto-Altaic: *laǯV
Meaning: heavy, clumsy
Russian Meaning: тяжелый, неуклюжий
Mongolian: *noǯo-
Tungus-Manchu: *laǯu
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss. Attested only in Manchu, and could be a loanword from some Mong. dialect preserving *l-, thus rather uncertain.
Proto-Altaic: *lā̀blè
Meaning: moss, lichen
Russian Meaning: мох, лишайник
Mongolian: *lujilV
Tungus-Manchu: *lālbi-kta / *lelu-kte
Japanese: *nǝ̀rì
Comments: The vocalism is somewhat shaky, like in many names of plants (in this case, secondary labialization in Mong. may be due to the medial cluster).
Proto-Altaic: *lā̀k`a ( ~ *ĺ-)
Meaning: a k. of plant with edible root
Russian Meaning: вид растения со съедобным корнем
Tungus-Manchu: *lāk-
Korean: *nǝk-
Japanese: *nànkui
Comments: An Eastern isogloss. Cf. perhaps also WMong. naŋgi 'water caltrop, water chestnut' (L 564), although the medial cluster is unclear, or {naɣa, Kh. nag "цветок со стеблем без листьев").
Proto-Altaic: *ĺā̀k`è
Meaning: bad, evil
Russian Meaning: дурной, злой
Turkic: *jek
Mongolian: *ǯeke-j ( < *ǯike-j)
Tungus-Manchu: *lāK-
Korean: *nǝk-
Japanese: *nǝkǝ
Comments: Martin 227 (Kor.-Jpn.). Turk. -e- instead of expected -ɨ- is probably due to contamination with *ĺḕgi q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *lā́mo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of bag
Russian Meaning: вид мешка
Turkic: *jĀmčɨk
Mongolian: *nambuga
Tungus-Manchu: *lam(b)a
Korean: *nằmằčh
Comments: A derivative *lā́mo-č`V (or even *lā́mo-č`V-k`V) can be reconstructed on the basis of PT *jĀm-čɨk and PK *nằmằčh. There seems to have existed a similar root with a medial cluster *-mb- and meaning a k. of vessel, reflected in Evk. lamban `scoop, ladle' and PJ *nampai, OJ nabe `vessel, pan' (probably borrowed into Kor. nampi id.); a merger with this root may explain occasional -b- in TM and -b- in Mongolian.
Proto-Altaic: *lā̀mò ( ~ -a)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sea, wave
Russian Meaning: море, волна
Mongolian: *namug
Tungus-Manchu: *lāmu
Japanese: *nàmì
Comments: ОСНЯ 2, 30, Murayama 1962, 109 (Jpn.-TM). Cf. also Koguryo *nuami 'pond, sea', see Lee 38, Menges 1984, 280-281.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺā̀p`o ( ~ -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: string, strap
Russian Meaning: веревка, ремешок
Mongolian: *deɣe-sü
Tungus-Manchu: *lāpV-ki
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss. Cf. *labV̀. Cf. perhaps Karakh. (MK) jabtač 'cloth, handkerchief' (merged with *jap- 'to cover').
Proto-Altaic: *ĺā́p`V
Meaning: bifurcated pole
Russian Meaning: раздвоенная жердь
Turkic: *jāpa(k)
Mongolian: *daɣaga(n)
Tungus-Manchu: *lap-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lā́ŕgu
Meaning: sloppy job
Russian Meaning: разгильдяйство, небрежность
Turkic: *jạ̄ŕ-
Mongolian: *nargi-
Tungus-Manchu: *largī
Korean: *nòrắs
Japanese: *núká-r-
Comments: Cf. also Mong. nerme 'to make worse'. Reason for closed *-ạ̄- in Turkic is not quite clear.
Proto-Altaic: *lā̀t`á ( ~ ĺ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: wave, storm
Russian Meaning: волна, шторм
Tungus-Manchu: *lāta
Japanese: *nàntá
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lebV ( ~ -p-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to eat greedily
Russian Meaning: жадно есть
Mongolian: *labsi-
Tungus-Manchu: *lebge-
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. expressive isogloss. In PTM cf. also *labada- 'to grasp with teeth', *lupku- 'to suck'.
Proto-Altaic: *lèjk`á
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to intend, demand
Russian Meaning: намереваться, требовать
Mongolian: *neke-
Tungus-Manchu: *leKe-
Korean: *njǝ̀kí- / *nǝ̀ikí-
Japanese: *niànkà-p-
Comments: KW 274, EAS 76, Poppe 39, 56, АПиПЯЯ 78. Korean has a "verbal" low tone. The medial cluster with *-j- is in this case responsible for some peculiar reflexes: diphthongs both in Jpn. and Kor. and the palatalized initial reflexes (*ĺ-?) in TM languages. Despite Doerfer MT 51, TM cannot be borrowed from Mong, and - despite Rozycki 150 - Mong. cannot be borrowed from TM. Doerfer (TMN 1, 531) argues fervently against the Mong.-Kor. comparison ("Ramstedt verstößt hier gegen seine eigenen Prinzipien. Man kann das kor. Wort [nǝgi-, njǝgi- in Ramstedt's transcription] natürlich nicht mit dem mo. vergleichen, wenn man (cf. RAM 85!) ursprachlich -k- = mo. -k- = kor. -k-,-kh- ansetzt."), evidently unaware that modern Kor. -g- is a phonetic variant of -k- in intervocalic position.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺekleKV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of aquatic bird
Russian Meaning: вид водоплавающей птицы
Turkic: *[j]eglek
Mongolian: *deglej
Tungus-Manchu: *leg(l)ek-
Comments: A Western isogloss; no doubt, onomatopoeic in origin, but interlanguage loans seem to be excluded in this case.
Proto-Altaic: *lélugV
Meaning: kerchief, pendant
Russian Meaning: платок, подвеска
Turkic: *jaglɨk
Mongolian: *nolga
Tungus-Manchu: *lelu(ke)
Korean: *nòríkái
Comments: In Kor. the word also means 'plaything', and is usually derived < nōr- 'to play'; external evidence shows that the derivation is rather opposite ('to play' < 'to fondle with a pendant').
Proto-Altaic: *ĺèmo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to be lazy, negligent
Russian Meaning: быть ленивым, небрежным
Mongolian: *dömü-
Tungus-Manchu: *lemūk-
Japanese: *nàmàka-
Comments: The TM and Jpn. forms point to a common derivative *ĺèmo-kV (-k`V).
Proto-Altaic: *lemV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: meat, fat (of animals)
Russian Meaning: мясо, жир (животный)
Turkic: *jạm-
Mongolian: *lami-
Tungus-Manchu: *lemuk
Comments: A Western isogloss. {Turk. *jạmɨŕ should be perhaps rather compared with Mong. sami 'groin' < PA *zamU.}
Proto-Altaic: *leńa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to incline, sway, shake
Russian Meaning: наклоняться, раскачиваться
Turkic: *jAń-ka-
Mongolian: *naji-(gu)-
Tungus-Manchu: *leŋgī-
Comments: EAS 75, Владимирцов 369, ОСНЯ 3, 58-60. A Western isogloss. Borrowing in Mong. from Turk. is quite improbable, despite Щербак 1997, 121.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺeŋgV
Meaning: a k. of predator
Russian Meaning: вид хищника
Mongolian: *ǯiŋger
Tungus-Manchu: *leŋgur
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss. Cf. also *lúŋa.
Proto-Altaic: *lépù(-nV) ( ~ -b-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: swamp
Russian Meaning: болото
Mongolian: *labku, *lobku
Tungus-Manchu: *lebē(n)-
Korean: *nɨp(h)
Japanese: *númà
Comments: Martin 236, Whitman 1985, 25, ТМС 1, 514. Jpn. *númà < *núbà-n, with normal regressive dissimilation.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺep`a ( ~ -o, -u)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: feather, down, wool
Russian Meaning: перо, пух
Turkic: *jAp
Mongolian: *daɣaki
Tungus-Manchu: *lepu-
Comments: Владимирцов 208. A Western isogloss. Possibly derived is the Turk.-Mong. name for "foal" ( < "down, hair fading"): Turk. *japak (ЭСТЯ 4, 159-160), Mong. daɣagan ( > Evk. daɣakan etc., see Doerfer MT 99), see KW 81, Poppe 47.
Proto-Altaic: *lép`ó ( ~ *ĺ-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to rise, high
Russian Meaning: подниматься, высокий
Tungus-Manchu: *lep- / *lupu-
Korean: *nòph-
Japanese: *nǝ́mpǝ́r-
Comments: Martin 1996, 98. An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺḕgì
Meaning: to hate, abhor
Russian Meaning: ненавидеть, чувствовать отвращение
Turkic: *jigren- ( ~ -e-)
Mongolian: *ǯig-
Tungus-Manchu: *lēgī-
Japanese: *nìkù-
Comments: Ozawa 270-272, ЭСТЯ 4, 200-201. Cf. *ĺā̀k`e.
Proto-Altaic: *lḕja
Meaning: to go out, break forth
Russian Meaning: выходить, вырываться
Mongolian: *niɣe-
Tungus-Manchu: *lēj- (*lī-)
Korean: *ná-
Japanese: *nà-r- / *nà-s-
Comments: EAS 76, KW 276, Владимирцов 212, Poppe 39, Rozycki 162 (Mong.-Tung.), Martin 225-226. In MKor. cf. also nath- 'to become, appear' - a derivative?
Proto-Altaic: *ĺḗlV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to run, ride, hurry
Russian Meaning: бежать, скакать, спешить
Turkic: *jēl-
Mongolian: *ǯilu-
Tungus-Manchu: *lelu-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lēmo
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: fresh, raw; vegetables
Russian Meaning: свежий, сырой; овощи
Turkic: *jẹ̄miĺč
Mongolian: *lamaɣa
Korean: *nằmằrh
Japanese: *nàmâ
Comments: Martin 232 (Kor.-Jpn.). The Turkic word is traditionally analysed as 'food' ( < *jē- 'eat' < PA *ǯē q. v.), but this may well be a reinterpretation.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺip`ú
Meaning: dark red, violet
Russian Meaning: темно-красный, фиолетовый
Turkic: *(j)ip-
Mongolian: *ǯibi
Tungus-Manchu: *lipe-
Japanese: *numpa-
Comments: An interesting common Altaic colour term.
Proto-Altaic: *li̯ája
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: sound, to sound
Russian Meaning: звук, звучать
Mongolian: *najita-
Tungus-Manchu: *leje- / *ńiaja- ( < *liaja-)
Japanese: *nái
Comments: An onomatopoeic root; seems, however, be well enough reconstructable for PA.
Proto-Altaic: *li̯àmba ( ~ *ĺ-, -o)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of big fish
Russian Meaning: вид большой рыбы
Tungus-Manchu: *liamba-
Japanese: *nàmà(n)tù
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss; but cf. perhaps also Khak. nomza 'dace' ( < *jom-); Tat. jumba, ǯumba 'burbot' (VEWT 210); {WMo nümer 'осьминог'}.
Proto-Altaic: *li̯àp`[à]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: leaf
Russian Meaning: лист
Turkic: *japur-gak
Mongolian: *labči
Korean: *níph
Japanese: *nàpài
Comments: EAS 75, KW 272, Владимирцов 369, Poppe 37, 44, АПиПЯЯ 19, 42, 282, Лексика 112. The Kor. vowel is probably secondary (pointing to a variant *li̯àp`e).
Proto-Altaic: *li̯ap`V
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: spleen
Russian Meaning: селезенка
Turkic: *japal
Mongolian: *niɣalta
Tungus-Manchu: *lipče
Comments: A Western isogloss. Very scantily represented in Turkic and TM, but probably archaic.
Proto-Altaic: *li̯ŏga
Meaning: green, dark
Russian Meaning: зеленый, темный
Turkic: *jạgɨŕ
Mongolian: *nogoɣan
Tungus-Manchu: *ĺog-
Korean: *nò-nắ-
Japanese: *nà
Comments: KW 278, АПиПЯЯ 293, Poppe 38, Doerfer MT 56-57 (Tung.-Mong.). Kor. reflects a form with an -n-suffix and has a usual verbal low tone.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺi̯ŏ̀ki
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to run away
Russian Meaning: убегать
Mongolian: *ǯigutu-
Tungus-Manchu: *luktu-
Japanese: *nìnká-
Comments: Ozawa 269. The voicing in Jpn. contradicts unaspirated *-k- in PA: it may be secondary, under the influence of the synonymous *nuànkà-ra- (see *nŭ̀k`e).
Proto-Altaic: *ĺi̯ŏ́mo(ŋa)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: name; spell, divination
Russian Meaning: имя; заклинание, гадание
Turkic: *jom, *jom(ŋ)ak
Mongolian: *dom, *domag
Tungus-Manchu: *nim-ŋā-
Korean: *ni'jaki
Japanese: *ná(N)
Comments: АПиПЯЯ 69, 110, 276, EAS 51. The verbal correlate for *naN 'name' in PJ is *nǝm- 'to pray'. The noun goes back to the suffixed form *ĺi̯ŏ́m(o)-ŋa (note the recurring *-ŋ-suffix in the reflexes: MKor. nì'jàkì also goes back to *nìŋa-ki < *nimŋa-ki with early cluster simplification). Despite Щербак 1997, 124-125, Mong. cannot be < Turk.
Proto-Altaic: *li̯òmù
Meaning: bow
Russian Meaning: лук
Turkic: *jüm-
Mongolian: *lumu
Tungus-Manchu: *liam-
Japanese: *dùmì
Comments: The Jpn. word is hard to separate; initial d- is probably due to influence of *da 'arrow'. If this is the case, one would be also tempted to compare PTM *lukī 'arrow' and PJ *duki 'quiver' - with exactly the same Anlaut correlation. {But see also under *dḕgni}.
Proto-Altaic: *li̯òŋè
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of insect
Russian Meaning: вид насекомого
Mongolian: *newne, *neɣüne
Tungus-Manchu: *loŋ-
Japanese: *nǝ̀mì ( ~ -ua-, -ui)
Comments: The root is not well attested and somewhat insecure, denoting some small insect (bug or butterfly). But the correspondences are regular and the match seems possible.
Proto-Altaic: *li̯ùbu ( ~ -i̯a-)
Meaning: resin, clay, dirt
Russian Meaning: смола, глина, грязь
Mongolian: *luw-
Tungus-Manchu: *lū
Japanese: *nì ( ~ *nù-i)
Comments: JOAL 102, 1981, 853 (attracting also OJ núr- 'to paint', which seems less plausible because of tone incongruence with *nì; on its etymology see *ni̯úŕe).
Proto-Altaic: *ĺi̯uga(rV)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to knead
Russian Meaning: месить, давить
Turkic: *jugur- ( ~ -ɨ-)
Mongolian: *ǯiɣura-
Tungus-Manchu: *lug-
Korean: *nǝ̀hɨ́r-
Japanese: *niàr- ( ~ *nàir-)
Comments: KW 482. Despite Щербак 1997, 196, Mong. is not < Turkic.
Proto-Altaic: *li̯u[k]u
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: thick, dense
Russian Meaning: густой, плотный
Turkic: *jigi / *jɨgɨ
Mongolian: *nigta / *lüg / *lug
Tungus-Manchu: *lōgdi, *luku(tu)
Comments: A Western isogloss. An expressive form with somewhat irregular correspondences; however, despite Doerfer MT 51, TM cannot be explained as borrowed from Mong.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺi̯ul[o]
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to ransom, ask
Russian Meaning: выкупать, просить
Turkic: *jul-
Mongolian: *doli-
Tungus-Manchu: *l[i]l- ( ~ -ü-)
Japanese: *nai ( ~ *nia)
Comments: KW 94, Poppe 75, Лексика 346 (Turk. *jul- : Mong. *doli-). Despite TMN 4, 315: "das scheint lautlich nicht aufzugehen"), the Turk.-Mong. match is quite satisfactory. The TM and Jpn. parallels are, however, somewhat problematic, because of scarce attestation in TM and phonetic contraction in Japanese (the form may go back to *ĺi̯ul(o)-gV, cf. Turk. *julɨg).
Proto-Altaic: *li̯ŭ̀mo ( ~ ĺ, -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to swallow, drink
Russian Meaning: глотать; пить
Tungus-Manchu: *lümŋe-
Korean: *nǝm-ku-
Japanese: *nǝ̀m-
Comments: SKE 164, Poppe 74, Murayama 1962, 110, АПиПЯЯ 19, 69, 105-106, 274. An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺi̯ŭ̀p`ù
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to sew, pierce
Russian Meaning: шить, протыкать
Turkic: *jɨp / *jip
Mongolian: *ǯeɣeg ( < *ǯiɣeg)
Tungus-Manchu: *lup-
Korean: *nupi-
Japanese: *nùp-
Comments: Martin 241 (Kor.-Jpn.), KW 474 (Turk.-Mong.).
Proto-Altaic: *li̯ū́k`a ( ~ -u)
Meaning: seam, to stitch
Russian Meaning: шов, стегать
Turkic: *jīk
Mongolian: *log-si-
Tungus-Manchu: *luK-
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lī́gà ( ~ *ĺ-)
Meaning: to weep, cry
Russian Meaning: плакать
Turkic: *jɨ̄g-(la-)
Tungus-Manchu: *ligi-
Japanese: *nák-
Comments: Cf. Kor. nɨkki-da 'to weep' (with unclear vowel and gemination; see Martin 242).
Proto-Altaic: *lok`o ( ~ -u-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a cutting instrument
Russian Meaning: режущий инструмент
Tungus-Manchu: *loxa
Japanese: *nǝ̀kǝ̂
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lòŋé ( ~ -u-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: chisel, drill
Russian Meaning: долото, бурав
Tungus-Manchu: *luŋu
Japanese: *nǝ̀muí ( ~ -ǝi)
Comments: A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss. Cf. perhaps Mong. *düji-le- 'to shave' (WMong. düil-, L 279), which would make us reconstruct *ĺoŋe.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺoŋgV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to accuse, blame
Russian Meaning: обвинять, винить
Turkic: *joŋ
Mongolian: *doŋgud-
Tungus-Manchu: *loŋ-si-
Comments: KW 95. A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lop`V
Meaning: nest (of rodents)
Russian Meaning: гнездо (грызунов)
Mongolian: *nowkai
Tungus-Manchu: *lopi(gi)
Comments: A Mong.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺóre (?)
Meaning: a k. of deer
Russian Meaning: вид оленя
Mongolian: *ǯüre
Tungus-Manchu: *lor- (?)
Korean: *nòrằ
Japanese: *nǝrǝ ~ *nuarua
Comments: The root presents several problems: a) Mong. has ǯ- instead of an expected d-; b) the TM forms are few and rather controversial (it is not really clear whether the Manchu form is related to Evk.); c) the Jpn. form is attested late. There may also have been some confusion with the reflexes of *negre '(female) deer' q. v.
Proto-Altaic: *lŭge ( ~ -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: bridle
Russian Meaning: уздечка
Turkic: *jügen
Tungus-Manchu: *luksi
Comments: A Turk.-Tung. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lúke
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to bow, bend
Russian Meaning: наклоняться, гнуть
Turkic: *jükün-
Mongolian: *nugu-
Tungus-Manchu: *loka-
Japanese: *nǝ́kí ( ~ -ua-)
Comments: ОСНЯ 3, 64-65 (Turc-Mong). Cf. *làk`ù.
Proto-Altaic: *luko
Meaning: wild pig
Russian Meaning: дикая свинья
Mongolian: *nogtu-
Tungus-Manchu: *luke- / *lukte (*lekte)
Korean: *nɨktai (?)
Comments: The Kor. match is glossed as "wild boar" by Ramstedt (in SKE), but as "jackal" or "Korean wolf" in modern dictionaries - thus it may be actually the same word as nɨktä < *l[ù]k`V̀ 'lynx'; but the Mong.-TM parallel is still valid. {Cf. PAA *li:k 'pig'}.
Proto-Altaic: *lùku ( ~ *ĺ-, -o-, -k`-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to take off (clothes)
Russian Meaning: снимать (одежду)
Tungus-Manchu: *luK-
Japanese: *nùk-
Comments: Miller 1985b, 194. A Tung.-Jpn. isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lúk`ì ( ~ -o-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: to break through
Russian Meaning: прорывать, проходить через
Mongolian: *nüke-
Tungus-Manchu: *lokta-
Japanese: *núk-
Comments: ОСНЯ 2, 28-29, АПиПЯЯ 75.
Proto-Altaic: *l[ù]k`V̀ ( ~ -k-)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: lynx, wild cat
Russian Meaning: рысь, дикая кошка
Mongolian: *nogu-ɣal
Tungus-Manchu: *luKV
Korean: *nɨk-
Japanese: *niàkua ( ~ *nàikua)
Comments: The Jpn. vocalism is aberrant; the diphthong may require a reconstruction like *lòjk`V. Cf. also notes to *luko.
Proto-Altaic: *lumV
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of small wild animal
Russian Meaning: вид мелкого дикого животного
Turkic: *jumra-
Mongolian: *lomun
Tungus-Manchu: *nenme- ( ~ *l-)
Comments: A Western isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lúŋa
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: a k. of fur animal
Russian Meaning: вид пушного животного
Mongolian: *nagaj
Tungus-Manchu: *loŋ-sa
Korean: *nǝ̀ŋ'úrí
Japanese: *ná-i
Comments: See Лексика 165. Cf. *ĺeŋgV (in Kor. a partial contamination is possible).
Proto-Altaic: *lúŋu ( ~ *ĺ-, -o-, -i)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: morning or evening dawn
Russian Meaning: утренняя или вечерняя заря
Tungus-Manchu: *luŋur
Korean: *nò'ɨ̀r
Japanese: *núN- / *núiN- / *núaN-
Comments: An Eastern isogloss.
Proto-Altaic: *lŭ̀rkV ( ~ *ĺ-, -i̯u-,-i̯o-,-o-)
Meaning: to burn; warm
Russian Meaning: гореть, пылать; теплый
Tungus-Manchu: *lurgi-
Korean: *nòk- / *nuk-
Japanese: *nùkù-
Comments: Martin 245, АПиПЯЯ 278. An Eastern isogloss. Korean has a secondary verbal low tone.
Proto-Altaic: *ĺū̀ńi ( ~ -e)
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: snow
Russian Meaning: снег
Tungus-Manchu: *lūńe
Korean: *nūn
Comments: EAS 77, SKE 173, ОСНЯ 3, 34-35, Menges 1984, 281, АПиПЯЯ 19. A Tung.-Kor. isogloss. Depalatalization in Kor. is probably assimilative (*nūń > *nūn).

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