An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language

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Гаэльско-английский / Gaelic-English: Предисловие / Preview | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U
Кельтские теонимы: Боги кельтов: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V

Keywords: Gaelic-English Etymological Dictionary, Etymologic Vocabulary of Scottish Language, Gaelic lexicon; Old Scotch lexis, Ancient Scots words, Caledonian etymology, Albannaich.

Здесь приведен этимологический словарь (вступительная часть) гэльского (исконного шотландского) языка - пока на английском языке (см. английский словарный фонд).


  • A - 1
  • B - 19
  • C - 45
  • D - 88
  • E - 109
  • F - 116
  • G - 136
  • I - 155
  • L - 163
  • M - 175
  • N - 191
  • O - 195
  • P - 199
  • R - 209
  • S - 220
  • T - 260
  • U - 282
  NEW WORDS - 287
REVIEW - 287

New Words:

  • brit - пёстрый


MacBain, Alexander.
Gairm Publications, 1982.
Published by Gairm Publications, 29 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BZ
Tel. 041-221 1971
Printed by Clark Constable (1982) Let, Edinburgh
ISBN 0 901771 68 6
1st edition - 1896
2nd edition (revised) - 1911
Photolitho Reprint of 1911 edition - 1982
Keyed in by Caoimhín P. Ó Donnaíle, Sabhal Mór Ostaig.
HTML version by John T. McCranie, San Francisco State University.

Dictionary Search

Select the dictionary (or dictionaries) to search: MacBain's An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language (Scottish Gaelic). MacFarlane's The School Gaelic Dictionary (Scottish Gaelic). Kelly's Fockleyr Gaelg - Baarle (Manx Gaelic). Gramadach Gramadach Lexicon. (Irish Gaelic). You can search for words in the dictionary by several methods: Headword Only - Will search only the Gaelic headwords of the dictionary for any that contain the string given. Full Word - Searches the entire dictionary, English & Gaelic for occurrences of the given string as a complete word (not part of other words). Substring - Searches the entire dictionary, English and Gaelic for occurrences of the string anywhere in the text.


Typographic Conventions

An asterisk (*) denotes always a hypothetical word; the sign (++) denotes that the word is obsolete.The numeral above the line denotes the number of the edition or the number of the volume.


Language titles

Books and Authorities

Лексиконы языков: праязыков | древних | угасших | современных | модельных
Лингвистические страницы: Языки мира | Письменности | Интерлингвистика | Основания языка | Компаративистика | Контактология | Экстралингвистика | Лексикология | Грамматика | Фонетика
Полезные страницы: История | Регионы | Карты | Энциклопедии

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