Латинско-английский словарь (на T)

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Италийские словари: Латынь | Оскский | Умбрский; Романские словари: Испанский | Итальянский | Португальский | Французский (ср. с ИЕ лексикой) (от индоевропейской лексикой)
Словари романоидов (искусственных романо-подобных языков): Идо | Интерлингва | Ланго | Новиаль | Окциденталь | Романичо | Романова | Фарлинго
Русско-латинский словарь: А | Б | В | Г | Д | Е, Ё | Ж | З | И | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Э | Ю | Я
Латинско-русский словарь: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | X | Z | Суффиксы латыни
Латинско-английский словарь: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W,X

Слова латинского языка на T- в переводе на английский. Всего здесь латинских слов - X (из 3460 в этом латинско-английском словнике).

Латинско-английский словарь (на T)

  1. tabella : writing tablet.
  2. tabellae : letter, document.
  3. tabernus : booth, hut, cottage, hove, small shop, inn, tavern.
  4. tabesco : to melt, waste away, pine, be spoiled.
  5. tabgo tetigi tactum : to touch.
  6. tabula : board, plank, gaming board, painted panel.
  7. taceo tacuitacitum : to be silent, leave unmentioned.
  8. tactus : sense of feeling, touch.
  9. taedium, tedium : disgust, weariness, boredom.
  10. talio, -onis : retribution.
  11. talis : of such a kind, such.
  12. talus : the ankle, ankle bone,.
  13. tam ... quam : as ... as possible.
  14. tam : to such a degree, so, so far.
  15. tamdiu : for such a long time.
  16. tamen : notwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still, for all that.
  17. tametsi : even if, although.
  18. tamisium : sieve, sifter (Herimann, p. 308).
  19. tamquam tanquam : as, just as, like as, just as if.
  20. tandem : adv. at last, finally.
  21. tantillus : so little, so small.
  22. tantum : only.
  23. tantummodo : only just, just so long as.
  24. tantus : so large, so great, of such a size.
  25. tardus : slow, late, tardy.
  26. Taruennam : The Rouanne.
  27. te : (abl.) you / no one's sweeter than YOU.
  28. te : (acc.) you / I got YOU, babe.
  29. tego texi tectum : to cover, bury, conceal, hide, protect, shield.
  30. temeritas : rashness, temerity.
  31. temperantia : moderation, self-control, temperance.
  32. tempero : to mix properly, temper, regulate, mitigate.
  33. tempero : be moderate, control oneself.
  34. tempero : (+abl. or with ab) to keep from, refrain from.
  35. tempero : (+ dat.) to control, use with moderation, spare,
  36. tempestas : storm, weather.
  37. Templovium : Templeuve, villa near Cisoing.
  38. templum : sacred precinct, temple, sometimes church.
  39. temptatio : trial, temptation.
  40. tempus temporis : time.
  41. tenax : grasping, stingy, clinging, frugal, obstinate.
  42. tendo : to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend, present, give.
  43. tendo : to direct one's course, tend, make or head for.
  44. teneo : to keep on, persist, persevere, endure.
  45. teneo : to hold, keep, possess, maintain.
  46. teneo : to grasp, know, understand.
  47. tener tenera tenerum : tender, delicate, soft, young.
  48. tenuis : thin, slight, feeble, slim, slender.
  49. tenus : prep. With abl. as far as, up to, to, down to.
  50. tenus : (after a name in abl. or gen.) up to, down to as far as.
  51. tepesco : to cool, grow lukewarm, decrease.
  52. tepidus : warm, luke-warm, tepid
  53. ter : three times, thrice.
  54. terebro : to bore through, perforate.
  55. teres : rounded, polished, smooth, fine, elegant.
  56. terga dare : to flee, retreat, run away.
  57. tergeo tergo tersi tersum : to wipe, scour, clean
  58. tergiversatio : backwardness, reluctance, evasion.
  59. tergo (a tergo ) : in the rear, from behind
  60. tergum : skin, hide
  61. tergum : back, rear.
  62. tergus : the back / skin, hide, leather.
  63. termes : a tree branch (especially olive).
  64. terminatio : termination, determination, setting of boundaries.
  65. termino : restrict, define, close, set a limit to.
  66. terminus : a boundary mark, limit, end, border.
  67. tero trivi tritum : to rub, wear out.
  68. terra : earth, ground, land, country, soil.
  69. terreo : to frighten, terrify, scare away, deter.
  70. territo : to scare, frighten, intimidate.
  71. terror : fright, fear, terror.
  72. tersus : clean, neat, correct.
  73. tertius : third.
  74. testimonium : proof, evidence, witness, indication.
  75. testis : one who gives evidence, witness, spectator / testicle.
  76. texo : to weave, twine together, plait, construct, build.
  77. texo : the main verb for weaving of cloth.
  78. textilis : woven fabric, piece of cloth.
  79. textor textrix : weaver.
  80. textus : woven cloth, web.
  81. thalassinus : sea-green.
  82. theatrum : theater.
  83. theca : case, envelope, covering.
  84. thema thematis : theme.
  85. thema : subject, topic, theme.
  86. theologus : theologian.
  87. thermae : warm springs, warm baths.
  88. thesaurus : treasure, horde / store-room, treasury.
  89. thesis : proposition, thesis.
  90. thorax : breastplate
  91. thymbra : the herb savory.
  92. thymum : the herb thyme.
  93. tibi : (dat.) you / I can't give YOU anything but love, baby.
  94. timeo : to fear, be afraid, dread.
  95. timidus : fearful, timid.
  96. timor : fear, dread, object causing fear.
  97. titulus : label, title, placard.
  98. tolero : to tolerate, bear, endure, sustain.
  99. tollo sustuli sublatum : to lift up, raise, elevate, carry away.
  100. tondeo totondi tonsum : shave, shear, clip, mow, reap, browse.
  101. tonsor : barbar.
  102. Tornacense : Tournai.
  103. torqueo : to twist, curl, rack, torture, torment, distort, test.
  104. torrens : rushing, seething, burning, parched / a torrent.
  105. tot : (indecl.) so many.
  106. totidem : just as many.
  107. toties, toties : so often, so many times.
  108. toties, totiens : so many times, so often.
  109. toties : often, so many times.
  110. totus : whole, entire, complete, all.
  111. tracto : to drag, handle / treat, discuss, deal with.
  112. trado tradidi traditum : surrender / hand over / transmit, teach.
  113. traho traxi tractum : to drag, pull / derive, get.
  114. Traiectensium : Utrecht.
  115. Traiectum : Maastricht.
  116. trans : (+ acc.) across.
  117. transeo : to go over, pass over, cross over, go past.
  118. transfero transtuli translatum : carry across, transfer, convey.
  119. transmitto : to send, carry, or convey across.
  120. tredecim : (indecl.) thirteen
  121. Trellum : Tre Blon, castle in Hannonia.
  122. tremo : to tremble, shake, shudder.
  123. trepide : with trepidation, in confusion,
  124. tres tria : three.
  125. Treverim : Triers.
  126. tribuo : to give out, divide, allot, assign, grant, give, allow.
  127. tricesimus : thirtieth.
  128. triduana : lasting three days.
  129. triduanus : three days' duration, lasting three days.
  130. triduum : a period of three days.
  131. triginta : (inedl.) thirty.
  132. tripudio : to leap, jump, dance (as in a religious procession).
  133. tristis : sad, gloomy, downcast.
  134. Trium Fontium : Trois-Fontaines, Marne, Vitry-le-Francais.
  135. triumphus : triumphal procession, triumph.
  136. trucido : to kill cruelly, slay, butcher, massacre, slaughter.
  137. truculenter : (adv.) wildly, savagely, fiercely, cruelly, roughly
  138. tu : you / Old Heidelberg, you are the finest.
  139. tubineus : cone shaped
  140. tui : your yours / I read YOUR letter that said, dear John.
  141. tum : at that time, then / thereupon, in the next place.
  142. tumultus : uprising, disturbance, riot, tumult.
  143. tumulus : mound, grave, heap of earth.
  144. tunc : then, at that time.
  145. Tungris : Tongres.
  146. turba : uproar, disturbance / mob, crowd, multitude.
  147. turbatio : disturbance, confusion.
  148. turbatus : angered, exasperated / disturbed, restless, troubled.
  149. turbo, onis : hurricane. tornado, that which spins
  150. turbo : to disturb, upset, throw into disorder, confuse, unsettle.
  151. turpe : a disgrace.
  152. turpis : foul, ugly, disgraceful, morally corrupt.
  153. tutamen tutaminis : defense, protection
  154. tutis : protected, safe, secure.
  155. tyrannus : tyrant, absolute ruler.

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