974 идиомы английского языка

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974 идиомы английского языка. Источник - https://engmaster.ru/idiom - Идиомы английского языка (974)

Английские идиомы на A (из 974)

A little bit
Перевод: немного, чуточку
Пример: I only had a little bit to eat this morning and now I feel awfully hungry.
A little frog in a big pond
Перевод: незначительный человек в большой группе
Пример: Rick is aware of the fact that he is but a little frog in a big pond in this huge company.
A piece of cake
Перевод: что-то лёгкое, простоё; проще пареной репы; щелкать как орешки.
Пример: Solving math problems is a piece of cake for him.
Abandon oneself to
Перевод: поддаться ( чувствам,разочарованию)
Пример: He abandoned himself to despair.
Abide by (something)
Перевод: придерживаться правил
Пример: If you want to be a member of this society, you are to abide by its rules.
Able to breathe easily again
Перевод: вздохнуть свободно
Пример: When Hillary paid her bank loan, she was able to breathe easily again.
Able to do (something) blindfolded
Перевод: делать что-то вслепую, делать что-то легко и быстро
Пример: Jim has always been a skilled worker; he does his job blindfolded.
Able to take a joke
Перевод: уметь посмеяться над собой
Пример: Not everybody is able to take a joke; I, for example, can’t stand when people make fun of me.
About time
Перевод: пора бы
Пример: I am very annoyed with you; it’s about time you minded your own business.
About to (do something)
Перевод: собираться делать что-то
Пример: We were about to leave the house when it started to rain.
Above and beyond
Перевод: больше, чем требуется; больше, чем нужно
Пример: I appreciate your kindness; you did above and beyond to help me.
Above reproach
Перевод: безупречный (ая, ое), вне критики
Пример: Bill is a well-mannered young man; his behavior is above reproach
Above suspicion
Перевод: вне подозрения
Пример: Henry acted as if he were above suspicion, but I am sure he is guilty.
Перевод: рассеянный
Пример: I don’t think much of Jack; he is so absent-minded.
According to Hoyle
Перевод: согласно правилам, делать что-либо строго по правилам
Пример: According to Hoyle, the in-patients are not allowed to leave the hospital grounds.
Acid look
Перевод: кислое выражение лица
Пример: What the matter with you? You have such an acid look.
Acid test
Перевод: серьёзное испытание, пробный камень
Пример: The money problem was an acid test in their relationships.
Acquire a taste for (something)
Перевод: приобрести вкус к чему-либо
Пример: Having visited an art gallery, he acquired a taste for modern art.
Across the board
Перевод: равный для всех и для всего
Пример: The owner of the house increased the rent across the board, and all the tenants had to pay 50 dollars more.
Act high and mighty
Перевод: вести себя высокомерно и властно
Пример: Stella acted high and mighty that’s why no one liked her.
Act of God
Перевод: стихийное бедствие
Пример: Despite all Acts of God, we continue to destroy our planet.
Act one's age
Перевод: вести себя по взрослому
Пример: My niece is in her early thirties, but she prefers not to act her age.
Act up
Перевод: вести себя плохо
Пример: The students often act up during the breaks.
Act up
Перевод: вести себя вызывающе
Пример: Don't act up, it's not your habit!
Adam's ale
Перевод: вода
Adam's apple
Перевод: кадык
Пример: Adam's apple moves up and down when one speaks.
Add fuel to the fire
Перевод: подлить масла в огонь
Пример: I wanted to calm him down, but my words only added fuel to the fire.
Add insult to injury
Перевод: наносить новые оскорбления
Пример: I felt pretty bad because my car had broken down, and instead of feeling sorry for me my father added insult to injury.
Add up
Перевод: подсчитывать, складывать, находить сумму
Пример: In vain George was trying to add up the figures, but they just wouldn’t add up.
Adulterate milk
Перевод: разбавленное, фальсыфицированное молоко
Пример: I never buy milk at the market, it can be adulterated.
Afraid of one's own shadow
Перевод: бояться собственной тени
Пример: Don’t be a coward; it’s silly of you to be afraid of your own shadow.
After all
Перевод: 1.в конце концов, после всего 2.в конечном счёте
Пример: Mother doesn’t need to help Phil get dressed. After all, he is a big boy.
Against one's will
Перевод: против чьей-то воли
Пример: I don’t want you to do it against your will.
Against the clock
Перевод: торопиться что-либо сделать пока не поздно
Пример: They worked against the clock to complete the job.
Agree to differ
Перевод: остаться при своём мнении
Пример: Let's agree to differ
Ahead of one's time
Перевод: опередивший своё время, свою эпоху (во взглядах, поступках и т.д.)
Пример: Newton’s ideas in physics were very much ahead of his time.
Ahead of the game
Перевод: делать больше, чем необходимо
Пример: The company secretary did more work that day to be ahead of the game the next day.
Ahead of time
Перевод: раньше времени, раньше срока
Пример: I asked the permission of my boss to leave work ahead of time
Air (something) out
Перевод: проветривать что-либо
Пример: I’d like to put the rugs outside to air them out.
Air one's grievances
Перевод: жаловаться прилюдно
Пример: During the war their houses were destroyed so they couldn’t but air their grievances to the journalists.
Air one`s dirty laundry/linen in public
Перевод: выносить сор из избы, перемывать грязное бельё при всех
Пример: It pleased Greg immensely to air other people’s dirty laundry in public.
Перевод: К сожалению
Пример: Alas, my friend, the boast is poor...
Alive and well/kicking
Перевод: быть живым и здоровым
Пример: At the age of 95 my Uncle Tobias is still alive and kicking.
All aboard!
Перевод: посадка окончена
All alone
Перевод: самостоятельно, в полном одиночестве
Пример: He made this project all alone
All along
Перевод: всё время
Пример: Jeremy has known about my problems all along.
All around
Перевод: кругом, везде
Пример: I looked all around but I still can't find my keys
All at once
Перевод: внезапно, без предупреждения
Пример: внезапно, без предупреждения
All ears
Перевод: быть готовым выслушать кого-либо
Пример: If you want me to hear you out, I am all ears.
All for (someone or something)
Перевод: быть целиком за
Пример: I was all for going on a picnic, the day being so sunny.
All in
Перевод: уставший
Пример: After this work I am all in
All in a day's work
Перевод: часть того, что нужно делать; что-то ожидаемое
Пример: It was all in a day's work when the police arrested the criminal.
All in all
Перевод: суммарно, в целом
Пример: There were twelve people all in all at the parents’ meeting that day.
All in one piece
Перевод: целым и невредимым
Пример: As we packed all the breakable things carefully, we hoped that they would arrive all in one piece.
All night long
Перевод: всю ночь напролёт
Пример: I couldn’t sleep well because people were shouting outside my window all night long.
All of a sudden
Перевод: внезапно, вдруг
Пример: We were watching television when all of a sudden the electricity went off.
All over
Перевод: всё, конец
Пример: It is all over with him
All right
Перевод: нормально
Пример: "How's your chemistry class?" "It's all right, I guess, but it's not the best class I've ever had."
All set
Перевод: всё готово (можно начинать)
Пример: It was all set and we decided to start on our journey.
All sweetness and light
Перевод: казаться хорошим, невинным
Пример: Outwardly Celia is all sweetness and light, but I know she is not that good.
All talk (and no action)
Перевод: одни разговоры, а дела нет
Пример: I wouldn’t rely on Paul; he is all talk and no action.
All the rage
Перевод: последний писк (о моде)
Пример: I strongly advise you to buy these jeans; they are all the rage of the season.
All thumbs
Перевод: неловкий, неуклюжий (все пальцы на руке – большие)
Пример: Little Sam broke a cup and his Mom said he was all thumbs.
All to the good
Перевод: всё к лучшему
Пример: “It is all to the good that you walked out on your boy friend”, my mother said.
All told
Перевод: всё вместе, всё включительно
Пример: All told, there are six rooms in the house including the kitchen.
Перевод: большое, значительное усилие
Пример: Lionel made an all-out-effort to remain calm.
Also ran
Перевод: неудачник
Пример: I always knew that you are an also ran.
Amenities of home life
Перевод: радости семейной жизни
Пример: Bill was happily married and enjoyed amenities of home life
Ammunition leg
Перевод: протез
Пример: He was injured at the war and had to wear an ammunition leg
Amount to (something)
Перевод: быть успешным
Пример: I am afraid you will never amount to anything if you don’t work hard.
Amount to the same thing
Перевод: быть одинаковым, иметь тот же эффект
Пример: You can either take a taxi or go by bus; it will amount to the same thing.
An apple-pie order
Перевод: полный порядок
Пример: Helen's room was always in an apple-pie order
An arm and a leg
Перевод: огромная сумма денег
Пример: Their new house will cost them an arm and a leg.
An oddball
Перевод: чудак, своеобразно мыслящий человек
Пример: Adam Smith is an oddball, and very often he doesn’t act like other people.
Anchor one's hope (in,on)
Перевод: возлагать надежды на
Пример: She anchored her hopes on her only son.
Anguish of body and mind
Перевод: физические и душевные страдания
Пример: Communication with them gave her real anguish of body and mind
Answer to (someone)
Перевод: отвечать перед кем-либо, объяснять свои действия
Пример: Bill lived on his own; he had no family and consequently no one to answer to.
Any number of (someone or something)
Перевод: достаточное количество
Пример: You always have any number of missing classes and excuses
Apparent to the naked eye
Перевод: видимый невооруженным глазом
Пример: The bruises on her face were apparent to the naked eye
Appeal to reason
Перевод: аппелировать к здравому уму
Пример: The President appealed to reason but all in vain
Appear out of nowhere
Перевод: внезапно появиться, появиться ниоткуда
Пример: A big lorry appeared out of nowhere and splashed mud all over me.
Apple of (one`s) eye
Перевод: любимчик (зеница ока)
Пример: Her little son is the apple of her eye.
Argue for the sake of arguing/argument
Перевод: спорить ради спора
Пример: William likes to argue for the sake of arguing.
Arm in arm
Перевод: под руку (идти под руку)
Пример: Amiss and Cora were walking arm in arm in the park.
Armed and dangerous
Перевод: вооружен и опасен
Пример: The criminal was suspected of being armed and dangerous.
Armed to the teeth
Перевод: вооружен до зубов
Пример: The police stopped a car. The man in the car was armed to the teeth.
Around the clock
Перевод: 24 часа, сутки
Пример: Most of the supermarkets in big American cities work around the clock.
Arrive on the scene
Перевод: прибыть на место происшествия
Пример: Tim dialed 911 and the police arrived on the scene almost at once.
Artificial respiration
Перевод: искуственное дыхание
Пример: The boy was seriously injured and badly needed artificial respiration.
As a (general) rule
Перевод: обычно
Пример: He can be found in his office as a general rule.
As a duck takes to water
Перевод: естественно
Пример: She took to singing just as a duck takes to water
As a last resort
Перевод: последняя мера, последнее средство (когда всё остальное испробовано)
Пример: As a last resort John decided to take a loan from the bank.
As a matter of fact
Перевод: на самом деле
Пример: As a matter of fact, John came into the room while you were talking about him.
As a token (of something)
Перевод: в знак благодарности
Пример: Here, take this $100 as a token of my appreciation.
As alike as (two) peas in a pod
Перевод: похожие как две капли воды
Пример: The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod.
As easy as ABC
Перевод: лёгкий, элементарный
Пример: This rule is as easy as ABC
At first glance
Перевод: на первый взгляд
Пример: He appeared quite healthy at first glance.
At hand
Перевод: близко, под рукой
Пример: With the holiday season at hand, everyone is very excited.
At loggerheads (with someone)
Перевод: в ссоре
Пример: Mr. and Mrs. Franklin have been at loggerheads for years.
At loose ends
Перевод: безработный, свободный
Пример: Jane has been at loose ends ever since she lost her job.
At one’s wit’s end
Перевод: в замешательстве
Пример: Tom could do no mo re. He was at his w it’s end.
At random
Перевод: наугад
Пример: Sally picked four names at random from the telephone book.
At sixes and sevens
Перевод: растерянный
Пример: Bill is always at sixes and sevens when he’s home by himself.
At stake
Перевод: на кону
Пример: That’s a very risky investment. How much money is at stake?
At the back of one's mind
Перевод: подсознательно
Пример: At the back of my mind I hoped that he was alive
At the bottom of the ladder
Перевод: на нижней ступеньке (о работе)
Пример: When Ann got fired, she had to start all over again at the bottom of the ladder.
At the break of dawn at
Перевод: на рассвете
Пример: The birds start singing at the break of dawn.
At the eleventh hour
Перевод: в последний момент
Пример: We don’t worry about death until the eleventh hour.
At the mercy of someone
Перевод: по милости
Пример: We were left at the mercy of the arresting officer.
At times
Перевод: иногда
Пример: At times, I wish I had never come here.
At will
Перевод: по желанию
Пример: You can eat anything you want at will.
Attic salt
Перевод: тонкая шутка
Пример: Bill is well-knoun for his Attic salts.
Avenue of escape
Перевод: путь отступления
Пример: Bill saw that his one avenue of escape was through the back door.
Avoid someone or something like the plague
Перевод: избегать как чумы
Пример: I don’t like opera. I avoid it like the plague.
Awkward as a cow on a crutch / awkward as a cow on roller skates
Перевод: как корова на льду
Пример: When Lulu was pregnant, she was awkward as a cow on a crutch.

Английские идиомы на B (из 974)

Babe in the woods
Перевод: наивный, невинный
Пример: Bill is a babe in the woods when it comes to dealing with plumbers.
Babes and sucklings
Перевод: новачки, неопытные люди
Пример: We are all babes and sucklings in this sphere.
Baby car
Перевод: малолитражный автомобиль
Пример: Jane adores her baby car.
Baby moon
Перевод: искуственный спутник Земли
Пример: I'd like to see a baby moon one day
Back and forth
Перевод: туда- сюда
Пример: The young man was pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room.
Back down (from someone or something)
Перевод: отказываться, отступать
Пример: It’s probably better to back down from someone than to have an argument
Back of the beyond
Перевод: очень отдалённое место
Пример: John hardly ever comes to the city. He lives at the back of the beyond.
Back someone or something up
Перевод: поддерживать
Пример: Please back me up in this argument
Back the wrong horse
Перевод: поддерживать не того кандидата, просчитаться
Пример: Fred backed the wrong horse in the budget hearings.
Bad blood (between people)
Перевод: враждебность
Пример: There is no bad blood between us. I don’t know why we should quarrel.
Bad egg
Перевод: вор, мошейник, никчемный человек
Пример: He is a bad egg, he should be sent to the prison long ago.
Bad-mouth someone or something
Перевод: ругать, проклинать
Пример: Mr. Smith was always badmouthing Mrs. Smith. They didn’t get along.
Bag and baggage
Перевод: со всеми пожитками
Пример: Sally showed up at our door bag and baggage one Sunday morning.
Bag of wind
Перевод: говорун, трепло
Пример: She is a real bag of wind.
Bail out (of something)
Перевод: прыгнуть с парашютом, бросить что-либо
Пример: John still remembers the first time he bailed out of a plane.
Bail someone or something out
Перевод: поручиться, выкупить кого-либо
Пример: John was in jail. I had to go down to the police station to bail him out.
Baker's dozen
Перевод: чертова дюжина
Пример: We were asked to bring the baker's dozen of eggs.
Balance the accounts
Перевод: свести счеты
Пример: Tom hit Bob. Bob balanced the accounts by breaking Tom’s toy car.
Bald as a coot
Перевод: Лысый как колено
Пример: If Tom’s hair keeps receding like that, he’ll be bald as a coot by the time he’s thirty.
Ball and chain
Перевод: ноша, тяжелая обязанность
Пример: Tom wanted to quit his job. He said he was tired of that old ball and chain.
Ball of fire
Перевод: трудоголик, очень энергичный человек
Пример: Sally is a real ball of fire—she works late every night.
Bank holiday
Перевод: праздничный выходной день, когда закрыты все учереждения
Пример: Christmas and Easter are bank holidays in Britain.
Baptism of fire
Перевод: крещение огнём, первый опыт
Пример: My son’s just had his first visit to the dentist. He stood up to the baptism of fire very well
Bare as the palm of one's hand
Перевод: пусто, как на ладони; абсолютно пустой
Пример: His house was bare as the palm of his hand.
Bark up the wrong tree
Перевод: ошибиться, сделать неправильный выбор
Пример: If you think I’m the guilty person, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
Batten down the hatches
Перевод: готовиться к трудным временам
Пример: Batten down the hatches, Congress is in session again.
Bawl someone out
Перевод: выругать кого-либо
Пример: The teacher bawled the student out for arriving late.
Be a million miles away
Перевод: быть отвлеченным, замечтаться
Пример: You were a million miles away while I was talking to you.
Be a new one on someone
Перевод: новость, в которую тяжело поверить
Пример: Jack’s poverty is a new one on me. He always seems to have plenty of money.
Be about something
Перевод: быть занятым чем-либо
Пример: It’s eight o’clock, and it’s time I was about my homework.
Be addicted to
Перевод: иметь вредные привычки
Пример: He is addicted to alcohol and drugs.
Be all ears
Перевод: внимательно слушать
Пример: Be careful what you say. The children are all ears.
Be all eyes (and ears)
Перевод: быть настороженным, внимательно смотреть и слушать
Пример: Nothing can escape my notice. I’m all eyes and ears.
Be at one's wit’s end
Перевод: быть в растерянности
Пример: Mary was at her wit’s end whether to tell her husband about the incident or not.
Be badly off
Перевод: быть в сложном положении, нуждаться
Пример: I was badly off, but nobody helped me.
Be curtains for someone or something
Перевод: конец, смерть, банкротство
Пример: If the car hadn’t swerved, it would have been curtains for the pedestrians
Be flying high
Перевод: летать высоко, быть успешным
Пример: Wow! Todd is really f lying high. Did he discover a gold mine?
Be from Missouri
Перевод: требовать доказательства
Пример: You’l l have to prove it to me. I ’m from Missouri.
Be in the air
Перевод: " висеть в воздухе", носиться в воздухе
Пример: Rumours are in the air.
Be laid up
Перевод: быть прикованным к постели, болеть
Пример: Professor Carson had to cancel his class because he was laid up with the flu.
Be of an age
Перевод: достичь возраста
Пример: He is of an age when he ought to try settling down.
Be on the anxious seat
Перевод: сидеть как на иголках
Пример: Not knowing the answer she was on the anxious seat
Be swimming in something
Перевод: утопать в чем-либо
Пример: The war-torn city was swimming in blood.
Be the last straw
Перевод: быть последней каплей
Пример: When Sally came down sick, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Be the spitting image of someone
Перевод: быть точной копией кого-то
Пример: John is the spitting image of his father.
Bear a grudge (against someone)
Перевод: иметь зуб на кого-то
Пример: How long can a person hold a grudge? Let’s be friends.
Bear the brunt (of something)
Перевод: принимать удар на себя
Пример: Why don’t you talk with her the next time? I’m tired of bearing the brunt.
Bear with someone or something
Перевод: быть терпеливым
Пример: Please bear with my old car. It’ll get us there sooner or later.
Beard the lion in his den
Перевод: смело идти навстречу опасности
Пример: I went to the tax collector’s office to beard the lion in his den.
Beat a (hasty) retreat
Перевод: быстро вернуться назад
Пример: We went out into the cold weather, but beat a retreat to the warmth of our fire.
Beat a dead horse
Перевод: продолжать ненужный спор
Пример: Stop arguing! You have won your point. You are just beating a dead horse.
Beat a path to someone’s door
Перевод: проложить тропу, часто приходить
Пример: If you really become famous, people will beat a path to your door.
Beat around the bush , beat about the bush
Перевод: растекаться мозгами по древу, говорить попусту
Пример: Stop beating around the bush and answer my question.
Beat one’s brains out (to do something)
Перевод: ломать голову над чем-то
Пример: That’s the last time I’ll beat my brains out trying to cook a nice dinner for you.
Beat one’s head against the wall / bang one’s head against a brick wall
Перевод: биться головой об стену
Пример: You’re wasting your time trying to fix up this house. You’re just beating your head against the wall.
Beat someone down (to size) /knock someone down (to size)
Перевод: усмирить кого-либо
Пример: If you keep acting so arrogant, someone is going to beat you down to size.
Beat someone to the punch / beat someone to the draw
Перевод: сделать что-либо раньше других
Пример: I planned to write a book about computers, but someone else beat me to the draw.
Beat something into someone’s head
Перевод: вбить в голову
Пример: I studied for hours. I have never beat so much stuff into my head in such a short time.
Beat the air
Перевод: толочь воду в ступе
Пример: Don't beat the air, you can't help him
Beat the clock
Перевод: закончить до крайнего срока
Пример: Sam beat the clock, arriving a few minutes before the doors were locked.
Beat the gun
Перевод: успеть до окончания срока
Пример: Tom tried to beat the gun, but he was one second too slow.
Beat the living daylights out of someone /beat the stuffing out of someone/ beat the tar out of someone/ whale the tar out of someone
Перевод: побить, выбить душу
Пример: The last time Bobby put the cat in the refrigerator, his mother beat the living daylights out of him.
Beat the pants off someone
Перевод: 1 побить физически; 2 выиграть
Пример: Tom beats the pants off Bob when it comes to writing poetry
Beat the rap
Перевод: избежать наказания
Пример: The police hauled Tom in and charged him with a crime. His lawyer helped him beat the rap.
Bed of roses
Перевод: лёгкая жизнь
Пример: Living with Pat can’t be a bed of roses, but her husband is always smiling.
Beef something up
Перевод: усиливать
Пример: The government decided to beef the army up by buying hundreds of new tanks.
Before you can say Jack Robinson
Перевод: очень быстро
Пример: I’ll catch a plane and be there before you can say Jack Robinson.
Beg the question
Перевод: спорный вопрос
Пример: His complaints beg the question: Didn’t he cause all of his problems himself ?
Beg to differ (with someone)
Перевод: позволить себе не согласиться
Пример: I beg to differ with you, but you have stated everything exactly backwards.
Begin to see daylight
Перевод: увидеть просветление, приближаться к завершению
Пример: I’ve been working on my thesis for two years, and at last I’m beginning to see daylight.
Beginning of the end
Перевод: начало конца
Пример: The enormous federal deficit marked the beginning of the end as far as our standard of living is concerned.
Behind closed doors
Перевод: за закрытыми дверями, тайно
Пример: They held the meeting behind closed doors, as the law allowed.
Behind one's back
Перевод: тайно, без ведома
Пример: Please don’t talk about me behind my back.
Behind schedule
Перевод: отставать от графика
Пример: The project is behind schedule. Very late, in fact.
Behind someone’s back
Перевод: за спиной, тайно
Пример: She sold the car behind his back.
Behind the eight ball
Перевод: неприятная ситуация
Пример: I ran over the neighbor’s lawn with my car, so I’m really behind the eight ball.
Behind the scenes
Перевод: за кулисами
Пример: We don’t usually thank the people who are behind the scenes.
Behind the times
Перевод: старомодный
Пример: Sarah is a bit behind the times. Her clothes are quite old-fashioned.
Below par
Перевод: хуже обычного
Пример: I feel a little below par today. I think I am getting a cold.
Bend someone’s ear
Перевод: висеть на ушах (надоедливо говорить)
Пример: Tom is over there, bending Jane’s ear about something.
Bent on doing something
Перевод: быть обязанным
Пример: Her mother was bent on keeping her at home.
Beside oneself (with something)
Перевод: вне себя
Пример: Sarah could not speak. She was beside herself with anger.
Beside the point / beside the question
Перевод: не относится к теме
Пример: That’s very interesting, but beside the point.
Best bib and tucker
Перевод: лучшая одежда
Пример: I always wear my best bib and tucker on Sundays.
Best-laid plans of mice and men / the best-laid schemes of mice and men
Перевод: продуманный план
Пример: If a little rain can ruin the best-laid plans of mice and men, think what an earthquake might do!
Bet one’s bottom dollar / bet one’s life
Перевод: спорим; быть уверенным
Пример: I bet my bottom dollar you can’t swim across the pool.
Between life and death
Перевод: между жизнью и смертью
Пример: And there I was on the operating table, hovering between life and death.
Between you, me, and the lamppost
Перевод: между нами говоря
Пример: Just between you, me, and the lamppost, Fred is leaving school.
Betwixt and between
Перевод: не то, не сё
Пример: Tom is so betwixt and between about getting married. I don’t think he’s ready.
Beyond all doubt
Перевод: вне всякого сомнения
Пример: He is the best student in the group,beyond all doubt
Beyond the shadow of a doubt
Перевод: без тени сомнения
Пример: We accepted her story as true beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Beyond words
Перевод: не высказать словами
Пример: I don’t know how to thank you. I’m grateful beyond words.
Bid adieu to someone or something / bid someone or something adieu
Перевод: попрощаться
Пример: Now it’s time to bid adieu to all of you gathered here.
Bide one’s time
Перевод: терпеливо ждать
Пример: I’ve been biding my time for years, just waiting for a chance like this.
Big and bold [of things]
Перевод: привлекающий внимание
Пример: The lettering on the book’s cover was big and bold, and it got lots of attention, but the price was too high.
Big bug/big shot/bigwig
Перевод: большой человек, "шишка"
Пример: He was a big bug in this business.
Big frog in a small pond
Перевод: "большая лягушка в маленьком пруду"
Пример: The trouble with Tom is that he’s a big frog in a small pond. He needs more competition.
Big moment / the moment everyone has been waiting for
Перевод: выдающийся момент
Пример: The big moment has come. I will now announce the winner.
Big of someone
Перевод: очень щедро
Пример: He gave me some of his apple. That was very big of him.
Binge and purge
Перевод: переедать и вызывать рвоту
Пример: She had binged and purged a number of times before she finally sought help from a doctor.
Birds and the bees
Перевод: процесс воспроизведения человека (секс)
Пример: My father tried to teach me about the birds and the bees.
Bite off more than one can chew
Перевод: брать на себя больше, чем можешь сделать
Пример: Ann is exhausted again. She’s always biting off more than she can chew.
Bite one’s nails
Перевод: кусать ногти, очень переживать
Пример: I spent all afternoon biting my nails, worrying about you.
Bite one’s tongue
Перевод: прикусить язык
Пример: I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling her what I really thought.
Bite someone’s head off
Перевод: говорить резко, со злостью
Пример: There was no need to bite Mary’s head off just because she was five minutes late.
Bite the bullet
Перевод: смириться, вынести что-либо
Пример: I didn’t want to go to the doctor, but I bit the bullet and went.
Bite the dust
Перевод: умереть
Пример: Poor old Bill bit the dust while mowing the lawn. They buried him yesterday.
Bite the hand that feeds one
Перевод: кусить руку, которая кормит
Пример: I’m your mother! How can you bite the hand that feeds you?
Bitter pill to swallow
Перевод: горькая пилюля, неприятный факт
Пример: We found his deception a bitter pill to swallow.
Black as coal
Перевод: черный как уголь
Пример: The stranger’s clothes were all black as coal.
Black out
Перевод: потерять сознание
Пример: I was so frightened that I blacked out for a minute.
Перевод: избитый
Пример: The child was black-and-blue after having been struck.
Bleep something out
Перевод: заменить слова музыкой, "запикать"
Пример: He tried to say the word on television, but they bleeped it out.
Blessing in disguise
Перевод: нет лиха без добра
Пример: Our missing the train was a blessing in disguise. It was involved in a crash.
Blind as a bat
Перевод: слепой
Пример: I’m getting blind as a bat. I can hardly read this page.
Blood, sweat, and tears
Перевод: кровь, пот и слёзы
Пример: After years of blood, sweat, and tears, Timmy finally earned a college degree.
Blow a gasket ; blow a fuse; blow one’s cork; blow one’s top; blow one’s stack
Перевод: разгневаться
Пример: I was so mad I almost blew a gasket.
Blow someone or something to smithereens
Перевод: разнести в клочья
Пример: The bomb blew the ancient church to smithereens.
Bone of contention
Перевод: яблоко раздора, причина ссоры
Пример: We’ve fought for so long that we’ve forgotten what the bone of contention is.
Bone up (on something)
Перевод: зубрить, учить
Пример: I have to bone up on the state driving laws because I have to take my driving test tomorrow.
Bore someone stiff ; bore someone to death
Перевод: надоесть до смерти
Пример: The play bored me stiff.
Born out of wedlock
Перевод: рождённый вне брака
Пример: In the city many children are born out of wedlock.
Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
Перевод: родиться в богатой семье
Пример: Sally was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
Borrow trouble
Перевод: навлекать неприятности
Пример: Do not get involved with politics. That’s borrowing trouble.
Boss someone around
Перевод: командовать
Пример: Stop bossing me around. I’m not your employee.
Bottle something up
Перевод: закупорить, держать в себе
Пример: The police bottled up the traffic while they searched the cars for the thieves.
Bottom line
Перевод: нижняя черта, крайний срок
Пример: I know about all the problems, but what is the bottom line? What will happen?
Bottom out
Перевод: достичь дна
Пример: The price of wheat bottomed out last week. Now it’s rising again.
Bottoms up!
Перевод: поднять бокалы, выпить
Пример: Here’s to the bride and groom. Bottoms up!
Bow and scrape
Перевод: раболепствовать
Пример: The salesclerk came in, bowing and scraping, and asked if he could help us.
Bread-and-butter letter
Перевод: письмо благодарности
Пример: When I got back from the sales meeting, I took two days to write bread-and-butter letters to the people I met.
Break (out) in(to) tears
Перевод: расплакаться
Пример: I was so sad that I broke out into tears.
Break new ground
Перевод: начинать что-либо, быть пионером в чем-либо
Пример: Dr. Anderson was breaking new ground in cancer research.
Break off (with someone)
Перевод: разойтись с кем-либо
Пример: Tom has finally broken off with Mary.
Break one’s neck (to do something) / break one’s back (to do something)
Перевод: тяжело работать
Пример: I broke my neck to get here on time.
Break out in a cold sweat
Перевод: испугаться, бросить в холодный пот
Пример: I was so frightened I broke out in a cold sweat.
Break someone or something up
Перевод: разсмешить; завершить; разбить
Пример: John told a joke that really broke Mary up.
Break someone’s fall
Перевод: смягчить падение
Пример: When the little boy fell out of the window, the bushes broke his fall.
Break someone’s heart
Перевод: разбить сердце
Пример: Sally broke John’s heart when she refused to marry him.
Break something to pieces
Перевод: разбить вдребезги
Пример: I dropped a glass and broke it to pieces.
Break something to someone
Перевод: сообщить плохую новость
Пример: Bill broke it to his employees gently.
Break the back of something
Перевод: прекратить доминирование чего-либо
Пример: The government has worked for years to break the back of organized crime.
Break the bank
Перевод: истратить все деньги
Пример: Buying a new dress at that price won’t break the bank.
Break the ice
Перевод: начать общение
Пример: Tom is so outgoing. He’s always the first one to break the ice at parties.
Breaking and entering
Перевод: взлом с проникновением
Пример: Max was charged with four counts of breaking and entering.
Breath of fresh air
Перевод: глоток свежего воздуха
Пример: Sally, with all her wonderful ideas, is a breath of fresh air.
Breathe down someone’s neck
Перевод: дышать в шею; преследовать
Пример: I have to finish my taxes today. The tax collector is breathing down my neck.
Breathe one’s last
Перевод: сделать последний вдох; умереть
Пример: Mrs. Smith breathed her last this morning.
Brew a plot
Перевод: составить заговор
Пример: The children brewed an evil plot to get revenge on their teacher.
Bricks and mortar
Перевод: строения, постройки
Пример: Sometimes people are happy to donate millions of dollars for bricks and mortar, but they never think of the additional cost of annual maintenance.
Bright as a new pin
Перевод: сиять как новый пятак
Пример: My kitchen f loor is bright as a new pin since I started using this new f loor wax.
Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
Перевод: в хорошем расположении духа
Пример: She appeared at the top of the stairs, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to start the day.
Brimming with something
Перевод: светящийся от счастья или других эмоций
Пример: The giggling children were brimming with joy.
Bring home the bacon
Перевод: зарабатывать деньги
Пример: I’ve got to get to work if I’m going to bring home the bacon.
Bring people or other creatures out in droves
Перевод: заманивать, соблазнять
Пример: The availability of free drinks brought people out in droves.
Bring something home to someone
Перевод: осознать
Пример: Seeing the starving refugees on television really brings home the tragedy of their situation.
Bring something to light
Перевод: представить
Пример: The scientists brought their findings to light.
Broad in the beam
Перевод: быть широким в тазу
Пример: I am getting a little broad in the beam. It’s time to go on a diet.
Brush up (on something)
Перевод: повторить, освежить в памяти
Пример: I think I should brush up on my Spanish before I go to Mexico.
Buck for something
Перевод: стремиться
Пример: Tom is bucking for a larger office.
Buckle down (to something)
Перевод: взяться за работу
Пример: If you don’t buckle down to your job, you’ll be fired.
Bug out
Перевод: уйти, убраться
Пример: I just got a call from headquarters. They say to bug out immediately.
Bug someone
Перевод: раздражать
Пример: Go away! Stop bugging me!
Build a case (against someone) /assemble a case (against someone)/ gather a case (against someone)
Перевод: выстроить дело
Пример: The police easily built a case against the drunken driver.
Build a fire under someone
Перевод: заставить кого-либо делать что-то
Пример: The teacher built a fire under the students, and they really started working.
Build castles in the air / build castles in Spain
Перевод: мечтать
Пример: I really like to sit on the porch in the evening, just building castles in the air.
Build something to order
Перевод: делать на заказ
Пример: Our new car was built to order just for us.
Bull in a china shop
Перевод: очень неуклюжий, слон в посудной лавке
Пример: Look at Bill, as awkward as a bull in a china shop.
Bump into someone / run into
Перевод: случайно встретиться
Пример: Guess who I bumped into downtown today?
Bump someone off / knock someone off
Перевод: убить
Пример: The crooks bumped off the witness to the crime.
Bundle of nerves
Перевод: взволнованый человек, пучек нервов
Пример: Mary was a bundle of nerves until she heard that she passed the test.
Burn one’s bridges (behind one)
Перевод: сжечь за собой мосты
Пример: If you drop out of school now, you’ll be burning your bridges behind you.
Burn someone at the stake
Перевод: сжечь на столбе, строго наказать кого-то
Пример: Stop yelling. I made a simple mistake, and you’re burning me at the stake for it.
Burn someone in effigy
Перевод: сжечь чьё-либо изображение или куклу в знак ненависти
Пример: Until they have burned you in effigy, you can’t really be considered a famous leader.
Burn someone or something to a crisp
Перевод: сжечь на золу
Пример: The flames burned him to a crisp.
Burn the candle at both ends
Перевод: усердно работать, засиживаясь до поздна
Пример: No wonder Mary is ill. She has been burning the candle at both ends for a long time.
Burn the midnight oil
Перевод: усердно работать, засиживаясь до поздна
Пример: If you burn the midnight oil night after night, you’ll probably become ill.
Burn to ashes
Перевод: сгореть до тла
Пример: The house was burned to ashes.
Burn with a low blue flame
Перевод: быть очень злым
Пример: By the time she showed up three hours late, I was burning with a low blue flame.
Burned to a cinder
Перевод: сильно обгореть
Пример: I stayed out in the sun too long, and I am burned to a cinder.
Burst at the seams
Перевод: "лопнуть по швам", лопнуть от смеха, гордости
Пример: Tom nearly burst at the seams with pride.
Burst into tears / burst out crying
Перевод: расплакаться
Пример: After the last notes of her song, the audience burst into tears, such was its beauty and tenderness.
Burst out laughing
Перевод: разразиться смехом
Пример: The entire audience burst out laughing at exactly the wrong time, and so did the actors.
Burst someone’s bubble
Перевод: разрушить иллюзии
Пример: I hate to burst your bubble, but Columbus did not discover Canada.
Burst with pride
Перевод: лопнуть от гордости
Пример: I almost burst with pride when I was chosen to go up in the space shuttle.
Bury one’s head in the sand / hide one’s head in the sand
Перевод: прятать голову в песок, игнорировать опастность
Пример: Stop burying your head in the sand. Look at the statistics on smoking and cancer.
Bury the hatchet
Перевод: закопать топор войны
Пример: I wish Mr. and Mrs. Franklin would bury the hatchet. They argue all the time.
Busman’s holiday
Перевод: свободное время, которое человек проводит занимаясь тем, что не отличается от его работы
Пример: Tutoring students in the evening is too much of a busman’s holiday for our English teacher.
Bust a gut (to do something)
Перевод: надрывать кишки
Пример: I busted a gut to get there the last time, and I was the first one there.
Busy as a bee
Перевод: очень занятой
Пример: Whenever there is a holiday, we are all as busy as bees getting things ready
Busy as a bee
Перевод: очень занятой
Пример: Whenever there is a holiday, we are all as busy as bees getting things ready.
Butt in (on someone or something)
Перевод: перебивать кого-то, прерывать что-то
Пример: Pardon me for butting in on your conversation, but this is important.
Butter someone up
Перевод: "подмазывать", хвалить кого-то
Пример: I believe my landlady prefers for me to butter her up rather than getting the rent on time.
Button one’s lip
Перевод: закрыть рот на замок
Пример: All right now, let’s button our lips and listen to the story.
Buy a pig in a poke
Перевод: купить кота в мешке
Пример: Buying a car without test-driving it is like buying a pig in a poke.
Buy something for a song
Перевод: купить что-то очень дёшево
Пример: No one else wanted it, so I bought it for a song.
Buy something to go / get something to go/ have something to go/ order something to go to
Перевод: купить что-либо на вынос
Пример: Let’s stop here and buy six hamburgers to go.
By a hair(‘s breadth) / by a whisker
Перевод: едва
Пример: I just missed getting on the plane by a hair’s breadth.
By guess and by golly
Перевод: благодаря удаче
Пример: They managed to get the shed built by guess and by golly.
By hook or (by) crook
Перевод: любым способом (законным и противозаконным)
Пример: I must have that house. I intend to get it by hook or crook.
By leaps and bounds
Перевод: гигантскими скачками, большими темпами
Пример: The profits of my company are increasing by leaps and bounds.
By shank’s mare
Перевод: пешком
Пример: My car isn’t working, so I’ll have to travel by shank’s mare.
By the seat of one’s pants
Перевод: без уменья, благодаря удаче
Пример: The jungle pilot spent most of his days f lying by the seat of his pants.
Call (the) roll / take (the) roll
Перевод: сделать перекличку
Пример: After I call the roll, please open your books to page 12.
Call a spade a spade
Перевод: называть своими именами
Пример: Well, I believe it’s time to call a spade a spade. We are just avoiding the issue.
Call it a day
Перевод: закончить работу и уйти домой
Пример: The boss was mad because Tom called it a day at noon and went home.
Call it quits
Перевод: отказаться, уволиться
Пример: Okay! I’ve had enough! I’m calling it quits.
Call of nature
Перевод: "зов природы", необходимость пойти в туалет
Пример: Stop the car here! I have to answer the call of nature.
Call someone down
Перевод: выругать
Пример: The teacher had to call Sally down in front of everybody.
Call someone names
Перевод: обзываться
Пример: Mommy! John is calling me names again!
Call someone on the carpet
Перевод: "вызватьна ковёр", отчитать кого-то
Пример: One more error like that and the boss will call you on the carpet.
Call the shots / call the tune
Перевод: принимать решения
Пример: Sally always wants to call the shots, and Mary doesn’t like to be bossed around. They don’t get along well.
Calm as a toad in the sun
Перевод: совершенно спокойный
Пример: Nothing ruff les him. He’s calm as a toad in the sun.
Can't (can) afford
Перевод: позволить себе ( в материальном плане)
Пример: I can't afford to buy this expensive car.
Cannot help doing something
Перевод: не могу не
Пример: Anne is such a good cook, I can’t help eating everything she makes.
Can’t hold a candle to someone
Перевод: быть неравным, не иметь возможности оценить что-то
Пример: Mary can’t hold a candle to Ann when it comes to auto racing.
Can’t make heads or tails (out) of someone or something
Перевод: не понимать что-либо, не разобрать
Пример: Do this report again. I can’t make heads or tails out of it.
Can’t see beyond the end of one’s nose
Перевод: не видеть дальше своего носа, быть не состоянии спланировать что-либо
Пример: John is a very poor planner. He can’t see beyond the end of his nose.
Can’t stand (the sight of) someone or something / can’t stomach someone or something
Перевод: тарпеть не могу, не могу переваривать
Пример: I can’t stand the sight of cooked carrots.
Can’t wait (for something to happen)
Перевод: ожидать с нетерпением
Пример: I am so anxious for my birthday to come. I just can’t wait.
Cap and gown
Перевод: академическая мантия
Пример: I appeared wearing my cap and gown, but I had shorts on underneath because it gets so hot at that time of year.
Carry a secret to the grave / carry a secret to one’s grave
Перевод: унести тайну в могилу
Пример: Trust me, I will carry your secret to the grave!
Carry a torch (for someone)
Перевод: быть безнадёжно влюблённым
Пример: John is carrying a torch for Jane.
Carry coals to Newcastle
Перевод: делать что-либо ненужное
Пример: Taking food to a farmer is like carrying coals to Newcastle.
Carry one’s (own) weight / pull one’s (own) weight
Перевод: делать свою часть работы
Пример: Tom, you must be more helpful around the house. We all have to carry our own weight.
Carry one’s cross
Перевод: нести свой крест
Пример: I can’t help you with it. You’ll just have to carry your cross.
Carry the bag
Перевод: распоряжаться деньгами, быть хозяином положения
Пример: In our family the mother carries the bag.
Carry the weight of the world on one’s shoulders
Перевод: нести тяжесть мира на своих плечах
Пример: Look at Tom. He appears to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Cash in (on something)
Перевод: заработать много денег
Пример: This is a good year for farming, and you can cash in on it if you’re smart.
Cash in one’s chips
Перевод: умереть
Пример: Bob cashed in his chips yesterday
Cash on the barrelhead
Перевод: деньги, потраченные во время распродажи, небольшие деньги
Пример: I paid $12,000 for this car—cash on the barrelhead.
Перевод: платить наличными и забирать товар
Пример: Sorry, we don’t accept credit cards. This is strictly cash-and-carry.
Cast (one’s) pearls before swine
Перевод: метать бисер перед свиньями; делать то, что не будет оценено
Пример: To serve them French cuisine is like casting one’s pearls before swine.
Cast around for someone or something / cast about for someone or something
Перевод: подыскивать кого-то, либо что-то
Пример: John is casting around for a new cook. The old one quit.
Cast aspersions on someone
Перевод: делать грубые и обижающие комментарии
Пример: I resent your casting aspersions on my brother and his ability!
Cast the first stone
Перевод: бросить первым камень, быть первым, кто начинает критиковать
Пример: Well, I don’t want to be the one to cast the first stone, but she sang horribly.
Catch cold / take cold
Перевод: заболеть
Пример: Please close the window or we’ll all catch cold.
Catch forty winks / catch some Zs/ take forty winks
Перевод: уснуть, вздремнуть
Пример: I’ll just catch forty winks before getting ready for the party.
Catch one with one’s pants down
Перевод: поймать на горячем
Пример: John couldn’t convince them he was innocent. They caught him with his pants down.
Catch someone red-handed
Перевод: поймать на горячем
Пример: Tom was stealing the car when the police drove by and caught him red-handed.
Catch up (to someone or something) / catch up (with someone or something)
Перевод: сравняться, догнать кого-либо/что-либо
Пример: The red car caught up with the blue one.
Перевод: лучшее из имеющегося
Пример: We went hitchhiking for a week and lived catch-as-catch- can.
Cause (some) tongues to wag
Перевод: дать повод для сплетен
Пример: The way John was looking at Mary will surely cause some tongues to wag.
Champ at the bit / chomp at the bit
Перевод: ждать с нетерпением
Пример: The dogs were champing at the bit to begin the hunt.
Change hands
Перевод: менять собственника
Пример: How many times has this house changed hands in the last ten years?
Change horses in the middle of the stream
Перевод: менять коней на переправе
Пример: The house is half-built. It’s too late to hire a different architect. You can’t change horses in the middle of the stream.
Change of pace
Перевод: изменить обстановку
Пример: The doctor says I need a change of pace.
Change someone’s mind
Перевод: поменять мнение
Пример: I can change my mind if I want to. I don’t have to stick with an idea.
Change the subject
Перевод: поменять тему разговора
Пример: They changed the subject suddenly when the person whom they had been discussing entered the room.
Cheat on someone
Перевод: обманывать, изменять любимому
Пример: “Have you been cheating on me?” cried Mrs. Franklin.
Checks and balances
Перевод: система противовеса
Пример: The newspaper editor claimed that the system of checks and balances built into our Constitution has been subverted by party politics.
Cheek by jowl
Перевод: бок о бок
Пример: The pedestrians had to walk cheek by jowl along the narrow streets.
Cheer someone on
Перевод: поддерживать кого-либо
Пример: John was leading in the race, and the whole crowd was cheering him on.
Cheesed off
Перевод: расстроеный, в плохом настроении
Пример: He was cheesed off with his job.
Chew someone out / eat someone out
Перевод: "съесть кого-либо", ругать кого-либо
Пример: The boss is always chewing out somebody.
Chew the fat / chew the rag
Перевод: неформально общаться, болтать
Пример: Hi, old buddy! Come in and let’s chew the fat.
Chicken out (of something)
Перевод: струсить
Пример: Jane was going to go parachuting with us, but she chickened out at the last minute.
Child’s play
Перевод: очень лёгкое задание
Пример: The test was child’s play to her.
Chilled to the bone
Перевод: промерзать до костей
Пример: The children were chilled to the bone in the unheated room.
Chink in one’s armor
Перевод: брешь в броне, слабое место
Пример: His love for his child is the chink in his armor.
Chip in (on something) / chip in something on something/ chip something in (on something)
Перевод: сбрасываться деньгами, давать небольшую сумму денег на какие-либо цели
Пример: Would you care to chip in on a gift for the teacher?
Chisel someone out of something
Перевод: обманывать кого-то, чтобы завладеть деньгами или имуществом
Пример: The company tried to chisel the government out of taxes it owed.
Choke someone up
Перевод: растрогать до слёз
Пример: The sight of all those smiling people choked Bob up, and he couldn’t go on speaking.
Clam up
Перевод: закрыть рот
Пример: You talk too much, John. Clam up!
Clean as a hound’s tooth
Перевод: чистый, невиновный
Пример: John had faith that he would not be convicted for the robbery, since he had been clean as a hound’s tooth since getting out of prison.
Clean as a whistle
Перевод: чистый
Пример: I thought the car would be filthy, but it was as clean as a whistle.
Clear as a bell
Перевод: четкий, ясный
Пример: Through the wall, I could hear the neighbors talking, just as clear as a bell.
Clear as crystal
Перевод: прозрачный, понятный
Пример: She cleaned the windowpane until it was clear as crystal.
Clear as mud
Перевод: неясный, непонятный
Пример: This doesn’t make sense. It’s clear as mud.
Clear someone’s name
Перевод: оправдать кого-либо
Пример: I was accused of theft, but I cleared my name.
Climb the wall(s)
Перевод: "лезь на стену"
Пример: The meeting was so long and the speaker so boring that most of the audience wanted to climb the wall.
Clip someone’s wings
Перевод: "подрезать крылья", ущемить в привилегиях, приструнить кого-то
Пример: You had better learn to get home on time, or I will clip your wings.
Перевод: секретный, связаный с интригами
Пример: A great deal of cloak-and-dagger stuff goes on in political circles.
Close as two coats of paint
Перевод: близкие люди, закадычные друзья
Пример: When Tom and Mary were kids, they were as close as two coats of paint.
Close one’s eyes to something
Перевод: закрывать глаза на что-то
Пример: You can’t close your eyes to hunger in the world.
Close shave
Перевод: почти неминуемая гибель
Пример: Staying in the mountains was a close shave for him.
Close up shop
Перевод: закончить работу
Пример: I can’t make any money in this town. The time has come to close up shop and move to another town.
Cloud up
Перевод: нахмуриться
Пример: The baby clouded up and let out a howl.
Clue someone in (on something)
Перевод: проинформировать
Пример: Please clue me in on what’s going on.
Clutch at straws
Перевод: хвататься за соломинку, продолжать попытки решить что-либо
Пример: That is not a real solution to the problem. You are just clutching at straws.
Cock of the walk
Перевод: петушиться
Пример: The deputy manager was cock of the walk until the new manager arrived.
Cock-and-bull story
Перевод: глупая, придуманая история
Пример: I asked for an explanation, and all I got was your ridiculous cock-and-bull story!
Cocky as the king of spades
Перевод: горд собой
Пример: She strutted in, cocky as the king of spades.
Coffee-table book
Перевод: книга, в которой оформление лучше, чем содержание
Пример: This book is more of a coffee-table book than an art book. I prefer something more scholarly.
Cold as a witch’s caress
Перевод: очень холодный, пугающий
Пример: She gave me a look as cold as a witch’s caress.
Cold comfort
Перевод: слабое утешение
Пример: She knows there are others worse off than she is, but that’s cold comfort.
Cold fish
Перевод: неэмоциональный, холодный человек
Пример: She hardly ever speaks to anyone. She’s a cold fish.
Cold, hard cash
Перевод: наличность, не чек и не карточка
Пример: I want to be paid in cold, hard cash, and I want to be paid now!
Come a cropper
Перевод: провалиться, потерпеть неудачу
Пример: Bob invested all his money in the stock market just before it fell. Boy, did he come a cropper.
Come along!
Перевод: идём (вместе)!
Come apart at the seams
Перевод: потерять контроль над эмоциями
Пример: Bill was so upset that he almost came apart at the seams.
Come away empty-handed
Перевод: вернуться не с чем
Пример: All right, go gambling. Don’t come away empty-handed, though.
Come clean (with someone)
Перевод: сознаться
Пример: All right, I’ll come clean. Here is the whole story.
Come down in the world
Перевод: потерять социальное положение
Пример: Mr. Jones has really come down in the world since he lost his job.
Come down to earth
Перевод: спутиться с небес на землю, быть реалистом
Пример: You have very good ideas, John, but you must come down to earth. We can’t possibly afford any of your suggestions.
Come down with something
Перевод: слечь с чем-либо
Пример: I’ll probably come down with pneumonia.
Come from nowhere
Перевод: появиться из ниоткуда
Пример: The whole set of problems came from nowhere. There was no way we could have foreseen them.
Come full circle
Перевод: вернуться на изначальное положение
Пример: The family sold the house generations ago, but things have come full circle and one of their descendants lives there now.
Come hell or high water
Перевод: будь что будет
Пример: Come hell or high water, I intend to have my own home.
Come home to someone
Перевод: осознать
Пример: The truth of the matter suddenly came home to me.
Come in a body / arrive in a body
Перевод: появиться группой
Пример: All the guests came in a body.
Come in handy
Перевод: быть полезным или удобным в использовании
Пример: A small television set in the bedroom would come in handy.
Come in out of the rain
Перевод: вернуться с небес на землю
Пример: Bill will fail if he doesn’t come in out of the rain and study.
Come into one’s own and come into its own
Перевод: получить признание
Пример: After years of trying, she finally came into her own.
Come off one's feet
Перевод: оторваться ногами
Пример: To our astonishment, he almost came off his feet.
Come off second-best
Перевод: получить второе место, прийти вторым
Пример: John came off second-best in the race.
Come on like gangbusters
Перевод: вести себя очень грубо
Пример: Why is she so unpolished? She comes on like gangbusters and frightens people away.
Come out (of the closet)
Перевод: признаться в тайных интересах; признать свою гомосексуальность
Пример: Tom Brown came out of the closet and admitted that he likes to knit.
Come out ahead
Перевод: завершить с прибылью, улучшить ситуацию
Пример: I hope you come out ahead with your investments.
Come out in the wash
Перевод: всё будет хорошо
Пример: Don’t worry about that problem. It’ll all come out in the wash.
Come out of left field
Перевод: появиться откуда не ждали
Пример: This new problem came out of left field. We were really surprised.
Come out of one’s shell
Перевод: быть более дружелюбным, общительным; вылезти из скорлупы
Пример: Ann, you should come out of your shell and spend more time with your friends.
Come out of the blue
Перевод: внезапно возникнуть, упасть с неба
Пример: This idea came out of the blue, and I think it is a good one.
Come through something with flying colors
Перевод: успешно перенести, пережить что-то
Пример: Todd came through the test with f lying colors.
Come to a bad end
Перевод: плохо закончить
Пример: My old car came to a bad end. Its engine burned up.
Come to a dead end
Перевод: зайти в тупик
Пример: The building project came to a dead end.
Come to a head
Перевод: дойти до точки, когда проблему нужно решать; дойти до края
Пример: Remember my problem with my neighbors? Well, last night the whole thing came to a head.
Come to a standstill
Перевод: остановиться временно или постоянно
Пример: The party came to a standstill until the lights were turned on again.
Come to an end
Перевод: закончиться
Пример: The party came to an end at midnight.
Come to grips with something
Перевод: осознать, понять, смириться
Пример: Many students have a hard time coming to grips with algebra.
Come to light
Перевод: стать известным другим людям, открыться
Пример: Some interesting facts about your past have just come to light.
Come to mind
Перевод: прийти в голову
Пример: Do I know a good barber? No one comes to mind right now.
Come to nothing / come to naught
Перевод: сойти на нет, уменьшиться до нуля
Пример: So all my hard work comes to nothing.
Come to one’s senses
Перевод: прийти в себя, очнуться
Пример: In the morning I don’t come to my senses until I have had two cups of coffee.
Come to terms with someone or something
Перевод: договориться
Пример: I finally came to terms with my lawyer about his fee.
Come to the fore
Перевод: стать знаменитым, важным
Пример: Since his great showing in court, my lawyer has really come to the fore in city politics.
Come to the point / get to the point
Перевод: перейти к делу
Пример: He has been talking a long time. I wish he would come to the point.
Come to think of it
Перевод: я вспомнил...
Пример: Come to think of it, I know someone who can help.
Come true
Перевод: сбыться
Пример: When I got married, all my dreams came true.
Come what may
Перевод: будь что будет
Пример: I’ll be home for the holidays, come what may.
Comfortable as an old shoe
Перевод: очень удобный
Пример: That’s a great tradition—comfortable as an old shoe.
Common as dirt
Перевод: вульгарный, с плохими манерами
Пример: Despite Jane’s efforts to imitate the manners of the upper class, the town’s leading families still considered her common as dirt.
Con someone out of something
Перевод: выманить что-либо ценное
Пример: Dave conned me out of my autographed baseball.
Conceited as a barber’s cat
Перевод: самодовольный
Пример: Ever since he won that award, he’s been as conceited as a barber’s cat.
Conk out
Перевод: сдохнуть (о вещах), поломаться
Пример: I hope my computer doesn’t conk out.
Control the purse strings
Перевод: управлять бюджетом
Пример: I control the purse strings at our house.
Cook someone’s goose
Перевод: навредить кому-либо
Пример: I cooked my own goose by not showing up on time.
Cook something up
Перевод: замыслить, придумать
Пример: Mary cooked an interesting party up at the last minute.
Cook the accounts
Перевод: жульничать со счетами, обманывать
Пример: Jane was sent to jail for cooking the accounts of her mother’s store.
Cooking with gas
Перевод: делать что-либо правильным образом
Пример: Things are moving along nicely with the project. The entire staff is really cooking with gas.
Cool as a cucumber
Перевод: спокойный
Пример: During the fire the homeowner was cool as a cucumber.
Cool off / cool down
Перевод: охладеть
Пример: TED: Is Bob still in love with Jane? BILL: No, he’s cooled off a lot. TED: I thought that they were both cooling down.
Cool one’s heels
Перевод: ждать кого-либо
Пример: I spent all afternoon cooling my heels in the waiting room while the doctor talked on the telephone.
Cop a plea
Перевод: признаться в преступлении, в надежде на смягчение наказазания
Пример: The robber copped a plea and got only two years in jail.
Cop out
Перевод: выскользнуть из трудной ситуации
Пример: Things were going badly for Senator Phillips, so he copped out by resigning.
Copy-book maxims
Перевод: прописные истины
Пример: Not to kill and not to steal are the copy-book maxims
Перевод: человек, копирующий поведение другого
Пример: Bill is such a copycat. He bought a coat just like mine.
Cost a pretty penny
Перевод: стоить очень дорого
Пример: I’ll bet that diamond cost a pretty penny.
Cost an arm and a leg
Перевод: стоить очень дорого
Пример: Why should a little plastic part cost an arm and a leg?
Cough something up
Перевод: сделать то, о чем просят, без желания
Пример: Bill had to cough up forty dollars to pay for the broken window.
Could do with someone or something
Перевод: хотеть, нуждаться в чем-либо
Пример: This house could do with some cleaning up.
Count noses
Перевод: посчитать людей
Пример: Everyone is here. Let’s count noses so we can order hamburgers.
Cover a lot of ground /cover a lot of territory
Перевод: проехать большое растояние; охватить большой материал
Пример: My car can cover a lot of ground in one day.
Cover for someone
Перевод: прикрыть кого-либо
Пример: If I miss class, please cover for me.
Cozy up (to someone)
Перевод: быть слишком любезным с кем-либо, в надежде на особые уступки
Пример: Look at that lawyer cozying up to the judge!
Crack a book
Перевод: открыть книгу, учиться (обычно в негативном смысле)
Пример: If you think you can get through college without cracking a book, you’re wrong.
Crack a joke
Перевод: шутить
Пример: She’s never serious. She’s always cracking jokes.
Crack a smile
Перевод: выдушить улыбку
Пример: The soldier cracked a smile at the wrong time and had to march for an hour as punishment.
Crack a smile
Перевод: расплыться в улыбке
Пример: On seeing me Joshua cracked a smile.
Crank something out
Перевод: производить что-либо
Пример: That factory keeps cranking out cars even though no one buys them.
Crazy as a betsy bug
Перевод: сумашедший
Пример: Ever since his w ife le ft him, Joe’s been ac ting as crazy as a betsy bug.
Crazy as a peach-orchard boar
Перевод: сумашедший
Пример: What’s wrong with Jim? He’s acting as crazy as a peach-orchard boar.
Cream of the crop
Перевод: лучшее из лучшего
Пример: This particular car is the cream of the crop.
Create an uproar / make an uproar
Перевод: производить шум
Пример: The dog got into church and made an uproar.
Crooked as a barrel of fishhooks
Перевод: нечестный, подлый
Пример: Don’t play cards with him. He’s as crooked as a barrel of fishhooks.
Crooked as a dog’s hind leg
Перевод: подлый, лживый
Пример: Mary says all politicians are crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
Cross swords (with someone) (on something)
Перевод: начать спор
Пример: I don’t want to cross swords with Tom on this matter.
Cross the Rubicon
Перевод: перейти Рубикон; начать действие, которое неминуемо приведет к черте, за которой нет возврата
Пример: Jane crossed the Rubicon by signing the contract.
Crux of the matter
Перевод: сущность проблемы
Пример: It’s about time that we looked at the crux of the matter.
Cry over spilled milk
Перевод: плакать над пролитым молоком; грустить о том, что нельзя изменить
Пример: I’m sorry that you broke your bicycle, Tom. But there is nothing that can be done now. Don’t cry over spilled milk.
Cry wolf
Перевод: поднимать ошибочную тревогу
Пример: Pay no attention. She’s just crying wolf again.
Curdle someone’s blood
Перевод: лединить кровь ( от ужаса, отвращения)
Пример: The terrible scream was enough to curdle my blood.
Cut a wide swath / cut a big swath
Перевод: казаться важным; привлекать внимание
Пример: In social matters, Mrs. Smith cuts a wide swath.
Cut class
Перевод: пропускать уроки
Пример: If Mary keeps cutting classes, she’ll fail the course.
Cut from the same cloth / made from the same mold
Перевод: иметь много общего, быть похожими
Пример: She and her brother are cut from the same cloth. They both tell lies all the time.
Cut no ice (with someone)
Перевод: не изменить чьё-либо мнение, не иметь влияния на кого-то
Пример: All that may be true, but it cuts no ice with me.
Cut one’s (own) throat [for someone]
Перевод: вредить себе; терпеть поражение
Пример: Judges who take bribes are cutting their own throats.
Cut one’s eyeteeth on something
Перевод: иметь большой опыт в чем-либо; делать что-либо с раннего возраста
Пример: Do I know about cars? I cut my eyeteeth on cars.
Cut out the deadwood
Перевод: сократить сотрудника, который не приносит пользы
Пример: This company would be more profitable if management would cut out the deadwood.
Cut out to be something
Перевод: быть рожденным для какой-либо профессии
Пример: Sally was cut out to be a doctor.
Cut someone dead
Перевод: полностью игнорировать кого-либо
Пример: Joan was just about to speak to James when he cut her dead.
Cut someone down (to size) / take someone down (to size)
Перевод: поставить кого-либо на место
Пример: Jane is too conceited. I think her new boss will cut her down to size.
Cut someone off without a penny
Перевод: оставить без гроша
Пример: Mr. and Mrs. Franklin cut their son off without a penny after he quit school.
Cut someone or something up
Перевод: сильно критиковать кого-либо, что-либо
Пример: Jane is such a gossip. She was really cutting Mrs. Jones up.
Cut someone to the quick
Перевод: оскорбить чьи-либо чувства
Пример: Tom’s sharp words to Mary cut her to the quick.
Cut teeth
Перевод: прорезываться (о зубах)
Пример: Ann cut her first tooth this week.
Cut the ground out from under someone
Перевод: выбить почву под ногами
Пример: The politician cut the ground out from under his opponent.
Cut to the chase
Перевод: перейти к делу
Пример: Let’s stop all this chatter and cut to the chase.
Cut up
Перевод: вести себя плохо; вести себя как клоун
Пример: If you spent more time studying than cutting up, you’d get better grades.
Daily grind
Перевод: ежедневная рутина
Пример: I’m getting very tired of the daily grind.
Damn someone or something with faint praise
Перевод: косвенно критиковать
Пример: The critic did not say that he disliked the play, but he damned it with faint praise.
Dance to another tune
Перевод: изменить поведение, отношение
Пример: After being yelled at, Ann danced to another tune
Dance with death
Перевод: танцевать со смертью, рисковать
Пример: You are dancing with death in your effort to cross that narrow ledge.
Dark horse
Перевод: тёмная лошадка, неожиданный кандидат
Пример: Everyone was surprised at the results of the election. The dark horse won.
Dart in and out
Перевод: метаться
Пример: On the highway, a small car was darting in and out of the two right lanes of traffic.
Davy Jones’s locker
Перевод: на дне моря
Пример: They were going to sail around the world, but ended up in Davy Jones’s locker.
Daylight robbery
Перевод: вымагательство
Пример: The cost of renting a car at that place is daylight robbery.
Dead ( stale) air
Перевод: удушливый воздух
Пример: The room had the dead air, because all windows were closed
Dead as a dodo
Перевод: устаревший
Пример: That silly old idea is dead as a dodo.
Dead as a doornail
Перевод: мёртвый
Пример: This fish is as dead as a doornail.
Dead duck
Перевод: потерпевший неудачу
Пример: He missed the exam. He’s a dead duck.
Dead in someone’s or something’s tracks
Перевод: замереть на месте
Пример: When I heard the rattlesnake, I stopped dead in my tracks.
Dead on its feet / dead on one’s feet
Перевод: истощенный
Пример: Ann is so tired. She’s really dead on her feet.
Dead set against someone or something
Перевод: быть полностью против чего-то
Пример: I’m dead set against the new tax proposal.
Dead to the world
Перевод: уставший; тот, кто крепко спит
Пример: I’ve had such a hard day. I’m really dead to the world.
Deaf as a post
Перевод: глухой как тетерев
Пример: Our old dog is deaf as a post and he can’t see much either.
Deem it (to be) necessary / deem that it is necessary
Перевод: верить, что что-либо является необходимым
Пример: Mary deemed that it was necessary to leave town that night.
Deep-six someone or something
Перевод: избавиться от чего-либо
Пример: Take this horrible food out and deep-six it.
Den of iniquity
Перевод: пещера зла; лежбище зла
Пример: The town was a den of iniquity and vice was everywhere.
Desert a sinking ship / leave a sinking ship
Перевод: покинуть тонущий корабль
Пример: There goes Tom. Wouldn’t you know he’d leave a sinking ship rather than stay around and try to help?
Devil of a job /devil’s own job
Перевод: самое сложное задание
Пример: It was the devil’s own job finding a hotel with vacancies.
Devil-may-care attitude / devil-maycare manner
Перевод: легкомысленное отношение
Пример: You must get rid of your devil-may-care attitude if you want to succeed.
Diamond in the rough
Перевод: неотшлифованый алмаз; человек, имеющий много достоинств, но грубый внешне
Пример: Ann looks like a stupid woman, but she’s a fine person—a real diamond in the rough.
Die in one’s boots / die with one’s boots on
Перевод: умереть в борьбе, в ходу
Пример: I won’t let him get me. I’ll die in my boots.
Die laughing
Перевод: умереть смеясь, умереть от смеха
Пример: The joke was so funny that I almost died laughing.
Die of boredom
Перевод: умерать от скуки
Пример: We sat there and listened politely, even though we almost died of boredom.
Different as night and day
Перевод: абсолютно разные
Пример: Although Bobby and Billy are twins, they are as different as night and day.
Dig in
Перевод: приступить к еде; принятся за работу
Пример: Dinner’s ready, Tom. Sit down and dig in.
Dig one’s heels in
Перевод: отказаться изменить своё поведение, отношение; быть упёртым
Пример: The student dug her heels in and refused to obey the instructions.
Dig one’s own grave
Перевод: копать себе могилу; быть ответсвенным за свою неудачу
Пример: The manager tried to get rid of his assistant, but he dug his own grave. He got fired himself for trying.
Dig some dirt up on someone
Перевод: найти компромат на кого-либо
Пример: If you don’t stop trying to dig some dirt up on me, I’ll get a lawyer and sue you.
Dime a dozen
Перевод: дешевый, обычный; (10 центов за дюжину)
Пример: People who can write good books are not a dime a dozen.
Dine with Duke Humphrey
Перевод: остаться без обеда
Пример: Yesterday I was so busy that had to dine with Duke Humphrey.
Dirt cheap
Перевод: очень дешевый
Пример: Buy some more of those plums. They’re dirt cheap.
Dirty old man
Перевод: озабоченый сексом
Пример: Tell your daughter to stay away from him. He’s a dirty old man and might attack her.
Dirty work
Перевод: грязная работа
Пример: The company seems respectable enough, but there’s a lot of dirty work that goes on.
Divide and conquer
Перевод: разделяй и властвуй
Пример: Mary thought she could divide and conquer the board of directors, but they had survived such tactics many times, and her efforts failed.
Divide something fifty-fifty / split something fifty-fifty
Перевод: разделить поровну
Пример: Tommy and Billy divided the candy fifty-fifty.
Do a double take
Перевод: выражать крайнее удивление
Пример: When the boy led a goat into the park, everyone did a double take.
Do a flip-flop (on something) / do an about-face
Перевод: внезапно поменять решение
Пример: Without warning, the government did a flip-flop on taxation.
Do a job on someone or something
Перевод: повредить что-либо, кого-либо; сходить по-большому
Пример: The robbers really did a job on the bank guard. They beat him when they robbed the bank.
Do a land-office business
Перевод: преуспеть за короткий период времени
Пример: The ice cream shop always does а land-office business on a hot day.
Do a number on someone or something
Перевод: повредить что-либо, кого-либо; навредить кому-либо
Пример: The teacher did a number on the whole class. That test was terrible.
Do a snow job on someone
Перевод: обманывать
Пример: Tom did a snow job on the teacher when he said that he was sick yesterday.
Do away with someone or something
Перевод: избавиться, убить кого-то
Пример: The crooks did away with the witness.
Do credit to someone / do someone credit
Перевод: улучшать репутацию
Пример: Your new job really does credit to you.
Do justice to something
Перевод: правильно изображать что-либо; съедать или выпивать всё
Пример: Bill always does justice to the turkey on Thanksgiving.
Do not have a care in the world
Перевод: быть полностью беззаботным
Пример: I really feel good today— as if I didn’t have a care in the world.
Do not have a leg to stand on
Перевод: не иметь поддержки, аргументов
Пример: You may think you’re in the right, but you don’t have a leg to stand on.
Do not have all one’s marbles
Перевод: быть умственно неполноценным
Пример: John acts as if he doesn’t have all his marbles.
Do or die
Перевод: жизненно важное дело
Пример: It was do or die. There was no turning back now.
Do someone a good turn
Перевод: сделать услугу
Пример: My neighbor did me a good turn by lending me his car.
Do someone or something in
Перевод: утомить, обмануть, убить, поломать
Пример: That tennis game really did me in.
Do something fair and square
Перевод: честно
Пример: He always plays the game fair and square.
Do something for a living
Перевод: зарабатывать чем-либо на жизнь
Пример: John paints houses for a living.
Do something in a heartbeat
Перевод: делать что-либо мгновенно
Пример: If I had the money, I would go back to college in a heartbeat.
Do something in person
Перевод: делать что-либо лично
Пример: I know the money should be in his account. I saw him put it there in person.
Do something on the fly
Перевод: делать на бегу, на ходу
Пример: We can’t stop the machine to oil it now. You’ll have to do it on the fly.
Do something on the sly
Перевод: делать что-либо тайно
Пример: She was supposed to be losing weight, but she was snacking on the sly.
Do something up brown
Перевод: делать что-либо правильно
Пример: Come on, Bob. Let’s do it right this time. I know you can do it up brown.
Do the dishes
Перевод: мыть и вытирать посуду
Пример: Bill, you cannot go out and play until you’ve done the dishes.
Do the honors
Перевод: обслуживать гостей как хозяин или хозяйка дома
Пример: All the guests were seated, and a huge, juicy turkey sat on the table. Jane Thomas turned to her husband and said, “Bob, will do the honors ?” Mr. Jones smiled and began slicing thick slices of meat from the turkey.
Dog and pony show
Перевод: демонстрация чего-либо с целью продажи
Пример: Gary was there with his dog and pony show, trying to sell his ideas to whomever would listen to him.
Dog in the manger
Перевод: собака на сене
Пример: Jane is a real dog in the manger. She cannot drive, but she will not lend anyone her car.
Перевод: ситуация, где каждый сам за себя
Пример: Universities are not quiet peaceful places. It’s dog-eat-dog to get a promotion.
Done to a T / done to a turn
Перевод: вкусно приготовленный
Пример: Yummy! This meat is done to a T.
Dose of one’s own medicine
Перевод: отношение, идентичное тому, как человек ведет себя с другими людьми
Пример: Sally never is very friendly. Someone is going to give her a dose of her own medicine someday.
Double in brass
Перевод: делать два дела
Пример: The English teacher also doubles in brass as the football coach.
Double-cross someone
Перевод: обмануть кого-либо, не сдержав обещание
Пример: Tom is mad at Jane because she double-crossed him on the sale of his car.
Doubting Thomas
Перевод: Фома неверующий; человек, который никому не верит
Пример: Mary won’t believe that I have a dog until she sees him. She’s such a doubting Thomas.
Down in the dumps
Перевод: грустный, подавленный
Пример: Try to cheer Jane up. She’s down in the dumps for some reason.
Down in the mouth
Перевод: с грустным лицом, не улыбающийся
Пример: Since her dog died, Barbara has been down in the mouth.
Down on one’s luck
Перевод: без денег, банкрот
Пример: Can you lend me twenty dollars? I’ve been down on my luck lately.
Down on someone or something
Перевод: быть против чего-либо
Пример: I’ve been down on red meat lately. It’s better to eat chicken or fish.
Down the drain
Перевод: потерянный навсегда, потраченный зря
Пример: I just hate to see all that money go down the drain.
Down the hatch
Перевод: проглотить что-либо (обычно об алкоголе)
Пример: John raised his glass of beer and said, “Down the hatch.”
Down the tubes
Перевод: разрушенный, испорченный
Пример: His political career went down the tubes after the scandal. He’s lost his job.
Down to the wire
Перевод: в последнюю минуту, до конца
Пример: I have to turn this in tomorrow, and I’ll be working down to the wire.
Down with some disease
Перевод: слечь с чем-либо
Пример: Sally is down with the flu.
Перевод: нечестный, низкий
Пример: The boys played a real down-and-dirty trick on the teacher.
Перевод: без средств к существованию
Пример: John gambled away all his fortune and is now completely down-and-out.
Перевод: оборваный, изношенный
Пример: Tom’s house needs paint. It looks down-at-the-heels.
Перевод: прямой, открытый, практичный
Пример: It’s good that she’s down-to-earth and will give us a frank response.
Downhill all the way
Перевод: все время легкий
Пример: Don’t worry about your algebra course. It’s downhill all the way.
Drag one’s feet
Перевод: волочить ноги, замедлять что-либо
Пример: The government is dragging its feet on this bill because it costs too much.
Draw a bead on someone or something
Перевод: нацеливаться на кого-либо, что-либо
Пример: Ann wants a new car, and she has drawn a bead on a red convertible.
Draw a blank
Перевод: не получить ответа, забыть о чем-то
Пример: I asked him about Tom’s financial problems, and I just drew a blank.
Draw a line between something and something else / draw the line between something and something else
Перевод: разграничить две вещи, разделять понятия
Пример: It’s very hard to draw the line between slamming a door and just closing it loudly.
Draw blood
Перевод: оскорбить кого-то, поранить
Пример: Sally screamed out a terrible insult at Tom. Judging by the look on his face, she really drew blood.
Draw fire
Перевод: навлечь критику
Пример: This film drew fire as soon as it was released.
Draw interest
Перевод: вызывать интерес
Пример: This kind of event isn’t likely to draw a lot of interest.
Draw lots / draw straws
Перевод: тянуть жребий
Пример: We drew lots to decide who would wash the dishes.
Draw someone or something out
Перевод: вызвать на разговор, тянуть время
Пример: John drew out Mr. Smith on the question of tax increases.
Drawn and quartered
Перевод: вести себя очень жестко с кем-либо (четвертовать)
Пример: Todd was practically drawn and quartered for losing the Wilson contract.
Dream come true
Перевод: сбывшаяся мечта
Пример: Going to Hawaii is like a dream come true.
Dressed to kill
Перевод: очень модно одеться
Пример: Wow, look at Sally! She’s really dressed to kill.
Dressed to the nines
Перевод: быть очень хорошо одетым
Пример: Tom showed up at the dance dressed to the nines.
Dribs and drabs
Перевод: в маленьких, нерегулярных количествах
Пример: All her fortune was spent in dribs and drabs on silly things—like clothes and fine wines.
Drink to excess
Перевод: выпить лишнего
Пример: Some people drink to excess only at parties.
Drive a hard bargain
Перевод: усиленно торговаться в свою пользу
Пример: I saved $200 by driving a hard bargain when I bought my new car.
Drive at something
Перевод: намекать на что-то
Пример: I do not understand what you are telling me. What are you driving at?
Drive someone crazy / drive someone mad
Перевод: сводить с ума
Пример: He’s so strange that he actually drove his wife crazy.
Drive someone up the wall
Перевод: свести с ума
Пример: All my problems will drive me up the wall someday.
Drop a bomb(shell) / explode a bombshell/ drop a brick
Перевод: сообщить шокирующую новость
Пример: They really dropped a bombshell when they announced that the mayor had cancer.
Drop dead
Перевод: внезапно умереть
Пример: I understand that Tom Anderson dropped dead at his desk yesterday.
Drop in (on someone) / drop in (to say hello)
Перевод: зайти/ заглянуть
Пример: You’re welcome to drop in at any time.
Drop in one’s tracks
Перевод: умереть, остановиться от изнеможения
Пример: If I keep working this way, I’ll drop in my tracks.
Drop in the ocean / a drop in the bucket
Перевод: капля в море
Пример: But one dollar isn’t enough! That’s just a drop in the ocean.
Drop names
Перевод: упоминать имена известных людей в качестве своих друзей
Пример: Mary always tries to impress people by dropping the names of well-known film stars.
Drop someone
Перевод: бросить девушку (парня)
Пример: Bob finally dropped Jane. I don’t know what he saw in her.
Drop someone a line / drop someone a few lines
Перевод: написать пару строк
Пример: I dropped Aunt Jane a line last Thanksgiving.
Drop the bal
Перевод: совершить ошибку, провалиться
Пример: Everything was going fine in the election until my campaign manager dropped the ball.
Drop the other shoe
Перевод: доделать что-то, завершить что-либо
Пример: Mr. Franklin has left his wife. Soon he’ll drop the other shoe and divorce her.
Drown one’s troubles/ drown one’s sorrows
Перевод: утопить в алкоголе свои беды и печали
Пример: Bill is in the bar, drowning his troubles.
Drown someone or something out
Перевод: заглушать что-то
Пример: I can’t hear what you said. The radio drowned you out.
Drug on the market
Перевод: быть в переизбытке на рынке
Пример: Right now, small computers are a drug on the market.
Drum some business up
Перевод: стимулировать людей покупать то, что вы продаёте
Пример: I need to do something to drum some business up.
Drum something into someone(‘s head)
Перевод: вбить в голову, зазубрить
Пример: Yes, I know that. They drummed it into me as a child. Now I’m drumming it into my own children.
Dry as dust
Перевод: сухой, скучный
Пример: This book is as dry as dust. I am going to stop reading it
Dry run
Перевод: попытка, репетиция
Пример: We had better have a dry run for the official ceremony tomorrow.
Dry someone out
Перевод: отрезвить
Пример: We had to call the doctor to help dry Mr. Franklin out.
Dry up
Перевод: замолчать
Пример: The young lecturer was so nervous that he forgot what he was going to say and dried up.
Duck and cover
Перевод: увертываться от неприятных вопросов
Пример: The candidate’s first reaction to the question was to duck and cover.
Dull as dishwater
Перевод: скучный, неинтересный
Пример: I’m not surprised that he can’t find a partner. He’s as dull as dishwater.
Dutch courage
Перевод: необычайная смелость, возникшая под действием алкоголя
Пример: It was Dutch courage that made the football fan attack the policeman.
Dutch treat
Перевод: поход в ресторан, где каждый платит сам за себя
Пример: “It’s nice of you to ask me out to dinner,” she said, “but could we make it a Dutch treat?”
Dutch uncle
Перевод: человек, который даёт резкие советы, считая себя чьим-либо родственником
Пример: He acts more like a Dutch uncle than a husband. He’s forever telling her what to do in public.
Перевод: постоянный, упертый человек
Пример: My uncle was a dyed-in-the-wool farmer. He wouldn’t change for anything.
Dying to do something
Перевод: очень хотеть сделать что-либо
Пример: After a long hot day like this one, I’m just dying for a cool drink of water.
Eager beaver
Перевод: человек много и охотно работающий, "трудоголик"
Пример: Sam is not at all an eager beaver; he hates hard work.
Eagle eye
Перевод: зоркий глаз, "орлиный глаз"
Пример: Alan kept an eagle eye upon all Carry’s activities.
Early bird
Перевод: человек, встающий рано, "ранняя пташка", "жаворонок"
Пример: "I hate getting up early; I am not an early bird, I must confess."
Earn one's keep
Перевод: оправдывать своё содержание работой
Пример: I stayed with a host family and helped them about the house in order to earn my keep.
Easy as (apple) pie
Перевод: очень лёгкий
Пример: Making a simple dress out of cotton cloth is easy as pie.
Easy as duck soup
Перевод: очень лёгкий
Пример: Getting Bob to eat fried chicken is as easy as duck soup.
Easy does it.
Перевод: вести себя с осторожностью
Пример: Be careful with that glass vase. Easy does it!
Eat away at someone or something
Перевод: съедать частями; очень волноваться
Пример: John’s disease was eating away at him.
Eat high on the hog
Перевод: кушать дорогую еду
Пример: John would have more money to spend on clothing if he didn’t eat so high on the hog.
Eat humble pie
Перевод: принимать оскорбления и унижения
Пример: John, stand up for your rights. You don’t have to eat humble pie all the time.
Eat like a bird
Перевод: кушать как птичка (очень мало)
Пример: Jane is very slim because she eats like a bird.
Eat like a horse
Перевод: много кушать
Пример: John works like a horse and eats like a horse, so he never gets fat.
Eat one’s heart out
Перевод: быть очень грустным; завидовать кому-то
Пример: Sally ate her heart out when she had to sell her house.
Eat one’s words
Перевод: забрать свои слова обратно
Пример: John was wrong about the election and had to eat his words.
Eat out of (someone's) hand
Перевод: безоговорочно подчиняться кому-либо, "плясать под чью-либо дудку"
Пример: Jack is a very proud man. I don’t think he is capable of eating out of anybody’s hand.
Eat something up
Перевод: наслаждаться, увлекаться чем-либо
Пример: The children ate up Grandfather’s stories. They listened to him for hours.
Ebb and flow
Перевод: взлёт и падение
Пример: The ebb and flow in the profession of an artist is quite a common thing.
Edge someone out
Перевод: вытеснить кого-то с работы
Пример: Tom edged out Bob as the new cook at the restaurant.
Egg someone on
Перевод: подначивать кого-либо сделать что-то (обычно неразумное)
Пример: John wouldn’t have done the dangerous experiment if his brother hadn’t egged him on.
Either feast or famine
Перевод: то переизбыток, то недостача
Пример: This month is very dry, and last month it rained almost every day. Our weather is either feast or famine.
Elbow someone out (of something)
Перевод: вытолкать кого-то из какого-то учреждения
Пример: The old head of the company was elbowed out of office by a young vice president.
Eleventh-hour decision
Перевод: решение, принятое в последний момент
Пример: The president’s eleventh-hour decision was made in a great hurry, but it turned out to be correct.
Engage in small talk
Перевод: говорить о чем-то не очень важном
Пример: All the people at the party were engaging in small talk.
Enjoy your meal.
Перевод: Приятного аппетита!
Пример: Do you have the medium steak? Enjoy your meal.
Enter one’s mind
Перевод: прийти в голову
Пример: A very interesting idea just entered my mind. What if I ran for Congress?
Escape someone’s notice
Перевод: остаться не замеченным
Пример: I’m sorry. Your letter escaped my notice.
Even steven
Перевод: быть равным
Пример: Bill hit Tom; then Tom hit Bill. Now they are even steven.
Every nook and cranny
Перевод: обыскать каждый закуток
Пример: We looked for the tickets in every nook and cranny. They were lost. There was no doubt.
Every Tom, Dick, and Harry
Перевод: обычные люди
Пример: The golf club is very exclusive. They don’t let any Tom, Dick, and Harry join.
Every which way
Перевод: во всех направлениях
Пример: The wind scattered the leaves every which way.
Everything but the kitchen sink
Перевод: всё, о чем можно подумать
Пример: John orders everything but the kitchen sink when he goes out to dinner, especially if someone else is paying for it.
Everything from soup to nuts / everything from A to Z
Перевод: всё
Пример: In college I studied everything from soup to nuts.
Everything’s coming up roses.
Перевод: всё прекрасно
Пример: Life is wonderful. Everything is coming up roses.
Exciting as watching (the) paint dry
Перевод: очень скучный
Пример: This book is about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Extend one’s sympathy (to someone)
Перевод: выражать соболезнование
Пример: Please permit me to extend my sympathy to you and your children. I’m very sorry to hear of the death of your husband.
Extenuating circumstances
Перевод: смягчающие обстоятельства
Пример: Mary was permitted to arrive late because of extenuating circumstances.
Eye of the storm
Перевод: корень проблемы
Пример: The manager’s office was known as the eye of the storm since all the major problems ended up there.
Перевод: лицом к лицу
Пример: Telephone conversations are a waste of time. We need to talk eyeball-to-eyeball.
Face the music
Перевод: понести заслуженное наказание
Пример: Mary broke a dining-room window and had to face the music when her father got home.
Facts of life
Перевод: информация о размножении (обычно людей); правда жизни
Пример: My parents told me the facts of life when I was nine years old.
Fair game
Перевод: легкая мишень (обычно так говорят о людях, в чью личную жизнь вторгаются журналисты)
Пример: I don’t like seeing articles exposing people’s private lives, but politicians are fair game.
Fair-haired boy
Перевод: любимчик
Пример: The teacher’s fair-haired boy always does well on tests.
Fair-weather friend
Перевод: друг, который остаётся с тобой только в радости и исчезает, когда у тебя проблемы
Пример: Bill wouldn’t help me with my homework. He’s just a fair-weather friend.
Fall afoul of someone or something / run afoul of someone or something
Перевод: попасть в беду
Пример: Dan fell afoul of the law at an early age.
Fall all over someone
Перевод: упадать за кем-то, уделять слишком много внимания
Пример: My aunt falls all over me whenever she comes to visit.
Fall apart at the seams
Перевод: распадаться на куски, трещать по швам
Пример: This old car is about ready to fall apart at the seams.
Fall asleep
Перевод: уснуть
Пример: The baby cried and cried and finally fell asleep.
Fall between two stools
Перевод: не соответствовать требованиям ни одной из сторон
Пример: He tries to be both teacher and friend, but falls between two stools.
Fall by the wayside / drop by the wayside
Перевод: остановиться на полпути
Пример: Many people start out to train for a career in medicine, but some of them drop by the wayside.
Fall down on the job
Перевод: не справляться с работой
Пример: The team kept losing because the coach was falling down on the job.
Fall flat (on one’s face) / fall flat (on its face)
Перевод: быть полной неудачей
Пример: My jokes fall flat most of the time.
Fall from grace
Перевод: перестать быть любимчиком, пасть в немилость
Пример: Mary was the favorite grandchild until she fell from grace by running away from home.
Fall head over heels in love (with someone)
Перевод: влюбиться до беспамятства
Пример: Roger fell head over heels in love with Maggie, and they were married within the month.
Fall ill
Перевод: заболеть
Пример: We both fell ill after eating the baked fish.
Fall in
Перевод: построиться в шеренгу
Пример: The Boy Scouts were told to fall in behind the scoutmaster.
First aid
Перевод: неотложная помощь
Пример: After the accident I had to give the first aid to the injured people
Fit (someone) to a T
Перевод: прекрасно подходить кому-либо
Пример: My friend’s new apartment fits her to a T.
Fit as a fiddle
Перевод: здоровый, в хорошем состоянии
Пример: Tom used to be fit as a fiddle. Look at him now!
Fit the axe into the helve
Перевод: преодолеть трудность, достичь цели
Пример: It was not so easy to fit the axe into the helve but I managed to.
Flat as a pancake
Перевод: плоский как блин
Пример: Bobby squashed the ant f lat as a pancake.
For all intents and purposes
Перевод: фактически, на самом деле
Пример: For all intents and purposes the construction of the dwelling house was practically finished.
Free as a bird
Перевод: беззаботный, абсолютно свободный
Пример: Jane is always happy and free as a bird.
Fresh as a daisy
Перевод: свежий как роза
Пример: Sally was fresh as a daisy and cheerful as could be.
From afar
Перевод: издалека
Пример: He started from afar, because it was difficult for him to confess in his feelings.
Full ahead!
Перевод: Полный вперёд
Full blast
Перевод: на всю громкость
Пример: The car radio was on full blast. We couldn’t hear what the driver was saying.
Перевод: полноценный, вполне развитый
Пример: Having worked for a few years, Tim Noaland became a full-fledged engineer.
Funny as a barrel of monkeys
Перевод: весёлый, смешной
Пример: The entire evening was funny as a barrel of monkeys.
Funny as a crutch
Перевод: несмешной
Пример: The welldressed lady slipped and fell in the gutter, which was funny as a crutch.
Gaudy as a butterfly
Перевод: разноцветный
Пример: Michael’s scarf is gaudy as a butterf ly.
Get a word in edgewise
Перевод: встрять в разговор
Пример: My Mom and Dad were talking, and I wanted to get a word in edgewise, but then I changed my mind.
Get around to doing something
Перевод: собраться делать что-то
Пример: Let's get around to cleaning the house.
Get off the hook
Перевод: освободиться от обязательства, "сорваться с крючка"
Пример: Jerry got off the hook and didn't have to pay alimony to his wife.
Give (someone) an earful
Перевод: поругать кого-либо
Пример: My mother gave me an earful because I had come home in the middle of the night.
Give credence to (someone or something)
Перевод: поверить кому-либо чему-либо
Пример: They didn't want to give credence to the man's statement so they ignored it.
Give somebody the bag to hold
Перевод: оставить в беде
Пример: They gave me the bag to hold and ran away.
Go aloft
Перевод: умереть
Пример: My grandfather went aloft but I still miss him
Go back from one's word
Перевод: отказываться от обещания
Пример: Don't trust him, he always goes back from his word.
Go through the roof
Перевод: взлететь (о ценах)
Пример: The price of old houses suddenly went through the roof.
Good as gold
Перевод: искренний, настоящий
Пример: Yes, this diamond is genuine—good as gold.
Grasp at straws
Перевод: пытаться что-либо делать без надежды на успех; "хвататься за соломенку"
Пример: I was grasping at straws, trying to pay back my bank loan.
Grounds for (something)
Перевод: основание для чего-либо
Пример: The fact that Bill Kraft often came to work late was grounds for his dismissal from office.
Gruff as a bear
Перевод: хмурый, молчаливый
Пример: I’m always as gruff as a bear before I’ve had my first cup of coffee.
Hang out (somewhere/with someone)
Перевод: слоняться, болтаться где-либо с кем-либо
Пример: Sandra has been hanging out with her friends all summer.
Hang up one's axe
Перевод: отойти от дел
Пример: Mister Lewes hung up his axe long ago, but people still refered to him.
Happy as a lark
Перевод: весёлый
Пример: The children danced and sang, happy as larks.
Hard as a rock
Перевод: твёрдый как камень
Пример: I can’t drive a nail into this wood. It’s hard as stone.
Hard as nails
Перевод: жесткий
Пример: Ann was unpleasant and hard as nails.
Have (something) up one's sleeve
Перевод: держать что-либо в тайне до подходящего времени; иметь что-либо про запас
Пример: Scott was not afraid of being fired as he had some slanderous information up his sleeve about the firm.
Have a crush on (someone)
Перевод: сильно увлечься кем-либо
Пример: Fred had a crush on Maria.
Have an affair
Перевод: иметь любовный роман
Пример: He had many affairs before his marriage with Jill.
Have an axe to grind
Перевод: преследовать личные цели; затаить злость
Пример: She has an axe to grind, that's why she is so persistent.
Have it
Перевод: найти ответ, понять
Пример: Sam finally had it. They had no desire to participate in the elections.
Have mixed feelings about (someone or something)
Перевод: иметь смешанные чувства по поводу кого-либо чего-либо
Пример: I have been offered a new job, but I have mixed feelings about accepting it.
Have one`s nose in (something)
Перевод: проявлять непрошенный интерес любопытство к чему-либо
Пример: Patricia is a nosy Parker; she likes to have her nose in other people’s private affairs.
Have rat's in the attic
Перевод: человек с мухами в голове, странный человек
Пример: Jane was said to have rat's in the attic, that's why she had no friends.
Have the ball at one's feet
Перевод: бытьхазяином положения
Пример: He had the ball at his feet and could do whatever he wanted
Hear (someone) out
Перевод: выслушать кого-либо
Пример: I know I am guilty, but will you, please, hear me out?
High as a kite
Перевод: 1.высокий 2. пьяный
Пример: The tree grew as high as a kite. Bill drank beer until he got as high as a kite
Hit the dirt
Перевод: лечь на землю и укрыться от огня
Пример: The hold-up men ordered the hostages to hit the dirt.
Hit the road
Перевод: смотаться, переезжать с места на место
Пример: Hit the road, Jack !
Hoarse as a crow
Перевод: хриплый
Пример: After shouting at the team all afternoon, the coach was as hoarse as a crow.
How about/ What about...?
Перевод: как насчет...?
Пример: What about going to France for our holidays?
Hungry as a hunter
Перевод: голодный как волк
Пример: We’d better have a big meal ready by the time Tommy gets home; he’s always hungry as a hunter after soccer practice.
Idiot box
Перевод: телевизор
Пример: My brother sits glued to the idiot box all day long.
If looks could kill
Перевод: убийственный злобный взгляд; "если бы взглядом можно было убить"
Пример: If looks could kill, then the look he gave me would have killed me at once.
If the shoe fits, wear it
Перевод: если вы принимаете замечание на свой счёт, пусть будет так; "на воре шапка горит"
Пример: Ann was mortally offended by my harmless remark. I looked at her and said that if the shoe fits, wear it.
Ill at ease
Перевод: чувствовать себя неловко, нервничать
Пример: I saw that Jimmy felt ill at ease and decided not to tell him about his failure.
Impudent baggage
Перевод: нахалка, мошенница
Пример: Henry's bride is an impudent baggage
In abject poverty
Перевод: в крайней нужде
Пример: They lived in abject poverty.
In practice
Перевод: подготовленный
Пример: It must have been six years since I took a girl out, and I wasn't in practice for the dating game.
In the buff/raw
Перевод: без одежды, нагишом
Пример: Eva was taking a shower and was in the raw when the telephone rang.
In the chips
Перевод: (быть) состоятельным
Пример: Ricardo has always wanted to be in the chips.
In the mainstream
Перевод: главное течение, основное направление, современные тенденции, (быть) в русле
Пример: Bob is too old-fashioned to be in the mainstream of modern living.
In the nick of time
Перевод: в самый последний момент
Пример: My father nearly missed his train; he was able to get into his carriage in the nick of time.
In the prime of life
Перевод: во цвете лет, в расцвете сил
Пример: While traveling in Africa, Herbert was infected with a strange disease and died in the prime of life.
It is above me!
Перевод: Это выше моего понимания!
Jack up (something)
Перевод: поднять цены; поднять что-либо при помощи домкрата
Пример: It is difficult to rent a good house for a decent price; the owners have jacked up their prices.
Перевод: мастер на все руки
Пример: Tom is a jack-of-all-trades and master of none.
Перевод: переполненный
Пример: I usually take a bus to go to work, but it is always jam-packed during rush hours.
Jekyll and Hyde
Перевод: кто-либо, сочетающий в себе хорошее и плохое
Пример: My ex-husband is like Jekyll and Hyde. One minute he is all smiles but the next minute he is irritated.
Jockey for position
Перевод: не стесняться в средствах для достижения цели
Пример: "I don’t think it’s the right time to jockey for position when the company is in a hole."
John Doe
Перевод: воображаемый истец в судебном процессе
Пример: They use the name "John Doe" as the name of a person who is applying for something.
Jump out of one`s skin
Перевод: вздрогнуть, подскочить (от испуга, неожиданности)
Пример: When Nancy heard moans and groans coming from the basement, she jumped out of her skin.
Jump( swallow) at the bait
Перевод: попасться на удочку
Пример: Poll jumped at the bait of her flattery.
Kangaroo court
Перевод: неправедный суд, незаконное разбирательство
Пример: "I refuse to be convicted by a kangaroo court!"
Keep a tight/close rein on (someone or something)
Перевод: держать в узде, в ежовых рукавицах, строго контролировать
Пример: The Manager of Department kept a tight rein on the staff.
Keep at arm's length
Перевод: держать на растоянии
Пример: Sarah is a real gossip, keep her at arm's length
Keep body and soul together
Перевод: жить впроголодь, едва сводить концы с концами
Пример: I earned very little money that year and could hardly keep body and soul together.
Keep up appearances
Перевод: соблюдать приличия
Пример: She tried to keep up appearances but it was very difficult under the circumstances
Kettle of fish
Перевод: неудовлетворительная ситуация, неразбериха
Пример: "This is a fine kettle of fish. What will we do without the water in our house?"
Перевод: незаконно выплаченные деньги, взятка
Пример: The company had to give Deputy Mayor a kickback in order to win the market.
Перевод: всезнайка
Пример: Jacob is a know-it-all that’s why I don’t think much of him.
Lace into (someone)
Перевод: резко критиковать, набрасываться на кого-либо
Пример: My father laced into me when I didn’t do my chore.
Lady killer
Перевод: красавчик, любимец женщин
Пример: Jeremy is a regular lady killer; he has broken the hearts of a lot of women.
Lady’s man
Перевод: дамский угодник, ловелас
Пример: Bill was a lady’s man, and like all such men he was vain and conscious of his charm for the opposite sex.
Lame duck
Перевод: неудачник, "несчастненький"
Пример: The prospect of his daughter’s life being spent among lame ducks worried him.
Land of Nod
Перевод: сонное царство
Пример: I came home late that night and found my parents in the land of Nod.
Last but not least
Перевод: последний по счёту, но не последний по значению
Пример: He was last but not least in his attempt to improve the situation.
Last-ditch effort
Перевод: последнее усилие
Пример: Adam made a last-ditch effort to persuade his friend not to immigrate to Canada.
Laugh up one's sleeve
Перевод: тихо посмеяться (сам с собой), "смеяться в кулак"
Пример: Maria laughed up her sleeve when she learned that her friend had bought a ridiculous dress at the sale.
Law unto oneself
Перевод: сам себе закон
Пример: "Don’t think you are a law unto yourself; your behavior is outrageous."
Left-handed compliment
Перевод: неуклюжий, двусмысленный комплимент
Пример: Julia didn’t like her new jacket and hated her friend to give her a left-handed compliment.
Let alone
Перевод: дать покой
Пример: Let me alone,I don't want to talk with you
Light as a feather
Перевод: легкий как пух
Пример: Of course I can lift the box. It’s light as a feather.
Little bird told me
Перевод: мне стало известно по секрету, "сорока на хвосте принесла"
Пример: A little bird told me that my Mom would give me a nice present for my birthday.
Перевод: болтун, трепло
Пример: Ron is a loudmouth; he is also noisy and boastful.
Luck out
Перевод: внезапно повести
Пример: I lucked out with the railway tickets and was able to get good seats in the train.
Lull (someone) into a false sense of security
Перевод: усыпить чью-либо бдительность
Пример: The inhabitants of Troy were lulled into a false sense of security by being given a wooden horse as a gift.
Lull before the storm
Перевод: затишье перед бурей
Пример: It was the lull before the storm when my boss walked into our office to speak about our new work schedule.
Mad as a hatter
Перевод: спятивший, не в своём уме
Пример: Keep an eye on the man; he is mad as a hatter.
Make a comeback
Перевод: возвратиться (к прежней успешной карьере, власти, популярности)
Пример: After the injury the figure skater has been training very hard in order to make a comeback.
Make a difference
Перевод: существенно менять дело, быть важным
Пример: It doesn’t make any difference to me if they will invite me to stay with them or not.
Make a fast/quick buck
Перевод: быстро и легко заработать деньги
Пример: Alan Grove made a fast buck during the war by supplying ammunition for the army.
Make a fool out of (someone)
Перевод: выставить кого-либо дураком
Пример: "Don’t you ever try to make a fool out of me! I am not going to believe your fancy stories."
Make a go of (something)
Перевод: добиваться успеха, преуспевать
Пример: Fanny and Peter got engaged, but then they talked things over and decided they couldn’t make a go of it.
Make an apology
Перевод: извинится
Пример: John made an apology for being late
Make an ass of oneself
Перевод: поставить себя в глупое положение
Пример: The speaker made an ass of himself making one mistake after another.
Make arrangements (with somebody)
Перевод: договариваться с кем-либо
Пример: All arrangements were made and we could easily start our journey.
Перевод: светский человек
Пример: Alec is a man-about-town and a good mixer; he likes to mess around.
Match for (someone)
Перевод: быть под стать кому-либо
Пример: The Russian football team wasn't a match for the French one.
Matter of life and death
Перевод: вопрос жизни и смерти, жизненно важный вопрос
Пример: "Do be serious for just five minutes! After all, it is a matter of life and death."
Meant to be
Перевод: предназначать, быть начертанным судьбой
Пример: It was meant to be that Jim and Mary fell in love at first sight.
Перевод: безыскусный, простой
Пример: To my mind the best approach to life is meat-and-potatoes one.
Meet the requirements (for something)
Перевод: соответствовать требованиям для чего-либо
Пример: The young teacher didn’t meet the requirements for a substitute teacher.
Mend fences with (someone)
Перевод: стараться подружиться, установить дружеские отношения
Пример: After some disagreement Peter tried to mend fences with everybody in the group.
Mess around/about
Перевод: тусоваться, бездельничать
Пример: "I can’t understand Dave; the guy is always messing around doing nothing."
Mess up
Перевод: испортить, доставлять неприятности
Пример: Jenny messed up her chance to get a good job by refusing to go to an interview.
Milestone in someone's life
Перевод: очень важное событие в чьей-либо жизни
Пример: The birth of her baby was a milestone in the young woman's life.
Mince (one's) words
Перевод: говорить нечётко, "жевать слова"
Пример: The speaker was mincing his words and it was difficult to understand him.
Mind your own affairs!
Перевод: Не лезьте не в своё дело!
Miss the point
Перевод: не понять важность чего-либо
Пример: This is the most important part of the story, but I think most of the students have missed the point.
Mistake (someone) for (someone) else
Перевод: ошибочно принять кого-либо за кого-либо
Пример: The man started to talk to me, but then he stopped. Evidently he had mistaken me for somebody else.
Much ado about nothing
Перевод: много шума из ничего
Must have
Перевод: насущная потребность
Пример: New computer software is a must have for computer users.
Nail down (someone or something)
Перевод: требовать от кого-либо выполнения чего-либо
Пример: We were nailed down to post all the cards before 5 o'clock.
Naked eye
Перевод: невооружённый глаз
Пример: The picture was so big; and even a very short-sighted person can see it with a naked eye.
Name (someone) after (someone or something)
Перевод: назвать кого-либо в честь кого-либо или чего-либо
Пример: Many children are named after famous people.
Neat as a pin
Перевод: аккуратный, с иголочки
Пример: Joanne certainly is well-organized. Her desk is neat as a pin.
Neck of the woods
Перевод: район, местность где живёшь
Пример: If Jim talks about his neck of the woods, he means the area where he lives.
Need (something) like (one needs) a hole in the head
Перевод: совершенно ненужная (вещь), "как собаке пятая нога"
Пример: He needs a new fishing tackle like he needs a hole in the head.
Neither fish nor fowl
Перевод: не рыба, ни мясо (о безвольном человеке); ни то ни сё
Пример: Mike is neither fish nor fowl, and he doesn't really fit into any of the student groups.
Never mind
Перевод: не важно, не беспокойся
Пример: Never mind, it is not so urgent.
New blood
Перевод: свежая кровь (люди с новыми идеями)
Пример: The company needed new blood: new ideas and people to carry out these ideas.
Nickel and dime (someone)
Перевод: постоянно просить у кого-либо денег или тратить небольшие суммы
Пример: My cousin Ben is constantly asking for small sums of money; I am afraid he will nickel and dime me to death.
Night owl
Перевод: сова (человек, который поздно ложиться спать)
Пример: I am a night owl and my husband is an early bird.
Nine day's wonder
Перевод: кратковременная сенсация, предмет недолгих толков
Пример: The pop singer was a nine day's wonder and it was not surprising that he was soon forgotten.
Перевод: нормированный рабочий день (с 9 до 5)
Пример: The majority of people prefer to work the regular hours of a nine-to-five- job.
No bed of roses
Перевод: трудная или плохая ситуация
Пример: It is no bed of roses to be unemployed and not to be able to support the family.
No kidding
Перевод: без шуток
Пример: "No kidding, is Simon really going to buy a Jaguar?"
Перевод: не явившийся (человек, который делает заказ, а затем не является за ним)
Пример: If was probably because of the storm that there were many no-shows for a boat trip.
Not a moment to spare
Перевод: ни минуты свободной
Пример: I have been very busy lately with not a moment to spare.
Not lift a finger/hand (to help someone)
Перевод: пальцем не пошевелить (чтобы помочь кому-либо)
Пример: He saw that she was suffering, but he did not lift a finger to help her.
Not move a muscle
Перевод: не двигаться, не шевелиться
Пример: The doctor told the wounded soldier not to move a muscle while he was working on his wound.
Not see past/farther than the end of one's nose
Перевод: быть не дальновидным, не видеть дальше своего носа
Пример: Arthur could not see farther than the end of his nose and never planned anything for the future.
Not sleep a wink
Перевод: глаз не сомкнуть
Пример: My next door neighbors were having a party all night and I could not sleep a wink.
Not to touch alcohol
Перевод: быть трезвенником
Пример: My brother doesn't touch alcohol, he is a sportsman
Not worth a cent
Перевод: не стоить ни гроша
Пример: The house is falling to pieces and is not worth a cent.
Not worth mentioning
Перевод: не стоит упоминания
Пример: I’d rather John didn’t speak about this problem; I am sure it is not worth mentioning.
Now and again
Перевод: иногда
Пример: The sunrays came over her beautiful face now and again and made it even more delicate.
Nurse a grudge
Перевод: иметь зуб на кого-либо
Пример: Margaret hated her ex-husband was nursing a grudge toward him for years.
Nuts about (someone or something)
Перевод: сходить с ума по кому-либо чему-либо
Пример: Bob has been nuts about boats and ships ever since he was a boy of ten.
Nuts and bolts (of something)
Перевод: основные сведения о чём-либо
Пример: The nuts and bolts of the research were carefully discussed by the student and his mentor.
Odd man out
Перевод: третий лишний
Пример: The two of them were chatting merrily and I felt as if I were the odd man out in their company.
Odds and ends
Перевод: остатки, обрезки, разные мелочи
Пример: The tailor made a suit for the boy out of the odds and ends of the cloth.
Old as the hills
Перевод: очень старый
Пример: I decided not to buy that house because it looked as old as the hills.
On the anvil
Перевод: в работе, в процессе обсуждения
Пример: The case being on the anvil, we had no right to comment it
Once and for all
Перевод: раз и навсегда
Пример: Forget him once and for all
One's lucky stars
Перевод: чья-либо счастливая звезда
Пример: I don’t have my lucky stars because nothing brings me luck or success in life.
One's name is mud
Перевод: плохая, "подмоченная" репутация
Пример: Henry’s name is mud now because he got involved in a car fraud.
One-armed bandit
Перевод: игровой автомат, "однорукий бандит"
Пример: William is always short of money because he spends a lot of time with a one-armed bandit.
One-night stand
Перевод: одноразовое мероприятие
Пример: The amateur drama performers played a one-night stand in the park.
One-track mind
Перевод: думать только об одном, "заклиниться" на одном
Пример: Joanna is a workaholic and has a one-track mind. All she thinks about is her work.
Pale as death
Перевод: бледный как смерть
Пример: What’s the matter? You’re pale as death!
Patient as Job
Перевод: терпеливый
Пример: If you want to teach young children, you must be as patient as Job.
Phony as a three-dollar bill
Перевод: фальшивый
Пример: The whole deal stinks. It’s as phony as a three-dollar bill.
Pillar of strength/support
Перевод: сильный, могущественный человек; опора, поддержка.
Пример: They considered their boss a pillar of strength in the company
Plain as a pikestaff
Перевод: очевидный
Пример: FRED: I have a suspicion that Marcia is upset with me. ALAN: A suspicion? Come on, Fred, that’s been plain as a pikestaff for quite some time!
Plain as the nose on one’s face
Перевод: очевидный
Пример: What do you mean you don’t understand? It’s as plain as the nose on your face.
Poor as a church mouse
Перевод: очень бедный
Пример: The Browns are poor as church mice.
Proud as a peacock
Перевод: гордый как павлин
Пример: John is so arrogant. He’s as proud as a peacock.
Put on airs
Перевод: напускать важность, вести себя надменно
Пример: Nobody liked her because she always put on airs
Quake in one's boots
Перевод: трястись от страха
Пример: While walking along a dark alley, Tony was quaking in his boots.
Queer as a three-dollar bill
Перевод: очень странный (как банкнота в 3 доллара)
Пример: What John showed me is the strangest thing I have ever seen; it is as queer as a three-dollar bill.
Quick and dirty
Перевод: сделанный на скорую руку, тяп-ляп
Пример: The methods that the firm has chosen to cut expenses are quick and dirty.
Quick as a flash
Перевод: с быстротой молнии, в мгновение ока
Пример: The lightening struck a tree in the garden; it happened quick as a flash.
Quick as greased lightning
Перевод: очень быстро
Пример: Jane can really run. She’s as quick as greased lightning.
Quick on the draw
Перевод: быстро реагирующий, прыткий
Пример: The man was quick on the draw; he drew a gun and began shooting.
Quiet as a mouse
Перевод: тихий как мышь
Пример: "Stay where you are till I come back and be as quiet as a mouse."
Race against time
Перевод: стремление выиграть время
Пример: It was a race against time as I was trying to meet the grant requirements.
Read the handwriting on the wall
Перевод: предвидеть что-либо (подмечая детали и намёки)
Пример: I could easily read the handwriting on the wall, and I knew beforehand what was going to happen to our firm.
Read the riot act (to someone)
Перевод: строго предупредить кого-либо
Пример: The mother read the riot act to the kids; she told them that if they didn’t stop making noise, they’d get it hot.
Real McCoy
Перевод: подлинная вещь
Пример: Jim was sure that the picture he had bought at the auction was the real McCoy.
Rear its ugly head
Перевод: (что-либо неприятное) вновь становиться очевидным
Пример: The problem of cockroaches has reared its ugly head in my apartment again.
Receive/welcome (someone) with open arms
Перевод: встретить кого-либо с распростертыми объятиями
Пример: When my friends came to visit us, we welcomed them with open arms.
Regular as clockwork
Перевод: регулярно
Пример: She comes into this store every day, as regular as clockwork.
Rest in peace
Перевод: покоиться с миром
Пример: They prayed that their uncle would rest in peace after he recently passed away.
Return the favor
Перевод: ответить добром на добро
Пример: I decided to return the favor to Miss Abramson who had been taking care of my cat when I had been away on holiday.
Right as rain
Перевод: правильный, настоящий
Пример: Your answer is as right as rain.
Rude awakening
Перевод: горькое разочарование
Пример: It was a rude awakening for her to know that her husband betrayed their love.
Run rain or shine
Перевод: работать при любой погоде
Пример: We will run it rain or shine.
Save one's bacon
Перевод: спасать свою шкуру
Пример: Jason did all to save his bacon
Say amen to sth
Перевод: соглашаться с чем-либо
Пример: My mother said amen to my plans
Second to none
Перевод: непревзойденный
Пример: He is second to none as a teacher.
Set one's bag for
Перевод: заигрывать
Пример: Sally set her bag for Tom, but all in vain.
Sharp as a razor
Перевод: острый как бритва
Пример: The old man’s senile, but his wife is as sharp as a razor.
Sharp as a tack
Перевод: умный, смышлённый
Пример: Sue can figure things out from even the slightest hint. She’s as sharp as a tack.
Sick as a dog
Перевод: больной
Пример: Sally was as sick as a dog and couldn’t go to the party.
Silent as the dead and (as) silent as the grave
Перевод: тихий, молчаливый, берегущий тайну
Пример: Jessica is as silent as the grave on the subject of her first marriage
Silly as a goose
Перевод: глупый как гусь
Пример: Edith is as silly as a goose. She thinks that reading aloud to her houseplants will help them grow
Slick as a whistle
Перевод: быстро и четко
Пример: Tom took a broom and a mop and cleaned the place up as slick as a whistle.
Slippery as an eel
Перевод: скользкий как уж
Пример: Tom can’t be trusted. He’s as slippery as an eel.
Slow as molasses in January
Перевод: медленный
Пример: Can’t you get dressed any faster? I declare, you’re as slow as molasses in January.
Sly as a fox
Перевод: хитрый как лис
Пример: My nephew is as sly as a fox.
Smooth as silk
Перевод: гладкий как шелк
Пример: Your skin is as smooth as silk.
Snug as a bug in a rug
Перевод: уютный
Пример: What a lovely little house! I know I’ll be snug as a bug in a rug.
Sober as a judge
Перевод: трезвый, формальный
Пример: You certainly look gloomy, Bill. You’re sober as a judge
Soft as velvet
Перевод: нежный как бархат
Пример: The horse’s nose felt as soft as velvet.
Solid as a rock
Перевод: твёрдый как камень, надёжный
Пример: This company builds typewriters that are as solid as a rock.
Sound as a dollar
Перевод: надёжный
Пример: The garage is still sound as a dollar. Why tear it down?
Sour as vinegar
Перевод: кислый как лимон
Пример: The old man greeted us illnaturedly, his face as sour as vinegar.
Steady as a rock
Перевод: твёрдый, неподвижный
Пример: His hand was steady as a rock as he pulled the trigger of the revolver.
Stiff as a poker
Перевод: тугой, негнущийся
Пример: John is not a very good dancer; he’s stiff as a poker.
Straight as an arrow
Перевод: прямой, честный
Пример: Tom is straight as an arrow. I’d trust him with anything.
Strong as a horse
Перевод: сильный как слон
Пример: The athlete was strong as a horse. He could lift his own weight with just one hand.
Strong as a lion
Перевод: сильный как лев
Пример: See if you can get Melissa to help us move our furniture. She’s as strong as a lion.
Stubborn as a mule
Перевод: упёртый как осёл
Пример: My husband is as stubborn as a mule
Sure as death
Перевод: точно, непременно
Пример: As political tension increased, it became more and more apparent that war was coming, as sure as death.
Sweet as honey and (as) sweet as sugar
Перевод: сладкий как мёд
Пример: These little cakes are as sweet as honey
Take the airs
Перевод: прогулятся
Пример: Let's take the airs, I need some minutes to relax.
Take the wind out of one's sails
Перевод: ставить в безвыходное положение
Пример: Her refusal took the wind out of his sails.
Talk billingsgate
Перевод: ругаться как уличная торговка
Пример: Please, calm down. You talk billingsgate.
That's the way the cookie crumbles
Перевод: Вот такие пироги с котятами (букв: "Вот так вот печенька и крошится").
The ace of aces
Перевод: лучший из лучших
Пример: John is the ace of aces in his trade, you can trust him.
The name of the game
Перевод: главное, основное дело
Пример: The name of the game is selling printed matter and not dealing with other things.
Thick as pea soup
Перевод: очень густой
Пример: This fog is as thick as pea soup.
Thick as thieves
Перевод: близкие люди, закадычные друзья
Пример: Those two families are thick as thieves.
Tight as a drum
Перевод: тугой, натянутый
Пример: Julia stretched the upholstery fabric over the seat of the chair until it was as tight as a drum.
Tight as a drum
Перевод: жадный
Пример: He won’t contribute a cent. He’s as tight as a drum.
Tight as a tick
Перевод: накормленный до отвала
Пример: Little Billy ate and ate until he was as tight as a tick.
Tight as Dick’s hatband
Перевод: тугой, натянутый
Пример: I’ve got to lose some weight. My belt is as tight as Dick’s hatband.
To abjure a claim
Перевод: отказываться от претензии, иска
Пример: After long negotiations the client abjured his claim.
To be ablaze with anger
Перевод: полыхать от гнева
Пример: Ablazed with anger,he left the room.
To be able to do sth
Перевод: уметь, иметь возможность
Пример: Will you be able to come?
To be hoisted by one's own petard
Перевод: За что боролись, на то и напоролись (букв: "Подорваться на собственной петарде")
To be taken aback
Перевод: быть удивлённым, быть ошарашенным
Пример: He was taken aback by the cost of the repaires.
To be tired to one's wife's apron-string
Перевод: быть под каблуком у жены
Пример: John was tired to his wife's apron-string and couldn't make any decision without her.
To the backbone
Перевод: до мозга костей, полностью
Пример: He is English to the backbone
To the best of one's abilities
Перевод: в меру сил, способностей
Пример: He worked to the best of his abilities.
Tough as an old boot
Перевод: твёрдый
Пример: This meat is tough as an old boot
Tread upon air
Перевод: триумфовать
Пример: He won the competition and could tread upon air
True as steel
Перевод: надёжный
Пример: Through all my troubles, my husband has been as true as steel
Turn to dust and ashes
Перевод: розлететься в пух и прах
Пример: After the exams all my hopes to enter the university turned to dust and ashes.
Ugly as a toad
Перевод: уродливый как жаба
Пример: The shopkeeper was ugly as a toad, but he was kind and generous, and everyone loved him.
Ugly duckling
Перевод: гадкий утёнок
Пример: Nancy was the ugly duckling in her family, until she grew up.
Unaccustomed to (someone or something)
Перевод: быть непривычным для кого-либо чего-либо
Пример: On the hike Bob soon got tired, because he was unaccustomed to walking.
Under (close) scrutiny
Перевод: под пристальным вниманием
Пример: The ex-criminal was under close scrutiny of the police.
Under a cloud
Перевод: быть в подавленном состоянии
Пример: Jenny has been under a cloud of depression since her parrot escaped.
Vanish into thin air
Перевод: исчезнуть, раствориться в воздухе
Пример: Joe’s new camera just vanished into thin air and was never seen again.
Variety is the spice of life
Перевод: разнообразие – острота жизни
Пример: It is believed that variety is the spice of life and I think it is true.
Vent one's spleen
Перевод: избавиться от раздражения или злобы
Пример: I am very angry at the manager’s suggestion to transfer me to another department and I haven’t been able to vent my spleen so far.
Verge on (something)
Перевод: граничить с чем-либо
Пример: The flood may verge on becoming a real disaster if the water rises a few more meters.
Vicious circle
Перевод: заколдованный круг, порочный круг
Пример: Jane takes a lot of medicine to cure her asthma; I am afraid she might develop another illness from the medicine and will thus be caught in a vicious circle.
Vim and vigor
Перевод: настойчивость, сила и энергия
Пример: My Grandfather is over seventy, but he is still full of vim and vigor.
Vote down
Перевод: отклонить что-либо при голосовании
Пример: The question of opening a casino was raised and was immediately voted down.
Wait on (someone) hand and foot
Перевод: делать всё возможное для кого-либо, служить верой и правдой
Пример: Moira is a spoiled child because her parents wait on her hand and foot.
Wait with bated breath
Перевод: ждать с нетерпением; ждать, затаив дыхание
Пример: Jack waited with bated breath for the results of his medical tests.
Wait-and-see attitude
Перевод: нерешительная, выжидательная позиция
Пример: If you are uncertain about something, it’s always wise to take a wait-and-see attitude.
Warm as toast
Перевод: тёплый и уютный
Пример: We were as warm as toast by the side of the fire.
Weak as a kitten
Перевод: слабый как котёнок
Пример: John is as weak as a kitten because he doesn’t eat well.
White as a sheet
Перевод: бледный как смерть
Пример: Mary went as white as a sheet when she heard the news.
Wise as an owl
Перевод: мудрый как сова
Пример: Grandfather is as wise as an owl.
Wise as Solomon
Перевод: мудрый
Пример: This is a difficult problem. You’d need to be as wise as Solomon to be able to solve it
Word to the wise
Перевод: умный понимает с полуслова
Пример: The boss had once spoken to Jerry about being late all the time, and he supposed that a word to the wise was enough.
Work out
Перевод: тренироваться
Пример: Hillary wants to lose weight, so she works out in the gym two hours every day.
Work out (for the best)
Перевод: успешно закончиться, принести результаты
Пример: If this commuter bus service works out, it will be used in other parts of the city.
Work over
Перевод: угрожать или избить (кого-либо)
Пример: Last Saturday right after midnight, the hoodlums worked over Timothy in the park.
Work up
Перевод: возбуждать, доводить до (какого-либо эмоционального состояния)
Пример: Samuel couldn’t work up any interest in the book he was trying to read.
Work wonders (with someone or something)
Перевод: творить чудеса, быть благоприятным для кого-либо чего-либо
Пример: “A good night’s sleep will work wonders with you.”
Worked up
Перевод: взволнованный, обеспокоенный
Пример: Something must have happened; Sally sounded all worked up over the phone.
World is one's oyster
Перевод: всё возможно для кого-либо, всё достижимо
Пример: When Mark won the scholarship, he felt as though the world was his oyster.
Worm one's way out of something
Перевод: (с трудом) находить выход из затруднительного положения
Пример: I hate to wash up, so I decided to worm my way out of this responsibility.
Worse for wear
Перевод: поношенный, истрёпанный
Пример: I had to buy a new pair of jeans because my old ones looked the worse for wear.
Worth one's while
Перевод: стоить затраченного времени или труда
Пример: I’d rather you didn’t repair your car by yourself; it is not worth your while.
Worthy of the name
Перевод: достойный имени
Пример: The food in the restaurant is fantastic and the restaurant itself is more than worthy of the great chef's name.
Wrap around one’s finger
Перевод: полностью контролировать кого-либо, быть под каблуком у кого-либо
Пример: Sue is very popular with boys, and she can easily wrap any of them around her finger.
X marks the spot
Перевод: обозначение точного места
Пример: They looked at the map and saw that X marked the spot where the plane had crashed.
Перевод: секретные материалы
Пример: John had no access to Xfiles.
Перевод: праздная болтовня
Пример: Alan sat behind two young girls on the bus and he got tired of their silly yakety-yak.
Year after year
Перевод: год за годом, много лет
Пример: Felicity and David went out year after year until they finally got married.
Yellow journalism
Перевод: жёлтая пресса
Пример: Yellow journalism is hardly ever really and truly informative.
Yellow streak
Перевод: трусость (как черта характера)
Пример: Jack has a yellow streak in his character; he is afraid of his enemies and never defends his friends.
Перевод: чрезвычайно робкий или трусливый
Пример: Derek Prichard is a yellow-bellied guy; it’s no use giving him tough assignments.
Перевод: подхалим, подпевала, лизоблюд
Пример: Victor tries to get ahead on his job by being a yes-man.
Yoke around someone's neck
Перевод: ярмо на чьей-либо шее, обуза
Пример: I don’t want to live on my parents and be a yoke around their necks.
Zero hour
Перевод: решающий момент
Пример: It was his zero hour.
Zero in on
Перевод: сосредоточиться
Пример: We decided to zero in on grammar first.
Zero-sum game
Перевод: выигрышно-проигрышная ситуация при которой, если выигрывает один, то неизменно проигрывает другой
Пример: It was a zero-sum game between the salesperson and the customer, and we couldn’t tell who would win and who would lose.
Zonk out
Перевод: быстро заснуть, “вырубиться”
Пример: I couldn’t get a coherent word out of Stan as he had zonked out.
Zoom in on (someone or something)
Перевод: электронное увеличение изображения во время фотографирования
Пример: The photographer zoomed in on the butterfly which was sitting on a flower.

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