Арабско-английский словарь на Th

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Семитские словари - Прасемитский. Древние: Аккадский | Арамейский | Древнееврейский | Финикийский | Угаритский. Современные: Арабский | Ассирийский | Иврит | Эфиопский.
Арабско-английский словарь: A | ‘A | B | CH | D | DH | DZ | F | GH | H | HH | I | ‘I | J | K | L | M | N | Q | R | S | SH | SS | SZ | T | TH | TT | U | ‘U | W | Y | Z

Лексика арабского языка на букву Th с переводом на английский язык. Всего - 78 слов.

  1. thaa : scar [?]
  2. thaara : take blood revenge [Sem th-’-r, Akk shiru (flesh), Heb sheer (kin), Uga shir (flesh), Phoen sh’r]
  3. thaba : return [Heb shav, Syr thab, thub (again), Uga thwb (return)]
  4. thabara : break [Sem th-b-r, Akk sheberu, Heb shavar, Syr thbar, Amh sebbere]
  5. thabata : be firm, be certain [?] Hau tabbata borrowed from Ar
  6. thabba : recompense [thaba]
  7. thabbata : confirm [thabata]
  8. thabit : firm, steady [thabata] Aze sabit, Hin sabit, Ind sabit, Per thabet, Swa thabiti, Tur sabit borrowed from Ar
  9. thachin : thick [thachuna]
  10. thachuna : be thick [?]
  11. thadi : breast [Heb shad, Syr thada, Hrs thodi, Amh ttut, Uga thd]
  12. thaghim : white [?]
  13. thaghr : mouth [Heb sha‘ar (gate), Syr thar‘a, thera‘ (break through), JNA tar’a (gate), Uga thghr, Phoen sh‘r]
  14. thaib : widow [?]
  15. thaiba : yawn [?]
  16. thair : excited, rebellious [thara]
  17. thaital : wild goat [?]
  18. thajja : flow abundantly [?]
  19. thakila : bereave [Sem th-k-l, Heb shikkel, Uga thkl (childless)]
  20. thalaba : scold [?]
  21. thalaja : fall (snow) [LiAr talij (ice), Mal silg (snow), Akk shalgu, Heb sheleg]
  22. thalath : three [Sem th-l-th, EgAr talata, LiAr tlete, Mal tlieta, Akk shalash, Heb shelosha, Syr thlath, JNA ttla, ttillath, Tig salas, Amh sost, Uga thlth, Phoen shlsh]
  23. thalathin : thirty [thalath] Hau talatin, Swa thelathini borrowed from Ar
  24. thalith : third [thalath] Hin salis, Per thaleth borrowed from Ar
  25. thallaja : refrigerator [thalaja]
  26. thalj : snow [thalaja] Ind salju, Per thalj, Swa theluji borrowed from Ar
  27. thalm : rift [?]
  28. thaman : price [thammana]
  29. thamania : eight [Sem th-m-n-y, EgAr tamanya, LiAr tmene, Mal tmienja, Akk samane, Heb shemona, Tig saman, Amh semment, Uga thmn, Phoen shmn]
  30. thamar : fruit, crop [thamara]
  31. thamara : bring fruit [Sem th-m-r, JNA tamar (fruit)]
  32. thamila : be drunk [?]
  33. thamin : eighth [thamaniya]
  34. thamin : valuable [thammana]
  35. thamma : there [MoAr temma, Heb sham, Syr thaman, Uga thm, Phoen shm]
  36. thammana : evaluate [Akk shummannu (valuable gift), Uga thmn]
  37. thamn : value [thammana] Ful saman, Hau tamani, Per thaman, Swa thamani borrowed from Ar
  38. thamnin : eighty [thamania] Swa themanini borrowed from Ar
  39. thamra : fruit, profit, result [thamara] Aze semere, Ind samrat, Per thamar, Tur semere borrowed from Ar
  40. thana : make double, fold, repeat [Sem th-n-y, EgAr itnen (two), LiAr tnen, Mal tnejn, Akk shina, Heb shenaim, Syr thna (do twice), Hrs thenye (second), Uga thn (two), Phoen shnm]
  41. thanawi : secondary [thana]
  42. thania : a second [thana] Aze saniye, Per thaniye, Taj soniya, Tur saniye borrowed from Ar
  43. thanin : second [thana] Hin sani, Ind sani, Per thani borrowed from Ar
  44. thaqaba : bore a hole [Syr thekeb]
  45. thaqafa : culture [thaqifa]
  46. thaqifa : find; be clever [?]
  47. thaqil : heavy [thaqula]
  48. thaqula : be heavy [Sem th-q-l, Mal tqil (heavy), Akk shaqalu, Heb shaqal, Syr theqal, JNA mithqal (weight), Amh seqqele (hang), Uga thql (shekel), Phoen shql]
  49. thar : vengeance [thaara]
  50. thara : rise up, rebel; be excited [?]
  51. tharaba : scold [?]
  52. tharan : moist soil [Akk sheru (furrow)]
  53. thari : rich [tharia]
  54. tharia : be well off [?]
  55. tharr : soaked [?]
  56. tharthara : chat [onomat.]
  57. tharwa : riches [tharia] Aze servet, Per tharwat, Tur servet borrowed from Ar
  58. thaub : dress [?]
  59. thaur : bull [Sem th-w-r, LiAr tor, Akk shuru, Heb shor (ox), Syr thaura, JNA tora, Hrs thawer, Tig sor, Uga thr, Ebl thuru] Per thour, Tur sevir borrowed from Ar
  60. thaura : revolution [thara]
  61. thawa : dwell [Uga thwy (invite)]
  62. thawab : reward [thaba] Hin savab, Per thawab, Swa thawabu, Tur sevap borrowed from Ar
  63. thiqa : trust [wathiqa]
  64. thiqla : burden [thaqula] Per theqlat, Tur siklet borrowed from Ar
  65. thu‘ala : fox [Sem th-‘-l, Heb shu‘al, JNA te’la, Meh yethayl, Hrs yethayl]
  66. thu‘ban : snake [?]
  67. thubut : confirmation; proof; testimony [thabata] Aze sübut, Hin subut, Per thobut borrowed from Ar
  68. thukna : barracks [sakana]
  69. thulatha : Tuesday [thalath] Ful salasa, Ind selasa borrowed from Ar
  70. thulla : troop [?]
  71. thulth : third part [thalath] Ful sulusu, Hau sulusi, Ind sulus, Per tholth, Swa thuluthu borrowed from Ar
  72. thulul : wart [?]
  73. thum : garlic [Sem th-w-m, LiAr tom, Mal tewm, Akk shumu, Heb shum]
  74. thumma : then
  75. thumn : eighth part [thamania] Hau sumuni, Per thomn borrowed from Ar
  76. thundua : breast [thadan]
  77. thuqb : hole [thaqaba]
  78. thurayya : Pleiades [?]

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