Латинско-английский словарь (на I)

> > > > Латинско-английский (I)
Италийские словари: Латынь | Оскский | Умбрский; Романские словари: Испанский | Итальянский | Португальский | Французский (ср. с ИЕ лексикой) (от индоевропейской лексикой)
Словари романоидов (искусственных романо-подобных языков): Идо | Интерлингва | Ланго | Новиаль | Окциденталь | Романичо | Романова | Фарлинго
Русско-латинский словарь: А | Б | В | Г | Д | Е, Ё | Ж | З | И | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Э | Ю | Я
Латинско-русский словарь: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | X | Z | Суффиксы латыни
Латинско-английский словарь: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W,X

Слова латинского языка на I- в переводе на английский. Всего здесь латинских слов - 340 (из 3460 в этом латинско-английском словнике).

Латинско-английский словарь (на I)

  1. iaceo : to lie, lie prostrate, lie dead.
  2. iacio : to throw, cast, hurl, lay, scatter, diffuse.
  3. iaculator : : a thrower, javelin man, spear thrower.
  4. iaculum : dart, javelin, short spear.
  5. iam : now, by now, already / presently, immediately, soon.
  6. iam : moreover, henceforth, indeed, just, further.
  7. ianua : door.
  8. ibi : there
  9. ictus : blow, bite, stroke, bolt, thrust.
  10. idcirco : on that account, for that reason, for that purpose.
  11. idem eadem idem : the same.
  12. identidem : again and again, repeatedly.
  13. ideo : for that reason, on that account, therefore.
  14. idoneus : proper, worthy, fitting, deserving, capable.
  15. igitur : therefore, consequently, for this reason.
  16. ignarus : ignorant, not knowing.
  17. ignavus : lazy, listless, inert, sluggish cowardly, a coward.
  18. ignis : fire.
  19. ignoro : to be ignorant of, not know / rarely: neglect, overlook.
  20. ignosco : (+ dat.) to overlook, forgive, pardon.
  21. ignotus : unknown, obscure, ignorant, ignoble.
  22. ilico : on the spot, immediately.
  23. illa : (fem. sing. nom.) THAT (sword) is more expensive.
  24. illa : (neut. pl. acc.) Deborah always won THESE (wars).
  25. illa : (fem. sing. abl.) He who lives BY THAT (the sword), ...
  26. illa : (neut. pl. nom.) THOSE (arms) belong to the victor.
  27. illacrimo : (+ dat.) to weep over.
  28. illae ille : (fem. pl. nom.) THOSE (women) must die!
  29. illarum : (fem. pl. gen.) The city wall had four OF THOSE (gates).
  30. illas : (fem. pl. acc.) They gave THOSE (their lives) for the Faith.
  31. illata : from infero : to cause, occasion, etc.
  32. illaturos : from infero "they would cause."
  33. ille illa illud : that, the former, the famous / he, she, it.
  34. ille : (masc. nom. sing.) THAT (house) is filthy.
  35. illi : (fem sing. dat.) There is a statue IN THAT (abbey).
  36. illi : (masc. sing. dat.) He sent FOR THAT (doctor).
  37. illi : (masc. pl. nom.) THOSE (men) are loyal to the king.
  38. illi : (neut sing. dat.) i'd give my right arm FOR THOSE (cookies).
  39. illiam : (fem. sing. acc.) She wasted THAT (her youth).
  40. illic : there, at that place, therein, in that matter.
  41. illis : (masc. pl. dat.) Tell it TO THOSE (Marines).
  42. illis : (fem. pl. dat.) She gave her property TO THOSE (churches).
  43. illis : (neut. pl. abl.) She earned it BY THESE (her deeds).
  44. illis : (fem. pl. abl) A life is enriched BY THESE (friendships).
  45. illis : (masc. pl. abl.) They passed BY THOSE (roads).
  46. illis : (neut. pl. dat.) Listen TO THESE (orders).
  47. illius : (fem. sing. gen.) They are fond OF THAT (change).
  48. illius : (neut. sing. gen.) She paid half OF THAT (the cost).
  49. illius : (masc. fem. neut. gen. sing.) Go ahead, eat some OF THAT.
  50. illo : (neut. sing. abl.) Do not hesitate BECAUSE OF THAT! (doubt)
  51. illo : (masc. sing. abl.) He gave plenty FOR THAT (field).
  52. illorum : (masc. pl. gen.) The horses OF THOSE (soldiers) are spent.
  53. illorum : (neut. pl. gen) The cattle OF THESE (monsters) were fat.
  54. illos : (masc. pl. acc.) They burned THOSE (houses) to the ground.
  55. illuc : thither, to that place, to that matter, to that person.
  56. illud : (neut. sing. nom.) THAT (monastery) is well-built.
  57. illud : (neut. sing. acc.) Break THOSE (fetters)!
  58. illudo illusi illusum : to mock, make fun of, ridicule
  59. illum : (masc. sing. acc.) He ate THAT (fruit).
  60. imago : image, likeness.
  61. imber ymber : rain shower, rain storm, pelting rain.
  62. imbrium : of rain.
  63. imcomposite : adv from incompositus : incompositione in Herimann.
  64. imitabilis : that can be imitated,
  65. imitor : to imitate.
  66. immanitas : savagery, frightfulness.
  67. immerito : adv. undeservingly, without merit, unjustifiably.
  68. immineo : to hang over, be imminent, threaten.
  69. immo : by all means, by no means, on the contrary.
  70. immodicus : immoderate, excessive, beyond measure.
  71. immortalis : immortal.
  72. immotus : unmoved.
  73. immunda : unclean, impure, dirty, foul.
  74. immundus : foul, impure.
  75. impedimentum : hindrance, impediment, obstacle, difficulty.
  76. impedio : entangle, ensnare, obstruct, surround, hinder, prevent.
  77. impedito : a hinderance.
  78. impedo : to entangle, ensnare, hinder, prevent, obstruct.
  79. impello : to drive against, strike upon.
  80. impello impuli impulsum : to set in mortion, impel, urge on.
  81. impendeo : to hang over, threaten, menace, be imminent.
  82. impendium : expenditures, outlay, interest on a loan.
  83. impendo : to lay out, expand, weigh out.
  84. impenetrabiilis : impenetrable.
  85. impensa : expense, outlay.
  86. imperator : commander in chief, general, emperor.
  87. imperceptus : unperceived / unknown,
  88. imperiosus : imperious, domineering, powerful.
  89. imperium : power to command, authority, command, rule, control.
  90. impero : to give orders, command / to rule, hold sway.
  91. impetro : to get, accomplish, effect, obtain (by asking).
  92. impetus : attack, onset, rapid motion / impulse, passion, force.
  93. impleo : to fill in (or up), satisfy, content, fulfil, perform.
  94. importo : to bring in, introduce, import / bring upon, cause.
  95. importunus : unsuitable, unfavorable, troublesome / inconsiderate.
  96. impraesentiarum : for the present, in present circumstances.
  97. imprimis : especially, particularly, specifically.
  98. improbus : inferior, bad, wicked, persistent, perverse, bold.
  99. improvidus : improvident, negligent, thoughtless, feckless.
  100. improviso : unexpected
  101. ex improviso : suddenly.
  102. impudens : impudent, shameless, insolent, presumptuous.
  103. impudenter : impudently, insolently, presumptuously.
  104. impunitus : unpunished, unrestrained, safe.
  105. imputo : to lay to a charge, enter in an account, impute to.
  106. in praesentia : for the present.
  107. in : (+ acc.) into, toward, against.
  108. in : (+ abl.) in.
  109. inanis : empty, vain, inane.
  110. incassum : in vain.
  111. inceptor : beginner.
  112. inceptum : beginning, attempt, enterprise.
  113. incertus : uncertain, doubtful, unsure, hesitant.
  114. incido in mentionem : to happen to mention.
  115. incido : to fall in or on, fall in with / happen, occur.
  116. incipio : to take in hand, begin, commence.
  117. incito : to excite, spur, inspire, increase / hasten, urge on.
  118. inclino : to bend, incline, turn, change / fall back, waver.
  119. includo : to shut in, enclose, establish a siege, surround.
  120. inclutus / inclitus : celebrated, famous, renowned.
  121. incola, ae : resident, inhabitant of a place.
  122. incompositus : disorder, lack of regularity.
  123. inconsulte : indiscreetly.
  124. incontinencia : lack of restrain, incontinence.
  125. incorruptus : uncorrupted, genuine, pure.
  126. incredibilis : incredible, unbelievable.
  127. increpare : to rebuke, chide, scold.
  128. increpo : (of persons) to chide, rebuke.
  129. incubo : to hang over, dwell in, lie heavily upon.
  130. incurro : to run into, assail, attack, raid into, come upon.
  131. Inda : Cornelism / Anster.
  132. indagatio : investigation.
  133. inde : thence, from there, for that reason, thereafter, then.
  134. indebitus : not owed, not due.
  135. indico : to proclaim, make publicly known, announce, disclose.
  136. indigeo : to require, need, stand in need of.
  137. indignatio : indignation.
  138. indignus : unworthy, lacking in merit, unfit.
  139. indo (past indidi) : to establish, cause, occasion.
  140. indomitus : untamed, wild.
  141. induco : cover, put on clothing, erase writing, revoke, annul.
  142. induco : bring in, introduce, induce, persuade / decide.
  143. induco indux inductum : to lead in, introduce, induce, influence.
  144. industria : industry, diligence.
  145. industrius : industrious, diligent, assiduous, hard-working.
  146. indutiae : truce, armistice, suspension of hostilities.
  147. inedicabilis : unexplainable, inexplicable.
  148. ineptio : to play the fool, to trifle.
  149. inexpugnabilis : impregnable, unconquerable, not to be taken by force.
  150. infamo : to put to shame, disgrace.
  151. infantia : infancy, babyhood.
  152. infector : dyer.
  153. infectum reddere : to revoke, render impossible, make void, annul.
  154. infectus : unworked / not done, unfinished, incomplete.
  155. infecunditas : barrenness, sterility.
  156. infecundus : barren, sterile.
  157. infelicitas : bad luck, misfortune,
  158. infeliciter : unhappily.
  159. infelix : arbor infelix : the gallows.
  160. infelix : unfruitful, barren, unproductive, infertile.
  161. infenso : to attack, avenge.
  162. infensus : hostile, aggressive / (arms) aimed, ready / (spirit) dangerous.
  163. inferi : those down below, the dead.
  164. inferne : on the lower side, below.
  165. infero : To carry in, put or place on.
  166. infero : (in logic) to infer, conclude.
  167. infero : (abstract things) : bring on, occasion, cause.
  168. inferus : below, under, southern.
  169. infervesco : to come to a boil, become hot.
  170. infeste : in a hostile manner, belligerently.
  171. infesto : to attack, disquiet.
  172. infestus : aggressive, hostile, dangerous.
  173. inficio infeci infectum : to poison, taint, corrupt.
  174. inficio infeci infectum : to tinge, dye, stain, imbue.
  175. infidelis : unfaithful, disloyal, untrue.
  176. infidelitas : faithlessness, disloyalty.
  177. infideliter : faithlessly, disloyally.
  178. infidus : untrue, disloyal.
  179. infigo : to fix, fasten / to imprint, impress.
  180. infindo infidi infissum : to cut into.
  181. infinitas infinitio : eternity, infinity, endlessness.
  182. infinitus : unlimited, infinite, without bounds, boundless, limitless.
  183. infirmatio : weakening / refusing / invalidating.
  184. infirme : weakly, faintly.
  185. infirmitas : weakness, feebleness / instability, fickleness.
  186. infirmo : to weaken / shake / invalidate, annull
  187. infirmus : not strong, weak, feeble / (sometimes) sick, ill.
  188. infit : he, she, or it begins, begins to speak.
  189. infitialis : negative, containing a no, rejection.
  190. infitias ire : to deny.
  191. infitior : to deny / deny a debt, refuse to return something.
  192. inflammatio : setting afire / (people) inflaming / (souls) inspiring.
  193. inflammo : to set on fire, inflame, to torch, kindle.
  194. inflatio : inflation, flatulence.
  195. inflatius : too pompous / on a grander scale.
  196. inflatus : pompous, swollen, puffed up, inflated.
  197. inflatus : blowing into, blast, inspiration.
  198. inflecto : to warp / change, sway, affect.
  199. inflecto inflexi inflectum : to bend, bow, curve.
  200. infletus : unwept, unmourned, unlamented.
  201. inflexio : a bendings, swaying.
  202. inflexus : bending, curving.
  203. infligo inflixi inflictum : to strike, hit, knock / cause damage.
  204. inflo : to blow into / to inspire, puff up, elate.
  205. influo influi influxum : to flow in / to rush in, steal in.
  206. infodio infodi infossum : to dig in, bury.
  207. informatio : concept, idea.
  208. informis : formless, shapeless / deformed, hideous.
  209. infortunatus : unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky.
  210. infortunium : misfortune, bad luck / punishment.
  211. infra inferius infimus : low down.
  212. infra : (adv.) below, underneath / to the south, in the underworld.
  213. infra : (+ acc.) below, under / (time) later than
  214. infula : insignia of office.
  215. ingemuo = dat. : to groan, sigh over.
  216. ingenium : innate character, talent, nature.
  217. ingens : of immoderate size, vast, huge, monstrous, remarkable.
  218. ingero : to go off to, betake oneself to, pour forth, inflict.
  219. ingratus : ungrateful, unpleasant, disagreeable.
  220. ingravesco : to become heavy, become a burden.
  221. inicio inieci iniectum : to throw on, put on, don / inspire.
  222. inimicus : personal enemy, foe, opponent.
  223. iniquus : unequal, unjust, unfair.
  224. initium : beginning, start, commencement, origin.
  225. iniuria : injury, damage, hurt / injustice, wrong.
  226. iniustus : unjust, inequitable, unfair.
  227. innotesco, innotui : to become known.
  228. innotesco : to become know, noted.
  229. innuo : to give a nod to, give a sign to.
  230. inolesco : to grow in or on.
  231. inops : poor, helpless, in need
  232. inquam : I say.
  233. inquis : you say.
  234. inquit : he, she, it says.
  235. inrideo : to laugh at, mock, ridicule.
  236. inritus irritus : void, invalid, in vain, useless, ineffectual.
  237. inruo irruo : to rush in, fling in.
  238. insania : insanity, irrationality, madness, folly.
  239. insciens : unknowing, unaware, ignorant.
  240. inscribo : inscribe, entitle, enlist.
  241. insensatus : irrational.
  242. insequor : to follow, pursue, assail, reproach, rebuke, attack.
  243. inservio : to be a slave, serve, be devoted to.
  244. insideo : sit upon something, be firmly placed.
  245. insidiae : (pl.) treachery, ambush, plot, conspiracy.
  246. insinuo : to insinuate, work one's way in, intimate.
  247. insisto : to enter upon [a journey] tread; (with d.) follow.
  248. insolita : unaccustomed, unusual.
  249. insolitus : unaccustomed / unusual, strange, uncommon.
  250. insons insontis : guiltless, innocent.
  251. insperatus : unexpected, unlooked for, unanticipated.
  252. instanter : urgently.
  253. instar : a form, figure, after the fashion of, like.
  254. instigo : to goad, incite, stimulate, urge.
  255. instituo : to establish, found, institute.
  256. insto : to pursue eagerly, devote oneself to.
  257. instructus (from instruo) : equipped, trained, supplied.
  258. instructus : trained, taught.
  259. instruo : to built in, set up, construct, furnish / train.
  260. instruo : prepare, provide / draw up an order of battle.
  261. Insula : Lille.
  262. Insula : island.
  263. insurgo insurgi insurrectum : to rise up, rebel, revolt.
  264. integer : whole, untouched, unhurt, undamaged / complete, entire.
  265. intellego intellexi intellectum : to understand, comprehend, see.
  266. intempestivus : unseasonable, untimely, immoderate.
  267. intendo : to stretch, strain, try to prove.
  268. intendo : to extend, aim, direct, direct one's course, aim at.
  269. intentio : effort, exertion, attention, intent / attack, accusation.
  270. intentus : thorough, tense, anxious, strict.
  271. inter : (+ acc.) between, among.
  272. intercipio intercepi interceptum : to intercept
  273. interdico : to forbid, prohibit, outlaw, gain an injunction.
  274. interdico : to forbid, prohibit, interdict.
  275. interdum : sometimes, now and then, at times.
  276. intereo : to perish, die.
  277. interficio interfeci interfectum : to kill, murder, slay.
  278. interrogatio : interrogation, inquiry.
  279. intro : to walk into, enter, make one's way into.
  280. introduco : to lead in, introduce.
  281. intueor : to look at attentively, gaze at, consider.
  282. intumesco : to swell up, increase, swell with anger.
  283. intumesco : to sell, sell up, sell with anger.
  284. intus : within.
  285. inultus : unavenged, unpunished.
  286. invado : to undertake, go in, enter, get in.
  287. invado : to assail, usurp, seize, attack, fall upon.
  288. invalesco : to gather strength, become stronger.
  289. invenio : to come upon, find, discover.
  290. inventor : inventor, discoverer.
  291. investigo : to track down, investigate.
  292. inveteratus : hardened by age, of long-standing.
  293. invetero : to give duration, to render old
  294. invicem : one after the other, by turns, mutually, each other.
  295. invictus : unconquer, unconquerable, undefeated.
  296. invideo : to envy, be jealous of, look upon with envy.
  297. invidia : envy, jealousy, hatred.
  298. inviso : to go to see, visit, inspect, look at.
  299. invisus : hated, hateful.
  300. invito : to invite, summon.
  301. invitus : unwilling, against one's will.
  302. ioco iocor : to joke, jest, make merry.
  303. iocus : joke, jest, jape, gag.
  304. ipse ipsa ipsum : himself, herself, itself.
  305. ipsemet : his own very self.
  306. ira : anger, wrath.
  307. irascor iratus : to be angry, to be wrathful.
  308. iratus : angry, wrathful.
  309. irrito : to irritate, exasperate, excite.
  310. irritum : nothingness, worthlessness, vanity.
  311. irritus : vain, useless, ineffectual, of not effect.
  312. irritus : undecided, void, unfixed, of no effect.
  313. is ea id : this, that / he, she, it.
  314. iste ista istud : that / sometimes pejorative.
  315. ita ut : (with subj.) in such a way that,
  316. ita : so, thus.
  317. ita : (in narration) and so; (with adj. or adv.) so, so very.
  318. itaque : (adv.) and, so, therefore.
  319. iter itineris : road, route, journey.
  320. itero : to repeat, say again, iterate.
  321. iterum : again, a second time, once more.
  322. iubeo iussi iussum : to order, command.
  323. iucunditas : pleasure, charm.
  324. iucundus : agreeable, pleasant, gratifying.
  325. iudex : judge, juror.
  326. iudicium : judgment, decision, opinion, trial
  327. iudico : to judge, consider
  328. iugis, e : perpetual, continuous.
  329. iugis iuge : perpetual, continuous.
  330. iumentum : beast of burden.
  331. iungo iunxi iunctum : to join
  332. iuro : to swear, to make an oath.
  333. ius iurandum iuris iurandi etc. : oath.
  334. ius iuris : justice, law, right.
  335. iussu : (abl.) at the command of, by order of.
  336. iustus : just, right, equitable.
  337. iuvo : to help, aid, assist / to please.
  338. iuxta : just short of.
  339. iuxta : close by, near / in like manner, equally.
  340. iuxta : (+ acc.) close to, near to / (time) just before.

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