Гнездо "Talk" (говорить)

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Значения английского слова TALK

Синонимы английского слова TALK

  1. to speak говорить
  2. to speak up повышать голос, чтобы всем стало слышно The audience asked the lecturer to please speak up.
  3. to speak in tongues говорить непонятно, как в религиозном экстазе The parishioners spoke in tongues.
  4. to tell сказать He told them about the Magic World that was always present in his imagination.
  5. to talk рассказывать She talks a lot of nonsense
  6. to talk (cold) turkey говорить по-деловому; говорить начистоту Time to talk turkey as questions rise about the hunt in the north.
  7. to say сказать "I don't want anymore tea," she said.
  8. to trill произносить "р" с вибрацией Hello, darling,' she trilled.
  9. to purr мурчать, промурчать Oh, I still love you,' she purred.
  10. to coo ворковать, говорить воркующим голосом
  11. to mumble, to slur, to mussitate, to maunder бормотать "I don't like him," she mumbled.
  12. to mutter бормотать, говорить тихо, невнятно "I wish I could," she muttered.
  13. to murmur шептать; ворчать, роптать She murmured softly to the baby in her arms.
  14. to whisper шептать; сообщать по секрету "Let's hide in the kitchen," he whispered to her.
  15. to utter издавать звуки She uttered a few words to them. — Она им что-то сказала. He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand".
  16. to scream пронзительно кричать, вопить, визжать She screamed herself hoarse. — Она охрипла от крика.
  17. to scream blue murder орать благим матом, истошным голосом, как резаный (возможно от боли или испуга) The sales figures are down again and the boss is screaming blue murder.
  18. to shout говорить громким голосом, кричать My grandmother is hard of hearing--you'll have to shout.
  19. to burst out восклицать "Don't hit me!" she burst out.
  20. to bark букв. гавкать, т.е. говорить громко, резко She barked into the dictaphone.
  21. to snap резко сказать Who told you this?' snapped another girl.
  22. to yell рявкнуть Come on, Bridget,' he yelled, spotting my approach.
  23. to roar реветь, орать, мычать.
  24. to troll рассказывать что-то быстро troll a carol.
  25. to snap говорить резко, выкрикивать The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer.
  26. to snurl сердито ворчать, брюзжать The guard snarled at us.
  27. to grumble ворчать, жаловаться They grumbled (to us) that the decision was not fair.
  28. to peep говорить сомневаясь или в высоком регистре.
  29. to swallow "глотать" звуки, слоги, а то и целые слова She swallowed the last words of her speech.
  30. to enthuse говорить с энтузиазмом.
  31. to whiff выдохнуть, сказать на одном дыхании whiff out a prayer.
  32. to blubber, blubber out громко плакать, рыдать, выть The prisoner at last blubbered out his guilt.
  33. to sob всхлипывать He doesn't love me anymore,' she was sobbing in a sheep's voice.
  34. to drone, drone on бубнить, говорить монотонным, скучным голосом As the teacher droned on, one by one the class fell asleep.
  35. to stammer, to stutter,to bumble,to falter запинаться, заикаться The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room.
  36. to rasp out проскрипеть что-то, сказать отрывисто The officer rasped out an order.
  37. to blunder out, to blurt, to blurt out, to ejaculate, to blunder говорить импульсивно, не подумав He blurted out the secret; He blundered his stupid ideas.
  38. to blabber, to palaver, to piffle, to prate, to prattle, to tattle, to tittle-tattle, to twaddle,to gabble, to gibber, to blab, to clack, to maunder, to chatter, to jabber говорить быстро и бесконечно о пустых вещах, тараторить, болтать без умолку Taylor, who played the squeaking and gibbering Caliban in that performance of Tempest.
  39. to blether (UK), blather (US) болтать всякий вздор, трещать Why I insist on blathering about mindmapping? https://www.publicationcoach.com/why-i-insist-on-blathering-about-mindmapping/ .
  40. to footle болтать всякий вздор Stop footling about, we have serious work to do.
  41. to gabble away/on/off/out говорить неясно и быстро, бормотать I expect you spent half the day gabbling away with your neighbours.
  42. to rattle on, to yack, to yack away, to yap away,to jaw говорить занудно и без конца I've heard enough yack to last me a lifetime.
  43. to snivel, to whine говорить в слезах, плакаться, ныть He kept whineing about his bad luck.
  44. mouth off, rabbit on, rant, rave, spout говорить через чур громко, восхищенно; разглагольствовать I suppose her mother is still rabbiting on as usual.
  45. to sibilate говорить, произносить с присвистом.
  46. to hiss освистать; шипеть, свистеть The singer's performance was so terrible that the crowd hissed at her.
  47. to cackle хихикать, хмыкать The women cackled when they saw the movie star step out of the limousine.
  48. to gulp глотать ртом воздух He gulped for help after choking on a big piece of meat.
  49. to bang on С усиленным логическим ударением bang on заменило более ранние выражения, такие как drone on, rabbit on. Оно означает «говорить нудно и долго». I asked him about his new job and he banged on about how wonderful it was, what agreeable colleagues he had, how marvellous his office was, how soon he was likely to be promoted and so on.
  50. to splutter говорить быстро и бессвязно, лопотать She was so anxious that she could only splutter out her story of the crime that she had witnessed.
  51. to inquire поинтересоваться "Will he come tonight?" inquired Jim.
  52. to ask спросить "What time is it now?" asked Wernon.
  53. to suggest предложить "Let´s go for a walk," suggested Adam.
  54. to add добавить "And we can sunbathe there too," added Lyon.
  55. to recite рассказать по память "Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene.." he was reciting.
  56. to sigh, to let out a sigh вздохнуть, тяжело вздохнуть She let out a big heavy sigh.
  57. to titter.
  58. to babble гулить (про детей) https://now.uiowa.edu/2014/08/parents-listen-next-time-your-baby-babbles .
  59. to bluster хвастаться.
  60. to warn предупреждать Don't do it,' she warned.
  61. to lie врать I don't smoke,' I lied smoothly.
  62. dalliance ['dælɪən(t)s] болтовня, треп, пустые разговоры In 1784, Beckford became the centrepiece of the most spectacularly juicy scandal of his age when it emerged that he was involved in a pair of tempestuous, wildly dangerous dalliances.
  63. to toss off небрежно говорить (что-л.) That boy can toss off some bright remarks.
  64. bosh нелепица, бред, абсурдный разговор You know perfectly well — and it is all bosh, too. Come, now, how do they proceed?

Английское гнездо русского слова ГОВОРИТЬ

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