Латинско-английский словарь (на R)

> > > > Латинско-английский (R)
Италийские словари: Латынь | Оскский | Умбрский; Романские словари: Испанский | Итальянский | Португальский | Французский (ср. с ИЕ лексикой) (от индоевропейской лексикой)
Словари романоидов (искусственных романо-подобных языков): Идо | Интерлингва | Ланго | Новиаль | Окциденталь | Романичо | Романова | Фарлинго
Русско-латинский словарь: А | Б | В | Г | Д | Е, Ё | Ж | З | И | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Э | Ю | Я
Латинско-русский словарь: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | X | Z | Суффиксы латыни
Латинско-английский словарь: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W,X

Слова латинского языка на R- в переводе на английский. Всего здесь латинских слов - 111 (из 3460 в этом латинско-английском словнике).

Латинско-английский словарь (на R)

  1. radicitus : by the roots, utterly.
  2. rapio rapui ratum : to seize, snatch, carry away.
  3. rarus : rare, uncommon.
  4. ratio : system, manner, method, procedure, manner.
  5. ratio : reckoning, account / reason, judgment, consideration.
  6. re vera : in truth.
  7. recedo : to go back, retreat, retire, disappear.
  8. recipio recepi receptum : to go back, retire, recede, retreat.
  9. recito : to read aloud, recite.
  10. recognosco : to recognize, recollect, recall.
  11. recolo : to recall, reflect upon, rework, resume, rehabilitate.
  12. recolo : to cultivate, work again, resume, rehabilitate
  13. recolo : reflect upon, consider, recall.
  14. reconcilio : to restore, repair / (of persons) unite, reconcile.
  15. recondo : lay up, store, hoard.
  16. recordatio : recollection, memory, recall.
  17. recordor : to remember, think of, recollect, ponder over.
  18. recro : to recreate, restore, revive.
  19. rectum : virtue, right
  20. rectus : right, correct, proper, upright, natural, plain.
  21. recuperatio : recovery, recuperation.
  22. recupero : to regain, recoup, recover.
  23. recuso : to refuse.
  24. redarguo : refute, disprove, contradict.
  25. redarguo : disprove, refute. With gen. prove guilty, convict.
  26. reddo : to repeat, recite, represent, imitate, pay up, deliver.
  27. reddo : to give back, restore, return, answer, translate, render.
  28. redemptio : ransoming, redemption, buying back, farming taxes.
  29. redemptor : redeemer (Christ).
  30. redeo : to go back, come back, return / (revenue) to come in.
  31. redeo : to fall back upon, be reduced to, be brought to.
  32. redigo (redactum) : to bring or reduce to a condition, lessen.
  33. redono : to give back, give up.
  34. reduco : to lead back, bring back, return.
  35. redundantia : overflowing, redundancy.
  36. redundo : to overflow, stream over, overflow, excess, flood.
  37. refectorium : refectory, monastic mess hall.
  38. refero : to bring back a message, refer.
  39. reformo : to form again, mould anew.
  40. regina : queen.
  41. regius : royal, regal.
  42. regnum : rule, authority, kingdom, realm.
  43. rego rexi rectum : to guide, direct, to rule.
  44. regula : rule / monastic rule.
  45. relaxo : to loosen, enlarge, relax, ease, lighten.
  46. relego relegi relectum : to read again, re-read.
  47. relevo : to lift again, lighten, alleviate, relieve.
  48. relictus : (fr. relinquo) having inherited, been bequeathed.
  49. relinquo : to leave behind, bequeath / abandon, forsake.
  50. reliquum : remainder, what is left, leavings.
  51. relucesco : to become bright again.
  52. reluctor : to struggle against, resist.
  53. remando : to send back word.
  54. remaneo : to stay behind, remain, continue.
  55. remaneo : to remain behind, stay, continue.
  56. rememdium : cure, remedy, nostrum, medicine.
  57. removeo : to draw back, set aside, take away.
  58. remuneror : to repay, reward.
  59. renuntio : to declare, announce, report, give notice.
  60. renuo : to deny, refuse, reject.
  61. rependo : to ransom, pay back, requite.
  62. repens : sudden, unexpected, fresh, recent.
  63. repente : suddenly, unexpectedly.
  64. repere : to crawl.
  65. reperio : to get again, find, ascertain, discover, invent.
  66. repetitio : repetition.
  67. repeto : to seek again, ask back.
  68. repeto : to return to, begin again, deduce, recall, recollect.
  69. repleo : to replenish, fill up, fill up again, fill, satisfy.
  70. repletus : filled, full.
  71. repo repsi reptum : to creep, crawl.
  72. repono : to deposit, lay up, store / requite.
  73. reprehendo : to blame, reprove, refute, hold back, check, catch.
  74. repugno : to fight against, oppose, resist / be incompatible with.
  75. requiesco requievi requietum : to rest.
  76. requiro : to ask for, look for, demand, desire, miss.
  77. res rei : thing, matter, business, affair.
  78. res publica : commonwealth, state, republic, public business.
  79. resisto : to resist, make a stand, oppose.
  80. respicio : to look back, provide for, respect, have regard for.
  81. respondeo respondi responsum : to answer, reply, respond.
  82. restituo : restore, put back, replace, reinstate, repair.
  83. resumo (resumpsi, resumptum) : to renew, repeat, resume.
  84. retineo : to hold back, restrain, detain, keep, maintain.
  85. retraho retraxi retractum : to draw back, pull back.
  86. retribuo : to give again, give as due.
  87. reus : defendant, accused, answerable, bound.
  88. revenio : to come back, return.
  89. reverto : to go back, return, revert.
  90. revertor reverti reversus : to return, come back.
  91. revoco : to call back, recover, refer, revoke.
  92. revolvo : to unroll a book, go over again, repeat.
  93. rex rgis : king.
  94. rhetor : rhetorician, teacher of rhetoric.
  95. rhetoricus : rhetorical.
  96. rideo risi risum : to laugh at, laugh.
  97. rigor : stiffness, hardness, sternness.
  98. ritus : usage, ceremony, rite.
  99. rogo eum ut +subjunctive : to ask someone to do something.
  100. rogo : to ask, ask for.
  101. rostrum : bill of a bird, beak.
  102. rota : wheel.
  103. Rotomagense : Rouen.
  104. rotundus : wheel-shaped, round.
  105. rubor : redness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace.
  106. rudimentum : trial, attempt, essay.
  107. rumor : rumor, gossip.
  108. ruo rui rutum : to rush, fall, be ruined.
  109. rursus : on the other hand, in return, back, again.
  110. rus ruris : the country, countryside, rural area.
  111. rusticus : rustic, rural / peasant.

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